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Poor Joe Biden. Tried to get aggressive sbout defending himself against accusations of dementia, stumbled over “mental fitness.” Tried twice. Couldn’t get it out.

Case closed.


Edgework 8 Aug 5
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My wife has Alzheimers. I managed her care on my own for as long as I could. 2 years ago her needs came to a point where I could no longer manage it on my own and I had to place my wife in a memory care facility.

As much as I dislike the man I pity Biden the journey he is taking. I recognize in his face the same cues, the same stammering and stuttering attempts to get words out - all words from the most common of nouns, verbs, pronouns. For now the man is merely inarticulate. Before long he won't be able to speak at all and there is nothing wrong with his vocal chords. Its the brain that is diseased.

Bidens dementia (bet everything I own its alzheimers) is no laughing matter and it is a sad and telling indication of just how callous, cynical, Machievllian the political left really is that they continue using Biden as they do.
The man should be in a place where he is kept comfortable and there are people around him who can reassure him and make him feel safe - because I am telling you Dementia is a terrifying thing.
The looks you see in his face are really his way of trying to make himself feel safe and in control when most of the time he really has no idea where he is or why he is there. He is trying to make sense of things and he just cannot.

Imagine if you can how terrifying it would be to be completely aware of your surroundings and yet not be able to assimilate the things you see and hear. Its like a scene in a movie I saw where a man had given another man a paralyzing drug that simultaneously made him completely immobile, unable to speak or to cry out unable to do anything except to lie there helplessly and to feel the excruciating pain as his appendages were cut away from his body...his penis with a box knife, his arm with a power saw, his get the picture.
Imagine being completely aware of everything that is happening to you and around you but you are unable to interact with it or really unable to do anything about it -good or bad.

That is Alzheimers disease. That is what my wife has - and now Joe Biden.
I can not help feeling compassion for the man.

iThink Level 9 Aug 5, 2020

Howdy @iThink,

We went through that with my Mom. Sad descent of a smart, creative, capable woman into incoherence.

I was convinced of Biden's dementia when I saw him speak at a podium. He fumbled a phrase. A confused look flashed across his face. His wife was near, looking up at him with an adoring gaze. He flicked a glance at her, then back at the crowd, and then at her again, then he walked away with her. I think she was using that adoring gaze to defuse combativeness.

@timon_phocas I think she was using that adoring gaze because she adores her husband - as a wife should. I may not like their politics but I will never deny their humanity. Alzheimers has a way of making you think that way.

My mother is now in a memory care facility, as was my mother-in-law before she died. I do feel pity for Biden, but feel only contempt for the efforts to exploit him for cheap political gain. It’s a tactic so laden with cynicism and devoid of humanity that it truly must be called out, publicly, for the rancid scheme it is. Unfortunately, this means shining a light on Joe and forcing his true condition into the open.

The person truly deserving of contempt and scorn is his wife. No one is in a better position to know his true state. I fail to imagine any explanation for her behavior that doesn’t include a craven lust for power and status. Sure, she thinks she served in the minor leagues long enough, now it’s her turn. Who’s going to let a little elder abuse get in the way?

My mother is now in a memory care facility, as was my mother-in-law before she died
I am sorry - have you been able to see her or talk to her at all in the last 3 o4 months?

  • I do feel pity for Biden, but feel only contempt for the efforts to exploit him for cheap political gain. It’s a tactic so laden with cynicism and devoid of humanity that it truly must be called out, publicly, for the rancid scheme it is*
    Hear hear!

The person truly deserving of contempt and scorn is his wife. No one is in a better position to know his true state. I fail to imagine any explanation for her behavior that doesn’t include a craven must for power and status. Sure, she thinks she served in the minor leagues long enough, now it’s her turn. Who’s going to let a little elder abuse get in the way?

I too have wondered about her motivations for allowing her husband to be abused this way. I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt and speculate that the Cynical Machivellian CPUSA has somehow cornered her - somehow they are forcing her to cooperate with their schemes.
She does have that adoring look when she stands by her husband. I have to believe her affection is genuine....but I could be wrong about that. For her sake I hope she does not have a heart so black that would allow her to participate willfully in the exploitation of her husband.


Intriguing that the verbal difficulty occurred when he was trying say "mental fitness." Tongue tangles happening with emotionally charged topics.

Yes even the slightest bit of stress will manifest itself in the Alzheimers patients speech and actions. Usually they become immediately flustered, they get an angry yet helpless look in the face and then look around for reassurance. What they need most is for someone - one person - usually a spouse to be near by - to reach out and touch them on the hand, the arm, to look at them in the face and to smile lovingly and tell them its ok...everything is ok...
So tragic. Of course I am speaking about my own experiences with my wife - who is still living BTW although I have not been able to see her, hold her hand, sing and play guitar for her since late March this year.
No visit policy re COVID! pisses me off the think of her loneliness and abandonment.
I tried one time to visit her through the window - it only frightened her. That is the ONLY time I have actually seen here in almost 5 months.

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