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I have this to say to everyone out there who believes the MSM and as a result you:

  • hate President Trump
  • think Trudeau is sane
  • believe in fake pandemics and staged events
  • believe the official storey on the JFK shooting and the 911 attacks
  • believe in the Bill Gates vaccines
  • believe the UN is about sustainable development
  • believe that mandatory paper masks are about public health
  • believe that China is not taking over Canada through the UN
  • believe that nobody would rape little children, kill them and then extract the drug Adrenochrome from their blood and drink it
  • believe that it is just a coincidence that the VAST majority of these people are Deep State Democrats

People like you are hopeless MSM zombies for now and can not be reasoned with. But, I'll leave you with this thought. Over the next few months the truth is going to be revealed to everyone in a way that even the dumbest left wing nuts can understand. You will soon learn how gullible and stupid you have been and you will have to live with that knowledge. Remember my words when that day comes and know that I will be laughing at your stupidity.

jakuboj 8 Sep 9
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Never watched MSM, don't have TV, don't watch movies (lies wrapped up).
So didn't buy in.
US folks are trapped. Anyone China likes, I veto. China likes Biden.
But not keen on Trump now but seems no choice.
What choice is there?
All I knew is Trump was into American values(good).
I haven't been gullible or stupid but I don't have power.
Why would you laugh at others who don't understand?
As others said, this election will cause more unrest, possibly violent.
I hope not, hope I'm wrong.

I laugh at their stupidity because that is what they deserve for endangering our society.

@jakuboj No, they only REACT. They've already done stupid. We don't need their violence, hate. We try, never stop trying to TEACH some. We know SOME will learn. Then they'll go after the rest. I want change, and it's tough to do.


I watch MSN, but not exclusively. I watched it a lot more often before I caught on to just how far left it was, as well as how unoriginal the stories were. My results may not reflect an "only MSM" frame of mind, but I was curious how I'd score based on a mixed media type person.

hate President Trump
-I came down with a pretty bad case of TDS mid February and it lasted about a couple months, with a few flare ups in April/ May. Largely due to the COVID crap. Thankfully I was able to get my red pill balance back online. Ironically, never got COVID.

think Trudeau is sane
-Never did. Not even when watching MSM lol

believe in fake pandemics and staged events
-I still believe the pandemic exists, just not to the extent that supports lockdowns. Especially at this stage. I've seen some theories, like Plandemic. Convincing, but I'm not sure if I believe 100% in the motivations. Not going to rule it out as a possibility though.

believe the official storey on the JFK shooting and the 911 attacks
-I don't know what to make of JFK, mostly because I wasn't born then and I've seen more conspiracy type movies and documentaries on the event. I was in college in NY when 911 happened and I believe it was a terror attack. (I'm unsure what the other stories on 911 are? I'll look it up)

believe in the Bill Gates vaccines
-Nope. Definitely don't believe in Gates and his vaccines.

believe the UN is about sustainable development
-Used to. Not so much as of late.

believe that mandatory paper masks are about public health
-While I never was fully convinced masks were effective, it was my perception that they were being pushed for health and saftey. Currently, with all the research I've read, I believe masks are useless, and in fact do more harm than good. The push for them seems disingenuous at best from politicians. This ties into my frustrations with this urgency for mail in voting as well as double standard given for protesters and not opening up our country. Lots of layers of distrust in the lefts motivations on this topic.

believe that China is not taking over Canada through the UN
-Ties into my doubts of the UN being about "sustainable development". I'm unsure if my doubts stem from a place of me just not liking (nor trusting) China in general, or if it's an actual legitimate thing. To be fair, I'm not as well versed in the logistics of it, so it's another one I'll have to look deeper into.

believe that nobody would rape little children, kill them and then extract the drug Adrenochrome from their blood and drink it
-I haven't heard of the raping and killing part. I did watch a couple of news clips, and read an article about the blood though. It was from living donors, though. So, I'm unsure if it's the same thing you're talking about.

believe that it is just a coincidence that the VAST majority of these people are Deep State Democrats
-Coincidence all Deep State Democrats are responsible for the listed statements above? I don't really see how this is all orchestrated in that fashion. I actually have little confidence in a majority of the Democratic leaders at the moment.

If they really had that great of an intelligence, they wouldn't put all their money on a presidential candidate that can't string a sentence together half the time. They'd be able to pull off beauty salon quickie blowouts without getting caught. They'd have a greater influence over the BLM movement they pander to. If anything, I think they live in their own little universes and are extremely out of touch with reality.

As far as intellegence agencies, they absolutely do have a great deal of power over civilians both domestic and foreign. One of the most egregious acts was spying on the Trump campaign under the guise of a Russian intellegence operation. Even with that, due to them operating under different rules, their exact party affiliation seems more or less vague to me.

At least you have done research and are drawing logical conclusions from that. Many can't be bothered to investigate, which makes them sitting ducks for the MSM lies.

[] this article says a lot of what's been going on 911 was the start of their war and than we has the usa housing crash.....and the story continues

@1patriot lot's of info in this. Will definitly read it through. Thanks for the link🙂


well that's not very nice of you - ha!

hate President Trump - nope

think Trudeau is sane - LOL hell no

believe in fake pandemics and staged events - a bit confusing but I think I agree with you on this one

believe the official story on the JFK shooting - lean toward no

911 attacks - you're going to have to come w/some HARD ASS evidence to convince me that Bush et; al conspired the 911 attacks

believe in the Bill Gates vaccines - nope

believe the UN is about sustainable development - I might be dumb but I ain't stupid LOL

believe that mandatory paper masks are about public health - see my response to previous line

believe that China is not taking over Canada through the UN - seems plausible to say the least

believe that nobody would rape little children, kill them and then extract the drug Adrenochrome from their blood and drink it - again going to have to come w/some very hard ass evidence on this one.

believe that it is just a coincidence that the VAST majority of these people are Deep State Democrats - I might be dumb but I ain't stupid and I damn sure ain't blind!

since you mention the JFK assassination - have you ever been to Dealey Plaza?

I visited Dealey Plaza while in Dallas on business back in 1998. Parked my car and walked all over.

Stood on the sidewalk parallel from the point on the street where the limousine was at the first shot and looked back and up to the 6th floor window from where the shots were fired.
I was very surprised to see just how near that window is to the street below where the motorcade was creeping along. Even an average shooter could hardly miss from that shooting point

Several thoughts about my assessment of the probabilities regarding effective/lethal shooting from that spot to the head of JFK.
Fist I could have made that shot easily - but interestingly I would not have used a magnified optic (scope) for two reasons. First, the scope greatly reduces field of view especially at close range and even with minmum magnification setting. The more magnification the narrower the field of view.

The rifle used was the Italian Carcano bolt action field grade weapon. The relative difficulty of that shooting set up was unnecessarily made more difficult because of the scope on that rifle.
Bolt action rifle at close range - open sights are far more effective - especially for making 3 or more shots in rapid succession.
All of which leads me to believe that LH Oswald was there and did shoot but there had to have been at least one other shooter - I believe it was from behind that picket fence at the Presidents 2 o'clock.

Conspiracy? certainly -
Oswald lone shooter? NO but he was one of two or possibly 3 assassins.

iThink Level 9 Sep 9, 2020

Good points. Regarding 911, the controlled implosion of buildings start from bottom up and require precisely timed explosions of structural areas, not a plane crashing into the top. One building fell from nothing? The Deep State will do anything to advance their cause as recent evidence shows clearly. There is a great video on this with explosives demolition experts discussing the uniform implosion. If I can locate it I will share it.


yes it's shock the shit going on in our world

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