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Sigh... In my delirious mind, thought maybe somebody would like to know what the worst part of being poor is. Obviously besides the actual hunger and potential for death. That's clear. I would personally say that the incredible frustration and impotence of trying to compete with anybody at all from other classes. Beyond watching this video that "inspired" me to write this, I also got the perfect example right now. I'm working on the episode three of my series, late again of course. My cheap microphone started malfunctioning, you see. I've re-recorded all my parts twice already, and I finally had to end up implementing this very creative (and actually kinda cool and beautiful) underwater theme for myself throughout the video in order to preserve consistency in the sound department by using the camera's mic instead. I was able to pull it off in my opinion, but that's not my point. My point is that any class other than the piss poor would have had his microphone sent to repair, or asked a friend for one of his four microphones, or would have gone to buy a new one. I've spent over three days in re-shoots, keying, and audio editing most of all obviously, trying to make it work. When you buy cheap tools, that's what you get; but it's not like you have a choice. And not only you have to work much more in order to achieve the same (if you're very talented) or lesser results than higher classes (remember, not only all my software is cracked, but I use macOS on a non-apple computer. I am totally cheating,) but then you must spend like a couple more days trying to fix your stuff only to realize it's some little thing that can't be fixed (i.e. chips or even some transistor which are extremely cheap--Good luck finding exactly the one you need though, and enjoy your dumpster digging for the next month until you find your replacement part.) I'm not quite there yet, but I know because I've been through this like every week, sometimes every day. Poverty attracts poverty and the exhaustion with the enormous amounts of efforts you have to do in order to just try to keep up just seems pointless. Sigh. Then you find some rich asshole with a brand new Super-XTreme Mic9000 in a bag while he stares down at you with that judgmental look on his face. I've just had my cellphone stolen, and I can't stop beating myself over it because I can't get myself to channel my anger against the thief. I understand capitalism and why it's the better option, but corruption certainly creates moral loopholes I can't really blame others for taking advantage of in this situation. Perhaps if I were more ballsy I wouldn't be any better, I don't know. Anyway, just though this may be of some interest for somebody who maybe have never felt the hunger before or something. Or maybe I'm just venting. Whatever. Good day, fellas.

A1fredo 8 Sep 9
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Hunger? The kind that comes from being a single mom, working two part time jobs (that pay minimum wage), while you're going to college, so you can get a degree and move your kids out of the hood? The kind of hunger that comes with opening up a cabinet to find only dried beans and a bag of flour? The kind of poverty where the 4 inches of snow outside occurs the night your gas got turned off? Yeah, been there lived through that. But, here is what I did to get through:

  1. Reminded myself that in 5 yrs I'd have a degree.
  2. Volunteered at the food bank so I could qualify for extra food.
  3. Closed every door in the house and lived out of one room, the living room.
  4. heated water on the electric stove to bathe my kids.
  5. got that damn degree
  6. got a MS while working
  7. saved my money from work (why not we were used to being poor)
  8. invested that $$$ when obama crashed the stock market.
  9. moved out of the ghetto and never looked back.
  10. never complained about the "poor, pathetic life" I had because it MADE ME WHO I AM TODAY.

Ain't living in a country filled with opportunities great? I can't manage to save, let alone to afford to have children some day. I don't understand why people seem to want to fight over who's got it worse. Managing to achieve successes through struggles seems like a pretty healthy life to me. Unless you think I just don't work hard enough, or I'm just not good enough. But either way it's fine. humans' perceptions are relative, so we've all lived it the hardest within our own experiences, we are both winners in this regard. However... I mean... with all due respect, but you are a person who managed to get a degree paying for it yourself, got a family, have the money to invest in the stock market, to move around, and had the time to volunteer... rubbing it on the face to somebody sleeping on the mattress' metal springs over a broken wooden base, not being able to eat everyday. And even I can acknowledge that I am far, far from being the worse ever. Just trying to share a perspective here for those who haven't experienced the hard times like we have. I don't wanna fight.

@A1fredo Not fighting with you at all. I am saying to you, stop and stand back and look at your life. You have a mattress, a place to put that mattress, and apparently internet. Many do not have that. Take what you have, the internet, and find a way out of your poverty.

@A1fredo btw, I think you have a great opportunity to share your story (write a book). You are clearly bilingual (or am I wrong). That is a huge asset. Look for the things you can do...the things which make you stand out in a sea of normal people. And go for it! You may be famous one day.

@DeplorableToo I am working on it. I did reference the project I am working on right now. I'm not dead yet or anything. Just thought that some people aren't aware of how poverty through the lack of proper tools can make things harder compared to others, that's pretty much it. I thought it was interesting, and I had no idea until I got here... That's all... Eventually I may be able to enjoy all of those privileges too... I may not, who knows. This just wasn't about that.... Sigh... Anyway... I rather not think about it as I'm working on projects. Discouragement isn't very helpful at this stage heh heh Like I said, this country isn't as fruitful. All I can expect from compatriots is the whole crabs in a bucket thing. But oh well... better than being out there being beaten up by the cops under the quarantine and stuff. It's all good.

@A1fredo you keep your head up! You seem determined enough to make a change. I bet you will.

@A1fredo Tenacity is the one thing you both share.

Circumstances ... nope, not a chance. Sad to see apples and pineapples being compared. I have never seen pain to be a successful subject matter for comparison.

Kudos to you A1fredo! (Kudos as well to Deplorable too.) And thanks, Alfredo for sharing your challenges. We're all rooting for you.

@torontogal4388 Thank you 🙂

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