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So first Trump was responsible for the Coronavirus and its spread,then he was responsible for the civil unrest in US cities, now he's responsible for Wildfires and their spread? But is he? Are the Republicans?

We all know where the virus came from and that it was a deliberate move to share the virus with the rest of the world. There can be no denying this point.
So that wasn't Trump or the Republican's fault. Nor the Democrats.
But Trump closed the borders early and it was the Democrats that called him a racist and demanded he open the borders. Biden says Trump didn't do enough, but what would Biden have done? What states have been hit the hardest by the virus?
8 out of the top 12 states hit by the virus are governed by Democrats.

We all know that there have been places with civil unrest, riots, arson and looting etc... If these places are all Democrat controlled, you have to ask yourself why would you vote Democrat in November?

Trump is an evil climate change denier apparently according to Joe Biden. Well he's not alone, the science is not settled and there are many skeptics all over the world. A great many of them scientists. Forest management, fuel reduction, even allowing people to build in fire prone areas etc are all part of the equation. What party is in control of these areas? Again you have to ask yourself the question. From here it looks like Oregon, California, Nevada, Colorado are the main states involved... who runs these states?

I could be wrong of course...

What states are better governed?

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Lightman 8 Sep 15
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I put "not sure", but it's more like the govenors that work well with whoever is president, regardless of party, are the states that will most likely be better off for the people. This "teamwork" or even begrudging temporary partnerships are crucial when it comes to matters of crisis and civil unrest.

The way the pandemic, civil unrest, and natural disasters have been taken on by our political leaders has shown more disdain for the other party rather than an eagerness to adress the issues. Pelosi has been the worst offender of working against the president. Instead of standing beside Trump, as he led our Nation through it's first stages of COVID, she took every moment she could to berate him, including childish name calling.

It's unconstitutional to direct the MSM, but instead of showing support and a unified stance, Pelosi and other Democratic leaders took to CNN etc to constantly rag on Trump. This is neither helpful or appropriate. If these same leaders, while on the air, discouraged talking poorly about Trump from the start on MSM, it wouldn't have led to such a divide of trust we have in them. I hear a lot of "me, me, me" among politicians, including Trump. It really wears thin over time.

While I do think that the majority of the left civilians have gone full "woke". I'm unsure how far left our leaders have. Both Biden and Harris have a past of being tough on crime. Biden has stated he's against defunding the police. (He even went as far as to say it's Trump who wants them defunded). Both of them, however, play politics like a professional sport and pander to anyone if they think it will win them points.

If the Democratic leaders have gone full "woke" then we have a bigger issue. If we are unable to set better boundaries between political ideologies to protect rights for all Americans regardless, when it reaches its climax it will be war. Because the woke can't be bargained with.

I don't put it past Pelosi, Biden, or Harris to pander to the woke mob in theatrical ways to get votes and power, without actually buying into the movement. It's pretty clear they could care less about anything that's not trending on Twitter, virtue signalling, and winning an election. So, I'm completly disgusted with the entire lot of them and their propaganda MSM/ social media machine. However, if they do win, I can see a lot of red and even purple states not working with Biden at all if he imposes all those health and saftey mandates (like masks), revitalizes affirmative action, removal of additional historical monuments, and government free health care. Which means, upon facing our next crisis (whatever that may be) we'll once again be fighting it on a divided front.


Liberal left responsible for:
1.60 years of the illegal drug trade. Millions dead, maimed and in the coo-coo house or homeless.
2.Laziness bred in millions of blacks from being slaves on the liberal ghetto plantation.
3.Crazed leftist nutty professors on our college campus indoctrinating youth with hate of their own race, color, flag and county.


Like “racism!!!” President Trump can be found in just about anything if that’s what (all) you’re looking for. And since he lives rent-free in the heads of leftists, it makes sense that they blame him for any and everything.

I think the lefties luv him because they have a one huge excuse to fail at everything and they can blame Trump.
Just the mention of the name Trump results in FDS (failure derangement syndrome).


Trump just keeps on winning, he is the energizer President.
His style is rough, his manner is harsh his attitude is fearless.
The leader we all need!
From Canada!

Rick-A Level 8 Sep 15, 2020
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