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Years back when I blogged on myspace I had a series of blogs titled, Everything I need to Know About Liberals I learned From My Exwife. She had a classic liberal mentality. She was egocentric, a compulsive liar who easily made herself believe her lies were the truth. I honestly believe could easily pass a polygraph test with flying colors lying on every question. This is a clear indication of someone who has had a psychotic break from reality because they simply do not have any set idea about the world around them, they have the ability to make the world in their own image, in a manner of speaking. Seldom has my experience I got dealing with her for over ten years been wrong when I put that knowledge against something socialist progressives say, or do.

This article is very telling about things to come when I look back to dealing with the ex.

"Since millions of people will vote by mail, constraints on time and resources will slow ballot counting into potentially a weeks-long process. Voting patterns suggest it’s likely that President Donald Trump could end Election Day in the lead in certain key states, only to be overtaken by Democratic opponent Joe Biden when more votes are tallied."

This tells us a couple of things. First off they are simply admitting they intend for the vote counting to take an excessive amount of time. Second, talking about how Trump may "win" in lead states early on, they are telling us they have plans to make sure he loses in the delayed counting of mail in votes. They want to have things set up so they can tally up just how much they have to fix the mail in ballots to make sure he loses, of course this does not necessarily means Trump would lose altogether because we are simply talking about the popular vote, not the electoral vote. There should actually be enough of the electoral vote decided early on to define a clear winner, all this mail in ballot manipulating is likely meant more to help convince the American people to get rid of the electoral college. They have created enough of ignorant citizens through the past 30-50 years of forced public schooling, and liberal college programs very few people understand the reason, and logic for the electoral college. They have been inundated with this false narrative the the United States was created as, and has always been a "democracy". Nobody pushes that more than the socialists. Perhaps they hope if they manipulate enough of the mail in ballots, along with all the riots they have orchestrated the past few, and with the threats of far more, and greater violence if Trump wins, especially if a new Supreme Court is placed on the bench before the election, they can scare people into demanding Trump step down when he loses the popular vote in spite of what the electoral votes say. That would be the proverbial killing of two birds with one stone for the socialists. Getting rid of both Trump, and the electoral college in one swoop.

"This could create a nightmare scenario during the three months stretching from Election Day to the Jan. 20 inauguration: a battle on the state and congressional level over who is the legitimate winner. This could include Congress reconvening on Jan. 6, presided over by Vice President Mike Pence, with no consensus over its potential role in choosing the next president."
This tells us they most certainly plan on getting rid of the electoral college at the very least with this election. People are going to have hissy fits about this, but you can expect there will be plenty of republicans standing in line to wipe out the electoral college. throwing in the fact the whole thing will be presided over by Mike Pence is to set the stage for saying any opposition they face achieving their goals will be nothing but a Trump coup to overthrow the "will of the people", as well as placing the suggestion in people's mind this will be an actual event so anything Trump supporters say against ignoring the Constitution and electoral college will look like socialist are just good at predicting political corruption, hoping nobody will see they are the ones corrupting the system more tha anyone else. It is set so they can sing their own praises, "See? We told you so!".

"This is arguably the most likely of the contested-election narratives, and now the Supreme Court — which would likely have to rule on the legal arcana at issue in this epic battle — has been thrown into its own nightmare scenario with the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg."
Typical technique of creating problems where there are none. The ex was really great at this. The usefulness is to keep everyone stressed out while they are not at all bothered by the circumstances, this gives them an element of control over other people. There is no real nightmare scenario here. Justices have died, and retired throughout the history of the Court, and had to be replaced. There is absolutely no legitimate reason in the world to delay filling that empty spot. After all a judge should be making their decision with NOTHING but the Constitution as their measuring stick. Both parties, however, have corrupted this process by placing people on the court who owe their party something, and who they urge to make decision that favor their party politics. The big problem here, for the GOP is that the socialists have no trouble finding judges that will readily make their decisin based on their personal convictions that align with their party's politics. They will make some kind of excuse up trying to say they used the Constitution as their guideline for their decision, it does not matter to them how much that makes them look like a damned fool, as long as they get their way. GOP appointees tend to want to avoid looking the fool with their decisions. This is one reason "conservative" appointments to the court are much less effective than the democrat appointees. It does not help that republicans also have so many socialists in their midst they sometimes appoint socialist allies like Roberts to the court.

"Trump is already setting the stage to declare that anything but a victory for himself means the election is rigged."
This is very typical of the ex's, and socialist's mindset and very telling of what they are both guilty of, and what they are planning. They accuse the other side of what is in their own minds. In this case, discussing something that has not happened like the upcoming election, they are showcasing for us what they are planning on doing. The damnedest thing is they never understand how they rat themselves out like this. My ex was very good at telling me when she was hording money, or running around by this method. Sadly it took me a long time to understand what was happening. When she just suddenly started attacking me with accusations of having an affair I was so shocked, and caught off guard. I never knew where the hell the accusations were coming from, especially when she would come up with the reasons she thought I was doing this.

"That may not lead to the sort of authoritarian takeover that some, such as Trump’s former top political adviser Roger Stone, have dreamed of."
More of the same, accusing the opponent of their own guilt.

"At the end of Nov. 3, hundreds of thousands of ballots will likely remain left to count in key states, particularly Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin."
Look ma! They told us the states they have targeted for their "authoritarian takeover" effort.


KCSantiago 8 Sep 21
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We have postal votes and absentee votes... yet we still usually have a result on the night.
Perhaps this "mail" vote problem is being overblown.

Yes, well we have to have our postal votes in early if we want to use that option. That generally does not present an issue when it comes to understanding the positions of the candidates, seeing our "debates" are called "parliament" and they happen frequently throughout the term. It may be a weaker separation of powers than what USA has - the Westminster system has its own pros and cons.

Also, we need to be registered to vote by mail, and we need to show identification to register. I have never voted by mail, but I assume there would be signature verification and that a mismatch would void the vote.


I want to clarify something you said at the beginning: your ex was a 'classical liberal' or she was what we state is a liberal as promulgated by the Democrat Party over the last 30 yrs or so (prior to their current progressive/woke positions of the last decade or so)?

Her mindset is like that of the modern democrat socialist standard of being a liberal is.

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