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Just a reminder guys: Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day be day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except the endless present in which the party is always right. -- George Orwell

Language matters because whoever controls the words controls the conversation, because whoever controls the conversation controls its outcome, because whoever frames the debate has already won it, because telling the truth has become harder and harder to achieve in an America drowning in Orwellian Newspeak. -- Erica Jong

“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.”
― Leon Trotsky, once a vocal critic of Lenin and the Bolshevik Party—joined the Bolsheviks in August 1917. Trotsky quickly rose to a position of power in the party: just before the October Revolution, he was elected to the Bolshevik Central Committee.During the revolution, Trotsky oversaw Soviet military operations in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg), the capital of the Russian Empire.

“State ownership! It leads only to absurd and monstrous conclusions; state ownership means state monopoly, concentrated in the hands of one party and its adherents, and that state brings only ruin and bankruptcy to all.” ― Benito Mussolini

Globalist be like; Why the lockdowns if people who contracted covid have developed antibodies? Should't they get back to work and continue living and working? Nope, we can't do that , because were intenrationl eco-Marxist communists and we want to destroy economy so we have to hire keep financing terrorits like BLM and Antifa to intimidate voters, we have to rigg elections and we have to lock everyone down because we are Bond villains and we want to dominate the world.

Once we destroy economy we will be the ones standing with our partners at Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Netflix etc. We will keep everyone locked and we will create cashless sociaty where we control who gets payed and who does not, who gets to eat and who does not. We will offer to "forgive debt" if people sign over their property rights and their legal rights. And those that refuse at first will be ostracized and later left to starve to death or put to prison or killed. Use your imagination or read communist history.

“The heirs of the French, English, and American revolutions had partly believed in their own phrases about the rights of man, freedom of speech, equality before the law, and the like, and have even allowed their conduct to be influenced by them to some extent. But by the fourth decade of the twentieth century all the main currents of political thought were authoritarian. The earthly paradise had been discredited at exactly the moment when it became realizable. Every new political theory, by whatever name it called itself, led back to hierarchy and regimentation. And in the general hardening of outlook that set in round about 1930, practices which had been long abandoned, in some cases for hundreds of years — imprisonment without trial, the use of war prisoners as slaves, public executions, torture to extract confessions, the use of hostages, and the deportation of whole populations — not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlightened and progressive.”
― George Orwell, 1984

“Kirk defined the ideologue as one who “thinks of politics as a revolutionary instrument for transforming society and even transforming human nature.” Unleashed during the most radical phase of the French Revolution, the spirit of ideology has metastasized over the past two centuries, wreaking horrors. Jacobinism, Anarchism, Marxism, Leninism, Fascism, Stalinism, Nazism, Maoism—all shared the fatal attraction to “political messianism”; all were “inverted religions.” Each of these ideologies preached a dogmatic approach to politics, economics, and culture. Each in its own way endeavored “to substitute secular goals and doctrines for religious goals and doctrines.” Thus did the ideologue promise “salvation in this world, hotly declaring that there exists no other realm of being.”― Russell Kirk, The American Cause

Krunoslav 9 Nov 16
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Those of us who still remember what they are trying to erase will be the first murdered in the name of utopia. Remember us when it begins, and don’t make the mistakes made in WWII, when it took thousands of such events to make people believe it was time to begin resisting - which by that time Hitler had already taken Europe.

Yeah. Actually the side that wins is the one that gets the competent visionary leader first. Personally I never thought it might be Trump on our side, and while he is still too civilized, he is both competent and dedicated, so will see. I think he has a good legal team and evidence to win election twice. Not only by votes but by courts, since Biden only won by counts.

The other side still has no one leader. There are shadowy figures that have a vission like Klaus, and Soros, they pull the strings of the spineless traitors like Boris and Justin Trudeau both admitting they are on the "Build Back Beter" agenda. Biden and Commie Harris off course are not capable of leadership anymore than the first two, but they do as they are told and really only have to make appearance here and there. The voting machine, the MSM and the Big tech controls the narrative.

We have no idea about various devious schemes being played in the background, because when you have as much money as these globalists you can hire Think Tanks, a common practice to invent policies that you than implement. That is all new post WWII methods that Hitler didn't have, but unlike them he has ability to lead and inspire with rhetoric. If Globalists had Hitler or Stalin or Mao , cunning, ruthless, capable leader on their side, we would lost already. As is they are relaying on the big tech, mass media, brown shirts (antifa and BLM) and corruption of local politicians that are mostly useless in anything other than selling out their own people.

I mean look at various democrats in the big cities like DeBlasio or mayors of Portland and Seattle or LA. These people are not competent enough to park my car, much less being a leader, but they are bureaucrats corrupt to the bone so they are more than happy to abuse their legal rights and go beyond them.

I think which ever side gets a leader first, wins. Trump is closes to what we have on our side, and look how much resistance he created in just four years. If he wins again I hope he can see it trough to the end or at least to tip the balance of power back to people's interests.

@Krunoslav, Good insights sir.

@TimTuolomne Thank you.

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