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There is no goodness in mobs. There are no acts of benevolence towards groups, because there is no collective empathy in either sense. And there is no motivation to help when you won't feel special for doing so. If you see somebody "helping out" it was merely to be seen doing it. They were paying the price for that opinion of them in your head. Shit, there's not even empathy between individuals anymore. But we keep believing in Government being there to help. Why would it possibly be more effective for everyone to be forced to give "a little" of their money at gunpoint so a part of it (since you have to pay all the bureaucracy) can be destined to "helping" some "others" that people doing the planning on how to help them out do not understand whatsoever. Like no child left behind. People are stupid. Government people are stupider. And we are all stupid for being pussies and taking it in the ass. I mean, it mat be worth it literally, but metaphorically? Come on. People suck. Metaphorically.

A1fredo 8 Nov 20
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Well said


Much hinges on if the group is under control of a leader or not, and if they will follow the leader's negotiaton deals.
If someone in the group acts against the leader and does something radical, is he kicked out of the group or is he celebrated?

If a group is not under the control of a leader and if has no deterrent against rogue radicals, then the entire group is responsible for anything a radical does. Call them out on this. Leaderless mobs are the essence of bad.

The Martin Luther King rally was under the control of King, and it didn't get out of control.

A group does not exist, just like a forest. It's made up. So everything that derives off of it are merely anthropomorphizations. So no, groups can't feel empathy. Maybe with singing and a miraculous leader, you can get them to sing the same note (not if I'm in that group certainly,) but they cannot all empathize about the same thing, especially over other groups as it's multiple different emotions within the group.

Shit, intellectuals are so frustrating. When hearing from them, I always get lots of library references, and everything off-topic. I'm talking about helping people, specifically through government. I don't give a shit about any groups, no group lets me in. Ugh, I just wanna kill off all humans. Insufferable. GRGRG

@A1fredo You haven't played in a concert, practiced and been in a march. Groups exist for better or worse.
The arts often is for better, and it's somewhat temporary.
Although a dance troupe might stay for a long time.
Muslims still are largely group think, so negative things aren't seen. Lately a few ARE seeing, getting threatened for it.
They're a group. I believe Falon Gong is another one.

@2FollowHim I wouldn't know


There's a whole psychology, philosophy of groups. They are just weird.
They've been known, studied for many years: few bother to read it.
I read just a little.
Enough. Enough to not belong in a group. Maybe once in a while, similar ideology. Sure, fine.

I think, my personal view, that groups are often weak, individuals strong.
Exceptions: talented people who sing, dance, march together.
Then you feel the power, for good.

Some drumming groups are unbelievable.
To me, THAT'S what might be done.

30 people willing to walk in sync, all wearing something that bonds them, it's powerful.
Humans are capable of a lot.
I often look at the flash mobs, fabulous.
Every one of those would be individualist.

But you're talking dumbed down. Not worth anything.
We can only keep ourselves fit in various ways.

Yes, a crowd all doing the same thing is lame.

Yes, people who feel strong just because they're in a group are lame.

A string quartet is a fine example of a group where individuality can be expressed.

In football the plays are scripted and there is little opportunity for improvisation.
In rugby you can freely improvise. Glory is up for grabs and can be seized by anyone. Everyone gets a chance to carry the ball.

At any time, a single scientist can publish a single paper that revolutionizes a field.

Upward and downward mobility are important, especially downward mobility. There has to be a way
to replace the leaders and give them a graceful path back to lesser status.

Wikipedia defines a confederation as an association of sovereign states or communities. Fine word. It contrasts with "federation" in that a confederation has less centralized power.

Another fine word is "league", a structure that promotes interaction between members. Sportsmanship and rivalries are fine things.

Somehow science seems to have rendered us unable to use our own minds. Psychology is bullshit. Psychiatrists have no idea of what they are doing. The whole "being insane" is a social attack. And perhaps if we were able to keep ourselves in focus while talking about abstract stuff we might be able to actually get somewhere instead of continue regarding "the spiritual" as incomprehensible, which is not.

@jaymaron Yes, there CAN BE fine process groups if not complacent, then infected, then set up.If I've carefully bought a stance, a political view, and it remains stable, uncorrected, then my individuality can be ADDED to the collective good. In theory, usually for a short while.
But groups can control and often subtly change people, often not aware enough.

@jaymaron, @A1fredo Pseudoscience

Yes, psychiatrists are corrupt and incompetent, and bullying. The police world has due process and the psychiatry world doesn't, and they are not horrified by the lack of due process.

The "insane" attack has been so overused that I declare it permanently null and void.
Or, whereas democrats are quick to invoke insanity, do it to them. Hound Biden and other democrats
with it.

Screw meds. Learn shaolin meditation. []

Psychiatrists think in terms of mental disorder. Think instead in terms of mental order.
And surround yourself with a synergistic group that complements your strengths and weaknesses.

Don't think individual sanity. Think group sanity.

@jaymaron Glad to read that. Wish there were more people like you around here in Mexico. It's impossible to surround yourself with a mentally healthy environment when living in a fucked up society.

@jaymaron And thanks for that insight about due process within the psychiatric world. You couldn't possibly be more correct. Now, THAT's a good cause to get behind!!

@jaymaron Depends on WHO they are. When I had issues, one was a life saver, another satanical.
But the best sorted out a serious problem SIMPLY.
I'll always be grateful.
Jesus said 'watch and pray. Watch means deeply, critically, then put that into prayer.
This does amazing things: I HEAR my own thought processes; maybe see where I'm wrong in good time.
As a believer, I connect up on it, so not floundering.
But, wow, hard to DO, hard to remember!

Democrats want to defund the police and replace them with social workers and psychiatrists, and both worlds have no due process. They will miss due process. The social work and psychiatric world use their power to control their clients.

@jaymaron I see. An arbitrary system letting them have too much power. So, one extreme to the other.
Like L and R extremists.

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