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The problem with money is not Capitalism, is the hierarchy of value. Is that we are used and take for granted things that are extremely valuable: love, virtue, goodness. Take art as an example, the incredible talent from the renaissance. You know it's beautiful, but nobody will give a shit about it. They would rather listen to Lady Gaga. Why? Because money, an invention of man, has become the competitor of the natural motivator of aesthetics. We would all like to embrace beauty, but when given a choice, we would rather have money. It's a technology too good for our own good. Over time, money has won so much that our sensitivity to beauty has almost disappeared culturally. All the talent is still there, but we live in extremely hectic times and nobody has the time to appreciate it. Time is an essential factor for beauty to emerge in our minds. Without time, no wonder flashy bling bling killed the arts.

And of course Communism is NOT the answer, don't be retarded. But adjusting the hierarchy of values by integrating those important things in is. And no, goddammit, it's not me grifting again. Would please stop being so retarded that you cannot separate the message from the messenger, and consider it on its own merit? This is too important for you immaturity right now, don't you see? The lack of principles is the core of Communism. And it's one in particular: truth. It's the same thing with it. If we weren't in a society of psychopathic chronic liars, none of this would've happened. Until a few days ago, I didn't realixe you didn't really give a shit about goodness. And it's not about me, but it's about a society who can't tell that feminism is bullshit over a movement who don't gives two shits about oppression in the Middle East. It's about the left who can't tell BLM is hypocrisy from rioters who never even acknowledge anything going on in Africa. It's about nobody giving a shit about Uyghurs, China, Freedom, the US, their own family.

I am not picking on you, stop it. You are merely the case highlighted as you were the ones in the position of power that could stand for liberty. You were the ones who were harder to take down. The whole rest of the world, we are shit, but you are getting rotted too. This is so depressive, I don't want to live in this world. It's just sad. The demand for good people has rendered the supply inexistent, and now nobody is rich enough to be able to afford any truth anymore. Sigh, if I tell you that you as humanity suck, why would you attack me when I am precisely this very moment at least attempting to do something about it? Does it make me better than you? Yes, in this regard. That's not important though. And no amount of me talking shit about my poor disgusting antisocial uneducated and psychological trouble self has been able to get you to get over such stupid imaginary competitions and just consider my plea of considering my argument for what it is.

Nobody will believe in wars being prevented by truth, humility and virtue until a people has the courage to prove that problems can be solved by talking things out, right.

A1fredo 8 Nov 28
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Money is just an abstract tool. In theory it represents wealth but wealth is abstract also. The value of things are largely determined by what we value. What we value is determined by what we need and what we want. Our priorities by the scarcity of those wants.

Gold is valuable because of need such as for electronics it's also valuable because it is shiny, inert and rare. It has both utility and beauty. If gold was abundant and easily resourced it's value would be less. If gold was as cheap as plastic it's utility wouldn't be increased but it's beauty would be diminished. A world where all the man made surfaces were covered in gold would be depressingly uniform. If sex were constantly and easily accessible how much would you want? If everyone was equally sexually attractive being attractive would not be a valuable commodity.

In the West we live in a world where material needs are mostly satisfied. This has shifted the value structure away from utility to luxus.

"Latin had two similar words with overlapping meanings: luxus, meaning “luxury” or “excess,” and luxuria, which meant “rankness” or “offensiveness.” These terms became luxe and luxure in French, with meanings that preserved the distinctions of the original Latin."

"The French word luxe developed the meanings that we commonly associate with luxury: "wealth" and "indulgence." The French phase de luxe, meaning “of luxury,” became the English word deluxe. By contrast, luxure referred to unrestrained sexual pursuits and became a synonym of lasciviousness or wantonness and is associated with words like debauchery and perversity. This is the way luxury was initially used in English: The Oxford English Dictionary records that Chaucer refers to “O foule lust of luxurie.”


In the same way that power corrupts luxury corrupts. We evolved for a world without productivity. Where networking and sensuality were the keys to survival. Agriculture and to a lesser extent pasturalism changed the world. Agriculture was the key that unlocked civilization but it can with a price. We became slaves to productivity. With the industrial revolution especially but with all advanced civilization productivity became so common place that it lost value distorting the value system and opening up the possibility for many people to indulge their instincts for sensuality and networking. Instead of scarcity of need scarcity became a matter of wants and where even most wants were satisfied scarcity was created.

Our instincts drive us to never be satisfied because to not want is to not look for the pretty colors that told are ancestors to look for fruit. To be satisfied is to be quiescent, asleep and then dead. The harder reality that if you don't work you don't eat is lost on most people today. Civilization only works if we all work. The question is always what that work should be. For some that work will conform to instinct and be sensual or networking for others it must be the dirty jobs but the priorities always get reversed by our instincts.

wolfhnd Level 8 Nov 28, 2020

I live 3 hr drive south of the Arizona border. This is not the west apparently. We do not have our material needs satisfied. I don't see your point in regards with the rest of the text. It is tangentially connected at best. Do you disagree with my post, or do you agreee?


"The problem with money is not Capitalism, is the hierarchy of value. Is that we are used and take for granted things that are extremely valuable: love, virtue, goodness. Take art as an example, the incredible talent from the renaissance. You know it's beautiful, but nobody will give a shit about it. They would rather listen to Lady Gaga. Why? Because money, an invention of man, has become the competitor of the natural motivator of aesthetics"

My point is that aesthetics are a reflection of evolutionary history but the Renaissance is a product of culture. Culture gave us tools and made us human. We don't have culture because we have big brains we have big brains because of tools.

There is a paradox to culture. The same tools, of which money is one, that provide excess productivity of necessity allowing us the luxury to enjoy art based on our instincts but is necessarily at odds with instinct.

We evolved to live in an easy but unstable environment but civilization requires a harsh but stable environment. The civilization that allowed for the Renaissance requires the unnatural act of productivity. Productivity requires hierarchies of competent organization or a meritocracy. Hierarchies and productivity is necessarily oppressive. Culture up ended the natural world and required a different interpretation of love, virtue and goodness.

We live in an unnatural world because it is built on abstractions such as money but it would be a mistake to think that abstract means unreal. Money is a real abstraction that aids the function and development of civilization. Art, science, medicine are not the cause of civilization but byproducts of excess necessity. Our priorities should reflect that reality.

A somewhat unordered list of priorities should be water, food, shelter, security, sexual access, relationships, science, medicine, art. For many people the last three are a luxury. Those that have the luxury quickly forget that the first six are preconditions.

Take sexual access as an example of civilizations imposition on instinct. The human ape is evidently not monogamous or is serially monogamous. The institution of marriage is not to satisfy instinct. Marriage provides sexual access to the greatest number of people preventing the conflicts that arise out of unregulated sexual competition. Love becomes like freewill a complex social construct. Freewill gives people the agency through the institution of marriage to find "love".


Very true.
I started life with my parents who were poor but they taught me the value of family and community. You can build on this foundation, it’s the essence of hope, freedom and future. Never look down, believe in yourself every day and look for the building blocks that create courage and strength. That was my lesson.

Rick-A Level 8 Nov 28, 2020

Must be amaxing. Even more than not having money, I do think it's actually worse not having neither family nor community. I can only imagine what life might be like having those things. That's probably why I am the artistic type. I was born middle class, but never been part of any tribe, so I grew up with the hunger for love, which made me turn to artistry. If I could go back in time to any era, I probably would choose anytime when people were settling somewhere new. i crave the solidarity and rapport people must get by working so hard together towards an amaxing future. I don't think I will ever get to experience that.

@A1fredo Never say never, to be a friend you must make friends and give back. You can create a community by being a solid rock for others.

@Rick-A Normally, I would've been forced to shut up, but given the current situation, it's easier to believe if I say: "Honestly, I'm all about that. But people around me are a bunch of brainwashed retards with no hope nor aspirations to quit being stupid..." Sigh... Mexico, man.

@A1fredo That’s the big problem today.

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