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At the end of the interview, attorney Sidney Powell said: “It affects the bedrock of our democratic republic. It can’t be allowed to stand and, frankly, I’m about to think the entire FBI and the entire Department of Justice need to be hosed out with Clorox and firehoses.”

More detail: []

Attorney Sidney Powell joined Lou Dobbs on Monday night to discuss the 2020 election fraud investigations.

Powell spoke with Lou Dobbs about the struggles this president is now facing after the stolen election was called by the liberal media.

Lou Dobbs is completely digging in on the discussion of the election being stolen, even telling the president in a direct message on air that people are trying to overthrow him.

As Dobbs wrapped the interview with Powell, he said Trump needs to take “dramatic action” on the election and “the crimes that have been committed.”

“And if the Justice Department doesn’t want to do it, if the FBI cannot do it, then we have to find other resources in the federal government,” Dobbs declared. “This is an assault on the core of our democracy.”

At the end of the interview, attorney Sidney Powell said: “It affects the bedrock of our democratic republic. It can’t be allowed to stand and, frankly, I’m about to think the entire FBI and the entire Department of Justice need to be hosed out with Clorox and firehoses.”

LOU DOBBS (HOST): And as I said at the outset of the broadcast, Sidney, this is no longer about just voter fraud or electoral fraud. This is something much bigger. And this president has to take, I believe, drastic action, dramatic action to make certain that the integrity of this election is understood or lack of it, the crimes that have been committed against him and the American people. And if the Justice Department doesn’t want to do it, if the FBI cannot do it, then we have to find other resources within the federal government. We’ve got to rise above this because the nation itself — this is an assault on the core of a democracy, any democracy. Our ability to cast a secret ballot. Your thoughts, Sidney, as we wrap up here.

SIDNEY POWELL: That’s exactly right, Lou. It affects the bedrock of our democratic republic. It can’t be allowed to stand and, frankly, I’m about to think the entire FBI and the entire Department of Justice need to be hosed out with Chlorox and fire hoses.

Krunoslav 9 Nov 30
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Repeating a lie over and over and over does not make it true. Come Jan 20 Biden will be our president (not yours, since you don't live in the USA, you are just a foreign agent trying to stir up shit and affect US politics). Trump will be kicked out and face criminal prosecution.

A communist is a person who publicly airs his dirty Lenin.
—Jack Pomeroy

Keep dreaming Comrade. Most Americans say, Biden is not my communist. Prove that 80 mil non dead people voted for Biden.

@Krunoslav the burden of proof is on you. Prove that 73 million non dead people voted for Trump.

@Krunoslav One comforting thought....democRATs can't win unless they cheat. And that's the truth!

@dmatic Yeah, its black on white, cue de ta in progress, sadly there are still useful idiots who already chosen their side.

@dmatic, @Krunoslav, prove that Trump didn't cheat in 2016. Prove that Trump didn't try to cheat in 2020. If Biden cheated in 2020, prove that Trump didn't cheat as well - Biden was just better at it.

See how that works?

@JacksonNought No that is not how it works. proof is everywhere and your comrade friends are censuring it and pretending it is not there, but everyone knows it. At this point people don't need CNN to say its real , they have no authority. We all know what this is. It does not work like you think it does, its the opposite.

@Krunoslav He says: :"Biden was better at it." In effect he is praising a known cheating democrat party. Sad that the world seems to have become so cynical

@dmatic Yeah, you can't appeal to the moral behavior of someone who spend a lifetime running away from it. There is no point in trying to appeal to the moral virtues of someone who only knows vices.

@Krunoslav Well said!

@dmatic I floated several scenarios where Trump and his team cheated, and asked you to prove they didn't. To show that you have no real argument, no real evidence, just the typical shifting of the burden of proof.

Here's a new one. Prove you and Krunoslav aren't the same person, just posting on different accounts to pat yourself on the back and try and make your argument seem more legitimate. If you can't prove it, then I must be correct.

@JacksonNought There is none so blind as he who will not see.


the news here today said the FBI are now investigating widespread fraud in the election... is this true?

On Tuesday, Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, while discussing the Trump campaign’s legal challenges in key swing states with former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, now a member of Trump’s legal team, interrupted the conversation to say that a "highly reliable source" says that FBI is currently investigating the 2020 election results.


Chairman of the US Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor recently turned heads when he declared the 2020 presidential election illegitimate due to widespread voter fraud, which he says continues to take place in states that are still counting ballots.

Trainor, during an appearance on Newsmax TV’s National Report on Friday, said that precincts which refused access to Republican observers to oversee the ballot counting process could be charged with voter fraud.

“I do believe that there is voter fraud taking place in these place,” Trainor said. “Otherwise they would allow the observers to go in.”

Although Republican operatives like Cory Lewandowski and members of the Trump’s legal team were granted a court order which allows observers from the Trump campaign to watch the ballot counting process in Pennsylvania from six feet away, the FEC chief said that observers “have not been allowed into the polling locations in any meaningful way.”

On the afternoon of Nov. 5, Trump campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski and former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi told members of the press that the city of Philadelphia was in defiance of the court order, and that observers were being shut out of the voting precincts.

Pennsylvania’s Democratic Governor Tom Wolf claimed that the Trump campaign’s attempts to observe the vote counting process as “planned attacks on the election” and urged the state to “reject efforts to intimidate election workers and prevent voters from being counted.”

During the interview, the Election Commission chief noted that while observers were eventually allowed inside the precinct locations to watch, they were never allowed to come close to the six feet required by the court order.

Trainor went on to say that when precincts are denying access to Republican observers who by law are required to have access, it’s quite obvious that something illegitimate and possibly even illegal is taking place.

“Our whole political system is based upon transparency to avoid the appearance of corruption,” he said, pointing out that Pennsylvania and other states such as Georgia are not conducting counting in a transparent manner.

The FEC chairman reiterated that state law requires observers to be allowed inside of the voting precincts, six feet away from where the votes are being counted. If that law is being broken, he added, then the election is “illegitimate”.

Trainor, who said that many of the lawsuits filed by Trump campaign are “very valid allegations”, predicted that some would eventually end up in the Supreme Court.

On Tuesday, Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, while discussing the Trump campaign’s legal challenges in key swing states with former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, now a member of Trump’s legal team, interrupted the conversation to say that a "highly reliable source" says that FBI is currently investigating the 2020 election results.

Over the weekend, Sidney Powell said during an interview that President Trump’s legal team has collected an overwhelming amount of evidence which proves “massive election fraud” caused by software made by Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, Remix News reported.

“We’re getting ready to overturn election results in multiple states. President Trump won by not just hundreds of thousands of votes, but by millions of votes that were shifted by this software that was designed expressly for that purpose,” Powell told Maria Bartiroma, the host of Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures.

Powell has called for CIA Director Gina Haspel to be fired for willfully ignoring warnings about the Dominion voter software.

To paraphrase quote by Mark Twain: “The rumors of Donald Trump’s death have been greatly exaggerated,” writes professor of American studies Grzegorz Górski, who is also a lawyer and rector of Jagiellonian College in Toruń

Catholic archbishop warns Trump that ‘forces of evil’ working against him to execute a ‘Great Reset’

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò wrote an open letter to Trump before the election warning that he was the 'final garrison against the world dictatorship'

Trump has "saved conservative America and joined the ranks of the greatest American presidents," says Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán

FBI is part of deep state, its quite obvious at this point. They had Hunter Biden laptop evidence for over a year and made it disappear, and if Rudy Gulliani , the Trump lawyer didn't have a copy , we might not know about it. Also no voter fraud investigation until now, where they are offering "help", more like looking to remove any evidence they can find. They had reports of problematic voting software and other activities for a while and nothing was done. They are part of the problem.


Staggering interview. I would go out on a limb and say Trump should call a state of emergency and call in the military to hold the peace until this is resolved.

Rick-A Level 8 Dec 1, 2020

sounds right, until resolved.

To me, Trump did not do enough. He found out US and China were working together on DEADLY HUMAN pathogens, long ago.
He did STOP the funding. But he went no further then.
He would have discovered N. Carolina/China were collaborating (along with some others) under Fauci/OBAMA...from 2009!!!, to produced a deadly pathogen AGAINST humans.
Was this too concealed? Why wasn't the whistle blown then on Obama?
Too many other difficulties thrown at Trump?
Is that why? To keep the lid on this.
Find on Google, it was on youtube today, yesterday.
But here we are, now, a mess of epic proportion.
Sidney is right, corrupt, on the take, small ways, big ways.
But some honest people too.

Sounds all well and good calling in Military but - we all know by now that Trump is completely surrounded by enemies within the Gov't itself - literally all branches, all agencies, military included are heavily populated with enemies of Trump. First thing that would happen if Trump tried to call up Military support would be a revelation of the likely fact that the Military Joint Chiefs and Command Staff would finally demonstrate their contempt for Trump and refuse his orders. Barring that there would be a judicial injunction immediately filed barring Trump from making ANY such decisions or orders "pending a hearing in the corrupted Courts". IMHO

The Insurrection Act you mean?

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion.

The act provides a "statutory exception" to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits the use of military personnel under federal command for law enforcement purposes within the United States

My understanding is that for now Trump is trying legal route , gathering evidence and probably going to Supreme Court. Also he has a new loyal Secretary of Defense who has special forces under his command, independent from deep state agencies. That is my understanding. So he will probably us that, as reported they used "Kraken" the special forces to retrieve servers from server farm in Germany, where it seems CIA kept servers for the software to flip votes around the world.

‘THE KRAKEN’ is a reference to the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, based out of U.S. Army Fort Huachuca, Arizona, U.S. Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret.) revealed today.

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn (U.S. Army, Ret.), in his first interview since President Trump pardoned General Flynn for crimes he did not commit, said today on WVW-TV with Brannon Howse that “this is still a coup in progress.”

Story here: []

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