7 12

LYING is like playing laser pointer with a kitten.

With very little effort, you can move the red dot anywhere in a flash while, with a lot of effort, the kitten chases after it in futility.

Good people assume that other people in a debate are entering into the discussion "in good faith" (legal term). Liars are not. They understand that the path to power is to exploit your generous assumption about them.

While you are running around defending yourself from their random accusations, and running around trying to bring a cogent argument to their feet, they are laughing at how much of a sucker you are for consuming all the allotted conversational space and time that was needed for you to advance your cause.

You spent all the energy and got nothing. They spent almost no energy and stole the frame.

All lefties understand this because they have been entrained by the media - the media and positions of power are occupied by students of the Frankfurt School and the likes of Saul Alinski who wrote the book "Rules for Radicals". He was Hillary Clinton's mentor.
This is what we saw at the congregational hearing on "voter irregularities" (oh my, how polite is that title). But this is what we have seen all along with these types of people - especially in the last 4 years with "muh Russia" (as Styx puts it). They still pulled out the "muh Russia" card at the thing.

The scary thing is not that people believe the darting lazer pointer lies, the scary thing is that it's an in-joke even amongst regular people who see what's going on, but instead of calling it out, they see the benefits of playing the game and then just do so. They may not do it consciously, but they do it automatically.

It's not corrupt politicians or malignant media that is the problem, it is the pandemic of dishonesty that is the problem.

quoted verbatum from a friend of mine on FB - Terrence Kearns

toronto_Georgia 8 Dec 17
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You're on FB??? 😛

Of course. But it sucks these days.


That was pretty good. The problem with the left is they think they themselves are holding the laser. It is not them but the elitists holding the laser. They are the kitten chasing the red dot - the mob. The red dot is the individual and that is the target. The left does not think in terms of the individual it thinks in terms of the collective. The wall is important not the brick. Humanity is important not the individual. BLM is important not individual Blacks. BLM does not concern itself with Black on Black murder rates in Chicago or Black policemen that are killed by "peaceful protesters". Feminists are important to feminists not individual women.

The importance of the US constitution is it protects the individual not groups or organizations like government. The basic unit of any society; the individual, is held sacrosanct. Socialism is about the collective and has been rejected but has weaseled its way into society tearing down the founding principles of the magna carta and the US Constitution. It is never the individual they help. It is the poor with welfare and healthcare insurance. It is the racial and cultural minorities they protect. All of those groups would be afforded protections if the rights of individuals were protected. It is the rights of individuals that will make a productive society that can produce abundance, enough to care for the poor and needy. Only when wealth and abundance is stolen can they not provide and when taxes are burdensome enough abundance cannot be created and the society becomes cruel and tyrannical.

The individual can have whatever biases and prejudices he wants but he must respect the rights of other individuals. It is the individual thatis the weakest and most vulnerable in society. The socialist believes it is the poor, racial and cultural minorities, women, the old, the very young, the sick, whatever group you care to identify and label. but they would all be safe if the right of the individual were protected and that were the primary mandate of the State.

Shorter version: Many are called. Few are chosen. Fewer still get to do the choosing.


Nothing new. Long before "Rules for Radicals" politics has been using the tactic of misdirection. As one wag put it when asked how to succeed in politics: "Call the other guy a pig fucker and let him do the denying." Doesn't matter it it is true or not for the effect will be the same.
One problem for both lefties and righties is how they are going to their brand to the not yet converted. The converted are, well... already converted and kinda "truth proof", or "lie proof" (depending on your point of view.)
Another problem is how is one to tell who is telling them the truth? For me it is usually obvious which side is lying. The liars are almost always the ones that also want to limit your ability to figure out what is true and what is bullshit. The liars are the ones that want to defund public education.

Void Level 5 Dec 17, 2020

That's a fine theme. What are the signs of a liar?

Whoever is censoring is likely the liar.

Failure to conduct a no-holds-barred press conference.

Eats low-hanging fruit.

Oversimplifies and eschews complexity.

Failure to face worthy competition.

Ignorance of the opposition's technical argument.


There’s a lot of wisdom in the idea that they understand that the path to power is to exploit your generous assumption about them.

GeeMac Level 8 Dec 17, 2020

Putting upstanding conservatives at an extreme disadvantage because one would never believe people operate that way.

@torontogal4388 Postmodernists see language as a manipulative game, and have no interest in engaging in what we view as debate. They love to make personal attacks, or name call or simply obfuscate, but meaningful conversation is a non-starter. That frees them from the burden of dealing in facts; and indeed they also reject the very existence of truth itself.

You see the pattern here repeatedly. It is t about discussion, it’s all about power.


When you try to analyze typical arguments from the left, I think they fall into several distinct categories:

Stupidity—Socialism would work fine if it was properly implemented.

Misguided intentions— Don’t you think we have an obligation to do something about inequality?

Resentment—There’s plenty of money in this country; it’s just in the wrong hands.

Low-information bubble—I’ve never heard that from Rachel Maddow.

Power—you shouldn’t be allowed / should be forced to do that.

What unites all these underlying motivators is the notable absence of logic. Objective truth, and it’s foundation, facts, plays no role in their conclusions. This can certainly look like a gaggle of lies, but, except for the the lust for power, it’s possible the rest don’t think they are lying about why they think what they think.

That’s what happens when feelings supersede facts in ones world view. You end up believing whatever makes you feel better about yourself, and at the same time makes you feel morally and ethically superior to those who oppose you.

Well done. What I posted was actually a quote from a friend (my bad, I didn't credit his name... Terence Kearns ... lives in NSW, AU). I have never read Saul Alinski "Rules for Radicals". I'm pretty sure though that when Kamala was challenged by a reporter on her vicious debate with Biden, her comment "that was just debate" was most likely referring to those techniques. Have you read Alinski?

You don’t need to read him. It’s the official playbook of the left. Just watch them in action.

He can be summed up in three concise statements:

A. Never debate issues.
B. Ridicule opposing ideas.
C. Insult and smear those who hold them

There is other stuff: he was a street organizer, after all, like Obama, but those three statements probably capture the mindset of the left. I’m sure you’ll recognize the tactics from members of our own mini-squad here on this site.

@Edgework Same tactics used by my husband's extended family on FB. You can't pick your relatives can you? I'm just thankful they are not my flesh and blood.

with your approval I am going to copy this and share it w/some good folks on FB.

@iThink Permission granted.

@Edgework Alinsky also said "Hold them to the highest of their own Christian standards, but then go all Machiavelian yourself". Which is why Nixon was impeached but Biden can run wild. Why Trump supporters cannot riot and loot but Antifa can knife Trump supporters.


And then we learn that when tucker Carlson is banging his fist on the table and breathlessly ranting on how Comey lied and Hillary smashed her hard-drive (the red dot that we chase in vain lie that kitten), it is on the very day that Newsmax is informing us of where to attend a rally to stop the election theft.
Fox news is in on the left's globalism. On the very moment when Fox is needed to lead the patriots, they are announcing Biden won Arizona with only twelve percent of votes counted. And Tucker is then outraged over something about Islam that day.


Today's Leftist are flat out psychopaths. You do not debate them. You ECT them

my bad, what is ECT them?

@torontogal4388 most common definition is 'electroconvulsive therapy'

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