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If you want to talk about being open minded and well informed, how much content do you actually seek out opinions that differ from you. do you dismiss the source before even hearing it. or do you just take the easy way and listen to the same opinion that is pumped out to you and accept it as gospel. regardless of whether you believe it or not i think it is telling that to even get a conservative view point at this point you actually have to seek it out and in some cases pay for it. i have plenty of friends who would share DW articles and i got so annoyed that in order to read them i had to pay. i could t just read it like i could any mainstream news opinion. the fact these conservative news sources arent dead despite needing people to pay for content means people are actually paying to hear what they have to say. i don't know what that says to you but that tells me that people are so fed up with the norm and what everyone else is saying they are willing to pay for something other than that. if main stream news is so trustworthy and honest why would people pay for something theybcan get for free from these outlets and every progressive friend who doninates the conversation on social media?

Joehlert11 7 Jan 26
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I'm a registered Independent with overall libertarian views, so I readily acknowledge that both political sides offer valid points, and try to stay open-minded across the board and be willing to hear out both sides. As for the paying part, have not come across much of anything like that myself, but perhaps I'm just not on the "right" social media platforms?


Seems to me if you have to pay for it, it says at least something about the motivation of the provider. At this point I’m probably not interested enough to pay, but I’ll hang out here out of curiosity. I’d genuinely like to understand. It’s a great mystery to me how humans can be so divided. I’m guessing it can be traced back to biology somehow.

I mean there is thst too. i do think it says something about the provider as well in regards to making a profit but all news agencies are trying to make a profit but msm has greater support both intellectually and monetarily that allows it to be “free” to the consumer. now one could take this mean “ it must be truthful” but i think there is a danger in just taking that as “proof” of it being factual. and even if that were so alternative news should die off as there is no reason for them to be successful enough to survive since if the “free” source is enough why pay for something else?


Good points.


I get your point, but MSM, is now the “technocratic party” in charge of everything because of huge sponsors like Xi-ckerberg, O’Bezos and Darcy dingbat. The media is the New Party that installed Biden. What’s an election, it’s just a tsunami of lies created by The Big Four/Five liars.
The MSM is the party. They chose Biden.
The narrative they put out isn’t even believed by their own trolls.
Until such time as we break the “technocratic party” (deep state) we will be feed leftist garbage and be forced to buy the real news and opinions.
Buy My Pillows and help the cause.
We have to get huge sponsors on side or we’re going to live in the $1 Epoch Times deal.
Welcome to the new axis of evil!

Rick-A Level 8 Jan 26, 2021

sad to say but your right on all accounts! it sounds like they threaten trump with a nuke to the American people so he back away.....

@1patriot He/she who has the mike controls the message.
We have lost out ability to unite in the face of opposition. We fear the sound of our own voices in a sea of BS.

@Rick-A yes all the same sounds of war #2 isn't it the media controls the message


Our enemies pay those who spew bullshit. I listen to the liberal side often, i am a conservative, it all sounds disingenuous to me, but I will suffer through it.

Haven’t you ever at least been curious as to what “the other side of the World War II story” was?

Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.

We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes. After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy. The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old-and-new world order. The Traditional and the “Progressive”.

Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and “acceptable” view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song.

For very good reasons, most people don’t trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times.

This documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II. It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, World War I & II – all the way to the modern world. It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath.

Do be forewarned though, your worldview might never be the same. As always, the Truth Fears No Investigation.

copy and paste into duckduckgo

Interesting that we were taught this in high school and was very surprised when I later traveled the world how this was not taught anywhere else.
It made me wonder...

@Hanno i am just learning about it now i had hear rumbling before but we always put off as sore losers..... i spoke with a neighbour of mine he 25 years older than me he told me he was 10 year old living on the family farm in holland and the germans would come to their house in the morning and his father let them in and they would go into the attic and play cards all day. i told him the way i see it, is i am not sure who our enemies are we hear Putin is bad....but what if he's the good you know, just like like me he couldn't answer one way or the other....

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