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This happened in my town yesterday. A local news source reported it. Some 150 comments were posted and nearly all of them (yes, I read all of them - call me sad!😅) thought it was nothing but graffiti/vandalism and totally unacceptable. The graffiti has been painted over immediately. Yay! 😎👍

Naomi 8 Mar 15
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This is anti-muslim graffiti

Miner Level 7 Mar 15, 2021

Must be a college town.

Yes, we have a big university, but apart from occasional graffiti like this one, we hardly witness any woke/progressive activities. Maybe because it is a science university? I don't know. We had a good laugh back in summer when only three people (probably uni students) walked up and down the high street with a climate change banner. A few months ago, I saw a slogan "Recognise your white privilege" in the window of a student flat, and I saw a middle-aged English lady in her garden next to the flat. I said jokingly "You have a radical neighbour. Exciting." The lady smiled and said, "They shall be radical while they can. It's all part of growing up." I like my town. Lol!


A bit of background:
A young woman went missing in the London area a long time ago. The police have been working on the case and they charged a police officer with the kidnapping and murder of the woman a few days ago.
You know the latest trend (don't get me wrong; I'm NOT trivializing the woman's death). Instant mass grief, outrage, and protesters marching on streets, shouting "End violence against all women!"
Lots of women came forward telling their horrible experiences (talking about themselves now instead of talking about the poor young woman who was murdered); feminist activists and politicians suddenly seem to have found opportunities to push for their agenda; one police officer committed a crime and therefore, the entire police cannot be trusted; some rape allegations were dismissed by court due to lack of evidence, and therefore, the criminal justice system is sexist, etc., etc. I can't help but think that those people are exploiting that poor woman's death. If I were her family, I'm not sure if I would appreciate all the protest activities that are going on right now. It is very much like the Floyd case in America.

Naomi Level 8 Mar 15, 2021

And then this nutcase Greens MP called for a curfew on ALL men after 6PM

Baroness Jenny Jones from the Greens Party of England has proposed a curfew for all men from 6:00pm as a measure to minimise violence against women, says Sky News host Rowan Dean.

“At the next opportunity for any bill that’s appropriate I might actually put in an amendment to put in a curfew for men on the streets after 6:00pm which I feel would make women much safer,” she said.

However, a former police officer was slammed after offering alternate advice, urging women to be aware of their surroundings and prepare to run if the need arises.

Highlighting the two different views Mr Dean said, “warning women and young girls be careful out there … that’s bad that’s terrible but locking all men up innocent or guilty from 6:00pm no problems that’s the left”.

Sky News host James Morrow said the advice offered by the former police officer was “common sense” and “not misogyny”.

“The human condition is that sometimes there are people out there who have bad intentions and it’s not denying your own agency to take some precautions and to make yourself less of a target," he said.


@w0tn0t I know, I know. You've gotta laugh. Any decent parents tell their daughters (and sons) not to stay out in lonely places too late at night. That's called common sense, no? I get worried when I see young women in skimpy dresses, utterly drunk besides, on streets after dark. 😟

Yep, its common sense - avoid dangerous locations & be very wary of surroundings.

Wonder if this nutcase Greens MP realises men could identify as women .... which is supported by these lunatics

Joke aside, safety is paramount to ALL of us.

As an American, I handled this problem differently!!!
I married a Canadian girl, who knew nothing about firearms!!!
I on the other hand, I wore a badge and carried a gun for over 25 years, Law Enforcement!!!
I taught my girl to shoot, and when it would be the correct way to handle an issue!!!
Her weapon of choice is a Model 29 Smith and Wesson!!!
For those of you that don't know what that is, rent a "Dirty Harry" movie!!!
"Do you feel lucky, well do you punk??????"


Dirty Harry: I've seen 35s bounce off windshields. That's why I carry a 45.

The biggest handgun that exists is the Smith & Wesson 50 Magnum.

@jaymaron But, IMHO the 460 has better pentation!!!
That also goes for a 40 S&W over a 9MM/38 SPL/ even for the 45 ACP!!!
I have actually tested that theory!!!

Hello Grandpa. I come from a non-gun culture but I get your point. Incidentally, I tried 44 Magnum once. As I fired, it was so powerful that it pushed me backwards. Lol!

Thanks for the stories. Welcoming more gun stories. Yes, making the bullet lighter (therefore faster) and longer can improve the penetration power.

Democrats want to tame guns, with restrictions on magazines. The goal of a gunfight is to win, not virtue signal. In a gunfight people dive for cover. The SW50Mag makes cover irrelevant. Shatters masonry stones.
Goes through 12 inches of wood.

In a gunfight you want the luxury of being able to blow ammo. Have big clips, and lots of them. Have a 22 with a 30 bullet clip. []

@Forra888 @Serg97
Sir Samuel Baker, a big game hunter of the 19th century, describes the 2 bore rifle:

Among other weapons, I had an extraordinary rifle that carried a half-pound percussion shell—this instrument of torture to the hunter was not sufficiently heavy for the weight of the projectile; it only weighed twenty pounds: thus, with a charge of ten drachms [270 grains] of powder, behind a half-pound shell, the recoil was so terrific, that I spun around like a weathercock in a hurricane. I really dreaded my own rifle, although I had been accustomed to heavy charges of powder, and severe recoil for some years. None of my men could fire it, and it was looked upon with a species of awe, and it was named "Jenna-El-Mootfah" (Child of a Cannon) by the Arabs, which being far too long a name for practice, I christened it the "Baby;" and the scream of this "Baby" loaded with a half-pound shell was always fatal. It was far too severe, and I very seldom fired it, but it is a curious fact, that I never fired a shot with that rifle without bagging: the entire practice, during several years, was confined to about twenty shots. I was afraid to use it; but now and then it was absolutely necessary that it should be cleaned, after months of staying loaded. On such occasions my men had the gratification of firing it, and the explosion was always accompanied by two men falling on their backs (one having propped up the shooter), and the "Baby" flying some yards behind them. This rifle was made by Holland & Holland, of Bond Street, and I could highly recommend it for the Goliath of Gath, but not for the men of A.D. 1866

@Naomi My girl ,is a 5'3" blond, everyone that see her with her Model 29 tells she can not recover for a second shot!!! She always comes back with, "Never needed one"!!!
In the 30 years she has had that weapon, I have NEVER seen her miss her target!!!
"Do you feel lucky, Punk?????? (Again, Dirty Harry quote!!!)

@Serg97 Wonderful!

@jaymaron Sounds like something I would have tries 40 years ago, any more I break easier!!!


Iron Man: They say that the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the weapon you only have to fire once. That's how dad did it. That's how America does it.

Iron Man: Is it better to be feared or respected? Is it too much to ask for both?

From Sir Samuel Baker's description of the 2 bore rifle:

"I very seldom fired it, but it is a curious fact, that I never fired a shot with that rifle without bagging"

If an elephant is charging at you, you're only going to get one shot.

@jaymaron I'll stay with the "One you never have to fire", I was able to wear one every day for over 25 years and not fire it!!!
As far as the "fear and respect", I guess I was lucky and was able to use both, depending on circumstances and get away with it!!!!

@jaymaron is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me



@Serg97 @CuriousFury @Naomi @Forra888 @w0tn0t

We could call the 50 Magnum the Bunker Buster.

An option for a cannon is the Barrett M82 50 caliber rifle.

Gummaster: It would be the proudest moment of my career if I could make something for you Mr. Bond.

Gunmaster: Here you will find only craftsmanship and quality. Mass production, your Walther PPK for instance, I leave to others.

Bond: On a cost per bullet basis Scaramanga must be your best customer.

Gunmaster: That is true but he seems to only fire them occasionally.

Has anyone played the Arcade game "Crossbow"? You have to hit moving targets that are tiny, and you only have time for one shot. It's legit gun skill.

Yay small businesses! It would be nice if small businesses got orders instead of big businesses. It would be nice to glorify individual craftsmanship.

If you ordered a custom gun from the gunmaster, how would you design it?

@jaymaron i draw knives and shoot screws and read levels to stay in shape


why do they always spell "people" wrong


Including Joy Reid?

sqeptiq Level 10 Mar 15, 2021

Hello, and sorry, I don't know JR. Is she a new-wave feminist or something?


Obviously, the lighthouse was promoting violence towards women by looking phallic...
Because architecture is sexist 🙄...

Tom81 Level 8 Mar 15, 2021

@jaymaron 'image not found', but if its an obelisk it's obviously a symbol of the patriarchy. We need architectural equity! We need to design more buildings that look like vaginas (which we can call 'safe spaces'☺️).

If the left starts freaking about about phallic-shaped objects they'll go nuts. The world is full of phallic-shaped objects.

Gallery of the largest obelisks in the world: []

Multiple choice question. What was the purpose of the Washington Monument?

A) To glorify Washington
B) Stonemasons showing off
C) To erect the largest phallic symbol in the world
D) All of the above

American stonemasons were badass, and they were a key factor in Revolutionary War.
Washington and Franklin were stonemason heavyweights.

Texas kicks ass. The San Jacinto Monument is taller than the Washington Monument, and the star at the top is 220 tons. It's a lone star, but it's a bigass star.

At the top of the Washington Monument is a lightning rod, invented by Franklin.


@jaymaron everything erected by a man was to oppress women😂... especially lighthouses and obelisks

From 1311 to 1884, the tallest structure in the world was always a Christian church tower.
Badass! The Catholic church was the leader in architecture and technology.

Some of the church towers were destroyed by lightning. The Washington Monument survived because it has a lightning rod, invented by Franklin. How did Franklin invent the lightning rod? By making the epic discovery that lightning is an electric current. Badass!


At one end of the Capitol mall is an obvious phallic symbol, and at the other end is an obvious tit symbol. It's a fine example of gender balance.

@jaymaron but where are the vagina buildings?🤷 Women are being oppressed if they can't enter a building that looks like this:


The crybaby students of the University of Wisconsin destroyed the statue of Lincoln, and they weren't satisfied. They then destroyed a boulder. The boulder was obviously a testicle symbol.

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