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We've had a pretty quiet year with an absence of mass shootings.

DNC is currently working on gun laws in the legislature.

Is it coincidence that 2 mass shootings occurred in the space of one week? In all honesty the timing to me is highly suspect.

What are your thoughts on the possibility these shootings are not random.

toronto_Georgia 8 Mar 23
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Conspiracy theories are often a way to cope with the cognitive dissonance caused by fake news.

What we know about extreme violence is that it is statistically related to low IQ and high testosterone levels. Random mass shooters don't seem to follow that pattern. They are however almost exclusively male. That does not mean that mass murderers are exclusively male but female killers seem to prefer poising instead of overt violence. What mass murderers seem to have in common is some sort of alienation from the social structures they find themselves in. That can be caused by mental illness, political orientation, religious beliefs, childhood trauma, but most likely a combination of factors. A look at the least of recent mass murderers does not show the pattern we would expect if the media was reporting honestly. As a percent of the population white males are about proportionately represented with the somewhat notable exception of black males. With the exception of the Dallas police shootings.


Black males are disportionately represented however in murder statistics. "African Americans are highly overrepresented in murders and gun assaults" [] . That calls into question the theory that certain groups are more likely to commit mass murder due to ideological orientation that devalues certain lives. The worst cases of mass murder in recent decades have in fact happened in Africa because of tribal conflicts or ethnocentrism. Why would that pattern not transfer to Western mass murders making black Westerners as likely as other ethnicities to commit mass murder? It doesn't seem likely it can be accounted for by weak ethnic identity. It also doesn't seem linked to susceptibility to conspiracy theories or mental illness.

Mass murderers seem to be a special type of "spiteful mutant" the "beautiful ones" a kind of narcissism and nihilism associated with sexual dysfunction. They are often childless or estranged individuals. Their mental processes recursive and self grooming. As traditional social structures continue to break down it seems likely that there will be an increase in these events. In a way the cure is the cause.

wolfhnd Level 8 Mar 23, 2021

Alienation from the social structures was the case here. Mentally ill. Beyond that there is nothing to surmise. Of course MSM will assume a ton of issues that do not in fact apply simply because talking heads have to come up with something to justify their camera time.

Remember before I had specifically stated "persons on psychiatric drugs". Bingo. As to ISIS ties, who the F knows but of course they'll use that is they can. Any research on how he obtained the firearm(s)?


Dr. Suess? Pepe LePew? Foghorn Leghorn? Damn them all!

Actually, since Columbine, Colorado has been the turn to State for demonstrating the necessity for gun control. We'll find it is just another psycho that authorities allowed to go off his meds.


Quite frankly, it seems obvious. MK Ultra is REAL. False flag operations are REAL.

James Level 7 Mar 23, 2021

I find your insinuation that this was some sort of false-flag or government op to force through Democratic goals as pretty offensive.

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it. The coincidence is rather eerie to say the least and with well trained Alinski promoters this is not mere speculation. Alinski "The problem is created and the public is conned into begging for a solution that the communists already have in waiting."

This is a free speech site. This comment is neither racist, nor sexist. Just stating the obvious convenient connection and timing.

@toronto_Georgia still offensive, free speech or not.


"Meanwhile, Democratic lawmakers used the tragedy to call for the passage of gun control legislation."

@toronto_Georgia ok... and? You still imply that the DNC was responsible for the tragedies for political gain. Offensive.

@JacksonNought Yup, that's pretty much the risk of being on a highly politicalized site.


the more I think about the less I see conspiracy but instead the natural consequence of treating one of the largest demographics (avg middle age/class white dude) in America like they are worthless evil beings whose voice not only does not matter, but should be silenced by force if necessary. unfortunately when you take away their voice, or the ability to change their circumstance by force long enough humans will lash out in any way they can like a cornered rat just before its end... BLM riots are a recent example of this. I fear that media rhetoric, cancel culture and authoritarian policies will only bring more of this until we either get new leadership or we are all full commies.

our leaders instead of looking at the natural consequence of their policies will double down and try to ban guns, then knifes, then household materials, and of course free will or thought. its a bad road

RobD1 Level 7 Mar 23, 2021

The timing does seem odd, but only the shooters know. I think there are lunatics out there who crave the sensational attention high-profile crimes receive, especially in a slow, boring news cycle. Like now.


Something to gossip about? 😛

Naomi Level 8 Mar 23, 2021

Are you serious? Gossip? What a cavalier comment!

Second Amendment Rights are a key issue here, and for good reason. A disarmed populace is utterly incapable of not only defending itself from the current breakdown of society and policing, but also from a government increasingly moving to destroy the country.

@toronto_Georgia Oops, too much teasing. Sorry!

@Naomi I did not pick up on it being teasing. I have a robust sense of humor, its just being seriously challenged in the last few months knowing how incredibly devious and stupid this regime is. I miss a belly laugh and try to seek them out regularly just to maintain some level of sanity.

@toronto_Georgia My solution to that is digital detox. Have you ever done that? I don't have mental instability, but it's such a good feeling to stay off the Internet for a few days, even for a few hours.

@Naomi Actually I do that myself.

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