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Michael Knowles - Shocking Pantene commercial

toronto_Georgia 8 Mar 23
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When people who aren't like you are represented in a commercial or movie or video game, it's apparently "shocking" and "beyond disturbing" and "woke gone mad".

No siree. When a nihilistic agenda is pushed it is simply that and sane people don't particularly support that kind of corporate woke. Nothing to do with "not like me". The LGBTQ has enjoyed prominence in the culture for years and it is now actually rare not to see that community represented in everything from commercials, TV shows and movies. Ultimately this is about destruction of the traditional family unit as the core of a functioning society.


Ultimately this is about destruction of the traditional family unit as the core of a functioning society.

I know, totally, let's make sure trans people and same-sex couples are kept off our airwaves! Hey maybe we can implement laws like in Russia where it's illegal for them to hold hands in public? Or maybe implement laws like in Uganda where it's punishable by death? Maybe we can give them separate water fountains and they can go to separate schools and we can prevent them from eating at lunch counters?

@JacksonNought Why are your responses always in the extreme? Its rather like telling a child to brush their teeth and the child responding "FINE!. I'm leaving home and you'll never see me again."

@toronto_Georgia I am just responding in kind to you. Some random commercial decides it wants to show love for the LBGTQ community, and Conservatives like you are flipping their lids and calling it some radical agenda aimed at brainwashing and hellbent on ending civilization. You do realize your words sound exactly like the bigots who complained when black people started getting more freedoms and representation?

@JacksonNought I just connect dots and look at the sum. Nothing operates in a vacuum.

No, it's the fact that a minor is involved that I find disturbing.


This is beyond disturbing...


Why is OUR "Media" pushing something so unnatural and anti religious (several religions) so hard???????

Serg97 Level 8 Mar 23, 2021

Why should a commercial push something religious?

@JacksonNought why should a company push anything other than it's product? It's not like they can even claim that lesbian parents with transgender children is the key demographic that buys their product, or a market they're trying to corner. This is woke propaganda, not a commercial advertising shampoo.


Just a note here, after reading a lot of articles on this whole transgender issue and process, it became evident that the process sterilizes the individual. The huge push now is nothing more than Eugenics.

I have nothing against transgenders, your choice, that's fine. PUSHING children to do so is genocide.

One other note: All these ads and other transgender promoting seems to be white only individuals. Why is that I wonder.

If they suggest a non-white change who they are, it may be construed as racist.
It is only when you use whites as an example that there is no risk of being accused of racism.

I am not totally against eugenics as long as it sterilises the terminally stupid at their own free will.
(OK, that was a bit tongue in cheek).

@Hanno well the transphobes are already freaking out from this commercial. If they were non-white you'd have the racists too. Baby steps.

@Hanno The last portion of your comment was pretty funny. Just remove all the warning labels and let nature take its course LOL

@Hanno, @JacksonNought This is not about transphobia so much as it is "woke" corporatists pushing a progressive agenda as an ideal. Sell your product and leave the woke agenda out of it. Screw the baby steps on a self-destructive agenda, this is pure nihilism.

So you are saying only non-whites can be racist?

@Hanno I get the humor you are trying to pass off, but all people can be racist. And trans people can also be transphobes - just look at Blaire White.

Well, some comments you can only respond to with humour.

However I am very happy that you agree that everyone can be racist or be a transphobe.

I am neither, I am just honest and believe in fairness for all. Now what fairness entails is a complete subject all on itself.

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