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Separating Science from Religion and Mythology


BlackoutNJ 7 Apr 8
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at the present science is becoming a consensus of opinion, making it little more than a religion.


I will never understand why people (most people? maybe) think that creationism and evolution are mutually exclusive.
"The Universe" (upper case U is intentional) is, or should be defined as literally everything available to the sentient mind and our senses - Including fossilized bones of prehistoric animals and primitive man.
All of that came from a source we can never Know. So too does gravity and the observed and tested laws of physics.
We know that zero plus zero is well, void. Zero. We only know that we exist but we can never really Know what animated the Universe. That which cannot be known - that which is unavailable to the senses yet logically must be is what God and religiosity are made of.

To me faith is logic and logic is faith. The Source - God if you will - created all and animated life. Being mortally transient all life does as it must adapt and rearrange itself over time. This is as good a definition of evolution as I can think of.

To acknowledge the reality of fossilized skeletal remains of carbon dated flora and fauna is NOT a rebuke of "faith". Faith, as the apostle Paul said is "The belief in things unseen and the hope for things to come". One remarkable thing about that biblical reference is that it in no way addresses or suggests that "things unseen" is exclusive of things that came before men learned to read and write out - to put down on papyrus, parchment and paper ideas that can never be "proven" - ie. religiosity.
This does not mean that Science - empirical evidence of prehistoric creatures - or that God - a name for the unknowable source of all things - cannot nor do not exist side by side.

iThink Level 9 Apr 8, 2021

"the depth of knowledge and wisdom we are abandoning as we walk away from these texts"

Sadly, the vast majority of preachers teach the pablum and not the meat. Ancient texts and stories were designed to transcend time and are just as applicable in this cyberage. Thomas St. Thomas is absolutely correct in stating "Humanity’s stage has changed, but humanity has not."


Religion and mythology have no right to be mentioned in the same breath as science.

angelo Level 8 Apr 8, 2021

Science changes and evolves to prove earlier science to be false. Ancient texts distill the nature of man which does not change.

@toronto_Georgia but ancient texts have specific rules and stories which do not change or evolve with societal change, and does not change based on new discoveries and information. Based on ancient texts, you shouldn't eat shellfish or wear mixed fabrics. Women should not speak up or tell a man what to do. Liars should be stoned. Women should be forced to marry their rapist. Slavery, incest, and pedophilia are all okay. These are absolutely not applicable in the modern age.

Actually, most “religion” IS mythology. Most religions are based on achieving some elevated status in an afterlife based on good works here, but no one agrees in any of the “religions” what is enough good work to qualify. And there is no other actual path to elevated status, save one.

Christianity has a person who has crossed the dimensional divide, and has promised to bring any there who have faith in Him. That makes every other religion something more like a philosophy of living on Earth, with little connection to a greater reality.

And “science” has some interesting theories on our Universe. It seems we may be a kind of “spinoff” or section of a greater reality that is eerily consistent with the description of “Creation” and Heaven in the Bible. The physicist Werner Heisenberg famously said “The Universe is not only stranger than we think. It is stranger than we CAN think.” I wouldn’t be so sure that science is incompatible with Christianity. Some physicists like Micheo Kaku think science proves there is a God.

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality." - Carl Sagan. The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.

@JacksonNought Cherry picking and relying on the literal is massively reflective of a lack of vision and dare I say "the eyes to see". Not for everyone and clearly defined as such.

@JacksonNought, @TimTuolomne absolutely, Tim. It is "scientism" currently trying to kill all faith outside of science that is non-compatible.

@toronto_Georgia "Ancient texts and stories were designed to transcend time and are just as applicable in this cyberage."

I am showing that no, not all of it was or is. Sure, some parables are fine, when specifically taken as parables or insight into the culture of the time. But calling parts of these ancient texts still applicable is also cherry picking - just the parts that look good. I am just providing the counter point, that there is plenty which is no longer applicable, and can be seen as mistakes.

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