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Hematologist weighs in on the danger of developing a blood clot after COVID vaccination.

WayneHawthorne 8 Apr 25
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If the government, with MSM complicity, were transparent regarding their objectives, then we wouldn't need to invent things to try and figure out what is happening. Governments and the media are simply untrustworthy. Certainly, a person who delivers the services of allopathic medicine believes he is delivering a benefit to the public and would want everyone to receive the benefit. Thus they do not make good policy advisers as they consider in the delivery of their service that every person is the same as every other person. It matters little what the demographics of a disease are in politics if law is to be applied equally. It is good that the disease should be wiped out. So everyone, stay home, wear a mask and social distance is the political advice, along with stop all unnecessary activity, even if it is your livelihood.


CTV News is the 'source'...WTF???

Yeah, I do the Video links for people who cannot read.


Canadian hematologist... Paid by the Canadian government, tells us the Canadian government is right.. Hm. Funny.

One in 50,000 chance of blood clots is hardly reassuring. It has got to be improved because it is unlikely that we are talking about a one off event. As new and dangerous viruses may be our future multiple vaccines may be necessary. It you get two vaccines every year for twenty years they have to be incredibly safe and painless or you run the risk of people refusing them.

@wolfhnd 1 in 50 000. Earth population 8 billion. That's a lot of people in the end, then repeat twice a year for the rest of your life and population isn't 8 billion anymore.

Furthermore: I'll believe the vaccine is safe when a scientist is allowed to say it isn't safe without losing his or her job.

@wolfhnd One in 50,000 is less than 1 in 200 COVID victims who develop clots. Simple math.

I wish these so-called "Conservatives" on here would stop pushing the mainstream narrative on covid and vaccines. Using mainstream media that Trudeau has PAID OFF as a reference source for truth is doing everyone a disservice!

I wish these "Conservatives" would please stop this propaganda!


Nothing is simple when dealing with people.

BTW I got the vaccine


Same kind of thinking that cost Trump the election. Purity spirals are deadly.

One in 50,000 is less than 1 in 200 COVID victims who develop clots. Simple math

well that's just a dumb response - this is the kind of argumentation teenagers like to use . Illogical and completely detached from the reality of the matters in the discussion.

Here - let's put it this way: Blood clotting is not a symptom in folks suffering with COVID19. period. However, Blood clotting IS a very real complication or side effect of the "vaccine". So thats 100 percent of folks with COVID DO NOT suffer with clotting as a symptom while clotting is most definitely a real side effect of the vaccine. Simple math.

@wolfhnd vaccinated but still required to social distance and wear masks. I wonder why.

Not an anti-masker (I wear them in crowds) nor an extreme anti vaxxer (you want it, go have it, just none for me - for now. will wait until next year while keeping an eye on you, if you're growing a second head or something 😂 ).

@eschatologyguy So, how can you tell if a person his been vaccinated? Will everybody who wants to remove their masks be honest in telling you if they are vaccinated? And, vaccine is only 90% effective. So, I am with you. I'm keeping my mask on inside public buildings and business establishments. We ain't out of the woods yet.

@eschatologyguy, @BubbaLouie Real Conservatives will tell you that Trudeau is an unrepentant liar. Research for yourself, don't listen to politicians.


It is actually very complicated for me.

I need to be available as a care giver for my wife which means I can not be sick at same time she is. I decided to get the vaccine for the same reasons other care givers may have in that in that situation you are expected to take some risks. If I had been single I probablly would not have been as interested in getting the vaccine.

There is a political issue in that the vaccines, especially the rapid development was under a Trump administration. As it stands now the Democrats have a slight advantage in numbers demographically. Two prime targets for Republicans are suburban women and professionals which did not like Trump but are pro vaccine and masks. The 2022 elections are critical and if conservatives had followed Trumps lead on vaccine and masks getting those suburban women and professional to vote Republican would have been easier. Getting the vaccine is a political statement of sorts. Letting the Democrats own masks and vaccines was a political mistake from the beginning. I see no issue of principle at stake in a voluntary medical decision. The masks and vaccines while rapidly opening the economy is something conservatives should have owned.

Another issue is that while Covid is a mild pandemic, worse is on the way. It's just a function of the number of people that now inhabit the planet. Exposure to isolated animal populations by people that at one time lived in isolation. The way animal husbandry works in many countries. Rapid transportation and that transportation being available to a large percentage of the population. It is a question of when not if a worse pandemic than Covid takes place. As far as I can see the new mRNA vaccines are the only known means to manufacture large quantities of vaccines without extensive testing. Making people vaccine shy is perhaps a very bad idea.

One thing that Covid has proven is that social isolation doesn't stop viruses. It may work for some diseases but not the ones we are likely to be faced with. Not only that but we live in a world where people have virtual no reserve resources. There is a long production, processing and transportation chain between food and other necessities and most people. The social chaos that a serious pandemic could cause would be without historical precedent.

Vaccines should be thought of as part of the civil defense planning. The West is literal engaged in an economic war with China. In all wars there are friendly fire casualties. If people are going to ask the military to take risks they should be willing to take some risks themselves.

The question of the vaccines being safe is secondary to the above for me. I do not trust the government, never have and never will. The problem is that even a bad general is better than no general in a time of war. It took years during WWII to weed out the bad ones. A lot of people died unnecessarily but that is just the way these things are. We need to get the idiot Democrats who think that they can work with China out of office as quickly as possible. That is not going to happen without moderate voters changing their minds. Very little of importance happens without taking risks.

@wolfhnd a man taking care of his sick wife shows nothing but love. My hat's off to you, sir!

@wolfhnd Impressive response, thanks. I never before thought of your statement Letting the Democrats own masks and vaccines was a political mistake from the beginning. If that is truly the case, it is no wonder we Conservatives are kicking back against the shot. But, it is kinda shooting yourself in the foot just to prove how much the Dems are despised. And I echo the thought that you are lovingly providing your wife with assistance. Yes, hats-off to you. I have been there, it can be a very long row to hoe.

Well, Trudope would like to take us down the Commie path like Norway has gone. But here in Canada, people still tell the TURD to stuff it because we are free to express our opinions. Even the opinions of idiots are entertained. Otherwise NOBODY would listen to Trudeau.

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