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Biden lost a war to a non-nuclear power. Shameful. That's like the Notre Dame football team loosing to a Division 3 team.

If Notre Dame turns in a losing season, you fire the coach.

Biden possessed superior conventional weapons than the enemy, and he handed the weapons over to the enemy.

Biden possesses a superior intelligence agency than the enemy, and Biden gave the enemy intelligence on Americans in Afghanistan.

Democrats endorse terrorism. They are state sponsors of terrorism.

Biden is bringing lots of Afghans to America. Biden is the world's leading importer of terrorists.

Republicans oppose terrorism. Biden considers Republicans to be terrorists.

Biden focused his soldiers on DC to fight Republicans, rather than using them to defend the border from terrorists.

Biden is a terrorist. Biden has caused more terror and chaos than any terrorist.

Not only should Republican states secede, they should have nukes. It's the only way to stop Democrats from invading Republican states.

Democrats can't tame Afghanistan, yet they think they can tame rural America by force. Ha ha.

jaymaron 8 Aug 27
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In 451 AD, Atilla the Hun terrorized Europe. The Hun army did not produce their own food. Their source of food was to attack a European village and take the food. They also set fire to the village and killed everyone. They had to move often because their army would consume all the local food within a week.

The gameplan of the Huns is unsustainable. It only works if they kill people and steal food.

This was the same gameplan as many Native Indians. There were Indian tribes that didn't produce their own food, but rather attacked White settlements and stole their food. Not only would they kill Whites, they would torture them first.

Not all Indians were warlike. Many were peaceful and assimilated with America. You don't hear about these Indians.

In the Oklahoma Land Rush, both Whites and Indians got 160 acres each. That's how the Indian wars ended. Everyone turned to farming.

All of Europe should have unified to destroy the Huns. Europe should have played the Russian strategy and hid the food. This is the Fabian strategy. Avoid direct battle and instead out-farm your foe.

Biden gave terrorists 1 billion dollars of military equipment.

People that produce their own food (farmers) tend to have common sense and tend to be peaceful. America's future rests with farmers and other blue collar workers.


In the American Revolutionary War, the Green Mountain Boys were rural citizens of New Hampshire, and they could melt into the mountains and disappear.

General Marrion, the Swamp Fox, could disappear into the swamp. The British couldn't find him.

The Green Mountain Boys could not only disappear, they could appear. By surprise. The Green Mountain Boys captured British Fort Ticonderoga and seized all of its military equipment, without firing a shot. They sneaked up on the British.

Once upon a time at Lexington, Americans had guns and the British came to take them. The Americans said no and the British opened fire, and the shot was heard around the world.

If Democrats try to seize Republican guns by force, it's a given that Democrats will overdo it and commit an atrocity worse than Waco. For example, Byrd executed an unarmed Republican. This will cause outrage. This will awaken the sleeping bears, just like school board meetings did.

The Green Mountain Boys were so fiercely independent that they refused to be commanded by the Continental Army. They fought independently under their own commander.


The hypothesis that Obama is a terrorist plant fits the data.

A hypothesis that fits data is always worthy of consideration.

Biden's pro-terrorist actions give new life to this hypothesis.

On a backstep away from the hypothesis....Obama had Biden as VP because he was so terrible & inept no one would have Obama commit the same holds for Biden & Kamel knees until the need to push the agenda becomes even more lucrative but not enough to stir up the natives so to speak...

That in itself girds the hypothesis like an insurance policy


How would you rank the Vice Presidents? My rankings:

Thomas Jefferson
Theodore Roosevelt
Richard Nixon
George H.W. Bush
John Adams
Martin Van Buren
Calvin Coolidge
Al Gore
Dan Quayle
Hubert Humphrey
Walter Mondale
Spiro Agnew
Aaron Burr
Dick Cheney
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris

Among the bad Vice Presidents, Biden is the only one that became President.


They think they can tame rural America by force. Well said.

Kamel A. Harass thinks the country bumpkins have no ability to photocopy anything. Prime example of ignorance is strength lol

Imperial Japan would not consider invading America directly during WW2.

China follows the Art of War by Sun Tzu, they will initiate demoralizing strategy and campaigns relentlessly until capitulation, endeavouring to cultivate political allies whom they will summarily execute upon completion of capturing the country whole and intact. The highest achievement.


Replace Biden and Democrats with USians, enemies with proxies, and drop the bullshit about Republicans and you're on to something.

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