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Well if they get this done the U. S. is really gonna owe China!!!!


KCSantiago 8 July 30
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The Soviet Union shot down a passenger plane carrying a US congressman, so its not unprecedented.



Never happen. Pelosi is a godsend to China. She is so busy destroying the country.

China will eventually confront the US. Actually, I think it will be earlier if Republicans do well in the midterms and control congress. The socio/economic destruction of America will abate somewhat. China will not wait until America recovers any of its sovereignty. You can bet the confrontation will be at the UN first with the full backing of the WEF and internal meddling from the far-left Democrats. China will win concessions at the UN. But somehow the US must not regain or retain supremacy over other nations. Equality among nations must be established which means bleed all the developed nations of wealth and distribute it to the third world. Instead of being charitable to feel morally superior, we will be forced to redistribute the wealth and only the political elite will feel morally superior. At least until the developed nations are bled dry. Then there will be war, famine and pestilence. Unless...I don't know... there is some other plan to depopulate the planet without a destructive war.

The seeds of this global governance have been around for over a century and there is a big push right now - before our numbers use up all the non-renewable resources and pollute the planet and atmosphere with waste - to reduce the population to a "sustainable" number - somewhere between a half a million and a billion.


You nailed it KC!

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