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I tend to vote for as much disruption as possible. Having grown up learning how to use the card catalog; watching it become obsolete in the information age; and witnessing how the circle jerk between "the expert class," the bureaucracy, and the media, actually fabricate the public opinion required to create and implement policy; I just vote to break the framework by any means necessary.

govols Level 8 Feb 6, 2020

Interesting, but she's applying data masques to vote totals and extrapolating conclusions. I don't know how valid they are.

This is at the core of her analysis: []

She will have a more in depth analysis of the voter file out this month.

Article posted here: []


This is what happens, when you discount George Washington's warning about a 2 Party Albatross.

Hyperpartisanism of a magnitude that can never see a nation United again politically... Which has been the goal of Communists and their retarded cousins Socialists since before Little Niki Khrushchev.

(Photo added to come off all deep like Teh author)

Thanks for a humourous & on the money comment.
If the Iowa primary was a sign of inept apps applied to a voting block that had Bernie ahead . Ending in Butt edge edge the winner . It's a testimonial to the fact that nothing works under socialism.
When I see a gay Bernie supporter wearing a Che Guevara tee shirt . The blissful Ignorance of history only proves echo chambers remain resilient.


Just two-step and mambo


She may be right about the composition of the swing vote but as she says, “she just selling her own version of shit” and it’s ignoring all the “current issues”.

“Had she avoided trying to push her “covert ideological” agenda she might have had some credibility.”

Trying to use this as justification for a left swing vote is just non-secateur and illogical. This is simply more leftists PhD diatribe designed to influence left wing media who have no credibly left.

“She sees anyone in the top tier, or even the second tier of candidates, as strong enough to win back most of the Trump states in the industrial Midwest, stealing a march in the South in places like North Carolina and Florida, and even competing in traditional red states like Georgia, Texas and Arizona. The Democrats are likely to pick up seats again in the House, she says, pegging the total at nine pickups in Texas alone, and have a decent chance of taking back the Senate.“

Rick-A Level 8 Feb 6, 2020

I agree. It's easy to apply any data to your version of the world. In the end, even a broken clock is right 2 times each day. I agree with some of her assertions, but think her analysis is flawed. I'm not concerned with one more left-wing analyst lying to those who want to hear what she's selling.

When it comes down to it, we can believe it has nothing to do with weather those in the position represent their constituency and just go along with the flow. This idea leads to a hands off, go-with-the-flow, whiny attitude. Or, we can seek to make a difference and demand those who represent us do the same. We may not succeed, but I prefer hope and effort over the liberal's suggestion of defeatism.

@Daveclark5 Exactly, this is just self justification and gaslighting. Liberals do it best - to themselves none other. They think vertically and just accept the system of hierarchy they teach each other.

@Daveclark5 The article probably could have done a better job at explaining her ideas. She's not arguing that elections have nothing to do with whether elected officials represent their constituency. She's arguing that they should worry less about representing mythical moderate swing voters and more about representing their partisan coalition. After all, the average voter is more to the left economically and to the right socially than the mythical moderate who is the reverse. Appealing to the 6% swing voters alienates the 40% who are in the Democratic coalition, 17% of whom look demographically just like the most likely Democratic voters but are more disaffected and need more motivation to turn out.


She makes some good points, but fails to take into consideration some of the most important issues. First, I believe the republicans lost seats in the congress because they failed to prove their worth. They kept saying, "we have to bide our time" until they had both the houses and still did nothing. We were sick and tired of them spending all their effort and our tax dollars to just hold their job in congress. We saw 8 years of an impotent congress, an activist Judiciary, and a treacherous Executive branch. We gave them the Executive branch, and majorities in both houses of congress they said they needed, yet they still did nothing. Now that we had made it clear we wanted the swamp cleared out, they were proving they were the swamp monsters.

President Trump did the right thing in sacrificing the HoR, while keeping the Senate. This may be their last time to pull their heads out of their proverbial butts. They need to not only start doing their job, but do it with all the energy they can muster. They need to prove they have learned it's not about them, but about those they are supposed to represent. Then they need to pull all stops and make it known what they have done for their constituents. It's true, most people are ignorant about what is going on in DC. We pay them to do the work and report back to us their results.


You sound like you might be part of the 6% or so who are true swing voters. It's not surprising that swing voters would have swung back against the Republicans if they did not deliver a change in the status quo. But the argument Bitecofer is making is that that 6% is not the big difference-maker--partisan motivation is. And in 2018, right-leaning voters were just as motivated as they were in 2016. The big difference-maker was that left-leaning voters were nearly as motivated, and there were enough of them to take the House.

@WilyRickWiles The logic applies both ways. It might well be true but it’s not helping you.

@Rick-A The logic applies both ways.
Isn't that what I said?

@WilyRickWiles I missed that but I confess I prefer to read the articles first and simple express my opinion.


Yeah, there are no swing voters anymore. The Democrats scared them away to Republican and Independent side. With all their CRAZY sheet they have done for the last 3 years...
But, I guess you could possible go further and look at the Democrat controlled cities: Detroit for instance: To see them go from a powerhouse to a sheethole is very sad to see.

Amazing how reality flipped on inauguration day 2017!


Kinda like how amazing it was black voters voted for a black candidate... simply because he was black.

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