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There is nothing you can do for them...

Sensrhim4hizvewz 8 May 2
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Either its BS or the guy is a total moron.


He claims to be a doctor. I would not be one of his patients.


I hope he's joking.

I went to his twatter; I doubt it's a joke, though I didn't find that particular post.


I never knew google made swim masks 🤷🏻♀️


his poor dog


So, he's 'at RISK' 24/7? He has to be consistent, go to vet with it,
don't eat.
If it's ALL AROUND, just waiting then he's ***.
I read actually that each dose weakens the immune but I can't recall the proof of that.

I find both sides saying too much, providing too little proof.

But if he were right, a lot more people would dropping dead everywhere,
which they might be in China.
Such a travesty, China, how badly it seems to be mishandled.
Again, the leader isn't a science expert.

Do a search using the term VAIDS (vaccine induced immune deficiency syndrome) and ADE (antibody dependent enhancement).
A few months ago, the public health service here (NSW, Australia) put out an internal memo stating that consent and disclosure were no longer required to conduct HIV blood tests, and that everyone that comes in with a fever should be tested regardless of exposure risk (eg sexually active, IV drug user etc) or age. Rather telling, is it not?

@Tom81 Sorry for stupidity(maybe it's feeling ill), but don't get the meaning of the change for HIV? Is it related to Covid?
Is ADE the antidote to VAIDS?
I read that each booster lowered people's immune system.

Also, I've never heard of a vaccine where YOUR BODY made antibodies that only lasted a few months, have you? What's the point of that(besides $$?).
Thanks for info.

This just gets worse. Canadian PM really pushing it. They had strong proof of wrongdoings but that 'disappeared'.
Look at the article I put up about Ukrainian 'refugees'.

@2FollowHim ADE is kinda long and complicated to explain, but the gist of it is that it ends up helping the virus take hold of your body. It's why all the animal studies they did with mRNA vaccines failed and were abandoned initially.
This explains it in detail:

VAIDS is basically your immune system being destroyed by vaccines to the same level as someone who has AIDS.
More here:
The first Australian covid 'vaccine' trial also didn't pan out well:

What's the point of the vaccines if they don't work well (or for long) and why are they pushing so hard for everyone to have them? 🤷 We may not know precisely for a long time, if ever, but there's definitely some nefarious shitfuckery afoot. It's definitely not for the health of the general population.

@Tom81 Even Nanovax isn't safe having polysorbate 80, and PEG, if I have that right. It can cause, is it anaphylaxis shock? Can be very serious.
Surely they could get something safe?
Then there's duration. When the body makes antibodies, they don't WAND in just a few months!! They're there, at the ready.
So, I'm suspicious about that too.
Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Sam Bailey say viruses have never been isolated, unproven; they think it's something else.I doubt Dr. Zelenko would agree.
I don't know, and that doesn't feel good.

@2FollowHim Graphene being in the ingredients (despite manufacturers denying it) seems to be a major issue too.
At the end of the day, the benefits of the vaccine don't seem to be there - but the reactions/adverse events/side effects are, and the massive spike in numerous health issues since the vaccination rollout is also evident. It's clearly a slow poison.

@Tom81 These doctors say it's NOT a virus, never been isolated, so something else. They proved you don't 'catch' anything.
Look up the 3 thieves, Spanish flu. They put this stuff on them, robbed homes but didn't catch that flu.

I agree that to prove it, you must isolate the virus.
I thought it hadn't been done.

They said we'd all be dead if all those viruses existed.

I lean towards there being viruses because all sizes of diseases likely exist.
Not sure about germ theory. That's why it's a theory.

@Tom81 Another thing, Tom, comes to me that maybe?, just maybe supports 'no virus'.
Bear with me please.
Let's say, it's something else, toxins, 5G, who knows.
The powers call it a virus...which, btw means POISON,
make up a fake vaccine bringing in billions which kills many, may not help anyone?
So, of course, if it's not a virus, a person could get it again.
Look at NZ. Weird, or what? Makes sense if it's not a virus.

Those are thoughts, not sure I believe them.

@2FollowHim personally I believe it's a man made virus. With all the evidence of gain of function research conducted in biolabs it seems to me that they've taken a bening and common virus, and spliced a whole bunch of more dangerous and toxic stuff to it. Kinda like a tennis ball isn't that dangerous, but then attach broken shards of glass to it and dip it in a septic tank - now its dangerous. Viruses can spread through the air, via droplets or via surfaces - which would mean it would be possible to spread intentionally. All the footage of government workers spreading disinfectant or sanitizer could actually be spreading the virus on to surfaces for all we know.
As for the vaccine - that's another animal all together. The graphene in it definitely would respond to various frequencies (hence it's very plausible that 5g could affect it). As for the viral part of it - it would be the difference between swigging a beer (coming into casual contact with the virus) or main lining shots of straight vodka (taking the covid jab). Also, given that the vaxxed have a higher rate of infection and hospitalisation (and not just for covid), it does look like the vax primes you for infection of one sort or another by destroying your immune system. They want to either control us or kill us in the process of doing so - whilst making a ton of money and destroying the economy so they can return to a state of feudalism. That's my take anyway.

@Tom81 Dr. Kaufman says there are no viruses, never been isolated.
So, maybe some man-made thing that never existed ?
But it's not isolated either, I don't think. Just read something here, now, saying this. By 1 patriot, I think(or guru). It's a blockbuster.

@2FollowHim as far as I know, the variants haven't been isolated from each other, seems like a Frankenstein flu, and the reason they haven't isolated it is because it would be obvious what they've done and how to fix it. What we do know however, is that they've spliced bits of HIV into it.
I used to hear about 'conspiracy theories' that HIV was created in a lab (and guess who was the 'expert' at the time - Fauci 🤔. He also stated HIV was airborne at the time), not so sure they were conspiracies now.
The whole covid and vax thing is more than just a rabbit hole. It's an entire maze of warrens that spans decades, multiple countries, multiple presidents and admins, and multiple nefarious groups/players/corporations/ governments etc.
Just like a lot of the shady dealings of the third reich, we've only seen a tiny tip of the iceberg and may not find out the truth for generations if at all.

@Tom81 I think you're right. Likely too convoluted now. Trudeau, Canada?
spent...wait for it...3.5!!! BILLION Canadian taxpayer dollars on millions of boosters that Canadians are now rejecting.
How did he get to do that?

@Tom81 You and others have me wondering if it's a virus? Virus means 'poison', maybe it's high tech biopoison using strands of this and that?
So, you can't isolate it. I doubt they'd want it isolated.

This is a trick, costly, deadly.

@2FollowHim either way, the human body is remarkably adaptable and resilient. Our bodies can become tolerant of and even immune to viruses and poisons - it's all about the dosage. I think the people who created the virus underestimated that hence the need for a primer (vaccines) and 'boosters'.

@2FollowHim Trudeau is spending tax payer money on the boosters but makes personal profits off vaccine sales in the form of royalties.


"At home" - tells you all you need to know about a maskwanker

Lt-JW Level 8 May 2, 2022
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