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When debating issues such as free college for all, who is going to pay for it is often the first question asked by the "right" side of the argument...wouldnt it be better to ask who is going to pay the teachers who provide the education? Or in the case of free health care, who will pay the doctors..?

DesireNoDesires 7 Nov 16
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In the UK the national health services are free at point of contact but in actuality we all pay for it with National Insurance contributions which is the same as social security in America we are issued with our NI number at 16 and your stamp is paid from your earnings to cover your health care,social security, and retirement, and the system worked until we globalised, selling off our manufacturing industries etc and importing more goods ,and people who haven’t contributed anything but claim all they can and,... don’t get me started

unless you guys successfully part from the EU in one piece

@DesireNoDesires it’s looking more than ever like the bastards will fuck us over, it’s no surprise that a large number of remain protesters don’t answer when I say “I voted in the biggest democratic exercise in UK history” Did you actually vote???

@BikerPetehall70 i feel like the pull out was maybe too quick, and/or not soon enough..I could be wrong, but I feel as though all the little things Trump does concerning the UN is a gradual pull away without directly saying what it is


I fail to see how everyones education and medical care is now my problem. I paid for my own college, after I had a job to be able to pay for it, my parents helped by giving me a free place to live at home. I paid for my family's medical care by always having a full time job with medical benefits I never expected anyone else to pay for the family i choose to have and create. I keep hearing Medicare for all..well when y'all pay into social security and Medicare for 50 years you too will be entitled. Maybe the younger generation needs to spend as much time working as we did and less time on social media whining and begging for freebies. Maybe they need to find some intestinal fortitude and make their way in life.

Dmwils Level 7 Nov 17, 2019

Hello. I guess depending on how you see education services and healthcare service, the starting point of thinking process can vary.

If you see that children are our future and it is our duty, as a nation, to educate them well (we will subsequently benefit from their abilities and skills, as teachers and doctors, for example), you will consider paying towards education services, including paying teachers well. Similarly, if you see that living a healthy life is a basic human right, and it is our duty, as a nation, to protect that right, you will consider paying towards healthcare services, including paying doctors well.

Meanwhile, if you see students and patients as customers, education and healthcare services as products, and teachers an doctors (and the institutions they belong to) as providers, that'll be very much a free-market concept. In that case, teachers' and doctors' wages will be dependent on the profits made by the institutions, no?

Naomi Level 8 Nov 17, 2019

I also meant to say that there has to be a good balance between the standard of services and wages (rewards).


They will want to control that next. As it is many of them at the college level make too much. Then they hire adjunct professors at low wages. It really makes you wonder where the money is going. UMASS has just asked for more money from the tax payers yet the administrators all make high 6 figures incomes. As far as loans go. I think the govt loans should be interest free. It is the high compounding interest that is hurting students. They are struggling just to pay the interest and then the principle keeps growing. I think the majority of students would be happy to pay their loans if the interest was removed.

me13 Level 3 Nov 16, 2019

Who will pay is too obvious!!!
The question is, what value will a college degree have if it is free and everyone has one????
It will have about the same value as a high school diploma, not much!!!
The only thing that happens with free college is 4 more years of BRAIN WASHING!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Nov 16, 2019

or...people will go back to being judged for based on their skill level once again, rather than a piece of paper. We already have free access to education basically, and people are already deciding against college more and hurry and get as much useful knowledge while you can before the greedy mfs completely burn down our modern day library of Alexandria, because they sure as hell won't be able to completely centralize it

@DesireNoDesires Being judged on skill level ended in the 1950's. Now the only thing that counts is that "piece of paper".

@Serg97 hmmm


Certainly you understand paying the service providers (teachers and doctors) is part of the bedrock for the costs of these programs.
Which is why the Insurance providers helped underwrite The ACA.
And Teacher's Unions and tenured professors only extort taxpayer cash. why don't most when arguing the issue, question who exactly it is that will be needing compensation for their services, rather than leaving it open as if education or health care comes as naturally as the air we breathe?


Because they have been sold the illusion that it's just the Insurance co's that are the problem.

Torte reform is needed.
University reform is required (removing tenure etc)
Pharmaceutical pricing reform is required. (Drug and equipment costs universal)
Insurance provider options must be reformed (co-op's and cross state line purchasing.)

There's quite a long list.

And while being healthy indeed is a right for all, it is not a God given right ensured by the Constitution. Just like education.

Hello JackStraw70.
I was reading this the other day which roughly relates to what you're saying, I think.

These have been centrist (bipartisan used to be the term here) positions of beginning, since at least '96
I was a Blue Dog Democrat then.

A dying breed now.


Blue Dog Democrat - interesting. Perhaps, it corresponds to what we call Red Tory or Blue Labour in the UK. It is a sensible position, I think.

Moderate Democrat, Reagan Democrat... Similar to your UK terms yep. Here they're seen as Purple now.

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