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Man did nothing wrong. Another man chose to bear false witness over some kind of social media post, and heros in uniform repsond with massive fores of weapons and men fully intent on killing an innocent man, and even his family were they not obeyed! I would bet many of those uniformed heroes that violated this family's rights, and peace were former "heroes" that wore a military uniform. They threatened to kidnap the couple's new born child in order to make her comply with their invasion of the family home to steal her husband's firearms.

Years ago I came to the conclusion that former military, especially those who had served in combat, should not be allowed to take jobs in law enforcement when they get out of the service. Soldiers are not trained in ways that are conducive to good civilian service. They are taught to NEVER question orders, that anyone not wearing the same uniform is the enemy and should be treated accordingly, and the enemy has no rights. They bring that attitude home, and into the uniform as civilian law enforcement. When this man was in the service in Afghanistan the men who accosted his wife, threatening to kidnap their baby may well have been his brothers in arms over there. But they came home, and when they got out of the service this man took a regular job while the others went into law enforcement. This man was no longer thier brother in arms, he was the enemy, and they treated him and his wife accordingly. They did and said what they had to in order to force their will on them.

When these men were sent to war they were told it was to protect the freedom here at home. Yet they come back and one of those soldiers violates, then steals the freedom of the other. The law enforcement officer took two oaths to uphold the Constitution and to protect it from enemies both foreign and domestic, yet by this act that officer became the domestic enemy. The question that needs to be answered is, what shall we do about this?


KCSantiago 8 Nov 24
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@dmatic- Sadly, to make changes in society requires more luck than it does effort. Making efforts in life is the easiest and most natural thing to do, but unfortunately we have no control over luck.

We even have to be lucky to have the opportunities to exercise our efforts to produce change. This is partly why I stopped calling upon god for help. My cries fall upon the deaf ears of a stone cold and mysterious evasive creator. 🍺🍺🍺

Not sure what you mean by "luck", Bio, but, it is true that there are some circumstances we seem to have no control over. The famous Sovereign God, Creator of All things, said that if we humble ourselves and pray, seek His face and turn from our wicked ways that He will hear from Heaven and heal our land. People with all their lame-brain ideas, seem to making the world a worse place. I think it's time to give our Creator a chance to put things in order. I am praying for you! His timing, is, of course, I expect to see results.


Agree with you, KC. Our rights are being infringed upon. May God help us.

dmatic Level 8 Nov 25, 2019

What a bunch of nonsense...Fuck off


A lot of assumptions and from the tone of the author, someone who has never served in the service. As the author would know that we are taught to question orders when they are unlawful. That service members are sworn to the Constitution, not to people. That during the oath and training the term "lawful orders" is stressed.

Abuse by authorities is a common problem with humans not just those who served in military service. Actually some studies have shown the general population to be even more willing to do harm to their fellow man then former service members.

I do agree. Sociopathic behavior is an individual problem. Military stresses self-discipline all around.
This libertarian vet has seen all kinds.

I joined the Army and did my basic at Fort McClellan, Alabama. I was discharged during my AIT due to bad ankles. Yes they stressed "lawful orders", and then we were told that meant any orders we were given because nobody in the U. S. military would ever give unlawful orders. Again, the same mentality former military brings to civilian law enforcement, and a mentality that is rampant in modern police. I have read accounts of police actually making up laws on the spot just to force their will on people, and not being reprimanded because it is okay for cops to lie in the line of duty.

Also, my brother served 28 years, a sister 22 years. I have a cousin who fought in Korea, his brother served 3 tour in the 82nd Airborne, and the youngest of them was a lifer in the Navy. My best friend from high school retired from the Air Force, and another good friend is still serving in the Arky after two tours in Iraq. Through the years I have been friends and acquaintances with more former military folks than I can remember. I am very familiar with the mindset, and what is taught.

The federal government has increasingly been militarizing our civilian law enforcement for decades, and with no good purpose in mind I tend to think.

@KCSantiago The biggest issue with police is that there is not the ingrained sense of duty nor oath. Those items are heavily ingrained in the military. I also did my basic and AIT at Ft McClellan. Remember marching up infantry hill and glad that we only had to do that once. Was the last class of F-12.

@M_MarinoDC We made the hike over the hill at night. I remember telling a friend I was glad for that because if I had seen what was ahead of I might have broke down crying. I went through in 1986.

Are you aware of the potential health problems related to the Monsanto chemical plant that was right next door? The people of Anniston were allowed to file a class action law suit but the government did not allow any military stationed there to know about the problems. There has been an effort for several years now to get the feds to open up recourse against Monsanto to those who served there and have medical issues that fit the problems the chemicals Monsanto illegally dumped around the town, and base.

I was watching some videos on youtube people had taken driving around the base when I came across that information.


They should be careful who they upset one 50 caliber round in a transformer that feeds New York could leave the whole city in the dark for a week.

KeVince Level 8 Nov 25, 2019
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