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Supreme Court Justice Ruth Buzzy Ginsburg suggests biased senators shouldn't participate in impeachment trial
Who in the Senate is actually unbiased on this?

Liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said senators need to be impartial in carrying out their role as the "jury" in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump.

Ginsburg, 86, was asked during a BBC interview about Republican senators who have already said they will vote to acquit Trump, before the trial has even started.

"The House indicts, and the Senate tries. Should a trier be impartial? Of course, that's the job of an impartial judge," Ginsburg said.

BBC News' Razia Iqbal pressed further, saying that it's "problematic" that senators have already made up their minds.

"Well, if a judge said that, a judge would be disqualified from sitting on the case," Ginsburg said.

Ginsburg is correct — in a perfect world, jurors would hear a case and make an impartial decision. It's also true that, in this perfect world, prosecutors would not primarily be motivated to press charges due to the strength of the evidence, rather than a desire to take down a political opponent.

In the case of this impeachment, Democrats decided years ago that they would like to charge President Trump with a crime, then they set out looking for things that might possibly rise to that level of wrongdoing. Whether one believes Trump's behavior toward Ukraine is impeachable or not, the motivations behind the impeachment are undeniably politically biased.

It becomes pointless to long for an environment in which impeachment is free of political bias. There were Democratic "prosecutors" declaring their intention to charge Trump long ago, before the transgression in question was even committed. And, senators from both parties on the "jury" have publicly made up their minds from the start about whether the evidence warrants a conviction.

If biased senators were not allowed to participate in the impeachment trial, there might be no senators involved at all, and maybe no trial — which might be best for everyone involved. And there's still, apparently, some hope for that outcome.

JimbobNE 8 Dec 20
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She did some great stuff in her early days when actual discrimination existed. She even argued a case and won on behalf of a man who was discriminated against for his gender.

I don't agree with her approach to the Constitution and her desire to inject herself into politics recently is troubling, but I do have to admire her early work. She doesn't get it right enough in my view, but from time to time she does.


Classic leftist claptrap.

Add to that her history as an ACLU apparatchik, and she places herself at a safe distance from those people whose ideas we need to take seriously.

The Constitution is the primary obstacle to the designs of the left. The birth of the ACLU in the cradle of the American Communist Party makes their avowed goal of protecting constitutional rights laughable, albeit sinister and diabolical.

The only reason we don’t identify the ACLU with the Party today is that Communism as a viable political force never regained its status after the mauling Joe McCarthy handed it. (At least not until the Obams years.) But a Communist by any other name stands for the same things, and lying about who they are and what they stand for is simply SOP. Likewise accusing your opponents of the crimes you are committing,

The ACLU has an imperfect history for sure. They once even endorsed J. Edgar Hoover. That being said, the ACLU deserves credit for many examples of defending liberty in our nation. They are having to undergo a war fro the inside for their soul today with fascists posing as liberals trying to destroy them from the inside, but they often get it right.


First off, allow me to thank you for your years of service to our country and your faith in its founding principles.

I read up on your history and must confess that I found it a bit too complex to absorb more than a superficial understand of the overall narrative. However, you obviously have good reason to defend the ACLU, as it appears they stood by you with positive results.

I wish you well in what seems to be an ongoing struggle.

@Edgework much appreciated. Beyond standing up for me they have also stood up for many others with their most famous example perhaps being fighting for the free speech rights of the KKK to march. They're not perfect, far from it. Their Bill of Rights seems to be missing an amendment that comes after the first one and before the third one. But they do good work too. We should support them when they're right because they're a precious and limited asset that takes on fights for our liberty often standing alone, and condemn them when they're wrong.

What few "honest" actions the ACLU has taken to preserve a Semblance of rpeserving any freedom is merely for show, to create a false sense of doing good deeds. Their goal how ever is far different. The ACLU was formed by socialist with the intent of using the Constitution and fake fights they claim are to preserve the Constitution inm order to completely undermine the soveriegnty of this nation, and it's citizens. The ACLU is a tool for socialist change, and domination. They fund most of their actions through lawsuits against the government, getting big cash settlements that are paid from the taxes taken from the citizens they are trying to undermine. Any support for this organization is support for destroying this country at it's very foundation, the Constitution itself.



In the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, Lady Justice can be found in 3 places: The Contemplation of Justice Statue (a seated female figure in a shawl) studies the smaller statue of Justice. This Justice is blindfolded and cradles a set of scales in her arms.

The Judiciary is the only major branch of Gov't where its members are supposed to be objective and unbiased in their interpretation of the Law.
The Legislature is the place in Gov't where competing biases are debated openly and aggressively.
Seems someone needs to give RBG a lesson in civics.

iThink Level 9 Dec 21, 2019

She's unbiased? By "unbiased" she means "leftist."

Facci Level 7 Dec 21, 2019

It's time for RBG to "exit stage right"; [past her prime,


Since Ginsburg isn't the chief Justice she has no say, the evidence was on TV for all to see, the senate could just vote on the known aspects of the case. Have to remember this is a justice that wants to eliminate the electoral college, so constitutionally astute on her oath to defend it is seriously lacking ...

RCGibb Level 7 Dec 21, 2019

Where was she during the 3yrs of Democratic bias after the election?
The Democrats are the biased ones. They rigged the whole impeachment exercise that they conducted and now they are attempting to dictate the rules that the Senate uses for the trial.
Democrats don't have an honest bone in their bodies. The only honest ones were those 4 who refused to vote at all or voted against.

Chicago Level 8 Dec 21, 2019

Is it wrong of me to say I think old Ruth there looks like a midget troll?


The law is an ass. Bias is a political reality and in a case like this it’s going to be decided by the majority party. Get used to it, the Democrats started this and they lost. Now they can pay the price all the way through the next 4 years.

Rick-A Level 8 Dec 20, 2019

Prosecutors, as well as jurors, should not be biased. They should look at the evidence and decide whether the crime should be prosecuted. Which is why the old justice should have called on all representatives who had a substantial bias against Trump prior to this Ukraine garbage, to not vote on the impeachment. But Ruth is a biased individual as well. She is as hypocritical as any other Republican or Democrat in Washington.

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