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[] ..... The Dangers of Elite Groupthink ..... The "learned" Rachel Maddow and other elites that have destroyed the credibility of their elitism, and how the common folk made fools of them ..... "We forget that knowledge can be found at all ages, and in all places. And ethics has nothing to do with degrees or pedigrees."

RCGibb 7 Jan 1
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The youth must be taught that the human mind is "fluid" rather than the human's gender


Years ago I realized some of the dumbest people I knew were actually college graduates. They also tend to be far more unethical than the average citizen too

True, I remember this really intelligent person I admired say "An education may make you more knowledgable but not necessarily smarter". Initially I thought he said that to me to make me feel better about my lack of education, was I wrong.

@FEWI Today I'm not sure an education even makes you more knowledgeable ... sadly ...


Why do people read crap like pjmedia? It is, as usual completely false and misleading.

Mueller did not clear Trump of Obstruction. The report clearly states in the conclusion:

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment.”

So Mueller either found there was Obstruction, but could not charge him due to Justice Dept policy, or found that Obstruction was possible but did not rise to the level of proof needed to rise to "legal standards."

I'll take educated, intelligent people's information over people of "all ages" any time. That's why I listen to IDW types like Sam Harris (Stanford, UCLA), Ben Shapiro (UCLA, Harvard Law), Peterson (Ph.D. McGill), et al.

Rather than go ask a 9 year old in the middle of nowhere with no credentials. The "any age" idea is particularly odd.

damo9f Level 5 Jan 1, 2020

Howdy @damo9f,

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment.”

It seems they're saying they cannot disprove a negative. That's not the purpose of a grand jury investigation. Their purpose is to establish whether they could make a case Trump obstructed Justice, and they couldn't.

I read “stuff” like jpmedia to understand how to deal with liberalism and the lying MSM liberal media.
Try reading some of the garbage Maddow puts out. You have to be joking?
Here is tip worth remembering. For every action there is an opposite reaction.

@timon_phocas You beat me to it, but I will confirm what you say. Innocent until proven guilty. As long as Clinton was innocent, liberals are happy and we all would never face justice.

The whole idea is to turn our sense of fairness and justice on it's head, the Kavanaugh claims, Meuller found nothing but couldn't deny something might be somewhere (Meuller turned out to be a blithering fool, and his touted experts equally stupid), Pelosi now carrying on the tradition of stupidity. But some people think not finding any collusion based on a false dossier paid for by the DNC to protect Clinton is obviously just a fluke .... it takes all kinds which is the PJ point. It wouldn't be common sense if some people didn't have it .....

If it werent for "crap like pjmedia" many important questions would go on being unquestioned...the greater the extreme one end travels, only encourages the opposite to respond with an equal value. Ask yourself...would great minds like Harris, Shapiro or Peterson exist to you if "crap like pjmedia?" werent there to be outraged over?

@RCGibb It's not that "Meuller found nothing but couldn't deny something might be somewhere."

It's so easy to find information on this, and trace it to the text of the Muller Report. You don't have to rely on Rachel Maddow or CNN, or be some kind of legal scholar.

Here's a link on the 37 indictments and multiple convictions from the Muller Report. []

Here's a letter from 1,000 Federal Prosecutors saying Trump is dirty as a skunk.


That's a bipartisan group of experts, each with a lifetime of public service to support the rule of law and justice. Who the heck is writing for PJ Media that you'd take their word over these prosecutors?

@damo9f none of the indictments had to do with Trump or his campaign (hmm, seem to remember Russian collusion was supposed to be the purpose of the investigation, oh wait it said there was none they found), and we have evidence of real obstruction that isn't prosecuted (smashing cell phones, deleting e-mails, private server, spying on political opponents) so cry me a river. Everybody has an opinion 50% of the people are on either side, so non starter there. I understand the articles of impeachment well 1: Orange man bad. 2: My butt hurts. No crimes there either.

And just for the record even Rachel Maddow's lawyers say she's a liar and you can't believe what she says .....

And in case you forgot the Mueller report was a set up created by a discredited FBI.

Oh and the Russia hoax, how many years did they lie about that?

@RCGibb They found extensive Russian interference and many of the indictments were of Russians or Russian operatives.

You've taken in the corrupt fake news from pjmedia (and probably others) so now you think lifelong FBI agents and others in the Justice dept are "discredited" but I'm suggesting pjmedia is discredited.

One group are public servants who pursue criminals all day, or suspected criminals to protect the country, and the other are media hacks trying to get you upset so you will click on their pages and view ads for $$.

Something you need to understand about law enforcement - when someone is suspected of a crime, they go after them. Trump too. He was probably guilty of something, and the FBI did their job. The courts, congress could not convict, but that's not their fault.

@damo9f haha, remember they said the "russian interference" changed nothing in the election? Public servants, like the IRS targeting conservatives, the FBI using what hey know as a fake source to try and steal an election. Oh yeah, they didn't find anything but obviously its out there. You should get a job as a communist in China, you can punish anyone you want there ... not how it works in our judicial system, don't have prove yourself innocent if you haven't done anything. And anybody can indict Russians we will never see or hear from again, and remember there was no connection between any of the Russians and Trump. Oh yes and presidential candidates talking to foreign leaders, kinda like BO saying he'll have more flexibility after the election ... tell Putin (anything he wants, invade Crimea, oh yes I'll do-nothing, but I might send the Ukraine blankets) ... You can suggest all you want but Comey and McCabe are documented perjurers, a lot more criminality than any of the unconnected indictments from Mueller. And Flynn, a disgrace that Comey orchestrated and admitted. Even these were reported eventually in the fake media ... don't you listen to anything but your own noise?

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