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No Nonsense Philosophy New Year Letter - Hidden In Plain Sight

Dear world,

congratulations on abiding through another year. It has definitely been a long year it feels so anyway, been highs and lows all round. This year saw Donald Trump impeached, large scale sustained protests across Europe against EU and UN policy regarding climate change and immigration. We have socialist movement marching to give away their individual rights, a misguided populist climate change movement set to disrupt society till such time as a social and industrial revolution is manifest. Theocratic political parties form in Europe, we saw Australia engulfed in fires set by climate activist youths, it saw massive carvines march to Europe and up through South America sponsored by special interest groups. It saw Jummar & Kishmar lose its special status and effectively annexed by India. Tibet is still occupied by China, Hong Kong's people have risen up and are fighting for democracy. Not to mention Russia making political and military gains in the Middle East by supporting all the dictators and regional ragemes, while saying look at America and the world looks. Its bizarre behaviour indeed. Usually I try to stay upbeat and hopeful in my new years letter, this year we have something very important to address: something most are unaware of and also something hidden in plain sight.

Today I'm going to introduce you to "The Socialist International" a not so secret international political conglomerate of radicals set to the task Scocalist Revolution. A vanguard of Scocalists working to influence politics the world over, despite this most of you according to polls have barely if at all heard of it. So the best thing to do is tell you about it, giving you the information you need to decide for yourself what you want: not some stuffy Trotsky styled Marxist in a side room. There have been three international organizations 1864 leading to the present - day the fourth, the “first and second international" formed in London from Communist, socialist and anarchist political groups and labour unions in 1864-1916. The international socialist commission was formed in a Swedish town called Berne, thus is also called the Berne International February 1919 from parties that wanted to bring back the second international. Also in March of that year in Moscow the third international known as the comintern or the communist international. This came to close in 1940 following that from 1951 - present day the socialist international or league of internal socialists came. This being the latest iteration it is this we will focus on.

The Socialist International is an international political organisation comprising 135 member parties throughout the world, from Europe, The Americas, Asia and the Middle East. 101 of the member parties are active in government ether by ruling majority, opposition or junior party coalitions. It’s Key task as self described; “strengthen relations between member parties and to coordinate their political attitudes and activities…”, forming out of the Frankfurt congress. This international consortium of political parties in its words, shall form a supreme council of socialists, it shall make necessary decisions, create its own rules and set of ethics as well as set budget and policy by way of committee voting. This is all done without your express knowledge of it would appear.

The overall goal is to bring about what is being called “democratic socialism” the 1951 Frankfurt Declaration issued by the international league of socialists in July 3rd, condemned capitalism as causing economic inequality “placing right to ownership before the rights of men” as seen from Marxist view of individual rights: namely that individual rights are oppressive in nature. The declaration was updated in June 1989 at a conference in Stockholm. Declaring capitalism coincided with to devastating crisis and mass unemployment. Contrary to evidence regarding the results of capitalism nor the nature of capitalism that insurers the rights of individuals from others. It also in 1989 declared its opposition to Bolshevik communism, describing itself however as Trotskyist. Trotskyism also called Classical Marxism, is a political ideology that advocates that the only means to change is revolution as opposed to reform or adaption. It advocates to achieve this by means of class struggle the goal being to redistribute wealth by means of force. In the case or in modern terms by voting. Blaming the holders of wealth (capitalists) for the poverty of others. Ascribing capitalism as philosophy to be the philosophy of greed and selfishness. On the Marxist proposal that Individual laws are oppressive as not all people are equally capable, However individual laws must be by some standard measure and thus unfair rather oppressive to the less fortunate. Basically if someone is successful and has more than someone else they have done so at the explosions of others. Which of course is just naive. Ignorant even of the nature of inflation and deflation, the reasons people can’t afford to live.

The Socialist International is the body’s behind the Labour Party in Britain among others, the Democrat party in America. It is behind proposals that have seen the above mentioned demonstrations, reactions and disruptions above. Also the sentiment that we need to take extreme measures against the capitalist economic system. That it is the rich that are the reasons for all the bad things in the world. It is my belief it is this revolutionary notion that manifests unnecessary divisions in society and stops real progress, by insuring decisionions though concepts of us vs them identity politics that can only manifest conflict: pushing society in the direction of a far left collectivist dystopia. Full of good intentions of course. Further I propose that it is this conglomerate that is lying to you about why ordinary people are feeling so economically pressed and uncomfortable as well as opportunistically using climate and environmental events out of context and distorted. As means to create an environment that a revolution of their own design can manifest. The reason you can't afford a decent quality of Life isn’t because some guy you don’t know has over a trillion pounds, it’s because of inflation. To put into perspective for you. £1000 in 1950 is the equivalent of £32,572.73 in today's money. That's why you can't afford to live on the minimum wage. It's why companies profit margins aren't what they were. Also how ceos justify raising their wages. The minimum wage in the UK didn't exist till the 1990, and came in at around £3.50 - £6:50. Since then it has risen to £7 - £8.21 and a living wage of £9 per hour. That's on the high end a 38% increase in wages. The average CEO per hour works out today at £1020 per hour. In 1990 a Ceo expected to gain around £200 - £400 an hour. Making close to 1million or over per year. An increase of 155%. £1000 in 1990 today is equivalent to £1,992.33, that's a difference 99%. Interestingly since 1950 the difference in value is 3157%. A far cry from a previous figure I took from an economics paper. [That's 3157% less valuable]
Workers in the UK have since 1987 saw a 68% increase in real wages. While government has increased minimum and living wages by 38%. The cumulative rate of inflation through the 90's was 112%.

It is very hard if not impossible to maintain inflation at rates that keep prices low and balanced the quality of life of individuals in a society, so a better way might be for western nations to deflate its currency rather than collapse under some subversive agenda the world's most successful economic systems.

So it is folks that you now have a choice, do you think that such a subversive group and morally corrupt group of political parties deserves your trust. Are you happy that without your knowledge or participation geopolitical agendas are set and aimed at your rights. Your rights to property, inheritance, self determination and the pursuit of happiness. Your right to make your own lot in life better for yourself. To close I hope 2020 is the year we Finlay put these childish Marxist style socialisms to bed for good and, work towards real cooperation returning to the principles that manifest the most free society we have ever had. Place the individual first before the group, insuring and limiting the state of government, limit taxation and freedom of expression. Also that no man may impose on another measures or means against his wishes and that which would lead to oppression of any person or group in accordance with common law.


Mr C. O’Donnell
No Nonsense Philosophy

ChrisODonnell 6 Jan 2
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"Place the individual first before the group, insuring and limiting the state of government, limit taxation and freedom of expression."


dmatic Level 8 Jan 2, 2020

it is contradictory to say you want to put individualism first and then to say you want to limit free expression - can't have it both ways
The thing is that liberty itself comes only with responsibility. Ignore, neglect, abuse that responsibility you won't have your liberty for very long.
We see this principle in action now more than ever.

@iThink You're right. I didn't read it, though as limiting freedom of expression, but, rather, insuring it. Thanks



Rick-A Level 8 Jan 2, 2020

What is TLDNR?

@ChrisODonnell Thanks. i read it and I thank you for your effort!

@ChrisODonnell Just plain good old English, no rudeness about it at all. I’ll get to read it but it’s long. In today’s world, time is valuable, so my only point was this, I will have to invest more time reading this. As a token of my respect, I sent you 5.

I agree with Rick-As comment. definitely TLDNR - he could have made his point in about 1 or two paragraphs max. We didn't really need the 2019 year in review and we shouldn't have to work that hard to get to whatever it is he's trying to say. Here's another way to put it GTTFPA - I'll translate - Get To the Fng Point Already...thank you! LOL

@ChrisODonnell whatever you want to call it I agree with it

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