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how dose a politician get to be a millionaire while holding public office
one more example

KeVince 8 Jan 3
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This is why "Joe Citizen" becomes a politician and with in a few years becomes a MILLIONAIRE long before his name is known NATIONALLY to the general public!!!!!!!!
Politics Is and Always has been corrupt!!!!!!
I do not believe we can change that fact, but we can reduce the corruption with TERM LIMITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Jan 4, 2020

now the question is how do we get congress to vote for term limits.

@KeVince Start by voting the SWAMP RATES out!!! We need to find, and support, people to replace the Incumbents, in both parties!!!!!!!!!!!
Or, make a change to the Constitution!!!! Like we did on Feb 27,1951!!!!


I have long wondered why these book deals are not investigated for fraud and money laundering - and probable violations of campaign finance regulations.

iThink Level 9 Jan 3, 2020

I don’t think anybody is evil based upon the size of their bank account or the timing of the increases. However, if you have done this research and are sure it is correct, I believe you are right to expose it. It then behooves all those in your audience to do their due diligence to investigate for themselves the veracity of the allegations and act accordingly.

Too often in our society, if you don’t like somebody, you only need to trump up some unfounded allocations against them that will inevitably be accepted as fact (especially by those who don’t like the accused.) We as a society accept or reject allegations based upon our feelings rather than our knowledge. And, unfortunately, there are no negative ramifications for the false accusers.

I don’t like Obama (and the others named) and believe he has (and they have) done great harm to many within our country. With this in mind, I will need to carefully research the veracity of these claims in order not to fall into the trap of assuming it’s true because it backs up my current position.

Could you give me your sources as a starting point for my research?


When O-bomb-a made his appearance as the dem candidate he came out of no where. Yet he was supposed to have 2 books that were "best" sellers? I spent a lot of time in book stores back then and never saw his book until well after he was put in the White House.

The only place I have seen these books is in the dollar stores both obamas and clintons.


This is what the FBI is supposed to be fighting against rather than participating in. Given another 4 years, hopefully Trump will bring order and justice back by prosecuting or at least exposing and eliminating much of the criminals in the swamp. Everywhere you look there's fraud, waste, and abuse and it requires constant attention with integrity that just hasn't been there for a long, long time.

The FBI got outranked by the CIA

And then there was Comey!

@KCSantiago Outranked?

@Daveclark5 They have so much extra money from running drugs and other endeavors I am sure tehy get a lor more leeway in undermining this country than the FBI does

@KCSantiago I understand this is a capitalistic company, but the government has responsibilities based upon their positions in the various branches. The FBIs purview is within the borders of the US; whereas the CIA’s purview is outside its borders. I understand that many people exceed their authority and operate outside the bounds of the law, but it usually catches up with them in the end. I understand this is my understanding of the issue and I could be wrong. Feel free to teach me where I am incorrect.

@Daveclark5 I am working on something at the moment and probably won't get back to your question until tomorrow but a good resource to check out about the corruption of the CIA, and the fact the federal government will do nothing about can be found in reading about investigative reporter Gary Webb. He connected the dots between the importation of Colombian drugs into the United States, and the CIA helping for massive payoffs, cash they used Lord only knows how.

@KCSantiago thanks. Sounds like a good start.

@Daveclark5 I am not sure if anything was happening prior to our involvement in Vietnam but I have read about the CIA involvement in heroin out of the Golden Triangle during Vietnam. I believe Nixon's move to expand the war into Laos and Cambodia was, in part, to get the CIA a bigger cut of everything coming out of the Golden Triangle. I had friends that served who talked about our troops being used to protect ware houses filled with shipments waiting to be moved, protecting processing plants, and helping with moving the dope out of the country. When ever this was part of their orders the CIA always had some spooks there calling the shots.

When that war ended the CIA moved on. Next it was marijuana, but the money was not good enough so they got into cocaine shipments from South America. One thing most folks have no clue about. Prior to Russia withdrawing from Afghanistan in the 80s Afghanistan had been the number one supplier for the global illegal market in opiates. Once Russia withdrew, and the Taliban took over they all but totally destroyed the opiate business out of Afghanistan. Not long after the U. S. invasion of Afghanistan it was once again the number one supplier world wide, and has remained so ever since. Our troops are once again are used in all aspects of growing, processing, and transporting the product under CIA guidance as security.

This provides the CIA with millions upon millions of dollars to carry out what ever they want with no over sight, or interference from our federal government.


But nobody goes to jail.

that's why the judicial appointments are so important without good judges there is no justice. you only hear about the supreme court judges that are appointed but many other appellate and district judges have been appointed once this hitts a tipping point you will start seeing these high level criminals being arrested, tried, and convicted.

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