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The time for commentary, speculation and criticism is over. If the COVID-19 hysteria is not a leftist powerplay, then it is time for the geniuses of the top tier of the IDW to coalesce and lead society through this pandemic and put the pieces back together. Biologists, Mathematicians, Psychologists, Neuroscientists and problem solvers unite. Elon, you have a new assignment. If this is truly a serious global crisis, then it is time for the elite to put up or shut up. It's crunch time.

Facci 7 Mar 13
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They seem to be a bit busy. []

Oh well, that's what I was afraid of.

@wilyRickWiles thats brilliant what a bunch of fuckwits, absolutely predictable!


Looking to the IDW may be plumbing the depths rather than scaĺing the heights in search of problem solvers. First stop looking for someone to blame, the virus is not ideological nor does it discriminate. It could even be seen as beautifully non-human, a packet of organic data mRNA, that efficiently replicates through human transmission. It is of a different order of consciousness that transcends the individual, indovidualism, and human constructs. If if wasnt for the fact it can kill you it would be a breath of fresh air. We should look without prejudice at how all our human societies and social organisations have been affected and are dealing with this and be open dispassionate and non defensive in our response this belongs to the whole world and if we don't learn and adapt fast we are going the way of the dinosaurs.

N0DD Level 7 Mar 13, 2020

"First stop looking for someone to blame, the virus is not ideological nor does it discriminate"
The first thing you have said that makes sense. To that I would add that it also is generally non-fatal to whatever percentage of the population falls into the following group - reasonably healthy between ages 8 and 60...or thereabouts.
The virus itself may not be a "power play" but there can be little doubt that political partisans are making political hay over it.
The administration has no more control of the spread of the virus than previous administrations had over the paths of hurricanes.
Political party of the administration notwithstanding there is relatively very little that Gov't itself can do aside from projecting an air of confidence and reassurance.


But, what if it IS a leftist powerplay?

dmatic Level 8 Mar 13, 2020

If it is a leftist power play. The IDW leftists will follow the crowd rather than lead it. If they are who I believe they are, then they will independently get out in front of this and expose the truth of it indiscriminately. This is a litmus test for this movement. I expect Eric and Brett have an opportunity to collaborate together and with the Thiels and the Musks and other brilliant thinkers in their network to confront this problem. The numbers of the infected and the deaths are so far low and unimpressive compared to outbreaks in recent history. I believe most of the hysteria is unwarranted and I expect Newtonian Scientists to Express this honestly and to call out the rabble rousers who are exacerbating the problem. This is not an ideological fight, so let's approach this problem the proportional rationality. If in the U.S., Congress refuses to work with the President in a bipartisan manner, then they need to be removed in November. Gavin Newsome has lauded the Administration's efforts in it's response to the spread of the virus in California. So, the Chuck and Nancy Circus will be unnecessary for the remainder of this crisis.

Behave as if youve already got it and do not pass it on to anybody that might be vulnerable or at risk, listen to the people who know what they are experiecing who ever they are Italian Cinese or whoever theyve seen what happens and know what does oor doesnt help. Everyone seems to be an armchair epidemiologist though even yon stable genius Trump was able to recognise this is NOT flu, hopefully not too late?

@N0DD I'm not afraid of this virus any more that any other virus. I'm curious as to the concern of our leading intellectual pop idols.

@Facci but its not just about you!

@dmatic how would a rightist virus behave?

@N0DD there is no such thing.

@Facci correct and there are no intellectual pop idols on this website.

@N0DD No kidding. Do you know who the IDW are?

@N0DD The "hysteria" over CoVid-19 is. The question is, is it valid, or is it a leftist power[play since the Russia gate and impeachment gaffs were duds?

@dmatic protect yourself by putting your fingers in your ears and shouting leftist powerplay over and over and the virus will simply disappear.

@N0DD Who are you? But, thanks for the advice, anyway.

@N0DD By the way, I'm not sure what is happening. Are you? Do you know where the virus came from? Do you think it came from the leftist communists in China? Think you it came from a bio-war lab? Escaping without the antidote fully manufactured yet? Do you think it "natural"? Blaming Trump, however, is along the lines of leftist nuts not letting a crisis go to waste. That, along with the evidence of the leftist media's reporting has me leaning toward the conspiracy of the Babylonian globalists.

@dmatic Its a virus where do viruses come from? Chains of ribonucleic acid base chains which unlike DNA cannot self replicate but need a host DNA to map onto in order to reproduce. mRNA functions in cells as a communicator from cellular DNA to synthesise proteins. Mitochondria are made up of RNA, which power cellular respiratory cycles (energy production) and are passed down in humans exclusively through the female line, this is how the original "Eve" was traced back to Africa from which all human life has evolved. Some people have speculated that RNA came from space and mingled/evolved with DNA to form synthetic carbon life forms. I have to admit I know fuck all about Babylonian globalists and could care less.

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