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I have noticed something odd about our society with this virus scare going on. Instead of the usual uniform worshiping posts I see so often telling me my freedom and rights I owe to soldiers, and how every cop is a hero for having a job that ranks about 40th in the most dangerous professions in this country I am now seeing all these posts about how folks like truckers, and store clerks, and other folks who are going to work are heroes we should be offering our undying thanks to.

Why do we have to seek out heroes all the time, in our society?

This irrational need for heroes is not a good thing at all. Not only is the word bandied about so often it loses any real meaning, it shows our need for finding someone else to be responsible for us, we find someone to place this hero worshiping on so we can displace personal responsibility while making it look like we are just appreciating someone else, but in most cases I think people are just finding someone they can lay the responsibility for themselves on to.

Another thing I have noticed. So many folks who seemed to have a pretty strong mistrust of the government, and for good reason, suddenly find that questioning anything about what the government tells us about this virus is almost tantamount to treason. So many demands that we do exactly what the government tells us to do, and nobody raises an eye brow at those governors who are making illegal use of executive orders to write their own personal laws.

A few things from this country's not too distant past we should keep in mind when reading what our government tells us to do, and remember that these are things they have admitted to. In the early 1900s they wanted to learn more how STDs attacked the human body, in part, I think, because after WWI they had such a high number of cases from soldier boys doing a lot of things they should not have been doing "over there", and then brought these diseases home in numbers much larger than what had been seen before. So our own federal government sets up a plan for using human guinea pigs. They set up a clinic at the Tuskegee Institute and start injecting black men with various viruses, telling them these are vaccinations against these diseases, and they have them coming back on a regular basis to document the how the disease destroyed these men from the inside out.

In the 50s, and early 60s they were worried about a nuclear attack from Russia and they wanted to see how various winds would distribute radioactive particles across the country. Along comes the CIA with a great idea, spray radioactive particles into the air in several major cities then monitor the local hospitals, and collect all the data on those patients showing up with obvious symptoms they got from being exposed to those particles. And let's not forget how our federal government used those heroes in uniforms at nuclear detonation sites to see the damage of atomic blasts from various distances from ground zero.

It's not just the feds who come up with these ideas of studying various things with unknowing human test subjects, local government, and law enforcement do the similar things that kill people. Years back in L. A. a drug task force wanted to see how cocaine was delivered through several counties. They took large quantities of cocaine, and it's derivatives taken in drug busts, tainted it with a certain chemical, then got it on the streets, then monitored the hospitals.

Some day, if we live long enough, I have no doubt the federal government will admit how they used "pain management" clinics to gather human test subjects for finding a means of using steroids and other chemicals to cover up different types of pains so when it was used on soldiers they could be sent back into action much more quickly than what traditional recovery methods allowed for.

But all of a sudden one thing most every republican and democrat agrees on, we should do what ever our government tells us to do concerning this viral scare, and since they have decided it is such a dire emergency we should also be happy to have any and all Constitutional guarantees set aside in the name of safety and public health. And republicans are amazingly supportive of socialist programs now that it is their golden boy signing them into law.

KCSantiago 8 Mar 20
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Individually these are terrible acts that most probably faintly remember, taken as a group.. well you want to arm yourself..And I guess that's what the Sec,Amen is all about.


We heard the same discussion post 9/11, when the Patriot Act was being debated ( if you could call that rush to judgment anything resembling a debate).

“It tramples on our constitutional rights!”
“But only for terrorists!”
How can we be sure?”
“My, my; we’d never abuse this power.”
“How can we be sure!!!!!???”
“Trust us.”

Ask Trump how that’s worked lo these many years later.

Everything you say is true and none of it speaks well of our ability to manage unfettered power. I really hate to resort to the tired, “Yeah, but look how much more awful everyone else is!” But Truth is, that’s a legitimate point.

It doesn’t excuse the abuses of our government; but the fact that we know about these events at all and can hold them up to judgment says a lot about us. Unlike most other governments, there are structures in place here that actually allow pushback. Freedom is a fight and must always be defended. Sometimes, governments face situations that require some measure of federal power to address. When that happens, you have to decide how much trust to invest in our leaders. Always a risky proposition at best, but I’d rather trust Trump then someone like Elizabeth Warren or, God forbid, Hillary Clinton.

Who do you think would be more inclined to give back the power once the crisis passes?

To be honest the corruption in our government has been accpeted, and ignored for so long now I really do not think we can get back on track to being the republic we were meant to be without armed insurrection. Every ounce of liberty this government has taken in the past they will not give up without a serious fight. This virus scare is more them seeing how far they can go than it is about trying to save any lives I think. And they are getting away with a lot. As far as voting goes I vote straight Constitution Party these days, have ever since the GOP forced John McCain on us when so many states had not held their primaries, GOP primaries are as rigged as democrat primaries are which is why I have a great mistrust of Trump. I think he had to make a deal with the devil or else the GOP would have readily thrown that elections away at all costs.


Appreciation for different sorts of people during different sorts of crises isn't quite the same as hero worship, and hero worship isn't quite the same as deferring personal responsibility. Personal responsibility isn't the same as public obligation and accountability to ones community. The need for heroes is very real and examples of regular people "just doing their jobs" ALSO being heroic are a great comfort in times of doubt.

If I flipped a switch that turned off the global economy, I could stop the spread of all disease in a month; it would kill a few billion people. In times when basic human interaction is abnormally risky, "just doing your job" is a small but important act of heroism.

govols Level 8 Mar 20, 2020

I am seeing post declaring these people simply doing their jobs for their pay checks as being heroes, it is not merely showing some appreciation for them working.

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