5 4

Unexpected consequences, unplanned for results.

You don’t need to go full tin foil hat mode to recognize the level of planning that has gone into the orchestrated reaction from media and Democrats. Clearly, they’ve seen this as the answer to their prayers, and the “Blame Trump,” legion is out in force.

And yet, once again, they’ve provided a textbook example of how to step on a rake.

Consider: the media screamed when Trump suspended daily press briefings. Now, with the virus updates pulling in Monday Night Football level ratings, they’re desperate to shut him down. Not only have his ratings gone up, the petty, venal attitude of the reporters present is on full display. It’s comical watching them try to not be assholes, but finding their basic natures impossible to back away from. Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s live stream Wednesday night, meant to correct the administration’s lies, drew under 3,000 viewers.

When President Trump shut the border to travelers from China, Joe Biden called Trump racist and xenophobic (Ann Coulter’s definition: anyone winning an argument with a leftist). Now, as they bleat, “He didn’t do enough!” Trump campaign ads are ready to roll quoting Joe’s stupid comments, proving that even when he’s forming coherent sentences, he’s still clueless.

In fact, all of the positions that got Trump elected—borders, walls, national sovereignty, unregulated illegals flooding our nation—are looking fairly prescient about now, even in PC Canada.

While the Agenda 21 crowd has been gearing up their campaign against suburbs as elitist, exclusionary, isolating, and (of course) racist, it turns out such communities are a pretty good place to be in times of plague.


Most prescient of all, and probably the challenge to deep state hegemony that triggered the massive retaliation against Trump in the first place, has been his unrelenting challenge to China. He announced at the outset that a new game was coming, and the rules would change.

What the chaos unleashed by the virus has shown, shockingly, is not only how totally sympathetic our media is towards China, but how they seem to be doing their bidding, like extensions of the CCP propaganda machine. But more than reporters and media hacks, who it’s a clichè to call whores, the willingness of our ruling class in Washington to let China call the shots reveals a steady undermining of our nation that goes back to Richard Nixon. It’s hard to contemplate vast segments of the people we expect to rely on actually being in the pay of an enemy. But that’s what happens in times of chaos. All the rules change and no assumptions are valid.


Edgework 8 Mar 27
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@Edgework "All the rules change and no assumptions are valid."

The rules are the oldest rules in the universe. They have never changed.

Might makes right.

If you assume anything else, that is your own weakness.

Thanks for sharing


Excellent piece of work. Thank you.

DAN_STL Level 7 Mar 27, 2020

I have a different view-- while I believe there is a degree of coordination, if you look at the chaos as a theological war, we are watching the basic conservative/liberal ideologies play out precisely according to script.

If you believe your theology, your actions are predictable.

If you notice, the culture fault is aligned perfectly with the Meyers-Briggs Extremes.

Not coincidental, inevitable.

I have no idea what you mean.



I’d love it if you’d expand your thoughts a bit.

I’ve long since noted that we’ve been in a religious conflict for some time. It’s easy to ascribe a religious mindset to the left; theirs is a faith-based system as impenetrable as any evangelical or jihadist presents. The right, while couching it’s positions in terms like logic, reason and debate, is no less flexible. No where do we find anyone, anywhere, willing to please themselves in the free-marketplace of ideas, willing to argue and listen to opposing arguments with a open mind. I’ve lost friends over my support for Donald Trump. But if I call them out for their intolerance, I just have to imagine myself being talked out of my own beliefs. It’s not going to happen.



I just created this group.

I have developed a pseudo Math, meta philosophy that explains in clear, to me 😉 , terms I'm trying to get it out there for public consumption.

We are in a unique period of history. Left and right are fighting to the death politically instead of physically.

Here's a primer, Please review and comment.


@Edgework "I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend." - Thomas Jefferson to William Hamilton, April 22, 1800

@TimTuolomne it's a crying shame what's happening, but I see it as inevitable until those on the Left hold their elected and unelected leaders to their own standards.

Philosophically they have good intention, but to say and to do are different birds.

@Supra_Librix, Agreed. That's language I understand, thank you.

@BobCoffey1 Words usually have many meanings and more connotations.

An alternate definition is:

"resembling or imitating"

Time is relative
Truth is relative

@BobCoffey1 Lay it on me, I'm pretty hard to beat rhetorically.

The truth looks like trolling if you are wrong.

@BobCoffey1 My intention is to develop an algorithm that detects BS.

That's the biggest problem in the world right now is the quantity and quality of propaganda.

My algorithm strips all connotation from words, like math.

What you infer is your own bias.

Math is amoral. Whatever conclusion you reach defines your morality.

@Supra_Librix I think you miss the reality that the "Leftists" have no intentions of holding themselves to their own standards - never did and never will.
It is written in their dogma (literally) that they will use "any means necessary" to bring about their desired goals. (notice the near identical similarity of Socialist and Islamic stragegies?).

@iThink, "Leftists" have no intentions of holding themselves to their own standards - never did and never will."

You are exactly wrong, @iThink. They are complying perfectly with their own dogma:

They will use "any means necessary" to bring about their desired goals.

That is the standard.

The oldest standard in the world.

Might makes right. Always has, always will.

The sooner the Right understands that, the better.

@BobCoffey1 I'm impossible to offend, please let me know if I say anything meaningless, I'll expand on anything that's unclear.

@iThink , @BobCoffey1

You have proven to have strong opinions and brains, I'd love to have my theory put through the crucible of your examination:


I'd be honored to have you contribute.

@Supra_Librix I'll take a look - thanks for the compliment I am flattered

@Supra_Librix "might makes right" is the very definition of cynicism. I believe USA has at least attempted to develop a set of rules, establish a code whereby everyone is equal under the law and has a Right to due process of the law. Sure we fail - every day probably. But it will be a sad day when we allow ourselves to accept that level of cynicism as "just the way it is"

@iThink agreed, but don't forget to pay your taxes.



China owns MSM and Hollywood along with every crooked democrat in the country.

FEWI Level 8 Mar 27, 2020

Might have hitched their horses to the wrong wagon, eh?

I thought it was "the Jews" who owned Hollywood - ha!

@iThink It will be curious to see how this plays out.

It's essentially Judeo-Christian Western Civilization vs. Eastern Monolithic Communism.

An efficiently run Communism will easily demolish Capitalism.

Really it would be more accurate to say that Hollywood is chock full of anti-American leftists who will hitch their wagon to any idea or person or country that is out to harm USA in any way they can. This explains their reluctance (refusal?) to honestly address the misogynistic homophobic violence and oppression that is Islam.

@Supra_Librix Communist philosophy is simply one iteration of the depraved desire of some people to set themselves up or position themselves for being part of the leadership in an Authoritarian, Centralized, Dictatorial Global Government. Another iteration of this would be Islam itself. It is worth noting that both Communism/Socialism and Islam can only be applied at the point of a gun. Not so for Capitalism.

@iThink almost every nuclear family is communist.

It's the most common system of government in the world.

Of course people yearn for it.

Everyone wants to be able to trust whoever has power.


Very well written piece sir, and excellent points!

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