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Something is wrong.
JacksonNought comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Oh I thought covid would magically disappear after the election? Isn't that what Trump and his supporters have said?
Hanno replies on Nov 11, 2020:
That is what I was waiting for.... lol!
Knowing he was sworn to truth under penalty of perjury, it's somewhat peculiar Hopkins is changing ...
Hanno comments on Nov 11, 2020:
He claimed he never recanted.
Hanno replies on Nov 11, 2020:
@SpikeTalon Who knows.... it is a big thing to go up on camera and make these statements... it is a career death sentence. Very hard to prove either way... you need lots of reliable people to say the same thing before it can be believed... since lots of unreliable easily can say the opposite.
NRO: Andrew McCarthy.
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Agreed. I completely understand the Trump Team wanting to do anything and everything to win the election; I mean that is no different than what the Hillary Team did in 2016 after all. But at some point, you are grasping at straws. At some point, you are a monkey flinging shit and just seeing what...
Hanno replies on Nov 10, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay On NZ... on a personal level I find Ardern very likeable as do everyone else. However I do not care for her socialist policies and their effect on NZ. Being a small country with only one really good industry (dairy), we are highly influenced by the US and China. On my opinion, under Biden and similar leaders we will fall more and more into the China sphere of influence, whereas under Trump we will fall more under the US, UK and Aus sphere. I personally prefer to be in the US/UK/Aus/Canada team (even if we are by far the smallest member), than be part of the China empire. Then I also prefer the conservative view of personal responsibility and freedom over the liberal (!) view of shared responsibility and loss of freedom. The whole world is slowly moving to a more socialist state... and Trump and his kind for al their faults are the only one stopping this. I simply and honestly believe socialism is not the way to go. Now Arden praising Biden for his call on unity is just nonsense. When Ardern was in opposition, she had no interest in unity with the elected government. Now that she is in power she is calling all NZ to unify behind her. Ditto for Biden. ALL politicians say that... while they are in opposition they do all they can to oppose, and once they are in power, they want “unity”. Trump just as much wanted a unified US as Biden does, as long as they are unified under Trump or Biden respectively. So yes, I can at least be honest and say why I am interested in investigations into the 90% election turn out in some states and the ballot boxes containing 99% of votes only for one candidate. I simply believe a Trump US president will be better for NZ than a Biden one in the long term.
NRO: Andrew McCarthy.
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Agreed. I completely understand the Trump Team wanting to do anything and everything to win the election; I mean that is no different than what the Hillary Team did in 2016 after all. But at some point, you are grasping at straws. At some point, you are a monkey flinging shit and just seeing what...
Hanno replies on Nov 10, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Ok, I see your points. Interesting to me that you are so against the investigations and your insistence that this is only coming from Trump. I cannot help but to ask why? You may want to look up up who Trey Trainor is and his views on the matter. Again I do not know or claim to know... my interest in this is only how it affects my own country in the long term.
Where are intellectual conversations happening? Let me know. 😁 😆
Hanno comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Would have been funny if not true. The sad part it neither strangers learnt anything or changes their minds. And now you have a headache... and angry husband.
Hanno replies on Nov 10, 2020:
@Geofrank I have often entered these discussions with my best intentions... only at some point to loose my temper and be impolite. Afterwards I feel a bit embarrassed... but yes, how eager are we to check the next comment... really pathetic. We are such simple creatures.
NRO: Andrew McCarthy.
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Agreed. I completely understand the Trump Team wanting to do anything and everything to win the election; I mean that is no different than what the Hillary Team did in 2016 after all. But at some point, you are grasping at straws. At some point, you are a monkey flinging shit and just seeing what...
Hanno replies on Nov 10, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Ok, interesting and new meaning of the word impossible. So he CANNOT win, however it is possible? There is mathematically no way, yet it is not impossible? Ok, English is not my first language so maybe I misunderstood what impossible meant all this time. So I will concede that one, even though I do not understand. Of course given the “current” numbers he cannot win. That’s why there are court cases disputing the “current numbers”. So no, still not a reason not to investigate. Then I think you are confusing Trump supporters with left wingers and Democrats along with the MSM. All investigations into Trump failed to point out any form of Russian interference or collusion. However since 2016 NO investigation will convince Trump haters that there were no Russian interference. And it was the left that continue with “Trump is not my president”. So you are projecting poor behaviour from the left onto the right. Maybe the right behave the same... however it is much more likely they will behave this way if you ignore their concerns than addressing them. Over and above the word play we are busy with, I am still left with the question why the extreme eagerness to have Trump concede. Do you think if Trump concede his supporters will suddenly say “Biden my president?”. Of course not. They will just loose respect for Trump. So no, my question remains unanswered. There are few negatives investigating the claims and lots of positives, irrespective the outcome of the investigations... so why the eagerness not to have the investigations.
NRO: Andrew McCarthy.
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Agreed. I completely understand the Trump Team wanting to do anything and everything to win the election; I mean that is no different than what the Hillary Team did in 2016 after all. But at some point, you are grasping at straws. At some point, you are a monkey flinging shit and just seeing what...
Hanno replies on Nov 10, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Both your reason are not correct: 1. We do not know the quantum of the votes potentially to be rejected... hence is it not a mathematical impossibility. Just not highly likely. 2. The cases are only being brought to court now, and one of the issues is that a court did actually support the Trump application and was not obeyed. So the statement that all cases had been refuted is not correct. Then dozens of officials and workers have made avidavits regarding observed irregularities in many states... so again your reason is not correct. There was also not an early transfer of power from Obama to Trump due to Hillary’s conceding. Power will transfer as per the regulations and laws of your country. Trump has no power to stop that... short of starting a civil war. Trump does not need to concede at all... when Biden is inaugurated by congress, Trump will be trespassed from the White House and the local sherif will be ordered by the local district court to evict him. No one is going to stop that. Then, his supporters will always claim the election was stolen, have you read the comments here and elsewhere. The way to stop this is to actually investigate it properly and show that the irregularities were small and had no effect. That will silence his supporters, by addressing their concerns... not pretending they don’t exist. By ignoring these concerns and trying to force Trump to concede strengthens the conspiracy theory. By allowing to be investigated and proven wrong, you stop the conspiracy theory and people will accept the outcome.
NRO: Andrew McCarthy.
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Agreed. I completely understand the Trump Team wanting to do anything and everything to win the election; I mean that is no different than what the Hillary Team did in 2016 after all. But at some point, you are grasping at straws. At some point, you are a monkey flinging shit and just seeing what...
Hanno replies on Nov 10, 2020:
I did, and even started to work out that a Biden administration would be just as benign in the bigger scheme of things as what Trump’s was , and do just as many good things etc etc.. and we need to prepare and adapt to a more socialist world. But then I notice how much everyone on the left is so keen for Trump to give up and for his supporters to look away. And I ask myself why? Especially the media, why they push so hard for him to accept defeat and the continued attack on him and people who supported him? If Trump is just embarrassing himself and his supporters are being shown to be idiots, no one would have cared and just sat back and laughed. Let him sue and waste his and his supporters money. Makes no difference.... However the attack on Trump is intensifying, the calls NOT to investigate much stronger than with Gore in 2000. And I ask myself why? Why are you so keen to dismiss the investigations and claim that courts through out the applications even before they were lodged? I doubted that this will make any difference to the outcome... however I have to ask if this is true, why the big push to keep on discrediting him and the claims of fraud?
Covid-19 Vaccine announcement - timed for election?
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 9, 2020:
I would however like to add that I have questions about the proposed 90% efficacy considering that conventional flu vaccines hover around 40 to 60%. Could be that the first vaccine is highly effective on a virus before it starts mutating but I don't know enough epidemiology to say for sure.
Hanno replies on Nov 9, 2020:
When news is too good to be true, it usually isn’t. I have been sceptical about any vaccine produced since no vaccine exist after years of efforts for any other coronavirus ... however I would LOVE to be proven wrong on this one.
Anyone else think it's ironic that it's okay for leftists to baselessly rally against the result of ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Unless you can cite evidence where Hillary claimed that the votes themselves were invalid, that they should not be counted in some places but should be counted in others... unless you can cite evidence for the legitimacy of the claims that there has been widespread voter malfeasance on the part of ...
Hanno replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Yep, you lied and lost this discussion... and as before rather than being honest, you pretend we just disagree. You lost a lot of credibility here. Cheers.
Anyone else think it's ironic that it's okay for leftists to baselessly rally against the result of ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Unless you can cite evidence where Hillary claimed that the votes themselves were invalid, that they should not be counted in some places but should be counted in others... unless you can cite evidence for the legitimacy of the claims that there has been widespread voter malfeasance on the part of ...
Hanno replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Please read your own posts. You Cleary stated that these claims only stem from one man: Trump. Wrong... and you as usual refuse to concede. Dishonest as usual. And I also pointed out these claims existed long before Trump’s arrival on the current political scene. This site is just a handy recent example. Yes, in your world it does not matter what people say. Truth be dammed. No one but you created the Hillary / Trump analogy. And it was definitely not anything Daisy raised. So you create a red herring and put it up as a strawman to disqualify her comment. That is very dishonest.
Anyone else think it's ironic that it's okay for leftists to baselessly rally against the result of ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Unless you can cite evidence where Hillary claimed that the votes themselves were invalid, that they should not be counted in some places but should be counted in others... unless you can cite evidence for the legitimacy of the claims that there has been widespread voter malfeasance on the part of ...
Hanno replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Ah, so your poor English comprehension is an excuse. Good one. English is your mother tongue right? Even after this was pointed out to you it is suddenly a matter of interpretation? Words, mean what they mean. And funny that courts have already dismissed these cases when they will only be submitted this Monday coming. Ignoring the cases where courts already gave Republicans to observe the counting. No substance and all dismissed... err no. And yes Daisy can speak for herself, and I speak for myself. You made false claims about me what I said here. So stop spreading your dishonest comments about me please.
Anyone else think it's ironic that it's okay for leftists to baselessly rally against the result of ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Unless you can cite evidence where Hillary claimed that the votes themselves were invalid, that they should not be counted in some places but should be counted in others... unless you can cite evidence for the legitimacy of the claims that there has been widespread voter malfeasance on the part of ...
Hanno replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay And then you try to confuse the word claim with evidence? Your statement was Trump was the only guy to claim this... So I point out all the people who also claimed this, even before Trump... and the they were not just jokes... there are many serious claims. Pundits/political commentators? Are they not all? Since they are “pundits” suddenly their claims does not exist? But now it is suddenly about evidence... no, your claim was about people making claims. The claim may be wrong... however the claim is not only Trump’s.
Anyone else think it's ironic that it's okay for leftists to baselessly rally against the result of ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Unless you can cite evidence where Hillary claimed that the votes themselves were invalid, that they should not be counted in some places but should be counted in others... unless you can cite evidence for the legitimacy of the claims that there has been widespread voter malfeasance on the part of ...
Hanno replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Neither Daisy nor me ever claimed that previous presidential candidates claimed voter fraud. That is your fabrication. You claim we did is just dishonest. You are digging yourself a hole here.
Anyone else think it's ironic that it's okay for leftists to baselessly rally against the result of ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Unless you can cite evidence where Hillary claimed that the votes themselves were invalid, that they should not be counted in some places but should be counted in others... unless you can cite evidence for the legitimacy of the claims that there has been widespread voter malfeasance on the part of ...
Hanno replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Ah, so before Trump no one has ever claimed that dead people vote Democrat? Just on this forum, dozens of members made jokes about dead relatives voting... before the election. These comments I heard since the time of Bush and Clinton. There are not dozens of political commentators who talked about the issues with postal votes? Before the election results? There are not numerous statistics experts claiming the results are anomalies? Claiming that only Trump is claiming voter fraud, is not your finest moment. Claiming that no Republicans support this, is simply dishonest. There are elected Democrats who also said the election has significant issues. The court cases that are coming this week is because the irregularities have NOT been investigated. Court orders were NOT obeyed. The voting process was NOT observed as required at all locations. Is this prove of stealing the election, conspiracy and collision, maybe, I don’t know. The point is that Daisy NEVER said that in her original post above. You pretend she did in an attempt to dismiss her comment.
How much do you expect "payback" to influence Democrat policy?
BikerPetehall70 comments on Nov 7, 2020:
The conversation this afternoon was simply " that's America Fucked now!," get ready for the appeasement of a bunch of entitled woke millennial Lefty twats!
Hanno replies on Nov 7, 2020:
Yep...right there... Now for the the real question that matter to the rest of us: How will this affect the UK, Aus and NZ and to a lesser extent Europe and Canada? Form NZ perspective I feel we are gonna bend over and take it from China even more than we already have to. I know Australia is very concerned about the coming economic war with China having few and weak allies.
Anyone else think it's ironic that it's okay for leftists to baselessly rally against the result of ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Unless you can cite evidence where Hillary claimed that the votes themselves were invalid, that they should not be counted in some places but should be counted in others... unless you can cite evidence for the legitimacy of the claims that there has been widespread voter malfeasance on the part of ...
Hanno replies on Nov 6, 2020:
Ah, that’s right... because Hillary is the only leftist. So you need to prove Hillary before it apply to anyone else? There is significant indications that all is not well with vote counting and collection. Having it investigated at least is unreasonable? There were some indications of Russian collusion. Was the claims and investigations into it reasonable? Nice false equivalence there... Daisey did not state that democrats demanded some votes counted or not... only that leftist rallied against the result. Now some Reps are rallying against the result and they are not allowed the same right to have it investigated? Yes, that is hypocrisy.
Why was the popular vote so close in the US presidential election?
camerakid61 comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Not all Trump supporters are racist, sexist or bigots, but quite a few are. You can also include white supremacists in that group. But anyone who voted for Trump has had their head buried in the sand for the last 4 years or is completely brain dead.
Hanno replies on Nov 5, 2020:
You could replace Trump with Biden and it would be no more true or false. There are just as many extremists supporting Biden as Trump. The comment that anyone voting Trump is brain dead or head in the sand is one of the more ignorant comments I have seen on this forum to date.
A simple issue that baffles me.
Hanno comments on Sep 13, 2020:
It is all they have... And the best evidence against Christianity is the Bible. All the proof that god (Jehova at least) does not exist is right there.
Hanno replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Anthony001 Being taught something and learning something are two different things. Most people spend years in school and learn nothing. Carbon dating uses the same science that power nuclear power plants. This is also corroborated by actual recorded history and then many other scientific observations. There are no confusion about the age of the earth or the timeline of human development. In any case, the Bible teaches us that humans are only five days younger than the earth... what you should learn from that is that the Bible writers had no idea what they were talking about.
The struggle for the Oval Office is just beginning, and it won't be pretty- [redstate.
ZuzecaSape comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Why the courts? Why not the People? Why not, instead of relying on institutions and systems to protect us, we simply refuse to comply with govt we don't like? #RefuseConsent #WeMustDissent #BecomeUngovernable
Hanno replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@ZuzecaSape Just curious how you plan to do it. There is the modern way of elections. There is the Ghandi way, then the Antifa way, and then the full on civil war option. You pictured the last option I your first response.. So just pointed out that it is a bit different today. Antifa achieved nothing, and they only exist because they are exploited by those already in power. If they wanted, they could crush them in minutes. Civil obedience has many forms.
A simple issue that baffles me.
Hanno comments on Sep 13, 2020:
It is all they have... And the best evidence against Christianity is the Bible. All the proof that god (Jehova at least) does not exist is right there.
Hanno replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Anthony001 Yeah no. I do not discuss these things with the truly ignorant. There was a time I would, but if you think the world is 6000 years old... you are either an idiot or wilfully ignorant... and I just don’t have time for that anymore. Sorry. In case you are a young kid, maybe I judge you too harshly....Once you have read up on carbon dating, the basics of archeology, etc... we can discuss again. I just can’t teach you these things on a forum like this. Wikipedia is a great place to start. Or read a nice book such as “a Short History of Everything”, really explain these things in layman’s terms.
The struggle for the Oval Office is just beginning, and it won't be pretty- [redstate.
ZuzecaSape comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Why the courts? Why not the People? Why not, instead of relying on institutions and systems to protect us, we simply refuse to comply with govt we don't like? #RefuseConsent #WeMustDissent #BecomeUngovernable
Hanno replies on Nov 5, 2020:
So you want to join Antifa? Create your own Antifa? That is what they are doing. How are you going to do it differently? The problem is during the days of the war of independence, your average farmer militia man had the same Brown Bess.musket as the oppressing British army. Today your Ar15 is going to struggle against a M1A2 or a F-35.
A simple issue that baffles me.
Hanno comments on Sep 13, 2020:
It is all they have... And the best evidence against Christianity is the Bible. All the proof that god (Jehova at least) does not exist is right there.
Hanno replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Anthony001 There are cities older than that. Jericho dates from 8000 years ago. The aborigines walked to Australia over 40 000 years ago. We have caves in South Africa that has been painted by San ancestors 70 000 years ago. The BIble claim that earth was made 4000 yrs BC is rather silly don’t you think?
Looks like it is going to come down to Nevada...
Lightman comments on Nov 4, 2020:
Not necessarily. Certainly Trump needs much more than simply Nevada and Alaska, even if he gets Pennsylvania.
Hanno replies on Nov 4, 2020:
He ‘should’ get Georgia and NC as well on current numbers... Anyway interesting how Dems got almost 800k votes in Pens and Reps only got 100k votes since last night.
Tell me what is wrong with this picture?
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Uuu... Uuuu... I know I know.. No clue which state those results are for!
Hanno replies on Nov 4, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay During early counting Trump had a big lead however it was called for Biden, it looked odd. It was of course because the rural areas were counted first and the large dem cities last.
Tell me what is wrong with this picture?
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Uuu... Uuuu... I know I know.. No clue which state those results are for!
Hanno replies on Nov 4, 2020:
It is for Virginia.
US news: Cities around the nation prepare for riots pending Election results- ...
WilyRickWiles comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Right wing business people have lost their minds. Countless threats of violence in my neighborhood today based solely on the fact that a post-election rally is planned.
Hanno replies on Nov 3, 2020:
Yep, totally nuts... I mean there had been NO violent political protests in the US for years! You would understand if recently whole city blocks were burned down and shops looted during peaceful protests.... Oh, wait a second...
Give them your bullets first
JacksonNought comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Wait I thought you were the side of obeying the police? Don't resist the authorities, blue lives matter, and all that? So now you change your minds?
Hanno replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@Penrodster No, he is just dense... 😂
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
Felix comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am not American nor do I reside there, but I am extremely aware of the term Freedom and what a free country truly represents. As to what is right and what is wrong (from a political view point) Freedom can be the only final arbitrator. So between Democrat vs Republican, there can be little ...
Hanno replies on Nov 2, 2020:
@Admin In NZ it is 90/10 split in favour of Biden. In most of Europe according to my friends and family there it is 95/5 split in favour of Biden.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
timon_phocas comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I pray that my political opponents will take joy in their side's victory. That seems to take away the emotional sting for me. After flying back from his last campaign stop in 1992, President Bush went out and bought fly fishing gear. I think that's a good example. Plan a big project. Hike one of...
Hanno replies on Nov 2, 2020:
That is good advice for most personal traumas and tragedies... or just political losses.
Disparate outcomes is NOT evidence of discrimination.
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 1, 2020:
In other words, disparate outcomes is a necessary condition for discrimination but not a sufficient one.
Hanno replies on Nov 2, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Wow, you guys were busy... I am not going to try and address all the issues created after my last post. The simple matter is, if you have people with different abilities that pertain to the outcome you are looking at, they will have different outcomes. It is simple cause and effect. In order for people to have the same outcomes, when they have different applicable abilities, you need to modify (discriminate or cheat if you want) the system to advantage the lower ability and disadvantage the higher ability. You can write it as mathematical equations if you want and it becomes more clear (and no, not going to do it for you). Let’s look at you short shelf stacker example. If height is the only reason and had no other ability effects, then no, it is not discrimination to give them platform shoes. It is not an ability that affect their outcome. They are just as able as tall shelf stackers and should have equal outcomes. However, if the platform shoes are more expensive and hence makes the shorter workers less cost effective, or... If the platform shoes cause Health"The Healing Room Group" effects and reduces the safety or effectiveness or the worker then you need to apply some kind of discrimination to make the short and tall workers have the same outcome. If the former is true, then an employer can ignore height and hire the best applicant on the other applicable abilities such as ability to read etc... If the latter is true, then you need to ask if the employer will higher the shorter or taller applicant. The taller applicant is clearly better, so to have equal number of short and tall workers, you will need to discriminate against tall workers. Clear?
Disparate outcomes is NOT evidence of discrimination.
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 1, 2020:
In other words, disparate outcomes is a necessary condition for discrimination but not a sufficient one.
Hanno replies on Nov 2, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Haha, you are funny. I qualified very clearly under what we mean with diverse and disparate... and you still throw a red herring, which you then confess does not actually happen anymore... even though I clearly stated that it could also be a cause, as it definitely was a cause in the past and could be in the future if we allow discrimination again (affirmative action etc). And then you add cheating... 😂... that IS discrimination. That is exactly what discrimination is, you allow short players high shoes and tall players you handicap. Yes, discrimination is cheating! Lol. And after all that you somehow conclude that it is possible to have equal outcomes without discrimination, as long as you have some cheating allowed. Hehe...
Disparate outcomes is NOT evidence of discrimination.
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 1, 2020:
In other words, disparate outcomes is a necessary condition for discrimination but not a sufficient one.
Hanno replies on Nov 1, 2020:
You of course could also have disparate outcomes because of discrimination. If you only give contracts to blacks irrespective of ability, over time blacks will have disparate outcomes over white contractors. Disparate outcomes are the result of both discrimination and no discrimination... it does not prove either. However, equal outcomes from diverse populations necessarily have discrimination.
Disparate outcomes is NOT evidence of discrimination.
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 1, 2020:
In other words, disparate outcomes is a necessary condition for discrimination but not a sufficient one.
Hanno replies on Nov 1, 2020:
I do not follow your English... maybe I just don’t understand but your statement is the opposite of what I think Tracy was trying to say. If I may rephrase: Disparate outcomes is a necessary outcome if you have a diverse population and no discrimination. As long as the population is diverse in the key attributes that cause the outcome you are looking at. If it is playing basketball then height and agility will be diverse attributes and as long as people have different highs, you will have different outcomes of basketball success. You can apply this to for example IQ in the individual or culture in groups etc etc...
Disparate outcomes is NOT evidence of discrimination.
TheMiddleWay comments on Nov 1, 2020:
Flip it to obtain what the left would say and obtain a broader truth about the American population: --- A Biden victory is NOT evidence of bad behavior on the part of Biden (or his supporters). But you won't be able to prove that to the satisfaction of the right. If Biden wins Tuesday, it ...
Hanno replies on Nov 1, 2020:
Partially true... however, if Biden wins... will there be mass protests and the associated burning and looting? Conversely, if Trump wins, do you expect mass protests, with all the associated behaviours we saw this year? So it is no longer a fair analogy... even though there are very tolerant liberals and some very intolerant conservatives, in general, the intolerance comes from the left today... a complete reversal to what it was 50 years ago. It is this intolerance that is a big concern to me. I now check my own intolerance daily as this seem to breed and many tolerant people are now becoming radicalised.
Disparate outcomes is NOT evidence of discrimination.
Hanno comments on Nov 1, 2020:
However, non-disparate (equal) outcomes are evidence of discrimination! It is not possible for a diverse group of people to have equal outcomes without discrimination.
Hanno replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Not at all. We are talking about “outcomes here”. If everyone scores the same on a SAT then there is cheating involved. However that is not what I am talking about. It is much simpler if you stop being racist or sexist for a while. Men and woman earn the same pay for the same work... else all businesses would just hire woman. In NZ anyway... But that is not what I am talking about. It is as follows: You have and IQ of 140, you work hard and make right decisions and contribute greatly to society. I have an IQ of 80, I am very lazy and make the wrong choices all the time and does nothing for the community. For us to have the same outcomes, we need to discriminate against you and unfairly reward me. You would naturally exceed, be more successful at business and career, so for me and you to have equal outcomes... we need to somehow limit you, either by severe taxation or limit your business opportunities or restrict your career advancement. Attempting to help me does not work, or rather it is very inefficient... to achieve equality I just discriminate against you, much easier.
If Trump wins it will be the biggest "PULL YOUR HEAD IN" to the Progressive Left and Socialist ...
Hanno comments on Nov 1, 2020:
How is the right to vote not equal to the right not to vote?
Hanno replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@Lightman Since when is being lazy or being apathetic a crime? It is absolutely your right to be those things. It is a basic human right not to do anything that you do not want to do as long as it hurts no one else. Forcing people to go to a voting station is totalitarian.
Why are you voting for your candidate?
Hanno comments on Nov 1, 2020:
The reason no one is able to convince any one else on social media is right there in your question: How many people did you convince to vote for your candidate? Not, did you change your mind due to social media? Everybody is here only to voice their opinions. Not to learn anything, or have ...
Hanno replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@wolfhnd One would have hoped that with freely available information, we would have learn about our past mistakes. We did not. Before 1990, information was limited... people were legitimately ignorant. What we have now discovered is that people are wilful ignorant. One would hope that we would be educating ourselves that there needs to be a different way... yet the very people preaching tolerance are the ones pushing intolerance. The US is heading for civil war, and due to the global nature of our modern world, this will spill over everywhere else. Hence my interest in US politics... else I would not have cared other than the entertainment value. We are ignorant of our present. How can we even begin to hope we will learn from history? That nihilistic viewpoint only brings darkness. We need to be different. And it has to be us who do it. We cannot keep on repeating history.
Why are you voting for your candidate?
Hanno comments on Nov 1, 2020:
The reason no one is able to convince any one else on social media is right there in your question: How many people did you convince to vote for your candidate? Not, did you change your mind due to social media? Everybody is here only to voice their opinions. Not to learn anything, or have ...
Hanno replies on Nov 1, 2020:
@Geofrank and @opusaug There are very few of us who are even capable of seeing the other side, what to say change our minds. @Tracycoyle changes the way I view the gender issue, @WileyRickWiles exposed me to Democratic Socialism so that I almost understand it. @TheMiddleway showed me that I need to do a lot more to get my ideas understood by others. @Ithink and @Edgework taught me the that I don’t necessarily agree with all conservatives on all issues even if we agree on most. @Corjova taught me to think like a Christian again. @Naomi taught me to laugh everyday at the mundane... so important. Many more, but it will bore you. For those that want to learn, there is much opportunity here, however you need to be willing.
Borat Film: Jew Sacha Baron Cohen and Rudy Giuliani – Approved & Perverse Liberal Hate Speech – ...
JacksonNought comments on Oct 31, 2020:
Why is Jew relevant?
Hanno replies on Oct 31, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay You mean like all of you and the whole media all falling for the Russia collusion hoax? Why would Guliani have a security team? He is not an elected member or important. Now, Joe Biden is a completely different matter... and now we have extremely blackmailable information that appears to be already in the hands of China. That amazingly does not bother you... however a lawyer who is not in power does? Figures... The only reason why the compromising photos are important is to show that the laptop indeed contain personal information about Biden Jr. It is not proof that the e-mails are true, however it does show the high likelihood of this being his laptop. The proof that the emails are true were of course provided on the Tucker show a few night back. I could not care less what Biden Jr is up to otherwise and it is not my business. A bit like Trumps private yet fully disclosed to IRS tax returns. None of them our business if they have been fully disclosed to the correct government agency. You cannot discredit the e-mails and docs (no one has yet), so you ad hominin attack the messenger? It does not matter if Guliani is a convicted pedofile... it does not change the matter of the e-mails if they are true.
Borat Film: Jew Sacha Baron Cohen and Rudy Giuliani – Approved & Perverse Liberal Hate Speech – ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 31, 2020:
"Young people need to be having more sex, not less. They need to be marrying and forming stable families." As an example of the cognitive dissonance of the author, he doesn't realize how the first sentence (more sex) is in contradiction with the second (marriage and family). 😂😂😂
Hanno replies on Oct 31, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Context... he was referring specifically to the Incel group of people. Where many young men don’t. Context... When he talked about having more sex, he was not talking about post children. He was talking about the modern phenomena where young men use porn and social media and games etc not to vent and don’t go and chase girls. We see a continuous decrease in marriages and increase in later in life marriages, especially for his target audience. And we see a large degree of decrease in children in his target audience. Just because in the junior high school you work at, the teenage boys are still full of hormones, does not mean that it is not happening elsewhere in older men who are at the age of actually getting long term partners. Interesting, I have known many a mathematical orientated guy who struggled to read context in words, and especially in human behaviour... we used to call them nerds.
Borat Film: Jew Sacha Baron Cohen and Rudy Giuliani – Approved & Perverse Liberal Hate Speech – ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 31, 2020:
"Young people need to be having more sex, not less. They need to be marrying and forming stable families." As an example of the cognitive dissonance of the author, he doesn't realize how the first sentence (more sex) is in contradiction with the second (marriage and family). 😂😂😂
Hanno replies on Oct 31, 2020:
I do not see how the two sentences are contradictory? Maybe your marriage gone stale and loveless, however many others do not. In the context of the article he specifically refers to the modern phenomena of men no longer chasing woman for sex and therefore never get to the point of eventually marrying and forming families. He states that these young people don’t marry because the necessary interactions between young men and woman no longer takes place as it did before... as the main incentive was for young men to have sex with the girls.... this is no longer happening. Hence the interactions are no longer happening and therefore long term relationship does not form like they used to.
Borat Film: Jew Sacha Baron Cohen and Rudy Giuliani – Approved & Perverse Liberal Hate Speech – ...
JacksonNought comments on Oct 31, 2020:
Why is Jew relevant?
Hanno replies on Oct 31, 2020:
It is about as relevant as Giuliani‘s interactions with an adult actress is to the Biden corruption evidence. Not at all... yet you bring it up all the time.
Should white people consider identifying as non-whites for personal gain?
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 30, 2020:
"If minorities are supposed to face racist obstacles and oppression, why do so many whites, including biracial people such as Barack Obama, try to pass as minorities? " Not a choice: Obama could not have passed as white no matter what he, you, or I said. Also, until biracial people are in the ...
Hanno replies on Oct 31, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay It is sad that only a smidgeon of non whiteness and you are considered non-white. You can be full of white ancestry and still be called black. It is sad that whiteness is the standard. Any deviation and you are “non-white”. It does not work the other way around. Obama is every bit as non-black as he is non-white.... as he is every bit as white as he is black, however no one will ever call him non-black, yet everyone calls him non-white. And he will never be white. It is extremely racist and no one seems to care.
I made this post in a different group, but I'll drop it here just as well, thinking that the members...
wolfhnd comments on Oct 30, 2020:
The question is when does the nanny state become a smothering mother. You treat people like infants and you take away their agency. You take away their agency and they will be irresponsible. I saw a newly planted Biden Harris sign in my neighbors yard. It read grab them by the ballot. That ...
Hanno replies on Oct 30, 2020:
@Naomi The concept of self awareness is very interesting and the book “The User Illusion” delves into that with some very interesting findings... also some looney ideas but very interesting. We do not know how self aware other animals are, especially dolphins and chimps. We do not know even when humans became self aware and the book argues it happened as recently as 10 000 years ago. I understood the difference between sympathy and empathy is feeling sorry for someone and being sorry for someone. But I could be wrong.
Should white people consider identifying as non-whites for personal gain?
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Be whomever you want to be. Call yourself whatever you want to call yourself. Embrace the consequence of people accepting or rejecting that label.
Hanno replies on Oct 30, 2020:
That is fine until they make laws that affect your ability to get a job or contract, the school you may go to or how the courts treat you. Then suddenly that label is not just a label.
Should white people consider identifying as non-whites for personal gain?
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 30, 2020:
"If minorities are supposed to face racist obstacles and oppression, why do so many whites, including biracial people such as Barack Obama, try to pass as minorities? " Not a choice: Obama could not have passed as white no matter what he, you, or I said. Also, until biracial people are in the ...
Hanno replies on Oct 30, 2020:
Sad but true... even if he was only 1/8 black, he would still be considered a black man. One of my colleagues is 3/4 Dutch and 1/4 Maori. No one ever considers him to be Dutch, he is a Maori and treated as such.
RedState: Is Jack Dorsey a pathological liar, or has he lost control of his company?
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 30, 2020:
As to the main content of this article, note that CBP posts that don't give the *true* impression that every person crossing illegally is a **not** murderers, rapists, gang member, etc **are** allowed... ...but those that give the *false* impression that every person crossing illegally **are** ...
Hanno replies on Oct 30, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Partially right if the wall stopped ALL immigrants. It does not... it allows legal immigrants to enter through gates. It allow refugees to enter... the US take more refugees than anyone else over the long term. It stops illegal immigrants... hence it actually do stop rapists and murders and other criminals etc as it is a criminal act to enter illegally. Of course they are not all murders and rapists, however they are by definition criminals as legal avenues exists for refugees etc. to enter legally and not criminally. if you have to qualify all the exceptions you would need to write a book each time you said something. That is of course ridiculous. You need at some point to accept people to interpret what others said. Just because you chose to misinterpret my post because of your bias or political objective, does not make my post racist or hateful. We see this daily with things Trump says that are neither racist or hateful being purposefully interpreted to be that by people who themselves are hateful and racist. And that is because they imply. Your implication is wrong and just as bad as what you are judging.
I made this post in a different group, but I'll drop it here just as well, thinking that the members...
wolfhnd comments on Oct 30, 2020:
The question is when does the nanny state become a smothering mother. You treat people like infants and you take away their agency. You take away their agency and they will be irresponsible. I saw a newly planted Biden Harris sign in my neighbors yard. It read grab them by the ballot. That ...
Hanno replies on Oct 30, 2020:
@Naomi Observe dogs... make dog wimpering noises and see them react. Empathy is a very basic instinct. It has been observed all across nature.
BREAKING: Greenwald Resigns from Intercept Over Biden Critique 'Censorship'
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 29, 2020:
I have legitimately never head of this person nor have seen anything from the Intercept. Who is he and what is this publication? What has The Intercept done that is noteworthy such that one might have heard about it?
Hanno replies on Oct 29, 2020:
@Xtra Ah... that is why we never heard of them... credible left leaning news organisation. Who would have thought? Almost as likely as a non-religious right leaning news organisation. 😂
Obviously cropped, but still funny all the same.
angelo comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Obongo campaigning for demented groper Joe sets a new standard of hypocrisy. Former presidents should never be seen let alone heard in presidential campaigns.
Hanno replies on Oct 29, 2020:
It raises an important question: Why is Obama so keen to get Trump out of office?
Is the censoring of conservative news on Twitter a form of domestic terrorism?
Corjova comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Banning users from a public platform is not terrorism, however it should be forbidden by law. The provider of the platform should be liable for claims of large sums of money by victimized users, the government should be able to seize the platform and auction it to the highest bidder if banning ...
Hanno replies on Oct 29, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay You would be surprised how much I agree with you...
Is the censoring of conservative news on Twitter a form of domestic terrorism?
Corjova comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Banning users from a public platform is not terrorism, however it should be forbidden by law. The provider of the platform should be liable for claims of large sums of money by victimized users, the government should be able to seize the platform and auction it to the highest bidder if banning ...
Hanno replies on Oct 28, 2020:
@JacksonNought That is the exact point I am trying to make. You may not discriminate against race or sex or gender choice or religion, but you may discriminate against personal political view? I don’t agree with Corjova, however where do you draw the line? The fact that you discriminate against political views in principle is very wrong. The right to do so in your own business is another matter, however it should have the same rules as for race, sex, religion etc.
Is the censoring of conservative news on Twitter a form of domestic terrorism?
Corjova comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Banning users from a public platform is not terrorism, however it should be forbidden by law. The provider of the platform should be liable for claims of large sums of money by victimized users, the government should be able to seize the platform and auction it to the highest bidder if banning ...
Hanno replies on Oct 28, 2020:
@JacksonNought So a restaurant should be allowed not to serve blacks? “Public platform” and “public places”... where do you draw the line?
Jordan Peterson | "TRY IT For 1 Month" (powerful stuff) - YouTube
KeithThroop comments on Oct 27, 2020:
While I would not necessarily agree with every point, at least not as stated, there is a *lot* of really good advice there!
Hanno replies on Oct 28, 2020:
@iThink I stand corrected on the opinions part... was a bit silly and I should have added “too much” or some other qualifier.
Jordan Peterson | "TRY IT For 1 Month" (powerful stuff) - YouTube
KeithThroop comments on Oct 27, 2020:
While I would not necessarily agree with every point, at least not as stated, there is a *lot* of really good advice there!
Hanno replies on Oct 28, 2020:
@iThink Maybe he is just honest and don’t want to condone or promote something he has no proof for. His strength is that he only pushes ideas and solutions that he can proove. That kept him from pushing looney ideas and his own opinions.
I still believe that Not All Democrats are EVIL.
Hanno comments on Oct 26, 2020:
It really depends on your definition of evil. My wife had to go through extreme emotional and medical trauma when her baby died and she had to wait three days to get a mediCal abortion, since abortions are only done in two places in our country legally. To me that is evil. Including only the ...
Hanno replies on Oct 26, 2020:
@Daveclark5 In my wife’s case, she had a catastrophic failure of the placenta wall at week 14. The doctors knew the baby would die. They were not allowed to stop the pregnancy because the baby was still alive. She was told to “wait” for the baby to die... it took three terrible and painful days. Eventually she had the D&C with complications. This was simply because of the Christian argument against “murdering innocents”. She was told it is “Gods” will and she should toughen up... by people who will never have to go through it. She almost died because of someone else’s religious prejudice. It may not be what you stand for, however it is an outcome of that you stand for. Now we can go into Moses killing Egyptian first born babies because the Pharaoh was evil, or Elija killing children with a bear or the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian children and babies during the Israeli conquest of Palestine etc, but I know such arguments are ignored by believers. And since I personally do not support non-medical abortions, I will not argue with you over it further. I only want to show hypocrisy and the potential evil outcome of your religion. To say that morality is only meaningful in a religious context, and specifically in YOUR religion, you need to visit the Middle Ages when the RC church forced that idea... you just have to replace the word Bible with Koran and suddenly you yourself are “evil”. Exactly who are to to decide whether your Bible is right and the Koran wrong? (You can replace Bible and Koran with any other religious text). Your outcomes form such ideas have always been evil. Unless you feel war is a righteous endeavour. I obviously did not understand what you meant with “sanctity” of marriage. I support marriage myself, however as I understood it, you meant only between man and wife. My argument to stop other people from marrying just because they are not man and wife.. as evil. Rather that is my opinion. If you meant sanctity of marriage in another way, then I apologise for making the wrong assumption. I do understand now that you meant that this is a Christian dilemma, and I should have seen your post as such... with the bias that is anyone not believing like you is evil. This does imply that you see me as evil which is highly offensive, however, that is your opinion.
The neo-Nazi mask is fully off.
Hanno comments on Oct 25, 2020:
Gawd you are a loser! LOL!
Hanno replies on Oct 25, 2020:
@WilyRickWiles There was a time when your post were lucid and meant something and I actually learn things from you. However, your latest posts have really became poor, ever since Bernie got stabbed in the back by Biden. You know that the swastika was used by the Finnish army long before the Nazis even existed. Does that mean they are all Nazis? The Finns kept on using their ensign into the WW2, and many thought that they were supporting the Nazis...especially since they thought a common enemy: the USSR. Same here, since somewhere some neo-Nazi is using a flag, does not mean the original users or other users are neo-Nazis. Your attempt to group everyone into your extremist box is pathetic but typical of identity politicians.
Do facts matter in elections anymore?
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 23, 2020:
***Trust but verify.*** Trust that what the NYP says about the laptop is true... but then verify that all aspects of their claims are consistent with other news, political, logical, financial, and legal sources... and then adjust your trust and truth accordingly. Trust that what the NYT says ...
Hanno replies on Oct 24, 2020:
The problem is that 90% of people does not have the time or intelligence to do that...yet they all get to vote.
Kamala Harris goes Completely INSANE at Orlando Rally 😂😂😂 Cringe Speech might END Joe Biden...
Edgework comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Love how she channel’s Hillary’s fake black accent, along with the clear evidence of insanity.
Hanno replies on Oct 21, 2020:
Her way of speech is actually very offensive. If a white man did that... he would be crucified.
The best advice for Trump to be found.
Seriousreason comments on Oct 21, 2020:
How delusional are those Clinton woman ? . Where a confused , disoriented Chelsea Clinton . Claimed Heels up " excuse me I'm speaking ( lies ) ". Harris had a good showing in the debate against ( even the flies love him ) Pence. 😀 . Polls will show inaccurate data till the last minute.. Im ...
Hanno replies on Oct 21, 2020:
Your idea to vote labour was not so bad in the end... it kept the loonies out and National is in no shape to govern. We are going to take a hard hit until they realise that Covid is no longer the plague, and we can open borders again with careful control.
TRUMP won in 2016 because of "Latent Americanism" IT will happen again especially as most incumbents...
2FollowHim comments on Oct 21, 2020:
I think it's due to what was learned about Obama, concerns about Hillary(Benghazi etc) and especially no better candidate. I see this often. No choice really, or forced choice. We're STEERED into THAT gate. I put this question up, WHY, when USA has SO MANY talented, brilliant people, there's no...
Hanno replies on Oct 21, 2020:
The same could be said about NZ and many other countries. Successful intelligent people don’t want to enter the mud pit that is politics.
I always thought that we were all mongrels to be honest.
Hanno comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Racial diversity in humans are among the most beautiful and interesting phenomena in nature. We should cherish the fact that the races are so different with their own unique features, strengths and weaknesses. How boring would it be if all the races run equally fast or swam equally well? Or ...
Hanno replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@Naomi Human races and dog breeds are exactly the same... However of course, dog breeds are at the extreme due to human interference, whereas human “breeds” or races, are all due to historical movements, climates, environments and many other interesting influences that made us today what we are.
Science for Madmen []
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 18, 2020:
"being antiscience is the intelligent choice." Oxy-moronic statement, with more of the latter than the former. I'll stick to Reagan's advice and Trust the scientists while retaining the ability to verify their results because I myself am a scientist. For those of you that aren't scientists,...
Hanno replies on Oct 18, 2020:
I am laughing at your last sentence... well done! Reagan was a great man, and his advice spot on.
SJWs Are Bullying Kids Who Support Donald Trump - YouTube
Future4seen comments on Oct 16, 2020:
I believe you and and I are the two biggest Daisy fans on Slug. In fact it was Daisy's pointing out this site that brought me here in the first place. I just wish that Miss. Daisy would interact on the site more. l am little disappointed in that.
Hanno replies on Oct 16, 2020:
Maybe she also has a life? Dunno, there are maybe a hundred serious commentators here, so a small audience to devote a lot of time on. Maybe I am not underestimating the importance of this site.
No offence to US soldiers - funny though! 😂
KeithThroop comments on Oct 16, 2020:
You do know that those soldiers carry that log above their heads like that for a VERY long time.
Hanno replies on Oct 16, 2020:
Come on man! Don’t let facts spoil a nice story Lol!
Omigod you guys, I got retweeted by Donald Trump! The Donald himself! This is literally THE DREAM! ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 15, 2020:
"Twitter is meddling in the election" Last I checked, nobody is forcing twits to be on twitter, twitter is not an official government news outlet, and twitter is not moderating the NY Post article anywhere but on it's service... so how can it be meddling? Answer: it's not. Rather, "meddling...
Hanno replies on Oct 15, 2020:
Neither is Russia... Lol!
Pretty spot on
Lightman comments on Oct 14, 2020:
1. we like cops to stop killing minorities... that is a lie... cops don't kill minorities. 2. people should have a living wage... a living wage would only be possible with much, much, higher taxes. As for the rest... I'll think you'll find even though some are ridiculous misappropriations that...
Hanno replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@Lightman If you misunderstood my view of UBI it is because I did a poor job explaining it. I know exactly what UBI is. My post was poor and I explained to Tracy that I need to write it out properly. So yes, you may get the wrong impression, because I took short cuts in my explanation. I just don’t have the time to describe in accurately. Reading it again I can see why you would think Ive got UBI wrong. Apologies. Like I said, it deserves a proper article and I am just too overworked to do it now.
Pretty spot on
Lightman comments on Oct 14, 2020:
1. we like cops to stop killing minorities... that is a lie... cops don't kill minorities. 2. people should have a living wage... a living wage would only be possible with much, much, higher taxes. As for the rest... I'll think you'll find even though some are ridiculous misappropriations that...
Hanno replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@tracycoyle Just like my views on climate change, I need to write a proper article on UBI to explain my views... it is not possible to properly explain on a forum like this... So my apologies for not engaging properly with you. I need to add that I see UBI as the best option from a list of poor ones. A bit like legalising marijuana to stop meth. I need to start writing these things properly and will post it here once I have done so.
Big Tech censors a NY Post story of political corruption involving an elderly American politician ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 14, 2020:
The NY Post is to conservatives as MSNBC is to liberals.
Hanno replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay You must be living under a rock then... Just the first of a long list if you care to google it...
Pretty spot on
Lightman comments on Oct 14, 2020:
1. we like cops to stop killing minorities... that is a lie... cops don't kill minorities. 2. people should have a living wage... a living wage would only be possible with much, much, higher taxes. As for the rest... I'll think you'll find even though some are ridiculous misappropriations that...
Hanno replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@tracycoyle UBI and is more complex than that... and also more simple. it has to do with the fact that we MUST have unemployment in order to control wage inflation (in a free market anyway). The exact fraction you can argue but generally 2-4%. Since we must have unemployment... it is harsh on those who are the 2-4%. A UBI is NOT supposed to be a long term option to live on, but to temporarily help those that are between jobs and make up the 2-4%. It is has be small, barely enough for essentials, it has to be universal so that any job is better then no job, and has low admin cost.
Big Tech censors a NY Post story of political corruption involving an elderly American politician ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 14, 2020:
The NY Post is to conservatives as MSNBC is to liberals.
Hanno replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay That’s right, your tax record is not personal...
Big Tech censors a NY Post story of political corruption involving an elderly American politician ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 14, 2020:
The NY Post is to conservatives as MSNBC is to liberals.
Hanno replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay I don’t know either. However, you can make the same comments about red flags and holes about the impeachment and other anti-Trump stories in both the WP and the NYT, and ALL the main news channels. However, how many stories were blocked by Twitter and Facebook written by them?
Legacy media fall silent on bombshell report showing Joe Biden lied about knowledge of son's foreign...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Not for nothing but the NY Post is akin to the national enquirer in the quality of it's reporting. No surprise major networks aren't picking up a laptop that Steve Bannon just happened to come across conveniently before the election. This timing strikes me as suspicious as does the timing of the NY ...
Hanno replies on Oct 15, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Many have been asking your exact questions if Guliani had all this evidence why it was never released. I was told he was waiting for the right moment.... I dunno... the timing is too good and there is no time before election to prove right or wrong. It is just not believable.
Big Tech censors a NY Post story of political corruption involving an elderly American politician ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 14, 2020:
The NY Post is to conservatives as MSNBC is to liberals.
Hanno replies on Oct 15, 2020:
Is the NYP story false?
Big Tech censors a NY Post story of political corruption involving an elderly American politician ...
Potgieter comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Maybe America deserves the Biden scummies. Whoever wins, war with Iran seems likely.
Hanno replies on Oct 15, 2020:
Hoor hoor!
A simple issue that baffles me.
Hanno comments on Sep 13, 2020:
It is all they have... And the best evidence against Christianity is the Bible. All the proof that god (Jehova at least) does not exist is right there.
Hanno replies on Oct 14, 2020:
@Anthony001 How old is the earth?
Here's a great video from the very excellent Arielle Scarcella! Debunking the many myths about ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 12, 2020:
The exclusion of transgender individuals from the military may not matter to the LGBQ but it sure matters to the T. Yes, his appointees ruled against him: Trumps administration argued *against* the June 15 SCOTUS Title VII ruling by arguing for the employers. Trump himself didn't give a glowing ...
Hanno replies on Oct 13, 2020:
What you are purposefully missing is that Trump is portrayed as a gay basher, a LGBTQ hater...and you just alluded so yourself. For someone who is seen as such, 45% support is incredible. Ignoring the context of the OP, you only present the convenient half if you are a left winger who hates Trump.
My latest on Sky News Australia! On Twitter slapping yet another fake "misinformation" label on ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 12, 2020:
As KanjaG adroitly points out below, Twitter was right to label it misinformation given that immunity of COVID patients is not certain. Also, do we know what the sign off entails? It could be "you are ok to return to public life with precautions" meaning he is not immune nor can't give it in ...
Hanno replies on Oct 12, 2020:
Should Twitter also label all vaccine tweets since it is uncertain if such a vaccine is at all possible?
"Keeping quiet just plays into the hands of the unrehabilitated racists." []
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 11, 2020:
I don't agree with that philosophy. I think people have lives outside of social justice that take priority. As such, I may be too busy putting food on the table, making rent, or otherwise trying to better myself, my family and my community to speak up against social injustice.
Hanno replies on Oct 11, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay I know I know... I was being cheeky. Our fight is not against 90% of the conservatives and liberals... it is against the 9% extremists and the 1% totalitarians. However knowing who is who is getting more and more difficult.
"Keeping quiet just plays into the hands of the unrehabilitated racists." []
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 11, 2020:
I don't agree with that philosophy. I think people have lives outside of social justice that take priority. As such, I may be too busy putting food on the table, making rent, or otherwise trying to better myself, my family and my community to speak up against social injustice.
Hanno replies on Oct 11, 2020:
“ As such, I may be too busy putting food on the table, making rent, or otherwise trying to better myself, my family and...” You sound just like a conservative!
White House doctor says Trump is no longer a Covid transmission risk- []
Rick-A comments on Oct 11, 2020:
I’ve written a list of questions for the leftits media and Joey. 1. When did this happen? 2. What’s the Dr full name, date of birth and sex. 3.Whats the time? 4. Where is Hillary? 5. Can we cancel everything before the next debate. 6. We need a Dr certificate saying the Dr is a doctor....
Hanno replies on Oct 11, 2020:
Case in point... look at Middleway response to wolfhnd... Lol!
Just saying...
JacksonNought comments on Oct 11, 2020:
Both are technically false. We can keep the virus from spreading, but people are too stubborn and conspiracy driven to take proper safety precautions. If everyone properly quarantined and distanced when they were told to, the virus would be gone by now. Also, we can't change the Earth's ...
Hanno replies on Oct 11, 2020:
Wrong on both occasions. For example: The NZ government decided to “stamp it out” and eliminate the virus in the country by closing the country completely. It still got in a second time, not because people did not follow safety procedures, but because the government is incompetent to apply its own rules. Then, the climate change goals are NOT just a set of actions... no they are very specific about reducing global temperatures by specific amounts by specific dates... And all we have to do is pay those ETS taxes and stop using plastic straws...
Those eyes though
JacksonNought comments on Oct 9, 2020:
Are you saying she is missing the roof of her mouth and the back of her throat?
Hanno replies on Oct 9, 2020:
Thanks for the laugh...obviously nothing happens to you too when you eat ice cream to quickly. Lol!
Interesting, no?
datguy comments on Oct 9, 2020:
So, this is a tricky one. I am African American and I am actually very conservative but I do not consider myself well aligned with the conservative GOP as a whole. Most of their policy fits with my values but, the narrative used to justify the policy does not take in to account some of the nuances ...
Hanno replies on Oct 9, 2020:
Political agnosticism is a very good position to be in.
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
jaymaron comments on Oct 8, 2020:
The framers of the constitution were mostly wealthy, and they created a constitution of minimalist government, balance of powers, and protection of wealth. Modern wealthy people tend to fund the Democratic party, a party of maximalist government, unilateral power, and redistribution of wealth. It...
Hanno replies on Oct 8, 2020:
It tells you that the Democratic Party does not actually stand for what you think it does. The people who fund them and are in the “know”, know exactly what this is all about. And that is why they hate Trump so much. He must be in the “know” and refuses to play the game. The Uber rich never gets bitten in the ass... us middle class folk do.
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
RobD1 comments on Oct 8, 2020:
If only we had a recent example of a time when people were given free money, and its effects on the supply chain, inflation, and over all psyche of the recipients.
Hanno replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@RobD1 Oh yes that... we had the same in NZ... we are gonna play dearly for that. However everybody is happy Now and going to vote labour and then be angry why everything is so expensive later and their “free” money is worth nothing. UBI is a good concept, however how you apply it is crucial and it only “works” in a radical flat tax system.
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
Serg97 comments on Oct 8, 2020:
Anything you get for "FREE", has little or no value!!!! If you gave "the average Joe" a half a million dollars, in five years all he would have is the maintenance bills that go along with the SH-T he bought, and no way to pay those bills!!!! If you gave "the average Joe" a free college education, ...
Hanno replies on Oct 8, 2020:
In the late 1970’s the South African government decided everyone who cannot afford it should be given free state dentures. The loss of dentures rate due to people misplacing them, breaking them or just not using them was very high. My father who was head state dentist at the time, instated a small fee for the free dentures... dentures at the time was about R2000 per set, and he charged R15. A tiny fraction of the cost, however everyone had to pay and suddenly it had value. The lost rate dropped to negligible levels. Even though it was still relatively inexpensive and affordable, people attached value to it, and there attitudes changed.
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
RobD1 comments on Oct 8, 2020:
If only we had a recent example of a time when people were given free money, and its effects on the supply chain, inflation, and over all psyche of the recipients.
Hanno replies on Oct 8, 2020:
Haha! We just had the Finland experiment that ended in a bit of a draw. Then we have the Namibian experiment that worked really well, however they are still scratching their heads how to make it work on a large scale. However both was cleverly designed and well controlled in a small area. We also have larger poorly designed experiments such as the USSR and other socialist / communist countries and we all know how that ended... The devil is in the details.
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
Edgework comments on Oct 7, 2020:
And then what? The problem with socialists is they eventually run out of other people’s money.
Hanno replies on Oct 8, 2020:
@BlurtReynolds Is that so? Please name capitalist country that run out of labour.... And then I will name the Weimar Republic, the USSR, Venezuela etc who all ran out of other peoples money... Ignorant comment of the week.
Ever wonder why the world is screwed up?
Header comments on Oct 7, 2020:
THis was a woman who now is a man that got pregnant, not a biological man! As per my understanding.
Hanno replies on Oct 8, 2020:
Thanks yes... had me completely confused. The question being begged is she is now a man... she is still female? So she is cross-dresser and not transgender? I need to go back to gender equality class it seems.
Ever wonder why the world is screwed up?
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 7, 2020:
> Simmons said he was soon harassed by other employees at the warehouse, including in the men’s bathroom, where one worker asked, “Aren’t you pregnant?” No case here. That sound's like a question, not discrimination. > He is also alleging pregnancy discrimination, failure to ...
Hanno replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Ah... thanks. That changes things a lot! I somehow missed that... Flew straight over my head. That just show you what a mess this has become... so this is a female dressed up as a man... we would call that trans woman in the old days... now it is trans man? God, I am getting confused.
Should billionaires give everyone $8200 cash?
Hanno comments on Oct 7, 2020:
Wealth always bubble up! Never trickle down. That $8200 will all end up in baldy and his friends pockets again with a few weeks. What you need is a long term slower wealth taxation system coupled a sensible UBI-FIT. Very nice on paper however extremely difficult to put in practice.
Hanno replies on Oct 7, 2020:
@dd54 Thanks, you just helped me explain why it is so difficult to put in practice.
Ever wonder why the world is screwed up?
TheMiddleWay comments on Oct 7, 2020:
> Simmons said he was soon harassed by other employees at the warehouse, including in the men’s bathroom, where one worker asked, “Aren’t you pregnant?” No case here. That sound's like a question, not discrimination. > He is also alleging pregnancy discrimination, failure to ...
Hanno replies on Oct 7, 2020:
Lol! You can call yourself whatever you want, however to claim to be pregnant you actually need to be pregnant!
The average temperature of the earth has increased one degree C in the past 50 years.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2020:
1. False. The Great Barrier reef is recovering nicely for almost a decade now. 2. CO2 was hundreds of times greater only a few thousand years ago, and if it falls much below today's levels, almost all plants on Earth will die. CO2 has been declining steeply for the last millenium, and the ...
Hanno replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@TimTuolomne Funny that... did you even read the article and saw the context of the word likely? It is exactly the concepts that you also threw out. Then the very graph you produce only show a 17 fold decrease... not “hundreds”... proving yourself wrong. This is nothing about people throwing stones... but you being to proud to concede you made a mistake. What’s the point of posting here if you are not going to learn? Or are you just here to say your own opinions and don’t care much if they are wrong or not? Oh well, Resignation accepted.
The average temperature of the earth has increased one degree C in the past 50 years.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2020:
1. False. The Great Barrier reef is recovering nicely for almost a decade now. 2. CO2 was hundreds of times greater only a few thousand years ago, and if it falls much below today's levels, almost all plants on Earth will die. CO2 has been declining steeply for the last millenium, and the ...
Hanno replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@TimTuolomne If my point of view is a factor 10 out, please call me out and say it is rubbish, for that would be the case. You are misquoting Patrick Moore (whom I have met and had some good discussions with about 14 years ago). He stated 2500 ppm, which 0,25%. You are claiming in an excess of 4%! Your statement of “hundreds of times” is wrong... it should be tens of times. (Factor 22 to be exact, the highest estimate is currently 4000 ppm and the lowest 180 ppm). We are currently nowhere near those extremes. I think we agree on the sea level rise issue and I did not call that rubbish. Apologies for not being more clear. On GB recovery, yes, that is why I stated what I meant. If he meant “recovering” as it is still spawning new areas, albeit slower than other areas are dying... then OK, correct. However it is declining in size, and it is dying faster in larger areas than growing in smaller areas. I believe that is a natural phenomenon (and while I dived there three years ago, was told the same by the local GB researcher). Maybe I should stop using the word rubbish so much...
The average temperature of the earth has increased one degree C in the past 50 years.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2020:
1. False. The Great Barrier reef is recovering nicely for almost a decade now. 2. CO2 was hundreds of times greater only a few thousand years ago, and if it falls much below today's levels, almost all plants on Earth will die. CO2 has been declining steeply for the last millenium, and the ...
Hanno replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@Joel_Fry It starts of by saying “likely”.... one of those words that means that whatever follows mean nothing. Then the final paragraph list a lot of reasons why measuring sea rise is so uncertain. Just like global temperature change, sea levels rise and drops. You only need to look at the immediate coastline and then the inshore... sea levels went up and down many meters in the past. The rise they talk about in the article Is 6-7 cm. It is smaller than the uncertainties they describe. So, OK, the sea levels do move, however by minuscule amounts and we need to see much larger rises before the scary scenarios they predict will happen. And finally, the question how much humans are causing the sea levels to move... now that is a can of worms.
Trump emerges from the hospital feeling better than ever.
iThink comments on Oct 5, 2020:
interesting on a number of levels - so does DJ and Melania have COVID-19 or not - was he symptomatic when he entered the hospital or not? In the past when I had the flu I remenber being puny/weak first day - better next day - almost died 4 days later with extremely high fever...there was that ...
Hanno replies on Oct 5, 2020:
They both tested positive... if they were infected depends on the accuracy of the tests. You and I will never know how sick he actually was.
The average temperature of the earth has increased one degree C in the past 50 years.
TimTuolomne comments on Oct 5, 2020:
1. False. The Great Barrier reef is recovering nicely for almost a decade now. 2. CO2 was hundreds of times greater only a few thousand years ago, and if it falls much below today's levels, almost all plants on Earth will die. CO2 has been declining steeply for the last millenium, and the ...
Hanno replies on Oct 5, 2020:
Sorry, I agree with the gist of your post... but really reduce the rubbish a bit. 1. The GB reef is always moving and changing and has been for millennia. However it is currently in decline and has not recovered. It will move further south as oceans get warmer and further north when it cools. However the past decade the GB has not recovered. It will take decades to adjust and recover again. Recover means here increase in size. It is decreasing in size and will continue to do so for some time while it expands southwards. 2. CO2 levels are currently ~0,04%. If CO2 levels were “hundreds of times higher”, it would had to be more than 4%! A highly toxic atmosphere no animals would have survived just a few thousand years ago. Evolution is not that fast. The highest levels in the past billion years was only estimated to be 0,4%. And life was completely different then. We do not know how low CO2 can go before life is threatened due to the big CO2 reserve in the ocean. You can argue CO2 levels were higher or lower, however “hundreds of times” is just rubbish. 3. That does not really say much does it? The uncertainty in all these measurements are very big... much more 1 C for temperature. 4. Sea levels have not moved at all, and all movement observed are less than the uncertainty in the measurement. So all good pointing out half truths, however ridiculous claims does not help and spreading your own half truths does not help either.
I like this group because this is where both theists and atheists gather and decent conversations ...
Hanno comments on Oct 4, 2020:
As a NZer, I will be voting yes... however under strict circumstances. The circumstances they impose to allow assisted death is strict, that is why so many support it.
Hanno replies on Oct 5, 2020:
@Felix All rules, laws and regulations are human constructs and subject to human failings. Should we abandon all of them? It is interesting that you confuse “assisted” dying with involuntary euthanasia. The word assisted implies that you want to take your own life. The strict rules are when are you able / allowed to make that decision and still get help doing it. That requires mental age and ability to make such conditions... and then the actual reason you would want to do it. Depression is not a good reason... terminal cancer however is. You can still do it whenever you want yourself,. you just won’t get any help doing it. So I don’t understand your issue with control. And yes, like everyone else, NZ has stupidity in spades.