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03 October 1685: The Dutch East India Company decides to send French Huguenot refugees to the Cape ...
Hanno comments on Oct 20, 2019:
I do not understand the point you are trying to make? The French refugees coming to South Africa was a very good thing even from the viewpoint of the Koisan. You are trying to say refugees is not necessarily a bad thing? Or that it is a good thing all together. Or only a good thing if the ...
Hanno replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@timon_phocas That is actually the history of New Zealand! LOL!
03 October 1685: The Dutch East India Company decides to send French Huguenot refugees to the Cape ...
Hanno comments on Oct 20, 2019:
I do not understand the point you are trying to make? The French refugees coming to South Africa was a very good thing even from the viewpoint of the Koisan. You are trying to say refugees is not necessarily a bad thing? Or that it is a good thing all together. Or only a good thing if the ...
Hanno replies on Oct 20, 2019:
@Jenna OK, just wondered as this is a political site if you were trying to say something specific. The French left their mark on Afrikaners and the language, the double negative for example that is so rare in other languages comes from French. And of course they are the main reason such good wine is being made in the Western Cape.
Jordan Peterson has inspired me and helped focus my attention on what is truly important in my life ...
pbuck0145 comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Good luck with that. I embrace evidence based truth. As a result, I have lost all hope for the future of humanity and the Biosphere.
Hanno replies on Oct 20, 2019:
I used to think like that as well... and I am an agnostic “extremist” which means that I except nothing without evidence in every aspect of my life. It does mean I need to live with a great number of things I cannot know to be true or not, however I will always state I do not know and could be wrong. However as I got older I have become less pessimistic. There is strong evidence to suggest that The biosphere has dealt with worse things than humans in the past. There is a future for humanity, it will just be different than what we currently want or think we need. It will be both better and worse than what we currently have.. however it will be most likely be better as a whole.
Hate speech should only be accepted as such when it violates current legislation not somone's ...
Boardwine comments on Oct 16, 2019:
There is no such thing as hate speech. And any attempt to label any speech as "hate" speech is merely a device to control people.
Hanno replies on Oct 18, 2019:
@Boardwine Seriously? You said there is no such as hate speech. Period. That is rubbish. Hate speech that brings violence is exactly the point. We already see it with Antifa now. And yes, you said the this (the USA ) is not Africa, as if Americans does not act like Africans. Your behaviour is “different”. You do not think that is racist? As if the Ku Klux Klan did not just happened a few decades ago and of course never happened in the USA. Next thing you tell me the KKK was not driven by hate speech.. and Americans never acted like Africans or Germans and human nature changes...
Hate speech should only be accepted as such when it violates current legislation not somone's ...
Boardwine comments on Oct 16, 2019:
There is no such thing as hate speech. And any attempt to label any speech as "hate" speech is merely a device to control people.
Hanno replies on Oct 18, 2019:
@Boardwine You made the comment that there is no such thing as a hate crime. I gave you to very obvious examples... how on earth is my point moot? And then do you seriously think that 30’s Europe does not apply to you and somehow you are better than Africans? Has human behaviour changed at all anywhere in the past 10 000 years? Read some history. Those who ignore history will live it again.
Hate speech should only be accepted as such when it violates current legislation not somone's ...
Boardwine comments on Oct 16, 2019:
There is no such thing as hate speech. And any attempt to label any speech as "hate" speech is merely a device to control people.
Hanno replies on Oct 17, 2019:
@NonAgrssvMight Read up in Goebbels. Jews and Poles were all dehumanised by propaganda before the atrocities started. Ordinary Germans did it. They did not just one day woke up and decided jews are not human. It was a very well targeted hate campaign by the propaganda minister. The Rwanda massacre was created by radio hate speech that lasted several days before the slaughter began. These are extreme examples, however they happened and will happen again.
Hate speech should only be accepted as such when it violates current legislation not somone's ...
Boardwine comments on Oct 16, 2019:
There is no such thing as hate speech. And any attempt to label any speech as "hate" speech is merely a device to control people.
Hanno replies on Oct 16, 2019:
Tell that to the Hutis and Tutsis of Rwanda. Tell that to the Jews in Nazi Germany. Of course there is such a thing as hate speech. Of course 90% of today’s “hate speech” is not. And 9% of that remaining 10% comes out of the mouths of the left.
Antifa Harass, Block Elderly Woman with Walker Trying to Cross Street - “Nazi scum off our ...
Boardwine comments on Oct 1, 2019:
I wish just once I could get lucky enough to encounter these clowns.
Hanno replies on Oct 1, 2019:
@Naomi Remove their masks. Expose who they are... people like that are generally cowards and only brave in a group or when they think they are anonymous.
iThink comments on Sep 15, 2019:
I would disagree with the good Dr Peterson on this. "Knowledge" is NOT the same thing as "information". The world wide web is a comprehensive repository of information and data. It does not and can not teach a person what or how to absorb that information and then to assimilate into a reasonable ...
Hanno replies on Sep 15, 2019:
I cannot agree with you more. I am a originally a scientist who later also qualities as an engineer. Great was my shock when I learned that University “knowledge” did not pertain to the work I needed to do. However I realised later that formally trained staff like me were much faster as learning the actual skills and obtaining the actual knowledge needed for each job than others. There were exceptions of course. Universe taught me how to think for myself and the scientific method and engineering procedures to assess and solve problems. Hence my huge concern about the latest generation of graduates who were taught “what” to think, and not “how” to think.
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Let's see... Nationalism: prefers ascendancy of a specific group that shares ancestors, history, culture, religion, or language in a given territory and marginalization of everyone else (as opposed to cosmopolitanism). Socialism: prefers collective, egalitarian economic and political power (as ...
Hanno replies on Sep 9, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles True, or at least partially true. It is hard to have real discussions on a forum like this. First of all the definition of socialism and capitalism and the like are not the same everywhere, and hence much argument comes from misunderstanding. Then, and more importantly so, neither extremes work very well, and as was stated before, the best we can do is have mixed economies and the argument then becomes how to mix it.
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Let's see... Nationalism: prefers ascendancy of a specific group that shares ancestors, history, culture, religion, or language in a given territory and marginalization of everyone else (as opposed to cosmopolitanism). Socialism: prefers collective, egalitarian economic and political power (as ...
Hanno replies on Sep 8, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles Both the left and the right are equally guilty of this. Anything left of Thatcher is a communist and anything right of Obama is a right wing extremist. Anyone who is not a confessed Christian is an extreme Muslim terrrorist. Anyone whose wife is not wearing a niqab is an infidel. The world used to be not this bad...
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Let's see... Nationalism: prefers ascendancy of a specific group that shares ancestors, history, culture, religion, or language in a given territory and marginalization of everyone else (as opposed to cosmopolitanism). Socialism: prefers collective, egalitarian economic and political power (as ...
Hanno replies on Sep 8, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles the good ideas of social democracy are not socialist ideas, they are much older than Marx and friends. Those ideas came from religious thinkers and philosophers. Marx copied many good ideas, I and many on the right do agree with him on those. The bad ideas though, the ones we are worried about, they come from Marx and friends. (OK, many of the bad ideas come also from earlier thinkers). I do get very annoyed when modern day socialist claim good old religious ideas as their own. It is also a great shame on the right how they have abandoned those religious ideas. I am neither right wing nor religious. However I studied both and see there values. As I did with the left and their ideologies and see values in theirs as well. However, both strict religious obeisance and socialism always lead to some form of Totalitarianism. And that is my struggle.
Fallacy of a meme.
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 7, 2019:
Also these people are pretty old. And some (Clinton) are more wealthy than others (Sanders) whose wealth is comparable to most professional retirees his age. Clinton has clearly gained more from grifting the political, business, and philanthropic system than the relative outsider Bernie, who calls ...
Hanno replies on Sep 8, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles Now there I completely agree with you! I am along proponent of a progressive wealth tax aiming primarily at billionaires, however, let the common man aspire to become a millionaire through hard work and tax them hard when it becomes excessive.
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Let's see... Nationalism: prefers ascendancy of a specific group that shares ancestors, history, culture, religion, or language in a given territory and marginalization of everyone else (as opposed to cosmopolitanism). Socialism: prefers collective, egalitarian economic and political power (as ...
Hanno replies on Sep 8, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles I do not know enough about Pinochet other than quick reads to argue with you, so I will concede on that one.
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Let's see... Nationalism: prefers ascendancy of a specific group that shares ancestors, history, culture, religion, or language in a given territory and marginalization of everyone else (as opposed to cosmopolitanism). Socialism: prefers collective, egalitarian economic and political power (as ...
Hanno replies on Sep 8, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles exactly, not socialist. So why then do you use the Nordic and Scandinavian counties as examples of successful socialist countries when they are mixed economies?
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 6, 2019:
While we're at it with these word games, it's worth considering the inclination of American conservatives to elect businessmen who will run the country like a business. That can only foretell tyranny in a capitalist country with authoritarianism in the workplace.
Hanno replies on Sep 7, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles ok, I agree with you regarding the OP’s wordplay... I dislike that as well as that is more complex than simple who is fascist and who is socialist.
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Let's see... Nationalism: prefers ascendancy of a specific group that shares ancestors, history, culture, religion, or language in a given territory and marginalization of everyone else (as opposed to cosmopolitanism). Socialism: prefers collective, egalitarian economic and political power (as ...
Hanno replies on Sep 7, 2019:
@WilyRickWiles seriously, who still spins that lie? I have relatives in Finland and just spent three weeks there in the summer. They are all CAPATALIST countries, who have strong social services which they can afford due to their strong work ethic, free capatalist market and historic equality. Finland fought a bitter civil war to be capitalist and not communist. Others replied to your Pinochet red herring. Thanks for proving the point again that community’s have to lie to make and arguments.
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 6, 2019:
While we're at it with these word games, it's worth considering the inclination of American conservatives to elect businessmen who will run the country like a business. That can only foretell tyranny in a capitalist country with authoritarianism in the workplace.
Hanno replies on Sep 7, 2019:
Yet, through decades of conservative governments this had not happened. So nonsense you wrote. On the other hand, this happened within a few years in every socialist country. Your prediction, just like Marx’s ones, are completely wrong. At least Marx did not have the history to judge his ideas. You in the other hand has all of the 20th century to reflect on, and you completely fail.
WilyRickWiles comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Let's see... Nationalism: prefers ascendancy of a specific group that shares ancestors, history, culture, religion, or language in a given territory and marginalization of everyone else (as opposed to cosmopolitanism). Socialism: prefers collective, egalitarian economic and political power (as ...
Hanno replies on Sep 7, 2019:
Authoritarianism has followed every single socialist country in history. Capitalist countries, not the case, which exactly the point the speaker makes.
Bernie Sanders Advocates Population Control in ‘Poor Countries’ By ALEXANDRA DESANCTIS ...
iThink comments on Sep 5, 2019:
A human over population problem does not exist - there are enough resources available for decades to come (probably longer than that centuries maybe?) such that no living human should be starving and homeless. The Problem is with corruption of gov't in places where poor people are denied access to ...
Hanno replies on Sep 6, 2019:
@iThink wow, what an open minded and reasonable person you are. I am no Sanders supporter... I am a scientist who worked and studied fertilisers and agriculture among many things. I am stating obvious scientific fact... and you call me wrong. I studied the this in detail as it was my job for many years and I know what I am talking about. So tell me oh wise one, how will we make the fertilisers and thereby the majority of today’s food once the main sources of sulphuric acid runs out? Stupid prick.
Secret Trump supporter. Are you one ? []
MaskedRiderChris comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Truthfully, in public, I keep my mouth shut for the most part, because I don't fancy being potentially assaulted by some frothing maniac who is triggered by the very mention of Trump at all. This site is my biggest outlet of all for my feelings and thoughts on politics in general, these days. I keep...
Hanno replies on Sep 6, 2019:
Recently some troll asked how SJW are hurting is. This is a perfect example... we are cowared into keeping quiet how we think and feel else we risk of being marked as extremist or whatever else they can come up with.
Bernie Sanders Advocates Population Control in ‘Poor Countries’ By ALEXANDRA DESANCTIS ...
iThink comments on Sep 5, 2019:
A human over population problem does not exist - there are enough resources available for decades to come (probably longer than that centuries maybe?) such that no living human should be starving and homeless. The Problem is with corruption of gov't in places where poor people are denied access to ...
Hanno replies on Sep 6, 2019:
Human overpopulation problem does not exist? I strongly disagree. We only sustain our current population because of fertilisers. Fertiliser critical component is sulphur, which is comes from oil and coal. When they run out we can only feed about 2 billion people through the available alternative sulphur sources. This will happen in my children’s lifetimes. We solve our current overpopulation or hunger will do it for us.
Dr Peterson had his answer removed and then reinstated on Quora [quora.
Sheryl_Jean comments on Aug 28, 2019:
A lot of common sense (which is not always so common). Don't do things you hate - made me stop and think - but, perhaps it just means, for example; if you hate your job and can't change it - can you learn to not hate it???
Hanno replies on Aug 28, 2019:
No, it means if you hate your job and it makes you miserable, change your job. That might take a while to learn new skills, look and apply or change the way you do your job if possible. However sitting content being miserable, not the way to go.
I would like to hear some opinions of.
iThink comments on Aug 24, 2019:
they can not sustain it in its current status of wealth and productivity. they know this. ultimately they want to reduce society to its lowest common denominator where there will be only 2 classes - the subservient lower class and the ruling political class. Open borders is not about human dignity...
Hanno replies on Aug 26, 2019:
It sounds unbelievable that people would want that... and that so many people would support that. Yet this where we are heading. Somehow the west and all it’s achievements are seen as evil. Marxism in any of its forms are seen as good, despite the overwhelming evidence.
Madebyjimbob: Moral relativism offers no basis on which to make moral value judgments.
chuckpo comments on Aug 22, 2019:
It's odd to me how many people don't understand this at even a cursory level. It's simply not intuitive to them. This idea is actually what led me back to believing in that something higher. We don't make sense without it. And, everything about us is about making sense, order, purpose and meaning, ...
Hanno replies on Aug 22, 2019:
Why do we need a higher being in order to make sense? Why do we even need to make sense? There is no such requirement other than our need to make sense of things and the need to feel that we matter. The universe does not care about your need to feel that you make sense. Only you do. If there was a higher being that did gave us a set of objective absolute morals, we would not be seeking and trying to make sense, have purpose and find meaning in life. We would have all those things. Your need to make sense, is a byproduct of the same evolution that selects organisms that are better at making sense of the universe, and therefor able to adapt to it. You do not need religions or faith to explain that and any such philosophy certainly does not transcend any evolutionary explanation. The era of “I do not know or do not understand” therefore “God did it” is long over.
Madebyjimbob: Moral relativism offers no basis on which to make moral value judgments.
Hanno comments on Aug 22, 2019:
Objective absolute morals and duties does not exist. Morals, like all human inventions are subjective. 200 years ago slavery was morally acceptable. Today it is not. 100 years ago sex with pre 18 yr old was a acceptable. Now it is not. In some parts of the world above two examples are still ...
Hanno replies on Aug 22, 2019:
@chuckpo , And yet we are not in chaos. The world is becoming less and less theistic and less and less chaotic. A world where any of the gods we worship or have worshipped actually exist is untenable to me ... exactly because of the “morals” of those gods. Name any god that is just and without a significant flaw: they all condoned slavery or despise homosexuality in their writings... or promise things that are not true. Their followers all commit horrific things in their gods names. You do not need gods to make anything matter. My children matter, my family matter, I matter. Does not matter if there is a god or not. Only theist revert to talking about gods. The rest of us wonder how morals exist in the animal kingdom and how it evolved in humans.
Why do people strive to be "victims" these days?
DAN_STL comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Yep with all of this crap....I figured it out...I'm a transgender lesbian! That way....A. I attain victimhood...B.I don't have to have Willie chopped off...C.I can still like the ladies. Nope... I won't go that way. That way the idiots win.
Hanno replies on Aug 4, 2019:
You know, when growing up as a boy if I was caught peeping into the girls locker room, I would get a proper spanking. Today, all a boy has to do is pull on a dress and walk right in and enjoy himself watching the girls shower. We already have these cases in Canada. Girls are not allowed to complain and teachers/parents cannot interfere because the boys are “transgender”. And it becomes very serious when the “boy” is a full grown man.
On the racism front (in light of the Baltimore hullabaloo), I have struggled to explain how the ...
iThink comments on Aug 3, 2019:
the best way - the only way really to stop them at the moment they invoke the very premise of their position is to stop them at the onset of their attempted leap into and to trample your own sense of worthiness. Stop them - force them to hear that you reject the premise if that very idea...
Hanno replies on Aug 4, 2019:
In NZ, if you do that you are immediately branded as a racist. Even political leaders pointing out minorities are as equal as everyone else, have been banned from university campuses.