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Bernie Sanders Advocates Population Control in ‘Poor Countries’
September 5, 2019 2:59 PM

Progressives still view The Population Bomb as a policy manual, not a discredited screed about the end of the world.
During yesterday evening’s lengthy climate-change town hall, Democratic candidates proposed a variety of increasingly absurd policies to address environmental issues. California senator Kamala Harris, for instance, continued her theme of promising to arrogate unconstitutional power to herself as president, announcing that she would deal with supposed GOP obstruction on climate change by abolishing the filibuster.

Entirely ignored during the course of the event was the fact that all seven Democratic senators running for president have signed on as cosponsors of the Green New Deal in the Senate but, when it came to the floor this spring, refused to vote for it. So much for an “existential threat.”

The most outrageous comment came from Senator Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), who responded to a question about population growth by expressing support for taxpayer-funded abortion in poor countries. Here’s the full exchange:

Audience member: Good evening. Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact. Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature of a plan to address climate catastrophe?

Sanders: The answer is yes. And the answer has everything to do with the fact that women in the United States of America, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies and make reproductive decisions. The Mexico City agreement, which denies American aid to those organizations around the world that allow women to have abortions or even get involved in birth control, to me is totally absurd. I think especially in poor countries around the world where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies and where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have, it’s something I very, very strongly support.

Sanders isn’t alone in linking abortion rights to concerns about the climate. Some of the most ardent abortion-rights activists routinely lament the choice to have children, on the grounds that doing so is bad for the environment. Pro-abortion organizations, meanwhile, turn that unwarranted concern into a policy agenda, spending their resources foisting abortion and contraception on women in Africa, most of whom want no part of it.

Pushing birth control and abortion as a means of lowering population growth, and specifically of eliminating “undesirable” populations, is not a new tactic on the part of progressives. Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, for instance, was a pioneer in the eugenics movement’s effort to provide contraception to minority communities, largely to limit the continued growth of what she deemed unwanted populations. Sanger put a fine point on this in her writings: “The feebleminded are notoriously prolific in reproduction.”

In the early 20th century, many medical experts, lawmakers, and activists in the U.S. even went so far as to advocate forced sterilization, which came to fruition in the widespread use of government-sanctioned, federally funded sterilizations targeted at thousands of disabled and mentally ill people, immigrants, minority women, and the poor. This regime was sanctioned by the Supreme Court’s decision in Buck v. Bell (1927). Referring to the defendant, who had been sterilized at birth, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. wrote that “three generations of imbeciles are enough.” That horrific decision has never been overturned.

In his 1968 manifesto The Population Bomb, Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich turned the concern about minority overpopulation into a broader movement concerned that human reproduction in general would contribute to the apocalypse. Ehrlich swore that the end was nigh, predicting “an utter breakdown of the capacity of the planet to support humanity” within the following 15 years.

Adherents of Ehrlich’s group Zero Population Growth embraced the notion that childbearing ought to be forbidden, and Ehrlich argued that compulsion would be acceptable. “There’s too many people, and we’d like to see people have fewer children and better ones,” Ehrlich’s disciple Stewart Brand said at the time. “Maybe anybody who’s thinking of having a third child ought to go hungry a week.”

Ehrlich favored creating a blacklist of anyone who impeded population control, imposing taxes on those who had children, and awarding responsibility prizes to childless couples. The worldwide fear about his predictions was acted on most aggressively in India, where the government conducted 8 million sterilizations over a period of two years in the 1970s.

But Ehrlich has been proven obviously and dramatically wrong — and not because citizens of the world listened to his cries and ceased reproducing. “I was recently criticized because I had said many years ago that I would bet that England wouldn’t exist in the year 2000,” he said in a 2014 interview. “Well, England did exist in the year 2000, but that was only 14 years ago.”

Even so, today’s progressives evidently have internalized Ehrlich’s theories, despite no longer advocating methods as aggressive as forced sterilization. By advocating taxpayer-funded abortion in “poor countries,” Sanders not only exaggerates the environmental threat of overpopulation but also displays grotesque chauvinism in his demand that the world comply with the West’s determination to exterminate our future.

JimbobNE 8 Sep 5
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A human over population problem does not exist - there are enough resources available for decades to come (probably longer than that centuries maybe?) such that no living human should be starving and homeless. The Problem is with corruption of gov't in places where poor people are denied access to basic necessities.

For anyone who seriously believes we have "too many" people consider this. CDC says there is a bomb out there are it aint a "population bomb". It is a bacterial, viral bomb.

Eventually certain diseases will evolve/mutate to a point at which no known anti-biotic medications will eliminate them. There will eventually be a spread of infectious disease that will kill very large swaths of humanity. Think Bubonic Plague. Hell, think Influenza, Tuberculosis, Small pox, Measles...

Barring that, it is certainly within the realm of probability that human kind will itself kill off very large swaths of the population with war and or terrorist action - like corrupting/poisoning fresh water supplies in places where millions of people depend on a perpetually available water supply.

Merely shutting down the power grid of North America and Canada for no more than 3 days would kick off a level of mayhem, violence and death to levels of unimaginable proportion - Millions would be dead within a week of that - even if the power were restored after only 3 days societal breakdown would be in full swing. I don't think it's beyond probability that millions more would die within 3 or 4 weeks...

Perhaps there will be eruptions of super volcanoes - which would certainly lead to de-population not only of humans but every other respirating, carbon life form there is.

There may well come a time when the human population comes near extinction. Probably not in my lifetime (hopefully) - now THAT would be a human population problem...but then the "climate change" goons in their twisted little tiny pea brains like the sound of that...human extinction and their beloved Mother Earth...what - spinning in the void; without meaning or definition. Might as well not exist at all. According to some philosophers earth would no longer the proverbial falling tree in the forest and no one there to hear or to see it...

Isn't it very peculiar that Bernie wants to de-populate poor people. Most of whom are brown skinned...can you say "RACISM" boys and girls? LOL!

iThink Level 9 Sep 5, 2019

Human overpopulation problem does not exist? I strongly disagree. We only sustain our current population because of fertilisers. Fertiliser critical component is sulphur, which is comes from oil and coal. When they run out we can only feed about 2 billion people through the available alternative sulphur sources. This will happen in my children’s lifetimes. We solve our current overpopulation or hunger will do it for us.

@Hanno well you're wrong - but if you so strongly believe what you say is true then you can start by offing yourself - or at the very least sterilizing yourself...and if you have somehow managed to already procreate (have children of your own) you can kill them too - or at least you should have them sterilized. SAVE THE PLANET!!! Hanno first! Then Bernie Sanders and all of his progeny! LOL

@iThink wow, what an open minded and reasonable person you are. I am no Sanders supporter... I am a scientist who worked and studied fertilisers and agriculture among many things. I am stating obvious scientific fact... and you call me wrong.
I studied the this in detail as it was my job for many years and I know what I am talking about.
So tell me oh wise one, how will we make the fertilisers and thereby the majority of today’s food once the main sources of sulphuric acid runs out?
Stupid prick.

@Hanno you're the "scientist" (riiiight) so if you say we're running out of fertilizer and that overpopulation is the real problem then do the right thing and just kill yourself and your progeny if you have the planet!!! LOL


Bernie missed the insidious subtext of population control in that question. His answer nevertheless correctly focused on individual rights. Focusing on people and their rights, as Bernie's Green New Deal plan and pro-choice support do, will be of paramount importance in confronting climate change. Framing the challenge in terms of overpopulation, which is a common obsession of undertaxed billionaires like Buffett and Gates, is wrong to begin with. [] [] And it risks tapping into a politics of eugenics that has been and continues to be used to justify the worst human rights abuses. [] Yes, Margaret Sanger of Planned Parenthood then, but also the anti-immigration organization FAIR and their connections in the Trump administration today. Moreover, many on the right, particularly in the IDW, are happy to accept the "race science" parts of eugenics minus the abortion. The right is jumping on Bernie's "yes" and strawmanning the hell out of him and the left.

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