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The right-wing's special squad of weaponized Autistics have identified the Portland AntiFa Murderer ...
Penrodster comments on Aug 30, 2020:
4Chan is right wing? These words get redefined pretty fast and I'm having trouble keeping up. Is VOX right wing now. Is Biden right wing?
she's going to sting for a day or two!
Penrodster comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Minty fresh now
Black Lives Matter protesters stand over diners at DC restaurant demanding they show solidarity ...
Penrodster comments on Aug 30, 2020:
That looks threatening.
VDH: What do rioters want? []
Penrodster comments on Aug 29, 2020:
I think look at the process and result and assume that is the intent. Burning down the businesses of predominately black people. I keep assuming there has to be more to it and keep getting my nose rubbed in the facts.
FaceBook's fact checkers are on the ball...again...
Penrodster comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I love when fact checking goes right.
Have thoughts on the DNC vs RNC (so far)?
Penrodster comments on Aug 25, 2020:
I commend you for going through both conferences. Not many have the fortitude. From the RNC, the talk by the Cuban immigrant about brought me to tears. Good stuff.
I predict toe-jam gobbling pervert Prince Andrew will never be prosecuted. []
Penrodster comments on Aug 24, 2020:
I don't think he can ever leave England again without being picked up. We'll have to settle for home detention for life in his many mansions and castles in England.
It's all your fault
Penrodster comments on Aug 24, 2020:
I'd like a version BLAME TRUMP! (small print under) wages up, shutting down slave markets, RX prices down... pick your favorites.
The younger brother of President Trump, Robert Trump, dies at age 71- [wsj.]
Penrodster comments on Aug 24, 2020:
Link is dead. I was curious what he died of.
Hackers Leak Alleged Internal Documents Of China’s Social Media Surveillance [dailycaller.
Penrodster comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Twitter tried to stop the info dump. I'm gonna have a heart attack and die from not surprise.
Penrodster comments on Aug 23, 2020:
That took me a LONG time to work it out.
Indeed who is Jeff?
Penrodster comments on Aug 23, 2020:
I wouldn't worry about Jeff. He's got less than 10, about the same as me.
World biggest Alex Joner []
Penrodster comments on Aug 22, 2020:
John Ward is my guilty pleasure. It's like watching a bunch of spoiled brats trip and fall on the concrete and me laughing at their pain. I'm not proud of it and I feel bad but I'm laughing while I feel ashamed of myself.
World biggest Alex Joner []
Penrodster comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Is that Yang image for real? 'Cause I kinda liked him. (Not in _that_ way but in the way you could discuss policies and not worry for your children.)
Say it with me: “peaceful.” []
Penrodster comments on Aug 22, 2020:
"Mostly peaceful" Like Manson or Stalin.
[] New Zealand Delays Election Over CCP Virus Fears
Penrodster comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Trump tweeted a question about delaying the elections. There was very vigorous assertion that this is nazi and fascist. Terms are defined by all the credible MSM media (I wrote that without giggling out loud.) Delaying the election is nazi and fascist.
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
Penrodster comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Et tu kitchen counter?
Jeffery will be missed.
Penrodster comments on Aug 22, 2020:
I laughed way harder at that than the rest of my family I dragged over to read with me. Everyone else is wrong, this is hilarious and worth the head thrown back laughter.
Penrodster comments on Aug 22, 2020:
I've had everything disappear on me, passwords don't work etc. The prompt to join makes it look like everything was erased but new password fixed it. Very annoying. My phone does not handle password updates well.
Best cartoon I have seen! Cartoon by: Chip Bok - Thursday, August 20, 2020
Penrodster comments on Aug 22, 2020:
This is the role the KKK fulfilled, they acted as community police when police weren't available. This is why they get called "Regressive Left."
Pedophilia goes deeper than Jeffrey Epstein.
Penrodster comments on Aug 21, 2020:
That's not a creepy smile at all.
Forbes: Why military exoskeletons will remain sci-fi.
Penrodster comments on Aug 21, 2020:
I think we'll have a Ripley level loader/forklift exoskeleton suitable for loading trucks etc within a decade. It would require training and be too slow for combat. The combat application weakness I see is they are aiming too high, wanted specs aren't possible so 2 or 3 small possible tweaks get ignored. Interested to see where all this goes.
Americans 'beginning to turn against' the Black Lives Matter movement []
Penrodster comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Cool. Huge difference between the lives of black people matter and BLM (TM) (send money here___)
Just checking.
Penrodster comments on Aug 16, 2020:
You must have heard somebody elses ass. My head is still firmly in place.
London Bridge is falling down... []
Penrodster comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Damn Drumpf gave the bridge covid. I'm gonna organize a protest with bridge hats to highlight his evil incompetence.
Can't say I trust polls...
Penrodster comments on Aug 16, 2020:
I think 60 - 70% of the "Undecided" are actually Trump supporters and afraid to say anything.
Video: Guy sets cop car on fire, catches himself on fire, runs to the lobby of his building, stands ...
Penrodster comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Dear God that looked like a horrific death. I worked as a janitor in school and they would have called me in to clean up the aftereffects. On the plus side, the guy died the way he lived. Making life harder on everyone else.
Season 2, Episode 4
Penrodster comments on Aug 16, 2020:
A guy at work does this so I hit him. He says the game doesn't work that way but his description of the rules sound stupid.
Is there a “Too Far” for a free speech site?
Penrodster comments on Aug 16, 2020:
The NPC meme struck to my core. 10 - 20 years back progressive friends would react to any bad news with: "It's the Joooooooos!" If you hand a yappy dog a megaphone you know exactly what they will say. Every debate attack the Jews, blacks, whites, etc whatever their fixation is. After reading one comment I know the basics of every comment to come and I hate giving the yappy dog the megaphone. I hate listening to it, I hate ceding the resource to someone that rendered themselves a moron. Mine is a visceral reaction not a legal justification. Seriously, I do not know what to do to deal with the issue. I just have the anger that a chihuahua is given a megaphone but it is within the rules.
"We're not Nazis..."
Penrodster comments on Aug 9, 2020:
I don't believe ICE has devolved to Nazi-esque levels but that is _very_ well done.
Penrodster comments on Aug 8, 2020:
There's a couple people I like in there, I feel betrayed.
I'm sure there's a DA somewhere who would try to prosecute for this.
Penrodster comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I'm pretty sure it is illegal for both sides. Out in my area the DA would be like: "Listen Bob, I know it's annoying but what if some kid came through?! Or a cow!? Just use a rifle like everyone else."
Penrodster comments on Aug 8, 2020:
"There are two things we know for sure 1) Epstein didn't kill himself and 2) Sally Yates is corrupt." Robert Barnes
Penrodster comments on Aug 7, 2020:
I'm about 80% certain this is sarcasm and didn't really happen. 80% is not a good number for the media.
Won't happen ...
Penrodster comments on Aug 4, 2020:
I feel comfortable saying she is probably safe.
Google / Joe Biden LOL
Penrodster comments on Aug 4, 2020:
That will get updated out of existence.
Penrodster comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Did they see nudity or Naked Rage (TM) ??
Take that, earth supremacists!
Penrodster comments on Jul 31, 2020:
So any Gorn rule 34 fan fic out there?
I gotta go buy some stickers now!
Penrodster comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Asking for a friend, where do you buy Trump stickers?
forehead temp
Penrodster comments on Jul 31, 2020:
They take my temp before work starts and I can forget to work 6-8 hours. It wears off but takes awhile.
Trump Suggests Delaying The Election Causing Democrats To Freak Out, But Technically Trump COULD - ...
Penrodster comments on Jul 31, 2020:
I really think he suggested delaying the election so democrats couldn't do it later.
For all you vegans out there, and those who just like beans in general.
Penrodster comments on Jul 28, 2020:
He spoke for Obama too. I think the racists are taking the opportunity to hit now. So if anyone says anything bad about Goya call them Obama hating racists and we don't need their fascist ideology in our lives!
[] EXPOSED: BLM Unites with Islamists & Communists to Dismantle the West (PROMO) | Glenn TV
Penrodster comments on Jul 28, 2020:
"Unites" with communists? Shouldn't that be: "Unites with other communist groups."
Pretty close to sedition?
Penrodster comments on Jul 28, 2020:
I wish they would peacefully demonstrate at his house rather than small businesses.
Don JR BANNED from twitter! [] The bias is just so obvious at this point!
Penrodster comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Well, as a publisher they can curate their content. Now they will be sued as a publisher.
Close Patrick McBride July 13 · THE DAY THE POLICE WERE NO LONGER NEEDED On August 19,...
Penrodster comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Thank you. I find the guy groveling, hoping the angry mob will give him penance, touching. He knows there is next to no chance no matter what he says or how minor his offense.
Prosecutor's Staffer Appears To Have TAMPERED With Evidence In Missouri Couple Case - YouTube
Penrodster comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Starting with the staffer that altered the gun, prison time and find out who told him to do it. That person gets prison time and find out who told them to do it. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat, rinse repeat.
I Don't Care Much about the Antifa kids getting snatched by DHS. But How much should I?
Penrodster comments on Jul 24, 2020:
I'm with you on a LOT of this. Pimply faced brownshirts wearing black as a disguise getting picked up, I have trouble caring. However, this would not be a good precedent **at all.** Even the swoop in and release 90 minutes later we've seen is over the top, just not good. On the other hand, Tim Pool discussed how it looks like when cops picked up informants from occupy, got intel then released. The short hold times corroborate that but still ... how would we know until it's too late?
Kentucky Couple Put On HOUSE ARREST For Catching COVID, Given Ankle Bracelets By Cops - YouTube
Penrodster comments on Jul 20, 2020:
Oh, look! My state is in the news again! So... we're like a fascist Florida. Cool. Cool.
Biden might pick Hillary..
Penrodster comments on Jul 20, 2020:
I guess at this point there's really no risk for him. He quietly bows out for 'health' reasons on January 25th and all is well.
Breaking News!! The world has turned upside down.
Penrodster comments on Jul 16, 2020:
I can only assume they will use "prisoners with jobs" to tear them down. The "S" word is verbotten now.
Spot the difference??
Penrodster comments on Jul 16, 2020:
A Bard is required for a BLM LARPing adventure.
Patreon In BIG Trouble Over Tech Censorship! You LOVE To See It! [] &SlugUp
Penrodster comments on Jul 16, 2020:
According to Burger King, "Cow farts & burps are no laughing matter.
Penrodster comments on Jul 16, 2020:
I thought they were just going to let the cows wander around more and eat grass like they should which I thought was an excellent idea. Now I've got to look into how much oil based fertilizer is required to grow lemongrass on such large scales.
Penrodster comments on Jul 13, 2020:
"Washington Whiteskins" ? "Crackers" Looking for something that would offend no one. I don't believe any of my white friends would be offended by either.
Republican satisfaction with the direction of the country plummets []
Penrodster comments on Jul 5, 2020:
That last data point is seriously discontiguous. If I see that I recheck the setup, rerun the data point and try again on a different set of equipment. Don't get me wrong, I can easily see satisfaction dropping but this data looks hokey and needs some reviewing before publishing to the world.
Its reached the money belt! Watch shit change now
Penrodster comments on Jul 5, 2020:
I know the area and he's a wealthy attorney. The chance that they are Fox news watchers is pretty slim. If they get charged and convicted before the election, Biden lost two more votes right here.
More Liberal Pain!!!
Penrodster comments on Jul 5, 2020:
I make a screeching sound but it's from psychological stress. Are we sure that's not it for Golden Gate too?
A.O.C. Back in the news
Penrodster comments on Jul 5, 2020:
In the street. You forgot "in the street."
Penrodster comments on Jul 1, 2020:
ISIS was offended by the 1000 yr old statue of Buddha. I guess they were ahead of the curve.
The Mikhaila Peterson Podcast 9 - Jordan B. Peterson - Family Update June 2020 []
Penrodster comments on Jun 30, 2020:
So glad to see him again. I forgot Mikhaila was going through her surgeries at the same time.
I didn't know that until now! 😂
Penrodster comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Today, 12 seconds ago.
There is soooooooooooo much to meme about
Penrodster comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Hello, this is Sharon from the Peace and Unicorns department. Reviewing your claim of arson of your home, we have determined that does not involve "Peace" or "Unicorns" and therefore not under our jurisdiction. Have a blessed day! (Click)
Slurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......gmme anotherv beeeeeeer
Penrodster comments on Jun 21, 2020:
*an* alcoholic. Her grammar is wrong too.
Well that's cultural and political...Kinda
Penrodster comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Now I feel REALLY bad about my life.
Profile picture
Penrodster comments on Jun 21, 2020:
I know that hairline.
It was about to happen
Penrodster comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Obviously someone blinked.
In these troubled times,when you are being attacked for your world view feel free to use my secret...
Penrodster comments on Jun 16, 2020:
I love watching baby animals do Tai Chi.
What a Drama queen but Nancy Pelosi everyone with a brain knows your a lying filthy snake
Penrodster comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Wasn't Chauvin kneeling just like that? (It might sound like I'm comparing a power mad thug to ... a power mad thug.)
Biden Memes just never stop coming...
Penrodster comments on Jun 16, 2020:
I would have expected a Biden train rather than boat.
Defund ...
Penrodster comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Politicians saved Chauvins job on 18 prior occasions. Hate the thug or the enablers who used him? Hurm...
What would you suggest Donald Trump do to have a positive resolution to the BLM/Defund Police/ANTIFA...
Penrodster comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Quarantine. Let them have the experiment and offer whatever help he can to governors who want it. Diversity of ideas needs the chance to succeed or fail. And absolutely no money to help the govs or mayors who refuse help or to stop looting and burning. States have rights, Trump should not trample those rights (especially by giving them money.)
A quick summary - Masks are worthless, since if you're asymptomatic you don't actually infect ...
Penrodster comments on Jun 12, 2020:
I would not put a lot of stock in what the WHO says. In fact since I agreed with the WHO before this I will rethink my position in case my opinion needs amended.
Intolerance and education.
Penrodster comments on Jun 8, 2020:
I bristled at "education" because of my biases (a bias I didn't know I had) but the line: "An ill-educated person behaves with arrogant impatience, whereas truly profound education breeds humility." This was a great moral thinker and I've got to go back to read more.
Would you believe Derek Chauvin has an IMDB entry? I didn’t, at first, and then I checked...
Penrodster comments on Jun 5, 2020:
The world is bizarre. (How many steps to Kevin Bacon?)
For months accusations of a massive Chinese coverup of the emerging Covid-19 disaster — while the ...
Penrodster comments on Jun 5, 2020:
I think it was a combination of depending on China for EVERYTHING and anything Trump says must obviously be denounced.
Hauwei or the Highway: Hauwei — widely seen as an arm of the Beijing dictatorship — has been ...
Penrodster comments on Jun 5, 2020:
COVID-19 has had a lot of countries reconsidering their attachment to China's Belt and Road initiative. We might finagle Iran back into a trustworthy ally over all this. I'm in the industry and not a fan of the 5G technology but better us than China.
Do you see the tragic killing of Floyd George more an act of pure evil or pure incompetence?
Penrodster comments on Jun 4, 2020:
I was leaning towards incompetent evil thug but learning they worked together added the possibility of premeditated murder related to another crime. Have to wait for more information. The "forging a $20 in his car" sounds like planted evidence. Hopefully Carol Baskine will chime in to clear things up.
Can you say lets play telephone
Penrodster comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Some of us are just more properly focused on the booze.
First there was the looting; Now comes the shooting. As predicted. []
Penrodster comments on Jun 3, 2020:
Businesses people spent a lifetime building are getting burned down. I don't think anyone is actually surprised.
When you are late to the party []
Penrodster comments on May 26, 2020:
I didn't vote for Trump but watched the congressional case against him. I figured he was the typical corrupt New York Democrat. Seeing Schiff's case against him convinced me Trump wasn't nearly as bad as I thought and there are a BUNCH of people involved in impeachment who need to be impeached or imprisoned. Thank you Congressman Schiff for opening my eyes.
The BBC can shrivel up and die, as far as I'm concerned.
Penrodster comments on May 21, 2020:
A month or so back BBC had the obligatory "Trump is killing everyone with hydroxychloroquine." A couple inches down was another story on the promising results Spain and France were getting with hydroxychoroquine. They have a strong bias but it has a nuance. I can't understand the nuance but it exists.
Seems Legit...
Penrodster comments on May 6, 2020:
Still seems lopsided, will Barron be drunk?
CoffeeOrDie: Two former Green Berets arrested in Venezuela. []
Penrodster comments on May 5, 2020:
$213 million? Really?! Curious where all this leads.
Mitch McConnell is an abhorrent career politician who is not representing the people.
Penrodster comments on May 5, 2020:
Not Mitch fan and refuse to vote for him but I think he's right here. Probably too heavy handed but wholesale lawsuits will kill any economic recovery.
Penrodster comments on Jul 11, 2019:
The 12000 papers were also read over a period of a week and a half, let that sink in. Also the milquetoast requirements in the paper mean that I am a Global Warming Believer.
Royal Navy frigate trains guns on Iranian boats trying to storm Brit tanker in Persian Gulf forcing ...
Penrodster comments on Jul 11, 2019:
Nah, couldn't be actual Iranian forces. Must have been pirates. Treat them as pirates, then help the Iranian govt salvage their sunken ships.
So Trump lost again in the courts, eh?
Penrodster comments on Jul 11, 2019:
"Trump's loss" will end up being our gain. In their effort to force Trump to actively ignore Trolls instead of blocking them, Twitter, Pinterest, Google and YouTube got declared public platforms that can't censor.
"There are two things that need to be said about slavery.
Penrodster comments on Jul 3, 2019:
I don't know if it's general ignorance of the history or willful evil to gain an objective. A further example is The Young Turks on YouTube. They actually named themselves after the perpetrators of genocide and defacto slavery. Then they call gay Jews 'nazi,' that's a lot of chutzpah. (I hate agreeing so wholeheartedly because it makes me worried I'm engaging in groupthink but crap, history exists.)
Ocasio-Cortez Accused Of Staging Photo PR Stunt At Detention Center - YouTube
Penrodster comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Another great surgical slam from Mr Pool. Thank you kindly.
Glacier National Park quietly removes their “gone by 2020” signs []
Penrodster comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Instead of removing, the sign should be extended to include addendums. 2020, 2037, 2063, 2178 etc. This censorship of Global Warming dangers really irks me.
Seems like an important observation
Penrodster comments on Jun 20, 2019:
The claim does strain credulity.
Bravo, Bill...
Penrodster comments on Jun 18, 2019:
That is a mighty impressive shot.
Pinterest Caught Censoring Conservatives, But Its Worse Than You Think - YouTube
Penrodster comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Hey, Tim Pool story got pulled. There was probably nothing to it. NOTHING TO SEE HERE. MOVE ALONG.
What's going on in the Dominican Republic?! []
Penrodster comments on Jun 13, 2019:
10 last year and 70 so far this year? If the hotel cooperates at all the guy is caught pretty quick. If they keep pulling the same crap it lasts a year and they never have a tourist industry again.
18 minutes of John Ward ???? That's gold at ANY time. []
Penrodster comments on Jun 13, 2019:
YouTube has a feature to speed up or slow down the video. If you slow a John Ward rant die to half speed you can catch every delicious insult.
A man reportedly robbed almost $8,000 from 2 banks in Israel while carrying an avocado that looked ...
Penrodster comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Vegan thugs robbing banks now. Probably be rustling out cattle next.
Rock-solid evidence shows how Earth's eccentric orbit affects climate change "The Earth goes ...
Penrodster comments on Jun 13, 2019:
I've got an urge to pull up excel and start plotting some curves. There's a huge number of higher frequency inputs that account for the spikiness in the ice vote tecords.
Glacier National Park quietly removes signs that say glaciers will be all gone by 2020 (Link from ...
Penrodster comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Watts is doing God's work. I think the signs should be reinstated and left for the coming generations. Let the climate deniers in 2050 argue over it.
If you would like to decide which creators you view get paid & operate with enhanced privacy on the ...
Penrodster comments on Jun 7, 2019:
Thanks. I've spent a couple years not touching VOX for fear they'll get 3 cents out of me. Could be very useful.