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Reuters: Mitch McConnell is the fulcrum of any impeachment trial.
RobBlair comments on Jan 6, 2020:
The target of the impeachment may be Senators with divided constituencies. We'd probably do well to focus in on Democratic Senators that will be hurt by voting with this impeachment farce.
JohnStossel: Actual data on mass shootings. []
RobBlair comments on Jan 6, 2020:
It is unrealistic to think that we can maintain a proper skepticism when absorbing News on issues we are not experts on. I think a better approach would be to have less tolerance for News outlets that unapologetically deceive their audience.
How the left redefines gun free zones to fit their agenda- []
RobBlair comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Well in keeping to a strict definition of "Gun Free Zones" one should argue that there has never been, and never will be a shooting incident within a gun free zone (if the bad guy has a gun it's not gun free now is it). Meanwhile, back in reality, shootings still occur in "Gun Free Zones."
Qom, Iran.
RobBlair comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Oh those Mullahs, they forgot the white stripes and blue field of stars
To fully grasp Iran’s current situation, we need to be reminded of the Islamic revolution of 1979.
RobBlair comments on Jan 4, 2020:
I couldn't imagine not being free.
If a Liberal from 1960 turned up now They would be considered a conservative If a liberal from now...
RobBlair comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Makes me think about the Tower of Babel story where men congregate and decide to make a great city and tower unto themselves and wind up being scattered because their language is confused. Today a man is a trans woman - or not. A liberal means both an anti-freedom progressive and a person who supports personal freedom. A racist is someone who doesn't support affirmative action, someone who disagrees with me or neo-nazis. A baby is a life except when its a choice, but not the baby's choice. Marriage can be traditional marriage or gay marriage, but making that distinction is bad. A blood thirsty terrorist is an islamic scholar, or an Asian. Not such a far fetched story anymore. Only in a time of such prosperity could such nuttery exist.
DanBongino: Suleimani urged Trump to attack him. That post didn't age well. []
RobBlair comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Evil's envoy gets to meet his master.
TheRuralBadge: what kind of cop do you want? []
RobBlair comments on Jan 3, 2020: We should also recognize the underbelly of our society that cops have to deal with -
Guess who just stopped smoking? Gen. Qassim Soleimani
RobBlair comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Apparently, he was only identifiable by a large ring he was wearing. For those who looked closely there was inscribed on the ring " ring to rule them all...."
StonesCryOut: the most important archeological finds of 2019. []
RobBlair comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Always fun - My architectural history teacher said that if you wanted something to last through history, build a road.
The drive: Germany's dismal helicopter fleet. []
RobBlair comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Well helicopters are very complicated machines and I wouldn't expect German engineers to understand the complexities. If only they had access to some smart Ukrainians with a name like Sikorsky or a Pole named Piasecki (smile).
Paraders banned for blackface at Mummers Parade- [wearecentralpa.
RobBlair comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Clearly Klookies - Now to really get these "selfish, hateful behavior" people roweled up -
I challenge anyone to tell me that the pictures shown at this link are not amazing representations ...
RobBlair comments on Jan 3, 2020:
As a structural engineer - Wursa - Flawless coordination Take my lighting but dint steal my thunder - Good coordination between engineer and artist. Added haunch should have been avoided. De Vaartkapoem - Could have been better. Shaft into foot is unnecessary with attention to detail Window with ladder - Flawless Monte-Meubles - Extra struts take a little away Lots of fun! Thanks for sharing
Government science marches on!
RobBlair comments on Jan 2, 2020:
But wait! There's more -
The ONE Apologetics Book Every Christian Needs to Read in 2020 From the YouTube blurb: If ...
RobBlair comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Greg Koukl debating some other person -
NRO: The illusion of soft power. []
RobBlair comments on Jan 2, 2020:
I suspect that Hollywood's cultural failure is entirely due to their inability to see truth. Try pumping out some movies of a surveillance state like 1984 or Equilibrium.
JohnFund: Don't ignore the good news. []
RobBlair comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Best decade in human history - ever.
Here’s a reminder of the kind of foundational thinking that we need to keep alive: “I have ...
RobBlair comments on Jan 2, 2020:
AuH2O represents a war between pragmatism and idealism. He was right about Civil Rights (being used against the Masterpiece Cake Shop in Colorado) and about the need to promote freedom - and he was unelectable as president, losing handily to LBJ.
RobBlair comments on Dec 24, 2019:
I recommend reading his words directly (less editorializing) - "Here, there is a need to be wary of the temptation to rigidity. A rigidity born of the fear of change, which ends up erecting fences and obstacles on the terrain of the common good, turning it into a minefield of incomprehension and hatred. Let us always remember that behind every form of rigidity lies some kind of imbalance. Rigidity and imbalance feed one another in a vicious circle. And today this temptation to rigidity has become very real." So to be clear, he is talking about incomprehensible fences and obstacles. As we know from Ann Coulter, there is no misunderstanding regarding the need for a proper wall along our southern border.
RobBlair comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Still seeing more Bokos than Fulanis. Nigeria has strict gun control laws so the Christian Church will be unable to defend itself there. Half Christian and half Muslim.
Ann Coulter.
RobBlair comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Supreme Court Nominee Republican Presidential Debate Host Fact finder and author the queen on the board - be nice when Trump gets that rook built though.
Pro gun rights WA state rep Matt Shea accused by partisan report of 'domestic terrorism'- ...
RobBlair comments on Dec 24, 2019:
It's good to have a re-look at the Bundy Standoff which ended with a court dismissal with prejudice due to the FBI hiding exculpatory evidence (sounds familiar, right?). However, the Malheur incident, which was perpetrated under the idea that the Federal Government can't own land, seems to me to be a foolish use of the 2nd Amendment since other less violent means are available and time was not of the essence.
"Denver City Council Member, Newly Elected, Promises To Provide Communism For All.
RobBlair comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Communism isn't really something that is provided. More like imposed. Clearly college has not served her well.
Stupid Trudeau has again displayed his stupidity by trying to get the US to plug the flow of Chinese...
RobBlair comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Better yet, Canada don't elect Trudeau. Clean your own house first.
Isis in Iraq: Militants 'getting stronger again' - BBC News
RobBlair comments on Dec 24, 2019:
How many permanent bases do we have to dig for these evil people?
On track again...
RobBlair comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Man plans and God laughs
SoFMag: A Marines-eye-view of Fallujah []
RobBlair comments on Dec 24, 2019:
"Recon raided an enemy cement factory that was being used as a listening post/observation post by the enemy. We didn’t hear a shot, but it was neutralized." - oohrah
"I’m not sure what leverage there is in refraining from sending us something we do not want.
RobBlair comments on Dec 23, 2019:
"Please don't throw me into that briar patch"
College Republicans "swatted" at Minnesota college over false gun report- []
RobBlair comments on Dec 23, 2019:
I remember my roommate at Drexel (Philadelphia) had a guest over for a study session. The guest leaned over and revealed a gun stuck in his jeans. My roommate exclaimed "College policy doesn't allow guns in dorms!" To that I say exactly. The policy is no guns, yet here was a guy with a gun. The only thing keeping guns out of dorms and other places is often just words on a page. The idea that we should disarm and be left defenseless so that the same people who show such lackluster concern for our right to life can virtue signal, is absurd. If you want a gun free zone then you need to be responsible to make sure that it is a gun free zone at the entrance. If you can't lock down a gun free zone then you have no right to deny other people the tools necessary for them to defend themselves.
White House Veterans Helped Gulf Monarchy Build Secret Surveillance Unit
RobBlair comments on Dec 23, 2019:
I guess Google and IBM were too busy "helping" China with their surveillance
NationalInterest: should the US lease Royal Navy aircraft carriers? []
RobBlair comments on Dec 23, 2019:
"It'll never work. To start with, you'd have to sail British carriers on the left side of the ocean." - comment at the end
Why Public College Should Be Free | The Nation
RobBlair comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Seems like Federal spending on college is already a sham
There Is No Line –
RobBlair comments on Dec 23, 2019:
There is no line in front of my house either. That doesn't mean I have to let you in.
Trump Adviser: Expect More Aggressive Poll Watching in 2020
RobBlair comments on Dec 21, 2019: Why is the audio not available? Did he say it sarcastically as he claims and the AP doesn't want us to hear it?
In the UK, you can no longer say that biological sex is immutable, and that it is impossible to ...
RobBlair comments on Dec 20, 2019:
"[addressing someone by their actual gender is] incompatible with human dignity and fundamental rights of others" Let's cut right to the real problem - my human dignity is not conferred to me by someone else's belief. It is not affected by someone else's speech. It is intrinsic and not the play toy for overindulged adult children. "[the Gender Recognition Act] provides a right, based on the assessment of the various interrelated convention rights, for a person to transition, in certain circumstances, and thereafter to be treated for all purposes as the being of the sex to which they have transitioned." - quick, someone get this to God! I don't think he was copied on the memo. King Canute is laughing! Cousin Eric was right.
NRO: UN troops in Haiti father hundreds of babies. []
RobBlair comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Relocate the UN to Haiti.
Ask Netflix to cancel film depicting Jesus as a homosexual! | CitizenGO
RobBlair comments on Dec 20, 2019:
I'm sure it's very edgy and nuanced ... zzz. Went to Netflix last night to find something to watch. After spending a few minutes trying to find something my wife says to go to Prime. Jack Ryan season 2 - pretty good, kept me awake. Prime also has the next season of Expanse. Seriously thinking about ditching Netflix.
Gatestone Institute.
RobBlair comments on Dec 20, 2019:
I think the French have spent the last 100 years since WW1 trying to figure out who to surrender too. Then I read about Arnaud Beltrame who forces me to change my mind. France needs more heroes and an ongoing frank public discussion regarding the terrorism that is bred through Islam.
I could ALMOST vote for Tulsi Gabbard.
RobBlair comments on Dec 20, 2019:
2024 Republican Presidential debate hosted and "moderated" by Ann Coulter - any candidate who survives with even a modicum of dignity will be eligible for my vote. Gabbard contrasts herself from most of the other democratic hopefuls because she doesn't appear to hate this country. Would certainly never vote for her though.
Are you in favour of ethnonationalism (ethnic-nationalism)?
RobBlair comments on Dec 20, 2019:
As an American I can proudly say that our system (whatever it is) is the best! Ethnic Nationalism is the historic norm that has a significant weakness. If you hold to a very specific ethnic identity you can bedevil and isolate those who miss that definition (the example I've given before is my cousin and his Korean wife's children are not considered Korean in Korea.) The clear weakness to this fairly new Civic Nationalism is that ethnic diversity is a weakness with one exception - when the group is focused around a common culture or task (like in church or in the military). One advantage is that when a Native American has children with a European American, those children, as with their parents, are called American. A little push back - "This [intermarriage of races] continued for generations, and now, South America is culturally, ethnically, and racially unrecognizable from what it was before extensive intermarriage with the Spaniards had begun." - culturally they are Roman Catholic and they speak Spanish or Portuguese. Native Americans, at least as I saw in Central America, are recognizable. I doubt that Civic Nationalism is for everyone or even that most countries, even in westernized Europe, is capable of holding to it.
Bouaaaahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa []
RobBlair comments on Dec 19, 2019:
"and Margaret Thatcher will serve out the rest of his term" - well played
When a government is required flow chart
RobBlair comments on Dec 19, 2019:
form a more perfect Union - Requires time, negotiation and compromise to establish a common law and bond establish Justice - You can't pay for justice and you can't establish it without law (a documented and enforced agreement between all parties) insure domestic Tranquility - Who will dispose of the mob? Pay for a security force, but the mob represents the majority and you are out voted and out spent - you lose provide for the common defence - Same as above but the mob is now an exterior threat that is interested in dividing and conquering promote the general Welfare - Neighbor doesn't like you running your grill, you don't like it when your neighbor smokes you out of your home with a brush fire. Which one is the general welfare? Says who? secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity- many people have tried to pay for liberty with their lives and their families still don't have it.
Global News. "Pelosi Calls Mitch McConnell 'Rogue Leader' In the Senate." []
RobBlair comments on Dec 19, 2019:
What's dangerous about this play is that it only takes a small reveal to collapse Pelosi's house of cards. Of course anyone who isn't already insulated from truth and is still on the left is politically cynical.
This guy cuts right through the BS... []
RobBlair comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Hard for me to believe that anyone who has any reasonable level of information hasn't recognized this as a sham (including every rep who voted).
LOL.. setting him up for a landslide victory! []
RobBlair comments on Dec 19, 2019:
The vote 'against' impeachment was bipartisan.
Blood on open borders Boston's hands- []
RobBlair comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Does anyone recognize that immigration communities shouldn't be subjected to criminals either? Can only imagine what malfeasance is being committed by our Soros funded Philadelphia DA.
RobBlair comments on Dec 19, 2019:
What would an Anti-capitalist look like?
Can someone tell me what Trump is on about? []
RobBlair comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Our gracious Federal Government has deigned to allow its subjects the ability to obtain plumbing fixtures and appliances for common use. However, because our benevolent leaders are just and good, they require through force of gun, that such privileges of modern technology be limited to only those that meet strict water and energy consumption requirements.
Pamela Geller.
RobBlair comments on Dec 18, 2019:
I'll see you guys under the altar.
Impeachment Explained: What is impeachment?
RobBlair comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Babylon Bee -
Her husband was killed by her stalker, while gun laws left her defenseless- []
RobBlair comments on Dec 18, 2019:
My first gun proposal - It shall be the responsibility of the authority declaring a gun free zone to secure the site from unauthorized people carrying guns. Any breach of this security shall: subject the authority to a minimum fine and any liability arising from their failure to protect the individuals in their care; rescind the gun free zone until further measures are taken to ensure the security of the individuals in their care.
Gen Z is more anti-Trump than millennials, polling shows
RobBlair comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Takes a few years after high school to get that brain going again - wisdom from age curves towards being conservative.
[] .....Democrats Already Preparing for a SECOND Impeachment of Trump
RobBlair comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Colluding with Russia, would you believe it? How about Ukraine? Double parked in a handicap zone?
Tory MP makes history as world's first openly gay Muslim to be elected
RobBlair comments on Dec 18, 2019:
The Ahmadiyya Muslims are not allowed to call themselves Muslims in many other Muslim nations.
America’s health care costs problem, explained in 4 charts - Vox
RobBlair comments on Dec 18, 2019:
I'd be in favor of requiring drug prices to match across international lines. If you sell the drug for $2,000 in the US then you must sell it for $2,000 to the other nations or have your drug penalized with a tariff equal to the difference. What currently happens is the drug companies cover their R and D for the drugs in the US market and then look to the international markets to just cover production costs. This even creates a gray market where people in the US can purchase their drugs from Canada for a cheaper cost. I also like the fixed cap on costs for medical insurance. Imagine that conversation "Aunt Edna has reached her medical cost cap for this year. Come back next year and we'll finish the operation."
Pennsylvania AG unilaterally redefines when a gun is a gun- []
RobBlair comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Josh "Webster" Shapiro has graced us with his presence. I'm so glad he is there to interpret the law... wait which branch of government interprets the law?
RobBlair comments on Dec 17, 2019:
2nd Amendment Sanctuary - Not quite the right wording. Constitutional County Defenders of Liberty
Breitbart: Teen caught with large bomb says he thought it was drugs []
RobBlair comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Seems reasonable -
As a mental health nurse, people don't realise I'm more soldier than nurse | Public Leaders Network ...
RobBlair comments on Dec 17, 2019:
I don't pay my wife anything, but she treats me well.
RobBlair comments on Dec 17, 2019:
"No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor is the reward for what he gave" - Calvin Coolidge
[] Bad day at work.
RobBlair comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Safety Factor = 1.01
RobBlair comments on Dec 17, 2019:
"Men who sleep around are viewed as heroes or lovable rogues," - feckless, unfounded, and immature comes to mind. Sure we men have a strong desire to obtain sexual conquests, but we do well to not define ourselves by our short term desires alone. I believe the noble and most satisfying goal for most men is best imagined as a grandfather at a table set for a feast, next to his wife and surrounded by his children and grandchildren. A life of short term sexual encounters delays the time to establishing a marriage, damages the ability to commit, and communicates the desire to gain short term satisfaction over long term gains.
Here's your wake up call
RobBlair comments on Dec 17, 2019:
"Would you like a second opinion?"
Where is the data?? []
RobBlair comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Worth a discussion - This is the proposal - This is a copy of my response from Stop political bribery - AKA make lobbying illegal - Totally against this. I want the ability to support the politicians that will forward my ideals End Secret Money - I like this. You give money or influence to a politician, it should be published so everyone knows who they are beholden to. [] - I do use to check on my reps before I vote. Candidates and large publishing companies (Facebook, Google, TV, etc...) should be held responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of this information. Fix Our Broken Elections - Gerrymandering is a non-issue, but it should be recognized as part of a political process. I don't care how often you call a committee independent or transparent, it won't be. The idea that people don't participate in the primaries has an obvious solution. I'm not in favor of automatic registration or automatic vote from home. I like the civic nature of the community coming together to vote. In any case, these issues can be decided on a state by state basis. An 18 year term limit is hard to disagree with. Government should not be involved in election funding. You like a candidate, you fund that candidate. Enforce the Rules - Super PACS that finance or oppose a candidate should somehow be disclosed on that candidate's financial sheet. Ex. If an anti-2nd amendment lobby is targeting a candidate that candidate and his opponents should have that shown on their opensecrets sheet. If documented as such, I don't care if they coordinate. Dinesh D'Souza was sentenced to 5 years in jail for campaign finance violation. I want the federal government's role in this restricted, not exacerbated. One thing to keep in mind, 100% of the News network time during elections is effectively someone's campaign being financed. Maybe the solution is to ditch the whole campaign finance garbage and go back to holding our candidates responsible for the promises they make when being elected?
Has Narendra Modi Finally Gone Too Far? | The New Yorker
RobBlair comments on Dec 17, 2019:
"Since 1947, the Muslims of India have been distinguished by their widespread refusal to embrace radicalization." Fact Check - False "Christians and Hindus in India have always had cordial relationships. I believe the relationships are still very cordial. And it is not Hindus who persecute Christians. Let me be very categorical about that: it's a particular group of people who subscribe to an ideology called Hindutva. They are the ones, you know, persecuting not just Christians, but basically all minorities that are different from them. So that would be the Muslims. That would be the Christians. That would also be the Sikhs, in sporadic incidents. And that would also be the Communists, who actually subscribe to no religion at all. And that would also be the Dalits, you know, who are the Untouchables. So the Hindutva group, the people subscribing to this particular ideology, are really the ones I would say who are unleashing this wave of violence in India." "Hindutva is a political ideology. It's a fascist ideology. It believes in one nation, one culture, one people. And it borrows directly from Hitler and elevates Hitler as one of their heroes. They believe in the final solution. These were the forces that killed Mahatma Gandhi..." I agree that Modi and the Indian population is heading in a dark direction, but I also would like to see less whitewashing of the radical elements of Islam. There is an obvious subset to Islam that moves people towards evil.
RobBlair comments on Dec 17, 2019:
"And in other News, Youtube is not a neutral company" - the linked protest video has been scrubbed by Youtube (AKA Google). Use the search engine for people who like to feed themselves.
It makes more sense everyday.
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019:
I think about 50% of us get this. The other third just don't do math.
The Associated Press acknowledges New Jersey gun laws don't stop bad guys- []
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019:
If they make the law long enough it can stop a 50 cal Desert Eagle
A Third of America’s Economy Is Concentrated in Just 31 Counties
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019: 10 of the top 25 counties, ranked by per capita household income, serve the Washington DC metro area. I argue that per capita is more valid because it denotes wealth inequality whereas GDP will be strongly affected by dense population.
Hannity: Schumer says a Senate trial will be "very unfair" and "very partisan" []
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Yes, we should model it on the Kavanaugh debacle.
What Would the Bernie Presidency Really Look Like? - POLITICO
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Location - The Union Hall Music - OK, but I'd have to see how someone else dances to it - Food - Bread, but there's a long line for it (which is a good thing!) Drink - Bourgeoisie Red - 1922 Drug - OPM (Other People's Money) Wait, is he against immigration now?
Someone should let Facci know that I'm about to ban him from this group.
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Pragmatic Rationalism: The Anti-Ideology Ideology Group - is where Facci's original post came from. Fully appropriate to have religious discussions there. I'd hate to block and miss someone who disagrees with me. I treasure rational disagreements. But, for those who've blocked HighQ, he says he's sorry for being wrong so often (smile)
Politically speaking, there are two types of people; thinkers and feelers.
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Joke - Mathematically speaking there are 10 kinds of people, those who understand binary and those who don't - carry on
Politically speaking, there are two types of people; thinkers and feelers.
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019: - Previous post with link to video and previous comments
Is the war on Christmas over?
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Yes, he promised we'd get tired of winning -
Pro-gun conservatives refuse to question President Trump even though he has openly supported ...
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019: Article 16.2 - Nothing in this Agreement prevents a Party from applying measures to regulate the entry of natural persons of another Party into, or their temporary stay in, its territory, including those measures necessary to protect the integrity of, and to ensure the orderly movement of natural persons across, its borders, provided that those measures are not applied in a manner as to nullify or impair the benefits accruing to any Party under this Chapter. ... 4. No Party shall: (a) as a condition for temporary entry under paragraph 1, require prior approval procedures, petitions, labor certification tests or other procedures of similar effect; or (b) impose or maintain a numerical restriction relating to temporary entry under paragraph 1. 5. Notwithstanding paragraph 4, a Party may require a business person seeking temporary entry under this Section to obtain a visa or its equivalent prior to entry. Before imposing a visa requirement, the Party shall consult, on request, with a Party whose business persons would be affected with a view to avoiding the imposition of the requirement. With respect to an existing visa requirement, a Party shall consult, on request, with a Party whose business persons are subject to the requirement with a view to its removal. Hmmm... So the Fed maintains power of immigration except with regard to the temporary stay of "business" people. (There is a list of what is considered business people). So unaccountable government entity can - (e) adopt and update the Rules of Procedure and Code of Conduct applicable to dispute settlement proceedings; and modify any Uniform Regulations agreed jointly by the Parties under Article 5.16 (Uniform Regulations), subject to completion of applicable legal procedures by each Party My head hurts. Would love to burn this thing. I think its right to be suspicious but I also suspect that your charges overstate the unaccountability concern. The threat to dispose of this agreement by congress will always be available except that our congress is comprised mostly of wood.
Candace Owens.
RobBlair comments on Dec 16, 2019:
The vote against impeachment will be bipartisan.
RobBlair comments on Dec 15, 2019:
Remember when the left cared about civil liberties?
This is Piñatex® - Fabric made from pineapple leaf fibres
RobBlair comments on Dec 15, 2019:
$60 per yard vs $18 per yard for faux leather. Didn't see any physical properties to compare (stronger, lighter, abrasion resistant, etc...). Sounds interesting though.
Step Right Up & Place Your Bets! Wily is now accepting bets in IDW coins that Trump will win in ...
RobBlair comments on Dec 14, 2019:
How much did you lose with Borris (and want company)?
“Frankly, I Want a Trial” A Question of Legitimacy by Justin O Smith It makes me want to ...
RobBlair comments on Dec 14, 2019:
I like that - So shameful even the kangaroos are embarrassed
Ex-Breitbart editor says Stephen Miller is a white supremacist, and she was too - CNNPolitics
RobBlair comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Make me schlock through that garbage - - "McHugh said Miller would point her towards crimes committed by undocumented migrants, such as the killing of Kate Steinle in San Francisco, with the subtext that curbing immigration from certain countries would cut crime." - "McHugh asked Miller if he thought a natural disaster in Mexico could drive people to the US border. He replied: "100 percent," according to emails McHugh gave to the SPLC and then CNN." - "Miller responded with a link to an article on an extremist website that promotes the racist "great replacement" theory" Gee I guess we should take CNN and the SPLC's word that Miller a super bad guy. No need for us to see specifics, but thanks for waxing poetic about a journalist coming clean. Here's the extremist website that promotes the racist "great replacement" theory - Oops, I meant this one - This one? The wolf might be coming but your credibility is going away.
What could go wrong?
RobBlair comments on Dec 14, 2019:
I remember my cousin being a little upset about that strategy.
RobBlair comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Not just stupid. Anti-semitism - Interracial marriage is not OK -
GaMbLiNg ThReAd Now accepting bets in IDW coins that Trump will win in 2020.
RobBlair comments on Dec 14, 2019:
OK, 1,000 IDW coins that Trump will win against your 1,000 coins.
TownHall: Iraqi Protests, do not look away. []
RobBlair comments on Dec 14, 2019:
I don't think it would be a problem if they decided to become the best, highly armed, peacekeeping, security force of Iraq. How do we get them weapons and ammo?
NRO: Democrats aren't interested in talking about Trump's crimes anymore []
RobBlair comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Democrats have listed their two articles of impeachment - 'a' and 'the'
There's a difference between kvetching and contributing.
RobBlair comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Those damn engineers... TED talk - Rogan -
Londons protest Anti BOJO clash with the Police []
RobBlair comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Not even a day for reflection. How many more seats do they want to lose?
OMG! He's really, you know who! Now he'll start tweeting! []
RobBlair comments on Dec 13, 2019:
It's you know who - (don't say his name).
White privilege?
RobBlair comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Not years but decades and this one is not Trump. Telling kids that the color of their skin is the reason they will be kept down would be corrosive to anyone. The narrative needs to change. Society should come down hard on anyone who engages in violence regardless of race.
WhatFinger: 24 important takeaways from AG Barr's recent interviews []
RobBlair comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Great interview. I also saw Glenn Beck's interview with Haley 26:00 "No matter who sits behind that desk, they are gonna get the same advice, they're gonna realize the president's hands are tied and they're gonna do exactly the same thing" - wow - I am both for longevity regarding foreign relationship decisions and for the will of the American people to be borne out. Not sure how to achieve that balance but I don't like where we are now.
Articles of impeachment: 1. Orange man bad. 2. My butt hurts.
RobBlair comments on Dec 13, 2019:
3. We are too tired of winning -
RobBlair comments on Dec 13, 2019:
1. Stop political bribery - AKA make lobbying illegal - Totally against this. I want the ability to support the politicians that will forward my ideals 2. End Secret Money - I like this. You give money or influence to a politician, it should be published so everyone knows who they are beholden to. - I do use to check on my reps before I vote. Candidates and large publishing companies (Facebook, Google, TV, etc...) should be held responsible for the accuracy and timeliness of this information. 3. Fix Our Broken Elections - Gerrymandering is a non-issue, but it should be recognized as part of a political process. I don't care how often you call a committee independent or transparent, it won't be. The idea that people don't participate in the primaries has an obvious solution. I'm not in favor of automatic registration or automatic vote from home. I like the civic nature of the community coming together to vote. In any case, these issues can be decided on a state by state basis. An 18 year term limit is hard to disagree with. Government should not be involved in election funding. You like a candidate, you fund that candidate. 4. Enforce the Rules - Super PACS that finance or oppose a candidate should somehow be disclosed on that candidate's financial sheet. Ex. If an anti-2nd amendment lobby is targeting a candidate that candidate and his opponents should have that shown on their opensecrets sheet. If documented as such, I don't care if they coordinate. Dinesh D'Souza was sentenced to 5 years in jail for campaign finance violation. I want the federal government's role in this restricted, not exacerbated. One thing to keep in mind, 100% of the News network time during elections is effectively someone's campaign being financed. Maybe the solution is to ditch the whole campaign finance garbage and go back to holding our candidates responsible for the promises they make when being elected?
This is why your kids are come home from school so messed up 2 hours of Utopian bullshit by those ...
RobBlair comments on Dec 12, 2019:
1:30 and its already lying to me - We need more conservative stories - GDP continues to grow and developing nations are developing - I'm gonna stop watching at 5 minutes. Jeremy Rifkin - "a cleverly constructed tract of anti-intellectual propaganda masquerading as scholarship" - Thank you Stephen Jay Gould - Vice Media can do better.
Meanwhile in the state of Virginia.
RobBlair comments on Dec 12, 2019: Have sanctuary cities so that you can enforce tyranny against sanctuary counties
I can't dance either
RobBlair comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Dastardly vote suppression
RobBlair comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Suggested corrections: - Require "US" Citizenship - Require "Valid" Identification - Arbitrary pronoun selection will never be valid - Must be alive "at time of voting"
RobBlair comments on Dec 12, 2019:
Capitalism - an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market - Merriam Webster definition Private ownership of property (capital), and the ability to voluntarily exchange property at a value freely determined by the parties represented. The value is often moderated by competition by other parties in a free market. - My definition Destruction and Theft of Native Land - Theft is not capitalism. The owners of the land were not compensated. Not Capitalism. Slavery - Effectively, the theft of a person's labor. Not capitalism. Colonization of Africa - See above two for aspects of colonization that are not capitalism. Investing in railroads, infrastructure, mining of resources, etc... can be aspects of capitalism, but I don't see an obvious detraction to those aspects. Maybe something regarding environmental concerns, but that is a bit far. Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire - 146 workers died in a fire. These workers didn't volunteer their lives in a free exchange and I would reject the argument that the company wanted their lives. This was an accident. Now the second time... Not capitalism Continuous Inequality (of outcome) - This is capitalism or at least an aspect of it. Inequality of outcome is only a negative if one holds to envy. Don't hold to envy
Italian Government Numbers Show 42% of Rapes are Carried Out by Migrants – Summit News
RobBlair comments on Dec 12, 2019:
So Sadiq Kahn is not that stupid, but it did give me a chuckle. "Adios America" similarly notes disparities regarding the existing population in the States vs the Hispanic immigrant population. Although a small minority, this new population is bringing in occurrences and acceptance to child rape and littering.