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Why don't transgender activists care about sex change mistakes?
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Pad the numbers, ignore mistakes, pretend the suicide rate is due completely to bullying, mischaracterize alternative views... I can't even argue the premise. A child, who knows very little, somehow knows that they are the opposite sex. I'd argue that married people don't even know much about the opposite sex. How would anyone know that they are the opposite sex? I could understand uncomfortable sexually. Attracted to the wrong biological sex seems to play a significant role. Transitioning a child seems to be child abuse.
Gun ownership is self-ownership.
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
A slave with a loaded gun is no longer a slave.
The Jussie Smollett case is a glaring example of Black privilege.
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
I was thinking more like green privilege.
So many are engulfed in the Democrat vs Republican side show.
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Not a side show for the Democrats. If you want Democrat policies, vote for Democrats and they will push their party planks. If you want freedom and prosperity, you do not vote for the Democrats. Now to actually get a Republican to forward a freedom and prosperity agenda seems to be the sticking point. Would love to see more libertarians argue their perspective in the primary. But, if you're suggesting a European model where a bunch of bureaucrats form a government with the minor percentage of electorate they each represent, behind closed doors... Doesn't seem to be a better system. What we really need is more press on representatives that do good work.
Head of Goldman Sachs of Sub-Saharan Africa, Colin Coleman, has a portrait of Mao in his family ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Clever use of the color red. I wonder what leverage Goldman Sachs has over the South African government. They aren't stupid and only an idiot would invest in a country that is quickly moving socialist.
Liberal Tears, causing merica to flourish !
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Senate Democrats can't even vote for their own, non-binding, Green New Deal that we desperately need to prevent the world from collapsing in the next 12 years.
50+ Journalists, Politicians, Celebrities, and Grifters who Peddled the Russia Collusion Hoax
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
They should have a warning under their name when it appears. "Unrepentant liar - listen to with caution"
In the future , in the interest of truth in action , call Democrats what they are .
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
The list is getting longer. We need to put videos together so we remember at election time.
President Trump is right, our border is in crisis, and Congress is ignoring it.
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
We should build a wall
This is as of yesterday.
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Classic case of the forgotten man. A agrees with B that C needs to fix a problem. Problem - [really complicated, lots of numbers, graphs, etc...] Solution - more government! Yeah
Court-packing is Democrat's most dangerous attack on the Republic.
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Should restrict the ability to add justices. I can't see a reason why we should need more than 9. Make this an amendment as part of the Convention of States.
With collusion deep-sixed, resistance switches to even crazier claims of obstruction.
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Its a delay tactic until they can insert a new narrative. Probably try the tax evasion ploy again. Us lemmings have such short attention spans.
" “We are not investigators”?
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Wait? You mean they are lying to us? Sorry, anyone that considers these people as News gets the blame. Until they apologize and change their ways intelligent people should consider these sources as garbage. Good journalists know the truth and need to distance themselves.
Democrat who doxxed Republicans during Kavanaugh hearings might avoid jail time due to political ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Whew! That was close. If democrats ever start facing reality ...
Racial Harmony
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Lol - you forgot "in denial".
Tribute to Faith J. Goldy []?
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Multiculturalism is obviously foolish (glad the Aztec culture is extinct and the Nazis were defeated). Identity politics is wrong and should be defeated by pointing out its racism.
A recipe for radicalization: suppress the moderate voices, label free speech & truth as hate ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Bedfordshire Police do there job. Cambridge "Police" issue vacate order to TR because there is likely to be an issue. Turns out there was. Some people dressed up like cops acted like thugs. Then some person dressed up like a judge agreed that people dressed up like cops should act like thugs.
Just lost my Uncle Mark.
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Tell us something about him so that we can remember and celebrate his life with you. Not sure how well drums go with harps but I guess we'll find out.
"BREAKING: Rockland County NY Becomes America’s First Vaccine Police State – Bans Unvaccinated ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Well at least Rockland County won't have anything to worry about if ever there's a zombie outbreak - no brains.
Trudeau visits mosque that hosted imam who prayed for killing Jews, Christians and Shiites, again.
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
"And as Canadians, we must also standing up against intolerance in all its forms, standing up for women’s rights, standing up against anti black racism, standing up against anti-Semitism, standing up against homophobia." - Trudeau "O Allah, destroy [take revenge of] the Jews, the Christians, the Crusaders, the hypocrites, the Shia [Shiite Muslims] and all their collaborators" - Mo Al-Luhaidan from 2 years ago I think we're talking about two different versions of peace. There's peace where everyone gets along and peace of the desert where there is no one left to get along with. At least Trudeau has more courage than the Democrats in our congress who added islamaphobia to the grocery list in response to Ohmar's antiJewish remarks.
Egg the Left and you get fined and thrown in jail.
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Jeremy Corbyn said - “[British Zionists] clearly have two problems. One is they don’t want to study history, and secondly, having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, they don’t understand English irony either.” He adds: “They needed two lessons, which we could perhaps help them with.” - There is not going to be a peace process unless there is talks involving Israel, Hezbollah and Hamas, and I think everyone knows that. Read more at: “Israeli PM @Netanyahu’s claims about my actions and words are false, what deserves unequivocal condemnation is the killing of over 160 Palestinian protesters in Gaza by Israeli forces since March, including dozens of children.” Lets wait until he removes the egg already on his face.
Struggling with career Choice
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Go look up some Mike Rowe podcasts. Not that there isn't room out there for deep thinkers, but a chef makes money and a college student does the opposite. Produce your art, make money and keep reading.
Well at least the dude tried... []?
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
It worked in the movies... What was Mr. Jetski gonna do with the crossbow?
Ex-military intelligence analyst Tom Quiggin if The Quiggin Report has been suspended by twitter for...
RobBlair comments on Mar 27, 2019:
If it weren't for the good work from these people at Facebook and Twitter, I don't think IDW would be so attractive.
Dana Loesch slammed over Parkland suicides.
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
It's a shame that we lash out instead being more introspective. If they listened to Dana she could teach these kids how valuable they are and that they are worth protecting.
I discovered this from a RantsDerek video. Good to see alternatives to the thought police platforms.
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Hes got a flare for fun
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Well the good news, Smollett gets to face down his accuser every morning in the mirror.
I just found out about 'sensitivity readers" who are SJWs working in the fictional publishing ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Not social not justice not warriors. All 1984
Posts that are only sharing of links without a decent 30-60 word summary of what is in the link ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I try for 10 word summaries. If I have a link I'd rather you read it from there. Definitely want a summary though.
Anybodys thoughts on Tommy Robinson
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Nothing like a street smart city boy to highlight what is wrong with the elite.
Have a blessed evening friends ??????
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
or co-conspirators. I think we respond to both.
I just came across this so I thought I would share. []
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I keep my Facebook account so I can repost stuff like this. Thanks!
The Copyright Directive will create two internets.
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
The wrong answer to a complicated question.
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
My children will be doing an economic analysis prior to going to college. They will use the average salary for their chosen profession and determine how long it will take to pay off their expected student loans. Then they will compare that to a reasonable salary if they don't get a degree. If they change majors or screw off for a year they get to redo the analysis. They will understand the value of what they are pursuing before they go to get it. Not afterwards. If a college degree (trade school or management course) isn't worth it let the foolish children and their ignorant parents be dragged down by their poor "investment." If its worth it, the numbers will show that. We are free people. If you want certification you go to college. If you want an education you can do that too. At this point it seems to be a 50-50 shot as to whether a college will educate.
When one reviews the level of intellect and accomplishments and AOC, OMAR, and Rashida Tlaib the ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
When one reviews the intellect of AOC... done.
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
This monster might not be for fame but a copycat might be. If we can demote the copycat's motive for little cost then I am for it. The costs should be discussed. The move to dehumanize mass murderers allows us to ignore our own inherent evil and not engage in battle against our base selves. The article correctly notes that the Christchurch monster was not crazy or stupid.
Pick a loon
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Pulitzer -
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Vox doing a good job
Fake News. Fake Liberals. Fake Progressives. Where is this taking us? []
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
"Eventually they become adults" - nope
Being Exclimaticated Sucks.
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I'm not sure exactly what Global Warming is but I am certain that government continues to not be the answer (Marxists can leave now so the adults can rationally talk about dealing with potential climate issues).
Here I present a thought experiment which shows the existence of God to be virtually certain.
RobBlair comments on Mar 26, 2019:
Too many words. I'll stick with Euler's proof. Now back to Grand Theft Auto 312.
Happy no collusion day- []
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Trump winning montage. - at 5:40
Facebook is harassing me .
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Was wondering how facebook would deal with a competitor.
In the 1970's Canada was liberalized under Prime Minister Pierre Eliot Trudeau.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
The Canadian half of my family are fairly disparaging of the French. So just two cultures seems to be one too many.
Michael Avenatti arrested for attempting to extort Nike for millions of dollars... []
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
So does this detract or add to his viability as a Democratic presidential runner?
Kellyanne Conway calls for a big name resignation in wake of Mueller report.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
So glad we've got women like her in the White House.
We must push back against the state of emergency that Trump is attempting to do.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
OK this makes me really angry. I agree with you but my moron Senator (not to be confused with my recently reelected NPC senator) voted against Trump's state of emergency declaration specifically. Instead of fixing the legislation that opened the door he just virtue signals by voting to specifically deny Trump. Its not overreach when the legislature abdicates its responsibility. We really need to get our Congress back into a working condition
How to define the IDW & IDW Community?
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Partakers and lovers of free speech discussing many subjects that stimulate thinking and often times challenge the "elites" established narrative.
Just glad to be among men and woman who seek entertainment and enlightenment.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Because we're just that good... []
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Kill the farting cows, end airplane travel, blame obvious consequences on the people you blamed to create the consequences - good job Peter Pan.
This is the point at which I feel I'm absolutely stuck and powerless.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Anti speech laws. Calling it hate speech is silly. The idea that children don't know anything but somehow know that they aren't the gender they are is an irrational jump. Giving children castration drugs is child abuse and I hope to someday see the doctors that participate in this child abuse go to jail. Mandating other people's speech by point of gun (government force) is despicable and has no part in a free society. Sweden, which is known as a welcoming LGBT society, does not experience a positive impact on trans suicide rate. This is an internal psychological problem and solely blaming external problems (bullying) is incorrect. Here's more to read. We are being lied to
Drugs are frequent topic on JRE.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Portugal decriminalized drugs 14 years ago. Lets use them as a go by.
Do you believe the government is looking out for your best interests?
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Yes, the government is looking out for their best interest. Ambiguity intended
Affirmative Action is Racism.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Yikes! 50 minute sermon. I thought 20 minutes was bad. In the picture above, the guy going under the hurdle is not learning to go over the hurdle and he knows he isn't working as hard.
I think that one of the best art books ever written is, Understanding Comics by Scott McLeod.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I was always a "How to Draw the Marvel Way" fan. Looks interesting. Thanks for sharing.
I think New Zealand's plan to ban 12 Rules for Life was a mistake because now I am curious as to ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
A major(for NZ) bookstore banned it. So if your in NZ make sure you let Whitcoulls Bookstore know how you feel about them protecting your sensibilities.
Originally, 51% voted to leave the EU. Seems the Brits have changed their minds. Thoughts?
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
These things are best resolved quickly.
European Court upholds conviction of woman who condemned Muhammad’s marriage to 6-year-old | News ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I venerate the female form. Muslim female garb offends me. I'm pretty sure I can get close to half of the public to agree with me. Do you see how that works? Europe seems to be filled with really smart fools.
Is there anyone out there aware of what Canada's prime minister is doing to our country
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Steven Crowder has a good take on the playboy. Trudeau makes his appearance at 2:12
I waited to do this poll until the membership on this site increased, which it has.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I've proposed 2 gun control measures on this site - 1. Gun restricted zones must be accompanied with appropriate measures to prevent guns from being used in those zones (failure is subject to civil penalties and the removal of the restriction) - (ex. Someone gets shot in Chicago, victim sues Chicago and the city's gun restrictions are removed). 2. Government agents (police, etc...) are subject to the same gun/military restrictions and penalties as the free citizens they derive their powers from without regard to their government status. (ex. Local police get APC with mounted MG, Joe the farmer can have one too.) I'll consider any gun control measures the NRA has approved.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Fact Check - If we disagree with you politically, we will assume the narrowest position from your statement and call you a liar. If we agree with you, we will thread 10 needles doing a triple axle lutz in order to cover for your and pretend how clever you are to use words that mean something other than what they mean.
UK IDW - does it exist?
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
It seems like there is some recent concerns over online chatting and the UK hate speech laws (also known as anti-speech laws). It might help if you identify as a sheep. Perhaps a black Ewe to increase your intersectionality score. There's some really ba-ba-bad things going on over there. Hope your laughing and welcome.
Can someone lead me to the passage of Scripture where it says: Pay no attention to the word, ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Isn't that a line from the Wizard of Oz? I think you want 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
This should be a worrying thought.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Yes - William Wilberforce kept voting and Abraham Lincoln got elected. Someday, hopefully soon, a majority will accomplish the end of abortion. Do I legitimize a system that is responsible for killing 60 million children? I suppose. Would I be able to convict someone who killed a mass murderer? Not sure. Very important to speak against the injustices that I see. What I legitimize with my vote participation can be de-legitimized with my speech.
Rather than promoting the Russia collusion hoax, wouldn't it have been better using our time and ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019: I do find myself hovering between hawk and dove from issue to issue. My ignorance on global issues allows me to be manipulated. It does seem that the current trend is reduced global violence though.
I get this hesitancy to say I believe in God.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Couple things - One, feelings are useful for making choices when you don't have the time and/or information to make logical decisions. Example picking between Heinz Ketchup and the store brand - you might have positive feelings attached to Heinz because of that time with family and hamburgers, etc... With information, price and knowledge that the store brand is effectively the same flavor, the logical decision might be different. So, more information to inform your feelings, decisions and opinions should be welcomed and reviewed. (I will add that no one has the time and/or information to make a fully logical decision regarding God. He's just the first postulate in a line of reasoning) Two, God tells us who He is, not the other way around. Some of us believe in specific revelations (at the same time rejecting others) and I think most of us pursue God rationally through observation. But, insofar as we are able, we should strive to understand truth. No comets and Nike sneakers people.
How many of our young ones are signing up anymore.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
Once the children identify themselves we can properly address them. I know one young man from youth group who recently completed Ranger School and has requested to join the Rangers. Last I heard, one of my cousins was a Lt Col over there.
The Left are Laying an Authoritarian Framework for Their Opponents
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
I'm not interested in gruel for breakfast lunch and dinner. I want spice and saltiness. If I eat something I don't like, I try not to complain unless I really find it offensive (I want some experimentation). When I complain (and I would do so directly to the chef first) its not because of the past meal but because I'd like future meals to be better. When I'm the chef, I expect the same treatment. A simple level of respect both ways.
There is nothing that the Government can do to stop modern mass shootings.
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
The Parkland monster should have been stopped. The FBI has apologized for their failure. The Texas church monster was not legally allowed to own guns. Government failed to properly document him. Las Vegas could not have been stopped. If we arm teachers (or at least pretend too) I am confident that many school shootings will be avoided or reduced.
Farm Attack 24/03/2019: Kirkwood Farm, Port Elizabeth. []
RobBlair comments on Mar 25, 2019:
There's 3,000 more mouths in South Africa that won't be fed.
Germs In Your Gut Are Talking to Your Brain. Scientists Want to Know What They Are Saying.
RobBlair comments on Mar 24, 2019:
They are saying "arrrrrrrrrgh... brains, Need brains..." Just read "Human Errors" - Maybe there is a link to development and not being able to produce our own vitamins (the DNA chain is "broken")?
I know we all like the handles we've so carefully and cleverly chosen for ourselves, and indeed, ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 24, 2019:
You guys are using alias's? Enjoyed Brooks on the Shapiro show. He says a lot of good things that might help pull us out of our current social media destructive behavior.
Haha No collusion! Suck it stupid people !
RobBlair comments on Mar 24, 2019:
You are assuming that these people collude with reality
2019 Elections in Canada & Alberta
RobBlair comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Well if you're thinking about coming our way, we're not adding you as a state unless you bring Saskatchewan with you (because its such a cool name and its not wackadoodle like BC). Not Albertan but clearly the best of you is Wayne Gretzky. Hard for me to envision Alberta being allowed to go it alone unless you all started speaking French and stopped working. Even then the military was sent in to stop the FLQ. Different times I guess.
Who can see this post?
RobBlair comments on Mar 23, 2019:
I can't see your post (smile). Love those kinds of questions like: Can you hear me in the back? Are you lying to me? Do you understand me? Can I ask you a question? Welcome and have fun!
RobBlair comments on Mar 23, 2019:
This video inspires me to turn to my wife and tell her again how happy I am with what we've built together. Thank God my life isn't about little, tiny me.
Enough of this nonsense; anyone who wants can take him on in 2020; for now let’s let our president...
RobBlair comments on Mar 23, 2019:
Hillary Clinton in a shack down by the river
RobBlair comments on Mar 23, 2019:
For the record - "...attempt to assassinate..." They can't get through that scrawny, Canadian's armor. Here's whats his names review - Not sure how much of Peterson's book was read to him but whoever wrote his article put some $2 words in.
If Nazis really are on the left, then why are they not part of the left?
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Very well said. I think Goldberg had the best explanation for the historical enmity between the international socialists and the national socialists (they were violently fighting over the same territory). "universality of human rights, and the sovereignty of the individual." - spot on. The idea that continues to change humanity for the better.
JK Rowling retroactively making Dumbledore gay.
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
And the Weasleys are evangelical Christians. Its clear in the subtext.
Why is anti-Semitism ok? If this were anti Muslim there would be a huge issue!!
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Clearly we are importing some of the best thinkers who aren't afraid to ask those tough questions. How about this one: What's the difference between a Muslim and a Muslim Terrorist?
What are your most rigid convictions? What beliefs have you altered?
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
God exists and God is good. Frees me up to be fairly academic about most other discussions.
It's not just you: New data shows more than half of young people in America don't have a romantic ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Feminism, radical environmentalism and porn. Amazing we still have children.
With the state of the US national debt.
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Put your house in order or it will be put in order for you. Social Security, Medicare/aid and military are the big three budget items that must be addressed. Any major politician that discusses Social Security or Medicare/aid runs the risk of being sidelined since there is minimal recognition by the citizens that these items must be addressed. Here's the secret. If the budget is not addressed, these social programs will cease to exist after the failure of the dollar. If you like these programs then you need to reform them so that our system will remain somewhat intact. I'm starting to lean towards Peter Schiff's perspective on our financial situation. The sooner the collapse the sooner we can correct our course. It will be very painful.
How to legally spy on your political opponent.
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Unless you have an AG who calls himself your wingman.
A response to the comment made by Editor of The Citizen newspaper 'Kill all white right wingers'...
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Hug a leftist racist (but I repeat myself)
Convert Refused Asylum in the UK because Christianity not a "Peaceful Religion" (March 2019) ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
This must be the same guy that detained and banned Lauren Southern from the UK and had Tommy Robinson charged for "harassing" Muslim sexual predators. We should probably relocate the Church of England to a place where there are at least 10 believers left so that it isn't destroyed by the coming hellfire.
I just saw this: [oann.
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
The black panthers tried doing something similar to this in a bygone era. If they behave then great. Otherwise, record them impersonating police (telling people how they can dress, suggesting that certain areas are no-go, etc...) and have them prosecuted.
The title says it all.
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
"...may be the most racist nation..." Not even close. My cousin married a Korean and had 2 kids. They were not allowed to go to standard school there because they weren't Korean. As I understand it, this is prevalent in Japan and China as well. I suggest picking another country as the base line instead of comparing us to the ideal. The leftist's false definition of racism is politically necessary, but as you argue, racist. I also think it is important to recognize and celebrate how far we've come regarding racial integration.
Greetings, Everyone! This is my first post on IDW.
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
How do you feel we might best proceed in offering a sound defense of our Western Civilization? Probably the best defense is to be happy and grateful.
Bookstore removes Jordan Peterson book over mosque shooting, continues selling Mein Kampf though.
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
This is probably a good thing. Clearly more NZs need to read his book. Now they'll go and buy it to find out why they aren't supposed to read it.
Jordan Peterson, a Canadian Psychologist I've seen twice here in London, Ontario has been disinvited...
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
His response - "I wish them the continued decline in relevance over the next few decades that they deeply and profoundly and diligently work toward and deserve." - JP
I am a Canadian.
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
My Mom still puts milk in her tea. It takes a long time to reeducate you northerners.
hi everyone I'm so glad to be a part of this community.
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Congratulations on the reward, I mean complaint. Comparing women to how well they perform as men devalues the incredible contributions women provide to our race and makes everyone unhappy. Work on the "possible" part though.
Terrorist Attacks on Farms from 01/01/2018 to 30/06/2018.
RobBlair comments on Mar 22, 2019:
Thats like Chicago numbers.
Dana Loesch bashes CNN's award for bs town hall... []
RobBlair comments on Mar 21, 2019:
That award should sit right next to Obama's Nobel Peace Prize. Walter Kronkite Award from the Norman Lear Center - Its actually very appropriate for CNN to get this award. It basically debases all who are named. If you receive this award you've probably done something wrong. We need to give Dana Loesch an award. The "Babysitting Leftists" award. We'll call it the Dana.
Farm Attack: []
RobBlair comments on Mar 21, 2019:
These attackers need to start dying if this is going to turn around. New Zealand just announced a sale on their AR-15s...
Well, the predictable outcome is here: "New Zealand will ban all military-style semi-automatic ...
RobBlair comments on Mar 21, 2019:
So we are forced to believe that future monsters won't be able to enact mass murder because they won't be legally allowed to own an AR-15, "the gun of choice for the world's mass killers." "He said this measure would enable New Zealand to become a safer place." Yeah, I trust this guy with keeping me safe. "Police and defense force will have exemptions" - I object per my proposal 2. If the public gets BB guns so do the police.
Regarding morality, why should intent matter more than impact?
RobBlair comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Both the Las Vegas shooter and the recent monsters from New Zealand had clean records and were lawfully able to own firearms. Their prior impact on society was, at worst, neutral and clean. Their intent, however, was base and evil. This intent bubbled forward into the murder of innocent people. because of their character and evil intent, it should be anticipated that given the opportunity, they would attempt further murder. In 1981, 114 people were killed and 216 people were injured due to a structural failure. The people responsible were found to be grossly negligent by their engineering boards but were acquitted of criminal charges. It is presumed that their intent was good and given the opportunity, they would attempt to do better.
Border patrol nabbed 400 illegals in under 5 minutes yesterday... []
RobBlair comments on Mar 21, 2019:
That's great. Now if only we had someway to prevent those other 3,600 from getting through...