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Earlier on, I was talking about how one's perspective may have changed when they revisit a book they...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Reminds me of my 1st grade teacher and back in the 1960s they were discussing teaching sex ed in the elementary schools, and she stood in the packed PTA meeting in the school gym and said we already teach sex ed to the 5 & 6 year old students with the Dick and Jane story books, needless to say everyone burst out laughing and that was the end of that.
What I learned in an Iranian prison By Wang Xiyue February 25, 2021 Iran, Europe and many...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 26, 2021:
SAVAK is the Iranian Secret Police and are very brutal to any critics of the regime. Western influence is held in disdain, some aspects frowned upon, others violate the tenets of decency. The USA & UK caused a coup d'etat in 1950s to stop the nationalization of oil. SAVAK's initial set up was trained by CIA and US military personnel including Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf hmmmm The video link is Mamek Khadem the song is Restless Yearning and was probably dangerous to make in Iran.
Dating can be difficult
Weltansicht comments on Feb 25, 2021:
home wrecker lol
So white people are being told to be less white, but when white people try to enjoy other cultures ...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 24, 2021:
I know a few others more recent than Al Jolson lol
Pure Racism: New York City Principal Sends Home White Identities List to Parents to Convert Them to ...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Soooooo, if you can't culturally appropriate another's, 'Blackness' <---which by the way is endemic racism, i.e., poorlitically correct AfricanAmericans & can't consume/admire/participate in Blackness AND you can't embrace your white 'privilege' background, what are you supposed to do? That's not offensive to someone somewhere? Reminds me of the Daleks from Dr. Who:
Why hasn't anti-Muslim sentiment gone down after the spike due to 9/11?
Weltansicht comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I don't trust the source as reliable but dangerous & consider what else they have lied about. It could be a diversion distraction ploy. If anybody is going after 'radicalized' Muslims, it would be Bill Gates via the CIA
There's no such thing as racism, just stupid people.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I don't know if I can change mud into a diamond, as your mind appears to be made up with vociferous statements of your opinion and declaring them to be fact. Now if you said Bill Gates and the vaccine to forcibly inoculate them to change their minds with video proof: or Your 'no such thing as racism' and next sentence 'only way to end racism' seems contradictory. I am not sure what box you have been living in but obviously has no windows to the real world. Admonishing 'to end racism is to stop talking about it' is delusional, and makes me think you are trying to be a Psy-Op handler yourself. Decades ago we talked about it, got it out into the open, and was nearly obliterated except for a few hard core haters, like Obama and Matt Hale followers ect. You would do well to watch Blazing Saddles (1974) or Hair (1979) or All in the Family, Sanford & Son, The Jeffersons and a few others. We mocked the shiite out of racist bigots and stuck up for one another. Revvin' it up in the United States of Love
There are two policies in China that at least superficially I believe to be founded in common sense.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 22, 2021:
I dunno....there was a BBC article that addressed the same subject 'to prevent the feminasation of male adolescents' they do have a lot more males than females cultural preferred.
Get woke, go broke.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 22, 2021:
I quit drinking cokey back when the switched to saccharine and new coke. I remember their sales tanked & bottomed out and they had to bring back classic coke. I was already boycotting pepsi then because of their sponsorship of the michael jackson victory tour.
Oh for goodness sake. Can we not have anything fun any more?
Weltansicht comments on Feb 22, 2021:
I have Roku, cut cable TV years ago because they were trying to raise the rates for programming that I did not watch ever, specifically ESPN and some others, all owned by Disney, I think it was. Also they took out the Weather Channel for awhile because of a few cents. There were some other problems and issues as well, viewing local channels. My point is on the offensive ratings. On the Roku screensaver they had a thumbnail of The Rifleman and it was rated PG. For those who don't know The Rifleman, it was a b&w rabbit ears antennae TV broadcast from late 1950s to early 1960s. It was never rated back then to my knowledge. The rating system came around @ 1970ish.
Looks like this Progressive Racial snowball is slowly but surely approaching critical mass, not long...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 19, 2021:
The '-listen & -believe' remind me of the They Live movie and seeing the true messages when wearing the sunglasses.
As a conservative or right or republican, can you state something that progressives or the left or ...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 19, 2021:
All I can think of is civil rights movement of 1960s Affirmative Action and stuff. Women's rights, yet women owned more property than a men in a man's world then. All of it got twisted and manipulated from its original context/purpose. 1980s had a strong current of bipartianship of Congress, denying raising minimum wage for the working poor yet gave themselves a cost of living increase that was far beyond what most people made in a year, on top of all the other incentives and privileges they delegate themselves. Legal immigration vs. illegal. Take El Salvadoran refugees for example. The law abiding spent years in Canada obeying and respecting the process. The scofflaws did not. Who got rewarded? Then you expect people to revere the law? Same for gun control. Look at Chicago for example. Don't forget the gun confiscating alderman who got busted with all those guns in his personal possession either. Its all a plutocracy.
I doubt Cuomo will escape from this unscathed, question is, will they turn on him completely and let...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 19, 2021:
I don't think they will have him take one for the team. Its interesting to watch their neo-narcissism play out with each other though because they don't know how or are incapable of relating to people, coupled with the need to control everything.
Brits received warnings from Facebook after passionately talking about "Faggots and Peas" (yummy!).
Weltansicht comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Funny yet not surprising, proves once again Americans have gone bonkers. To project your culture appropriations unto someone else's culture is appalling. Just like the 'amen' & awoman' snide remark. It use to be 'bum a fag' or 'let's go smoke a fag & look at some tits' meant go to the park, sit down at a bench, have a cigarette and look at the birds; to relax and chill out. In America it might mean do a drive by shooting on some 'gay' person and then go the nudie bar and have a beer. But if you remember the Flintstones, 'and we'll have a gay old time' in the song at the end of every episode, did not mean we were going to be swapping spit.
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters No.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 18, 2021:
I guess you could always call Sleepy Old Joe a 'dotard'.
Thank goodness Teletubbies weren’t around in the black & white era
Weltansicht comments on Feb 17, 2021:
needs the soundtrack from the guards at the caste of the wicked witch lol
Biden Says Goal to Open Schools Just One Day a Week Was Communication 'Mistake'
Weltansicht comments on Feb 17, 2021:
It was the teleprompters fault lol
Off for a quick burger & a wax job...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 10, 2021:
that's my she-man!
Equality, Democracy and Freedom are subversive concepts. []
Weltansicht comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Reminds me of the left wing vs. the right wing of the same bird. Different buttons same machine.
How Trump Made Millions While President
Weltansicht comments on Feb 10, 2021:
I think the insincere flattery is the guy in the video, sychophantically speaking. I stopped at 3:33. If he's going to make any dichotomy on public costs, may I remind you about President Trump ordering the military jet to return Pelosi as she was going to Europe? Or the government bailout of Bank of America? I could go on and on, putting this dude's rhetoric devices into quasi overload of cognitive dissonance dysfunction. You will have to do a lot better than this diatribe of propaganda for useful idiots.
So this means the democrats have lost the rationale for impeaching Trump, right?
Weltansicht comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Tough call being its CNN
It appears the Democrats are being relentless in insisting that it's legal to impeach past ...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 9, 2021:
The frenzy of demagoguery blinds the cognitive dissonance of the invective liberal leftist.
Try WD40. 😂
Weltansicht comments on Feb 9, 2021:
duct tape? lol
Why do young women consider unwanted comments about their appearance as sexual harassment compared ...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 8, 2021:
'Hell has no fury like a woman scorned' ~ and an unwanted comment might be in the form of 'you should quit dressing like a whore or a slut' AND that could be interpreted as harassment. Dress modestly and you won't attract the unwanted attention. If the rebuttal is that's the way everyone else is dressing or its the latest fashion, well that may be true but then that also explains the rise in sexual assaults.
Alcohol is fun to a point
Weltansicht comments on Feb 8, 2021:
hmmm....some busy body that thinks it knows everything?
Are We Allowing This??
Weltansicht comments on Feb 8, 2021:
I had posted a link on the news & links section with a quote from Time article. They blatantly talk about subversion by the oligarchy plutocracy and corporate boards 'rescuing' democracy, its admission but rationalizations to justify their behaviour.
Exclusive: special forces warned about pepe the frog, extremist icons
Weltansicht comments on Feb 5, 2021:
sounds like McCarthyism ~
Because the NFL couldn't possibly get any more pathetic than they already are; they are now filling ...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 5, 2021:
Well, I guess its one way to say you have a date HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA
Biden cancels all aid and military support to Saudi Arabia, in opposition to its War on Yemen.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 4, 2021:
I am not aware of any harmonious 'sensible rapproachment with Iran.' Speaking from a Farsi point of view. The enemy of my enemy is my friend was a concept well understood by Shahanshah Aryanmehr of the House of Pahlevi. Throw in some US backed military coups and re-establishment of oil corporate control, and just like the 'whackjob evangelical' of either party (left wing-right wing same bird) and you are going to lose your religious support, whether Xtian or Muslim (Shia or Sunni). Now consider the human waves sent by Iran against Iraq, in that war. Consider the built up militarily of Iraq to become the 4th most powerful in the world with battle hardened troops from Iranian war. Then consider the US stab in the back by a no longer needed my friend concept upon Saddam. The global quarantine of Iraq from interactive global commerce to break them down between Gulf 1 & Gulf 2 wars, not to mention 'weapons of mass destruction.' I remember a Palestinian from Ramallah telling me Saudis were nothing but a pet hawk for America. As for Israel, well they may have lost their minds with Covid and internal & eternal affairs
That Didn’t Take Long...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 4, 2021:
So....after executive order to halt deportations to ICE, he is just going to gather the herd for what then?
Here are all of President Biden’s key executive orders [marketwatch.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Not sure on the resentment & everything negative, I hope not too. The entitled prerogative of liberal socialism is going to come back in reciprocal eye for an eye fashion from the right. Trump inherited a lot of dysfunction that Obama & Co. created and managed with lies, ostracism, obfuscation, and equivocation. Trump fought the corporatocracy for sure. Some of Obama's inheritance was from Bush mismanagement, and then all convoluted by the Clintons. Follow the money, and see where they and all their cronies work, or have/given liquidity in, and that far exceeds their pay grade scale in possibility and honesty.
It's a bird ...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 4, 2021:
reminds me of the Far side comics lol
Greta Thunberg Accidentally Exposes That Globalist Handlers Feed Her Content to Post on Twitter ...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Reminds me of Greta and being off her meds and not being able to answer a question for herself at a panel discussion.
At Band Camp...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Let me circle back to you on a comment. HHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAAAA
The most epic meme you’ll ever witness! 🤣
Weltansicht comments on Feb 4, 2021:
all I can think of is Al Bundy ~ Married With Children tv show ~ "I'm blind!!"
Mark Dice posted: Parler founder and (now former) CEO John Matze has just been fired from the ...
Weltansicht comments on Feb 4, 2021:
corporate hostile takeover happens much more than people realize
Sound Familiar?
Weltansicht comments on Feb 3, 2021:
sounds like a stay in the county jail :-/
Scientists now claim Dark Matter may not be real.
Weltansicht comments on Feb 3, 2021:
It is an interesting take. I have been watching Suspicious Observers for a number of years, and Ben Davidson has been debunking the main stream narrative on Dark Matter, WIMPS and some other 'grant' based politically funded 'science' for all the time I have watched him.
Yeah. thaT was just FFriday night
Weltansicht comments on Feb 1, 2021:
not sure how to sing a million bottles of beer on the wall in German lol
What Is Happening Here
Weltansicht comments on Jan 29, 2021:
2020 Orson Well-ian
I'll just leave this here...
Weltansicht comments on Jan 27, 2021:
I remember...
Democrats decide to escalate domestic tensions with Trump’s trial. []
Weltansicht comments on Jan 27, 2021:
seems like a vindicative retaliation politicking to me, not to mention the distraction from real problems facing us all
Not all Trump did was bad - so don't ditch the good stuff Joe! LOL even the Douglas Murray in ...
Weltansicht comments on Jan 27, 2021:
due to recent presidential actions, Joe & Ho understand and believe
The free wiki about all things woke []
Weltansicht comments on Jan 27, 2021:
When your mind is on drugs.... they use to say... A mind is a terrible thing to waste a wasted life is a tragedy and a fate worse than death the road to hell is paved with good intentions People willing to kill the unborn should not rule over the living Democracy is 2 wolves deciding what's for dinner and a well armed lamb contesting the vote Democracy is the road to socialism Death remembers all. To perceive is to suffer. Smug in your thoughts and haughty in certainty Then why aren't you happy? Misery loves company.
And the pot calls the kettle black...
Weltansicht comments on Jan 26, 2021:
I do believe old Joe has enacted such measures himself these last few days.
American, Protector of the Realm.
Weltansicht comments on Jan 25, 2021:
The only one on your list that I have a problem with is the Spanish American War. America overran the Republic of the Phillipine Islands after helping them be independent for 3 or 4 years. We gave Cuba back, because at the time, it was a concern of having an offshore state in the Union. Takes a lot of digging to get into the quagmire of the politicking involved. There was a US military police action in the 1950s in Morocco . Libya and Kadafi were trying to get off the world globalist system, on the gold standard, had all sorts of achievements in culture & society. Tried to create the greater Africa Union. There was even pictures of the advancements of agriculture in Libya in the National Geographic magazine. I am not so sure he was the boogeyman that the powers that be portrayed him as. Overall though, I love the post and the meme.
This election was not stolen.
Weltansicht comments on Jan 25, 2021:
guess they would never use 'entrapment' either
May President Biden, and Vice President Harris, and all the Constituted Officers of Government of ...
Weltansicht comments on Jan 22, 2021:
"Yes," the rabbi responds: "God bless and keep the Czar ---- far away from us!"
Without mentioning the song title, write part of the lyrics that will trigger off that song in ...
Weltansicht comments on Jan 22, 2021:
sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun
Nothing says feminism like saying men are better at being women too...
Weltansicht comments on Jan 22, 2021:
must be ladies night at the dockside bar waiting for the returning sailors to get blind drunk HAHAHHAHAAAAAA
The lone trump supporter LOL This is funny but what's even funnier is seeing the people who ...
Weltansicht comments on Jan 21, 2021:
I never liked Trump, never watched any of his stuff, in fact his comments on the golf course development resistors in Scotland or Ireland, don;t remember at moment, I still hold against him because I live that way and that junk he said should be bulldozed over is valuable treasure when you reuse everything possible. Bush people, rural people the world over live that way. I only supported him because the Hillary alternative would have been a pre-emptive nuclear war by several nations against America. You are entitled to your opinion and labeling/defining people as you always do. Your picture could be staged for all I know. I really pity you with your haughtiness it betrays your ineptitude hostility and childish sophomoric mocking.
This is such a popular word with LW Progressives these days.
Weltansicht comments on Jan 21, 2021:
"oh and of course ANTIFA doesn't really exist" ~ seriously? Antifaschistiche Aktion
Whoever did the finishing touches on these stairs is clearly a sadistic asshole lol
Weltansicht comments on Jan 21, 2021:
I see you used the contractor that build my house!
Dislikes??? Who woulda thunk it..
Weltansicht comments on Jan 21, 2021:
Salty Cracker had on his video time frame 11K down & 3.6K up for 'the most popular president ever'
Anyone else notice how Democratic set designers have carefully staged Joe Biden?
Weltansicht comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Yes! Its the 3rd or 4th different picture of different times/events that I have seen. 1st one I captioned with "Everyone has got to stop saying 'HOLY SHIT' "
I have a habit of questioning generally accepted statements and ideas (and by doing so I make myself...
Weltansicht comments on Jan 18, 2021:
Can you name one liberal person or entity censored?
A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook page and it got me thinking: Wanting to change to be a ...
Weltansicht comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Reminds me of ~ she didn't like his friends so he got rid of them, she didn't like the way he dressed so she Ken Dolled him, she didn't like the job he loved so he pursued another career for her image to make her happy, she didn't like his old classic car because she was embarrassed being seen in it, she didn't like his fixed up paid for in full completely remodeled handy man special house and so he went in debt to buy her and live in a brand new condo, and after completely revamping his entire existence, she complained that he was not the man he use to be.
Do you consider this website to be "far right"?
Weltansicht comments on Dec 13, 2020:
The left, far left, the right, far right are just 2 sides of the same coin. The classic strategy of divide and conquer. Considering that university students from all over the world still graduate from American liberal indoctrinated universities, it may be that the USA is the #1 exporter of cultural Marxism. Throw in the promiscuous liberal ideology of American elementary school training on its surviving being an abortion statistic before being born population, and subsequently trained to think in Common Core New Math, there's nearly an entire generation of minions who can not think for themselves beyond demagoguery, vitriol, and invective rationalizations that are pure cognitive dissonance.


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