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Do you consider this website to be "far right"?

As many here may know, was originally and started out as a fan site for members of the "Intellectual Dark Web". A recent academic paper now classifies content from members of the IDW as "far right" - the most "right" category of content.

We find that political news content accounts for a relatively small fraction (11%) of consumption on YouTube, and is dominated by mainstream and largely centrist sources. However, we also find evidence for a small but growing “echo chamber” of far-right content consumption. Users in this community show higher engagement and greater “stickiness” than users who consume any other category of content.

Why do you think there is a push to categorize IDW type content as "far right"? Do you consider this an accurate designation? I used to think "far right" meant skin head, neo-Nazi, and KKK members... where do they fit in now?

Do you consider this website to be "far right"?

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Admin 8 Dec 11
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The left, far left, the right, far right are just 2 sides of the same coin. The classic strategy of divide and conquer. Considering that university students from all over the world still graduate from American liberal indoctrinated universities, it may be that the USA is the #1 exporter of cultural Marxism. Throw in the promiscuous liberal ideology of American elementary school training on its surviving being an abortion statistic before being born population, and subsequently trained to think in Common Core New Math, there's nearly an entire generation of minions who can not think for themselves beyond demagoguery, vitriol, and invective rationalizations that are pure cognitive dissonance.


The left labels everyone who disagrees with them as "far right".

Absolutely right. The term is nothing more than a pejorative.


Far right. Hmmn. But then again, we're all accused of being Nazis, which is also spurious nonsense.

Especially since the Nazis were socialists.


"far right" to a leftist is anything that challenges their narrative. when someone uses the terminology "far" right I ask them to please give a comparative example of someone who is "Right" vs someone who is "Far Right".
They can't do it. Unless a given person comports down the line leftist narrative on literally every subject (abortion, politics (to the leftist EVERYTHING is political) education, equality, sexism...) then that person will be labeled a "far right" zealot; of course following that there will be all kinds of accusatory conjecture about that persons intelligence, sanity etc. There will be unfounded accusations of "white supremacy" misogyny, racisim...
In short all a person or an organization has to do to be labeled "far" right is to hold to beliefs and opinions that oppose the leftist narrative.

iThink Level 9 Dec 11, 2020

For the same reason that Parler the free Speech social site is being branded as a danger to free speech.The mental left wants to censor all but their lying voices.


Why are you allowing the far left to define the terms or definitions of political spectrum? They demand absolute conformity to their ideology. IDW is a diverse community that doesn't pander to either end of the spectrum, though most members don't tolerate fools lightly. Which may be why the left and far left label IDW as they do.

These are neoliberal terms.


Yes, the IDW has members across the spectrum... and not only autistic.

@WilyRickWiles No, they are left wing terms that are openly pushed and used by the left and far left Globally. They are partially used in hate speech laws created by Left wing governments. Which funny enough don't list the speach of left and hard left groups as hate speach.

@M_MarinoDC Notice how they are centered around neoliberalism.

@Admin excuse me for missing the reference. Are Neoliberals considered to be autistic? I find that offensive having a child who deals with autism daily. He is very much not a Neoliberal.

@WilyRickWiles No these are hard left pro socialist government groups. Only one claims to be something else and would fall within the Neoliberal context. Only you might not want to tell them that, as they equate Neoliberal with Blairites and tend to hate those folk with a passion.


I wish we could make an agreement — especially among conservative thinkers — to drop the false woke-left constructs of “far right” and “alt.right”.

Just what is “far” right? Why does the mainstream media not have an equivalent term for leftists? Far-leftists like Bernie Sanders or AoC — who proudly display contempt for the culture and its deplorables — are described with positive terms like “progressives”, and who is against progress?

It’s telling that the quote above describes YouTube as dominated by mainstream/centrist sources, with a minority “echo chamber of far right...”. The quote is completely off the mark, and as with almost all academic and media citations purposely ignores the overwhelming dominance of anti-western, globalist, woke-leftist content; all it masquerading as empathetic and impartial.

Here in Canada a favourite of the woke and the ignorant is Press Progress, which is nothing more than a downlow arm of the Socialist NDP. No one dare call it out for what it really is: western-hating Marxism. Most online users assume it’s an independent news service, suggesting gullibility is as big an issue as woke-leftism.

Are there extremists here? You bet. I detest the level of anti-Semitism and baseless conspiracy theory of many IDW posts, which delights and empowers progressives everywhere. The difference is, the conservative side is held to account for its extremist cousins, while extremists in the left always get a pass.

GeeMac Level 8 Dec 11, 2020

To me, this site is neutral - which seems to be largely a right-wing concept these days.

This site is only as far right as free speech for all, which much of the modern left, unfortunately, has rejected. If more people on the left were open to the concept of free speech for all, this site may not exist, because mainstream social media might be more accepting of diversity of thought.

Sadly, I think you are right. In many third world and Islamic countries, the moderates are seen as the enemies, and are quickly eliminated. Woke-leftists are, first and foremost, authoritarian extremists. They took the universities, the culture, the media and the corporations, and they are coming for you.


I consider SLUG to be directly an independent site, with a majority of the membership leaning politically to the right. At times I get the feeling switching from IDW.Community to SLUG was a mistake, as not only the name but overall focus from civil debates to free speech/expression has attracted more alt-right types who had been deplatformed from other sites. IDW attracted more centrist types. I admit though, as someone who was active on this site in the early days (actually before the site officially launched), my opinion on the matter may be slightly biased.

I agree. I still log in under IDW, don’t like Slug.
However it is streets better than Agnostid.

@Hanno IDW is far better than, for sure.

I agree with you that the slug name has a more punchy sound...

@Admin not too late to change the name. Sounds slimy. Try "FarCenter" 😁 Or "FreeMinds"


Right, yes. Right for a lot of folks. Far right? Hardly.
The chart has a few errors, but I don't give a flip about what some academic paper thinks. Leave us alone. Let us share information, argue, debate, exercise our right to speak freely.


Anything right of Mao is considered far Right by the Left


I am so far to the right that when I look to my left I see the Nazis and the Marxists together. In my case, the right (nationalism) is holding tight to the founding idea that all men are created equal and have God given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. There is no room for garbage think like Nazis, KKK, BLM, or socialism over here.

This site is apolitical but attracts many right people because it doesn't censor speech (save as given in the concise rules).


Never debate issues.
Ridicule opposing ideas.
Smear and slander those that express them.

Why do you legitimize these thugs by asking a question that presupposes there’s a reasonable answer to be uncovered?

I refuse to be branded by these intellectual criminals. They have no defense of their actions, only insults. I reject every lie. And I refuse to validate them by wasting energy trying to understand them.

They want to eradicate us. My only focus now is eradicating them first.

Sorry for the lack of civility. We’re long past that.

Your first 3 lines perfectly describe any Leftist or Union site I have ever been on.


Define left, right and centre?
It keeps on moving around.

And it really means nothing.

Was Hitler far left or far right?
He was a far left socialist and far right wing nationalist at the same time.
Just now this week in the NZ herald a guy had a half page opinion piece talking how NZ should be more focused on national development and more social support... I laughed... where have we heard that before?

Hanno Level 8 Dec 11, 2020

My concern is that a scary label is all that is needed to get banned on mainstream media now 😟

Absolutely @Hanno, we allow woke-leftists to constantly change the definitions and the rules.

They are quick to condemn all patriots as “nationalist extremists”, but when it comes to Islamic extremism, they will put the shields up, and talk about not judging a whole group by a few nut cases.


And, being a de facto free speech platform is enough to merit a scary label. The one thing, I have learned from the left is never apologize for who you are. It’s blood in the water to the myopic zealots and their MSM cheerleaders.

It seems to me that you have four alternatives:

  • lawyer up à la Stephen Crowder and his Half Asian legal staff
  • learn the Tim Pool equivocation dance
  • seek alternative (non-MSM) growth vectors such as BitChute, Minds, Rumble, etc.
  • cave, surrender your soul, and adapt to service the postmodern Borg collective

This site is definitely right of center but not far right. You never know though, there could be some dastardly leftists lurking in the shadows.

I only wish they were in the shadows a bit more 😂😂😂


If it was "far right", does that inherently mean it's evil and sinister?

@GeeMac that makes two of us.

@Admin not at all but extremism in any direction isn't a good thing.

@Admin I see woke-lefts using “far-right” as a vague, undefined pejorative. If you asked ten leftists to define the term, you’d get ten different answers. However, due to the current woke-conformist climate, leftists have been successful in pressuring institutions to adopt the term, and the term “far-right” is now embedded in the language of major institutions, as in “far-right” terrorism is a greater threat than Islamic terrorism.

It all fits the woke narrative.

@JobyOneKenobi Hit the nail on the head.


I started on IDW, but have found that since this site became "SLUG", which I stated my objections to at the beginning, I believe that there is more censorship and socialist on "SLUG" than there was on IDW!!!
I am considering finding another site for discussing my positions!!!
I lived and worked on the West coast as a Law enforcement Officer for over 25 years, I have seen what Socialism does to society, NOTHING GOOD!!!

Serg97 Level 8 Dec 11, 2020

Serg97, not my website but do believe your input is useful here. You get others to see different opinions.

The people who do the site monitoring are the same for IDW and Slug. I would consider myself strongly-anti-socialist.. even though I do recognize that we're in late stage capitalism now. Oracle just left California... scary times.

@Admin But, I have noted the change, my perspective!!!!!

@Admin late stage capitalism? Plz explain


They applied the same classification to "Rebel Wisdom", whose only sin is an open mind and an interest in the IDW.


The original IDW, Weinsteins, Peterson, et al seemed uniquely, and fiercely non-partisan to me.

This site... best intentions notwithstanding, seems to have attracted enough “far righters” to make it inhospitable to virtually anyone left of center. It is mostly far right and people who aren’t offended by far right, and like three other people.

Last I checked the group for left-leaning political interests was growing, though that might be because there are some (or alot) curious right-leaning individuals.

I've been off of Facebook for over 5 years, I got my first Twitter account a year ago, and I l've been on Slug for under a year. There really is a gigantic difference between a place like Twitter and a place like Slug.

I actually have similar feelings as you, only the other way around. Twitter, for me, is a very progressive dominated site imo. I find it inhospitable to anyone right of center.

Personally, I may not believe other peoples views, but I do like to entertain other ideas as well as challenge my own perspective. I don't use Twitter all that much, but there are topics and discussions there, that I don't see here. So, much like MSM, I find myself bouncing from source to source in order to better see the whole picture.

I think social media sites should moderate their sites however they like, including big tech. I wonder if things are going to mix up more, or if it'll continue to become more polarized where theres "left social media" and "right social media" eventually. I don't think either is necessarily a bad thing, but I'd rather see a greater variety of topics and discussions.

seems to have attracted enough “far righters” to make it inhospitable to virtually anyone left of center

you must be joking. I have seen no threatening of anyone left of center. The problem as I see it is that anyone "left of center" is unused to open and free debate. There is no one to censor argumentation that the "left of center" does not like. Formulating counter argumentation does NOT amount to "inhospitable" environment. Grow up

@TheMiddleWay you're talking about "feelings". I know that almost EVERYONE from both sides (especially the extremes of both sides) is hypersensitive and is prone to perceive "hostility" where there is none.

It takes a lifetime of exercising a given persons "objectivity" gene to be able to respond and to react and to challenge argumentation that is counter to their own. In short; just because someone perceives hostility does not mean that hostility is there.
Basic (and base - really) human fragility (pride ?) dominates and clouds out reason and objectivity. NO ONE likes to be told they are wrong about - well, anything. Anything at all.

A site such as this really is more a place where competing ideas bounce off each other like so many pinballs in an arcade machine. The players - those firing the pinballs never willing to change their strategies - keep the flippers going rapid fire in hopes of "winning the game". The best we can hope for would be that the few who have no preconceived ideas - those who have NOT formulated some intractable notions of this or that particular item of debate can glean erudition from the debate itself. However, that demands some work on the part of the unconverted seeker, observer. Go do some reading on the things said in these ideological, emotionally fired clashes and exercise your "objectivity button" when doing so.

I like to think of myself as capable of being swayed and I think it is mostly true of myself. For example the recent exchange between you and I about whether or not you were a socialist...swayed my opinion about you. Furthermore and really more to the point - I would never have bashed you over the head or "doxed" you or done any other real harm to you in the first place. I don't think we can say that about many (if not most) leftists who upon being challenged go immediately to hyperventilating anger and hostility. Followed by ranting streaming diatribes and accusations of racism, white supremacy, sexist, homophobic epithets. We just don't often see that kind of behavior from people on the right - the ones who do are certainly extreme right and generally hostile to - well pretty much toward the whole world in some form or another. Such behaviors are truly habitual, common place, displayed daily - of course all with their own self anointed notions of having a "higher order of morality" to give them the temerity to accuse others of that which they are guilty themselves - which any objective, thinking person knows is baloney.
Without doubt - almost all of the vitriol, the anger, the hostility emanates from the left.

Hello SpikeTalon. I would say that intellectual curiosity is a good thing.


In fairness I must judge the site by Admin. There are a lot of right, center-right and far- right folks posting on here but what I've seen from Admin I would judge to be centrist. There are a lot of left and center-left folks on here as well. I've not seen too much of what I'd call extreme left or extreme right here, but I suppose classifying extremities can be very subjective depending on your own position on the scale. As @coalburned suggested we need not worry too much what academics think. As ever, academia is a womb with a world view but precious little real-world experience which is where real-world knowledge comes from.

My guess is that academic papers like this will be cited (unread) as "fact" by people who will censor content. Yes, I agree that we have groups that go from center to right here.


Living in southern Ontario Canada, is like sitting on the bottom of the deep end in a pool of "walk the walk,talk the talk"social justice governance. IDW is like swimming up to the surface, to take a deep breath,and take the pressure off of your ears before you go back down.If anyone wants to categorize that as far right,who cares?


Categorizing will lead to marginalizing and censoring. I believe that this site is about freedom of speech and any attempt to silence people is another step towards tyranny.

2peros Level 8 Dec 12, 2020

Alt-right is just another example of the degradation of language in a culture that is general getting dumber.

wolfhnd Level 8 Dec 11, 2020

I don't consider Slug or even Parler, Gab, Rumble, or BitChute, to be far right. They definitely have a larger amount of individuals that are right of WOKE, that I've seen on the big tech sites, though. There are also pockets of groups that I would consider extreme both right and left that I don't see on the big tech sites either. I would guess the reasoning might be because the big tech doesn't allow certain groups on their sites.

Currently, if someone has mostly left views, there's no need to find an alternative site. So, I'm not suprised I don't see many liberals and progressives on here or other sites. There's also a much different dynamic when expressing conservative views here vs on Twitter (for example). There are a lot of protections put in place ranging from hate speech, offending language, algorithm and independent moderators, topic control, etc, that favor a more left leaning view point. Add that to the Hollyood and media left domination, and I suppose even just looking at other sites would be very shocking for someone. I mean even a simple statement saying "I think the election was sketchy and that Trump may have won", allowed to be viewed as well as not having some kind of disclaimer label attached to it, could be seen by someone as the site is promoting the idea that Trump won. Hence, it's "alt right". (Which is untrue. Slug as well as other sites allow multiple perspectives on news, only big tech actually asserts a political bias)

The more big tech censors, the more people will leave and go to less moderated sites. As far as the push to label alternative sites "alt right", I think motivations to do so stem from big techs desire to remain the single entity of "trusted" global communications. In other words, power and money. If they can't stop people from leaving, they can delegitimize the alternative sites by stigmatizing them as "alt right". It may deter some people from going to alternative sites, but I think the majority of people can make their own decisions as to what news and opinions they believe.


"Why do you think there is a push to categorize IDW type content as "far right"? Do you consider this an accurate designation? I used to think "far right" meant skin head, neo-Nazi, and KKK members... where do they fit in now?"

Well far right means in original meaning monarchists and Church. So there are very few people who are far right. Nazi, (national socialism), Fascism, Communism is all left ideologies.

If left and right only means opposition sides. than why is left defying itself as morally correct and the other side not different or wrong, but evil?

I suppose the part of the explanation lies here: “The conservative "thinks of political policies as intended to preserve order, justice, and freedom. The ideologue, on the contrary, thinks of politics as a revolutionary instrument for transforming society and even transforming human nature. In his march toward Utopia, the ideologue is merciless.” ― Russell Kirk

“Kirk defined the ideologue as one who “thinks of politics as a revolutionary instrument for transforming society and even transforming human nature.” Unleashed during the most radical phase of the French Revolution, the spirit of ideology has metastasized over the past two centuries, wreaking horrors. Jacobinism, Anarchism, Marxism, Leninism, Fascism, Stalinism, Nazism, Maoism—all shared the fatal attraction to “political messianism”; all were “inverted religions.” Each of these ideologies preached a dogmatic approach to politics, economics, and culture. Each in its own way endeavored “to substitute secular goals and doctrines for religious goals and doctrines.” Thus did the ideologue promise “salvation in this world, hotly declaring that there exists no other realm of being.” ― Russell Kirk, The American Cause


Why I Object to a “Left vs. Right” Political Spectrum by Neema Parvini (August, 2018)

“The left, in all its myriad forms, is unified by a utopian vision and end goal. Meanwhile, ‘the right’ has no such vision and is made of many disparate groups who do not share end goals beyond a general opposition to the left.

I stand by my claim that “the right” is a ragtag jumble of many disparate groups and individuals thrown together into a coalition—some willingly, some simply labeled as such—because they do not share the end goals of the left. I will continue to resist the label “right-wing,” because it concedes far too much power to the left. It makes the left the moral center of the political universe. It means they get to set the agenda. It means that we have the entire argument on their terms. I will not have the argument on their terms, to do so is to lose said argument before it even starts. Neither should anyone have to have it on their terms. They crave power more than anything else, so why give it to them? Those who oppose the left need to develop strategies that make “the left” increasingly irrelevant by denying them any sense of moral purchase, by refusing to dignify their emotional outbursts, and by insisting on plain speech, facts, and evidence." - Neema Parvini


“The further Fascism receded into history and the fewer visible fascists there were on display, the more self-proclaimed anti-fascists needed fascism to retain any semblance of political virtue or purpose. It proved politically useful to describe as fascist people who were not Fascists , just as it proved politically useful to describe as racist people who were not racists.” ― Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam

“In Italy, Fascists divide themselves into two categories: Fascists and Anti-Fascists.”
— Ennio Flaiano

Most scholars place fascism on the far right of the political spectrum. Such scholarship focuses on its social conservatism and its authoritarian means of opposing egalitarianism. Roderick Stackelberg places fascism—including Nazism, which he says is "a radical variant of fascism"—on the political right by explaining: "The more a person deems absolute equality among all people to be a desirable condition, the further left he or she will be on the ideological spectrum. The more a person considers inequality to be unavoidable or even desirable, the further to the right he or she will be"

A number of post-World War II fascist movements described themselves as a "third position" outside the traditional political spectrum. Spanish Falangist leader José Antonio Primo de Rivera said: "[B]asically the Right stands for the maintenance of an economic structure, albeit an unjust one, while the Left stands for the attempt to subvert that economic structure, even though the subversion thereof would entail the destruction of much that was worthwhile".

The term "fascist" has been used as a pejorative, regarding varying movements across the far right of the political spectrum. George Orwell wrote in 1944 that "the word 'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless ... almost any English person would accept 'bully' as a synonym for 'Fascist'".
Communist states have sometimes been referred to as "fascist", typically as an insult. For example, it has been applied to Marxist regimes in Cuba under Fidel Castro and Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh. Chinese Marxists used the term to denounce the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet Split, and likewise the Soviets used the term to denounce Chinese Marxists and social democracy (coining a new term in "social fascism" ).

That being said lets talk KKK?

In the United States, Herbert Matthews of The New York Times asked in 1946: "Should we now place Stalinist Russia in the same category as Hitlerite Germany? Should we say that she is Fascist?". J. Edgar Hoover, longtime FBI director and ardent anti-communist, wrote extensively of "Red Fascism". The Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s was sometimes called "fascist". Historian Peter Amann states that, "Undeniably, the Klan had some traits in common with European fascism—chauvinism, racism, a mystique of violence, an affirmation of a certain kind of archaic traditionalism—yet their differences were fundamental....[the KKK] never envisioned a change of political or economic system."

KKK was tool of democrats to prevent blacks voting for party that would free slaves, it was same as Antifa or BLM is used today.


Right-centric, yes.
"Far" right? At what point does -centric become far?
There are a few people on here who have been nasty, rude, accusatory and loony, but a lot less than what I've seen on twitface. So I guess "right-er than most"?

ktpinto Level 7 Dec 11, 2020

@iThink Um... I didn't say "a lot of people"...

@ktpinto I think the comment I responded to or intended to respond to has been removed. looks like it's to you but it wasn't I assure you. LOL

@iThink No worries! I literally stared at my response going "where did I say a lot of people?" LOL! Thanks for clearing that up!


Anything right of left is far right by their definition and that makes sense because they just lump the opposition as right of them. It’s just a uneducated way of trying to push everything they don’t like as far right. I accept to I might be over there on the right to them but they are essentially all extreme left commies.

Rick-A Level 8 Dec 11, 2020
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