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Paul Joseph Watson. "White Lives Don t Matter Signs Posted In 2 Canadian Cities." []
Xtra comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Activist or teenager or both? It really doesn't offend me at all. In fact it's stupid.
The Heartland Institute: NAOMI SEIBT: ANTI GRETA or PRO HUMAN?
Xtra comments on Feb 24, 2020:
She's pretty cool. I started following her when the Washington Post Road apiece complaining about her. I knew she must be pretty good at that point.
American Thinker. "The Democrats Are Running On Socialism and Plutocracy." []
Xtra comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Even CNN and MSNBC are concerned.
American Thinker. "The Coming Bloomberg Sanders Train Wreck." []
Xtra comments on Feb 25, 2020:
It's exciting. Embrace the wreck!
CBN: We live in an age of martyrs. []
Xtra comments on Feb 25, 2020:
... for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
This is a dangerous time for Alberta: The Teck Frontier mine has been killed -- sabotaged by ...
Xtra comments on Feb 25, 2020:
It may be time for conservatives to become more active. The Liberals own activism.
Prager U.
Xtra comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Illegal alien
Interesting... []
Xtra comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Absolutely hilarious.
Any respect I may have had for Eastwood is gone now.
Xtra comments on Feb 25, 2020:
I was disappointed to hear about this endorsement. Do you think age had anything to do with it?
I don't think that right wing nuts care about income inequality. []
Xtra comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Canada seems to be falling off the cliff. Should anyone be taking credit for anything right now?
NRO: Iran's ayatollahs gave an election and nobody came. []
Xtra comments on Feb 26, 2020:
The sanctions are working.
Project Veritas Expose Gets ABC Journalist SUSPENDED, People "SHOCKED" That Major News Lies - ...
Xtra comments on Feb 26, 2020:
ABC got caught.
Larry Elder. "Watch Out For Trump Derangement Syndrome." []
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
It still bothers me that people think it's okay to put hands on someone else because they disagree with them. So who's the real brown shirt?
Brexit Britain: Brexit LIVE: Michael Gove ready to leave EU in June this year – straight to WTO...
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Good for Boris. I kind of like the way he doesn't take any crap from the EU.
Candace Malcolm Show. "Illegal Blockade Terrorists." []
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
It's amazing how one person can screw up an entire country.
The case for Bernie Sanders - YouTube
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Bernie is a Marxist. He has no idea what he's doing or how much it's going to cost.
StrategyPage: Writhing snakepit in the Middle East.
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
This person really knows what he is talking about. He could probably replace a hundred people over at the CIA.
Geller Report: Republican Flips House Seat Democrats Held for 33 YEARS in KY Special Election.
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Things are really looking good for 2020.
This is what happened when I died - YouTube
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Glad he survived.
Who Loves Dictators? Bernie Sanders or His Rivals?
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
If you think the country will be better off under Bernie, vote for him.
Memes and the Russians are interfering in the elections.
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
I actually saw the MSNBC segment on TV. Trump should sue him for sure.
When governments start worshiping the "creation" instead of the "creator", you know satan is behind...
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
If you are not worshipping God then you are by default worshipping something he created. It all goes downhill from there if I am reading Romans 1 correctly.
Our partisan Politics is just a game show anyway.
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Didn't you say during the debate that he bought the Congressional majority?
Coronavirus: Is it time to panic?
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
I'm watching Fox News right now and they're saying things look pretty bleak. Apparently the only place without a case of the virus is in Antarctica.
I choked on my java!
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Doug Collins blasts Judiciary Democrats for postponing FISA hearing... []
Xtra comments on Feb 27, 2020:
He's absolutely right. Fortunately the Senate has taken it up along with us attorney Durham. Something else to look forward to
Coffee time... With Mark Dice. []
Xtra comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Bloomberg is right, socialism is ridiculous. Tomorrow is going to be fun and the convention is going to be hilarious.
Thread by @Avery1776: POP QUIZ. Who is China's BFF?
Xtra comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Corporations are China's lobbyists. That seems accurate to me.
Xtra comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I'd vote for him.
Voice Of Europe. Erdogan. "Millions Of Migrants Are On Their Way To Europe." []
Xtra comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I thought the current number was under a hundred thousand. No wonder why Greece is putting troops on the border.
Outlaw Gravity!
Xtra comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I remember a time when Americans were able to connect the dots.
The world is quickly going mad! I can't remember anyone being charged with a crime because they had...
Xtra comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I agree with your assessment.
Biden's desperation means increased threats to gun rights... []
Xtra comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Good luck trying.
John freaking the gift that keeps giving []
Xtra comments on Mar 3, 2020:
She'll have a lot more time to write Donald now.
Oh how things have changed.
Xtra comments on Mar 3, 2020:
It is absolutely insane!
I think her teachers were right.
Xtra comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Most socialists do not have an appreciation for history or math.
Fear Sells...
Xtra comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Yes! That's exactly what's happening and it is getting old.
Issei Sagawa, The Japanese Cannibal Who Plans To Eat Again
Xtra comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Very dark. I can't think of a situation where he should be allowed to walk free.
"We re Charging the CBC With Hate Speech.
Xtra comments on Mar 3, 2020:
He has a very good case.
Senator Mike Lee: Bring accountability to the the intelligence community. []
Xtra comments on Mar 4, 2020:
He's right. I hope Durham does a deep dive into unmasking too.
MEMO TO the Office of Mike Bloomberg You suck. The voters
Xtra comments on Mar 4, 2020:
I wonder if he's going to drop out or hang to the end for a brokered convention?
It’s puff-puff-pass dad!
Xtra comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Not sure if marijuana helps senility.
Watching idiots in masks and goggles holding onto handrails on the tube and escalators. 🙄
Xtra comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Let's hope that they do not work for the CDC.
Boomerang... []
Xtra comments on Mar 4, 2020:
He has one hell of a case.
YouTube dirty tricks
Xtra comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Any attorneys in the community? Prager showed us that free speech is not a legal theory that will win court. What will?
[] Womern are a hate group apparently
Xtra comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Absurd. This guy seems pretty moderate. Wonder Why YouTube is demonetizing his platform. As far as the identity politics described, it is already self imploding. It's kind of like musical chairs, sooner or later you're going to lose your place.
The Hill. "Schumer Warns Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, They Will Pay a Price." []
Xtra comments on Mar 4, 2020:
I heard the speech. What he said was entirely unacceptable. Roberts rebuke was okay but not sufficient. At a minimum he should be censured.
The Washington Post's hypocrisy on sanctuary cities- [bearingarms.
Xtra comments on Mar 4, 2020:
The Washington Post pushes their agenda and, if there is time left, they cover the news
Joe Biden confuses his wife and sister during Super Tuesday victory speech.
Xtra comments on Mar 4, 2020:
I think the DNC would rather have Trump in the White House than Sanders. Joe was washed up last week and bolted to the leader this week. Now they're praying to Darwin that Trump gets the virus. But anybody is better than Sanders to them.
The First Annual International Bamboo Architectural Biennale Explores Material’s Use in ...
Xtra comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Very cool architecture.
Made in Tokyo Ukiyo-e Traditional woodblock prints
Xtra comments on Mar 5, 2020:
I wonder if the wood blocks are as collectible as the prints?
Xtra comments on Mar 5, 2020:
He's been in office for over 4 years. How do you get him out?
Let's Get Ready to ........ What's That?
Xtra comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Should be very entertaining!
CoffeeOrDie: LtCol Gade USA (Ret). Candidate for US Senate from Virginia. []
Xtra comments on Mar 5, 2020:
We really need more people like him in politics.
The analyst predicting a Democratic president - YouTube
Xtra comments on Mar 5, 2020:
The California primaries show at least eight or nine seats that are at-risk. Voter turnout for the Republican party is at all-time highs and there isn't even really a Republican Challenger. Should be interesting.
I wouldn't let Handsy Grabby Uncle Joie babysit my dog and the demonrats want him to be president!...
Xtra comments on Mar 5, 2020:
You know I heard him this morning bragging about how he was going to put Trump in his place. He went on to say how Trump feared him. Then he does crazy stuff like sniff people. This is going to be interesting and entertaining.
Hunter Biden leveraged family name for UCLA professorship... []
Xtra comments on Mar 5, 2020:
It doesn't take a detective to see that there's a pattern here. I don't think we're going to see much more on this subject until after the election. I read somewhere that that's what Romney is lobbying for anyway
Canada added 30,300 jobs in February in show of resilience Trudeau haters will be whining and ...
Xtra comments on Mar 6, 2020:
I don't see much to like about this guy. He is a poster child for political correctness and identity politics. What has he accomplished that would make someone want to support him further?
Some fool named Mikita Rivas, who’s apparently published in the Washington Post, found herself ...
Xtra comments on Mar 6, 2020:
I read that on Facebook and immediately started laughing. Another reason why they want to make math racist.
Trudeau’s legacy is being measured in hard wasted cash and equity.
Xtra comments on Mar 6, 2020:
It's a tough situation. He could start by taking down the barriers and forgetting about the UN.
Hinterland's Who's who quote of the day: The Canadian left wing globalist traitor is a simplistic...
Xtra comments on Mar 6, 2020:
The person being quoted has no problems with transparency or accuracy.
Teens beat up 15-year-old girl and steal her shoes in Brooklyn
Xtra comments on Mar 6, 2020:
True story.
Xtra comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I've been lucky so far, but I'm not that controversial. Can anyone give an example of what would get me temporarily kicked off of Facebook?
Protesters Battle Over Roe Vs Wade Outside Supreme Court - YouTube
Xtra comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Killing our young doesn't seem right to me.
February jobs report exceeds expectations, unemployment rate drops again! []
Xtra comments on Mar 7, 2020:
The Democratic candidates want to fix this! What could go wrong ?
Declassified with Gina Shakespear: China Still Killing Prisoners in Horrifying Organ Trade.
Xtra comments on Mar 7, 2020:
It's going to be very difficult to do the right thing. Yet, America can never be great doing business with murderers and thugs. Perhaps we haven't made that clear enough.
American Greatness. "Putin Endorses the Democratic Party Establishment." []
Xtra comments on Mar 7, 2020:
He's having a good time with this. I'm sure he has a long list of jokes about the 2016 election.
We are winning ????? []
Xtra comments on Mar 8, 2020:
12% of London's GDP comes from tourism - for now anyway.
Xtra comments on Mar 8, 2020:
There is always a remnant of wackos in any culture. I wonder if they use paid protesters there?
Xtra comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Remind me again why were keeping nukes in Turkey?
Farmer accidentally orders 12 years of toilet paper []
Xtra comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Start a business?
Volunteer Morons of America..
Xtra comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Wonder what they're teaching the kids that makes them so receptive to socialism?
Marital Insights
Xtra comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Just perfect!
Xtra comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I wonder how many women agree with their cause?
Biden ......what ??? []
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Don't care what he says, Biden is senile!
NRO: Warren's failure isn't about misogyny. It's about lying. []
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
I'm getting really tired of all these labels. Elizabeth Warren lies - a lot.
The best satire news of the day. []
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
The metrics must be driving him crazy. Even the Washington Post knows that it's not his fault - as of today.
Will we see real surveillance reform this week? [] I'm not holding my breath...
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
I don't think we'll see reform until the next explosion. That's how we tend to conduct business.
Justin Trudeau’s love-affair with terrorists and their sympathizers seems to have no end.
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
What a train wreck.
Super Tuesday 2.
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
That's good news for the DNC and the RNC. I really can't see Biden debating Trump. It sure is going to be interesting. [I think for the Democrats, the one that lives until the general election will be the nominee.]
SalenaZito: Pennsylvania natural gas industry prepares for the 2020 battles ...
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
That speech was a very good start.
Brittany Sellner. "A New Migrant Crisis. What s Really Happening At the Greek Border?
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Police on one side and Military on the other. This is going to escalate quickly.
Topless Femen Activists Take To the Streets Of Paris. []
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
I wonder what they think they accomplished?
Steve Turley.
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
The EU is stepping up? That's something new.
Rebel News. "Toronto Womens Day March Brings Out Communists, Climate Crusaders." []
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
The community should add an emoji for barfing.
Steve Turley.
Xtra comments on Mar 9, 2020:
I did not know the right was taking over the media. Nice.
... what? ... oh.
Xtra comments on Mar 10, 2020:
What a mess.
Karma??? []
Xtra comments on Mar 11, 2020:
People in Iran tried bootleg liquor and the people in the US tried water from the Holy Mountain. People are gullible no matter where they live.
Here we go again, blame Russia
Xtra comments on Mar 11, 2020:
It's an RT TV funded by the Russian government? I agree with the message anyway.
MPs REACT: Should illegals crossing the border into Canada be quarantined for coronavirus?
Xtra comments on Mar 11, 2020:
From afar, it looks like the Canadian government is there to monitor failure. It would be the same way in the United States if we had a progressive president.
What is the average mental age of people on the IDW?
Xtra comments on Mar 11, 2020:
There's no way to answer that question accurately.
Unhinged Philly Judge Calls for OPEN Defiance of ICE | White House Brief - YouTube
Xtra comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Isn't breaking the law and impeachable offense?
Trump Administration threatens veto of Democrat's No Ban Act amid Coronavirus fears.
Xtra comments on Mar 11, 2020:
The no ban act makes very real sense in this situation. If they were smart they would just sit on it until the danger passes.
The myth of "moderate" Joe Biden- [bearingarms.
Xtra comments on Mar 11, 2020:
His comments to Francis are concerning. Beto is as dizzy as Biden. They will come after our guns if elected.
[]. Anybody who raised young children knows how true this is.
Xtra comments on Mar 11, 2020:
It is absolutely true.
[] Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson test positive for coronavirus
Xtra comments on Mar 11, 2020:
I wonder how many of us had it and didn't even know it?
Xtra comments on Mar 12, 2020:
They go right to the front of the line. That's a really great benefit.
Just when you think Don 🍋 Lemon couldn’t possibly be more self-centred and arrogant, he outdoes...
Xtra comments on Mar 12, 2020:
The man is a mess on and off the air.
Any guesses?
Xtra comments on Mar 12, 2020:
Might it be Friday the 13th?
A Message To Trudeau, To Canada, And To Everyone - Frank Five 27 - YouTube
Xtra comments on Mar 13, 2020:
I didn't realize that Canada was so far behind. Trudeau better hurry up before he disappoints the WHO and other globalist Buddies.


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