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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jun 24, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by warminster100
General Flynn Exonerated. Obama says, "I never saw it coming, I should have suspected it would happen".
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Learning from Christ
Jun 27, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-06-27 BE A SIGNPOST NOT A STUMBLING BLOCK “If anyone causes one of these little ones-—those who believe in Me—to stumble, it would be better for them to ...
Jun 28, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-06-28 NO MIDDLE GROUND “He who is not with Me is against Me; and he who does not gather with Me, scatters” (Luke :23) The early church included in ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jun 30, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by warminster100
The Storm in Coming! Dr. Rashid Buttar: Dr Rashid A Buttar TRUMP KNOWS THE TRUTH ABOUT THE COVID 19.
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Jun 30, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by warminster100
"New cases" are not hospital cases, just the new cases that people did not realize they had it! RonPaulLibertyReport: Weekly Update -- The Media is Lying About the ‘Second Wave’!
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The Culture War
Jul 2, 2020Jul 2020

Posted by warminster100
Exemption From Wearing a Face Mask!
Learning from Christ
May 12, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-12 DYNAMITE IN THE MIDST OF FEAR “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7) When we read ...
Learning from Christ
May 13, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-13 SPIRIT-INSPIRED BOLDNESS “Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9) The third ...
May 13, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-13 LOVE IN THE MIDST OF HATE “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8) There once was a man born ...
Learning from Christ
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-14 PEACE IN THE MIDST OF PERSECUTION “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome...
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-14 DEPENDENCE ON GOD “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5)...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
ChristinaAguayo: Judy Mikovits PhD Drops The Hammer On Dr. Fauci & Medical Corruption! REAL, RAW & TRANSPARENT Part 2!
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Canadian Politics
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Doug Ford might just have become a one term Premier! Rebel News: Doug Ford BETRAYS his voter base? (LIVESTREAM CLIP) Why is hydroxychloroquine not permitted in Canada? Produce stats showing total numbers of deaths, by year, in Canada, Jan...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
May 14, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: CIA says China pressured WHO to downplay coronavirus and Canada's Theresa Tam played along!A new CIA report says China pressured the World Health Organization to downplay the extent of the coronavirus pandemic. ...
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Loving Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-15 REALITIES OF THE CHURCH “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted…” (2 Timothy 3:12) Imagine for a moment that we ...
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Canadian Politics
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Email received from Maxime Bernier, People's Party of Canada: When a bully harasses you, you can either show submission, or stand up and say you won’t take it anymore. China is acting more and more like a bully. It ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 15, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
"Q" Sent Me!
Learning from Christ
May 16, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-16 THE CHURCHES IN REVELATION “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Revelation 3:22) Amidst all the difficult imagery in ...
May 16, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-16 OUR CHILDREN, SATAN'S TARGETS “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons.” (Deuteronomy ...
May 17, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
They can only control us by fear!! Tony Heller, Real climate Science: All Propaganda, All The Time! Twitter breathlessly reports that Brazil is the “world’s fourth biggest (COVID) hotspot.”
Learning from Christ
May 18, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-18 ONE FEAR-OBJECT It is the LORD of hosts whom you should regard as holy. And He shall be your fear, and He shall be your dread. (Isaiah 8:13) A severe storm hit the East ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 18, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Free to Choose Network: Free To Choose Under 2 Minutes - Episode 10 - How to Stay Free!https:
May 18, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Free to Choose Network: Free To Choose Under 2 Minutes - Episode 2 - The Tyranny of Controlhttps:
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May 18, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Free to Choose Network: Free To Choose Under 2 Minutes - Prologuehttps:
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Tucker Carlson Fans
May 19, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: Who will fight for your rights?…we are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 20, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Post From Qanon: People fell asleep long ago. People gave up control. People have been compartmentalized . Divided you are weak. Divided you are taught to fight each other. Race v race Religion v...
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May 21, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Media admits it is their job to control exactly what people think!! As if there was any doubt... "It's Our Job to control what people think"
Canadian Politics
May 21, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Why Russia Should Ally With The West, Not China!Russia has far more to lose from a hegemonic Chinese empire. Russia is a heavily Christian country, and despite being led by an authoritarian regime, ...
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The Culture War
May 23, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Incel terrorism? Canada goes woke on murder charge at erotic massage parlour | Peter Lloyd!Toronto police are charging a 17-year-old male with incel terrorism after a deadly attack at an erotic massage parlour. ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 23, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Obama, Biden, Killary and Brennan to walk free? OBAMA & BIDEN GET TO WALK? -- Harley Schlanger
May 24, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-24 DELIVERANCE “So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious ...
May 24, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller: Guilty - Of BreathingLockdowns were sold months ago on the idea of "flattening the curve." In most places there never was much of a curve to flatten, yet the lockdowns are still in place. Tens of millions are now...
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Learning from Christ
May 25, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-25 “THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU” “Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you...
May 25, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-25 TRUSTING YOUR CHILD “I rejoice that in everything I have confidence in you” (2 Corinthians 7:16) When I was 14 years old my family moved off the farm in ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 25, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
A comedian reveals the truth about Julian Assange's persecution! Redacted Tonight: You Are Being Lied To About Julian Assange!
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Canadian Politics
May 25, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Trudeau only wants large lieberal businesses to survive, the rest to be on social assistance! 81% of CCP Virus deaths have occurred in nursing homes! Rebel News: Entry-level retail jobs destroyed: Hundreds of stores close under Trudeau's...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 25, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
The biggest hoax ever imposed on the west! Gates, Fauci, $oro$ and Tedros should all be hung at the same time as a warning to the remaining globalists! Then start removing any licenses of the MSM Fake News! Tony Heller: The Not-So-Novel ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 26, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller: The Nursing Home/Press Virus!The New York Times says that nursing home deaths from COVID-19 are a defining scandal for Boris Johnson. But no mention of the fact that New York Governor Cuomo created the highest ...
Canadian Politics
May 26, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
The answer to this is obvious, seniors do not get to vote in favour of Canada getting a seat on the UN Security Council! I am a senior and if I could vote, it would be no! Spencer Fernando: How The Hell Can We Justify Giving Billions To ...
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Canadian Politics
May 26, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Wouldn't it be good to have a government that wanted to empower us instead of controlling us?Remember that the controllers are the most insecure! Spencer Fernando: GOVERNMENT BY DECREE: Liberals & NDP Collude To Bypass Parliament ...
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Canadian Politics
May 28, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Welcome to Chinada!! Rebel News: HEY TRUDEAU! Why is Canada funding the Chinese army? MPs react
Canadian Politics
May 28, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
There is no free mainstream media in Canada! They are all submissive and obedient pigs at the trough! Cancel all subscriptions to MSM in Canada! Silence Of Parliamentary Press Gallery On Horrible Treatment Of Rebel News Reporter Shows Press ...
Canadian Politics
May 29, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Thank you President Trump! Spencer Fernando: WATCH: Trump Slams China In Press Conference, Will Revoke Hong Kong’s Special Trading Status, End Relationship With World Health Organization. Trump says US will end their relationship with ...
The Culture War
May 31, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller: All Schools Open In SwedenUnlike the US (and Canada), Sweden’s approach to COVID-19 is based on actual science. They never shut down their primary schools, and are now opening their high schools and colleges. ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jun 1, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller: The Urge To Rule!The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all "messiahs" seek: not the chance to serve. H. L. Mencken - Minority Report "All it takes for ...
Jun 1, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller: The Urge To Rule! "The urge to save humanity is almost always a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all "messiahs" seek: not the chance to serve." H. L. Mencken - Minority Report "All it takes for the triumph of ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Jun 2, 2020Jun 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller: Enemies Of The People!A year ago, President Trump said the press was "truly the enemy of the people." The press has gotten much worse since then.
Canadian Politics
Mar 23, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Amid CCP Coronavirus Crisis, The Countries That Were Weak On Foreign Nationals Are Now Being Forced To Be Tough On Their Own Citizens.Weak borders and a lack of strength has serious consequences. ...
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Canadian Politics
Mar 23, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by warminster100
Spencer Fernando: Liberal Coronavirus Crisis Power-Grab Faces Swift Backlash Among Canadians.As the Liberals attempt to undo the last election and shut down the Opposition, Canadians are pushing back.
Canadian Politics
Mar 25, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by warminster100
Please sign the petition: Rebel News: Stop the Carbon Tax! Trudeau plans on hiking carbon tax by 50% as coronavirus shuts down Canada Just as Canada plunges towards the biggest recession since the Great Depression of 1929,...
Canadian Politics
Mar 26, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by warminster100
Trudeau saves Canada by giving $50 million to the UN! 2 Average Dudes: Justin Trudeau, he’s being sneaky. This guy is giving money away when Canada needs at the most… And he’s not being upfront about it and he’s ...
Learning from Christ
Mar 28, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-03-28 WHAT WE ARE INTENDED TO BE “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians...
Canadian Politics
Mar 29, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: Keeping Trudeau Honest.CORONAVIRUS RISK — US reporter: Still no fence at Roxham Road!
Canadian Politics
Mar 29, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by warminster100
Trudeau knows exactly what he is doing - bankrupting Canada! Completing what his father started!Diana Davison: Don't believe the hype. We need to watch carefully and hold our leaders to account.
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Mar 31, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by warminster100
These people are sick and vile! The Cabal, Deep State and QAnon E8 - Beyond Queens and Kings. Episode 8 of the documentary from researcher Janet Ossebaard about the Cabal, the Deep State and QAnon. Stay tuned, more episodes to come. ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Mar 31, 2020Mar 2020

Posted by warminster100
“I prefer dangerous liberty over peaceful slavery” Thomas Jefferson. “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Ben Franklin Tony Heller - Real Climate ...
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Learning from Christ
Apr 2, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-04-02 NO OTHER PATH “For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 3, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
One America News: The WHO & their ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
Canadian Politics
Apr 3, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Looking after and caring for your citizens first could be a new concept for our PM to consider.Spencer Fernando: Trump’s Mask Threat Shows Why Canada Needs More Self-Sufficiency & Domestic Manufacturing. We cannot rely on ...
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Canadian Politics
Apr 4, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
No lock-down in Taiwan and they have a public health care system. As of yesterday, they have had 355 cases and 5 deaths. How have they contained the virus without shutting down their economy?: Canada has...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 4, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
14 minutes needed to list his crimes against humanity. John Martin: WHO's Tedros Adhanom Should be Tried for Crimes Against Humanity.
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 4, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rush Limbaugh: Democrats ‘Salivating’ over Coronavirus as Opportunity to ‘Decapitate’ U.S.Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh warned Americans Thursday during his broadcast of the Democrats’ attempt to use the ...
The Culture War
Apr 8, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Sorry, Prince Charles - Not Going to Happen! Tony Heller: Real Climate Science - New Video : 3941 Days Left For The Planet.
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 9, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: Just for knowing, TOTAL US DEATHS in March 2020 are DOWN 15% from Average of Prior Four Years.What is going on? After shutting down the government and killing the greatest economy in the world due to deathly ...
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Canadian Politics
Apr 11, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
The Rubin Report: What is a Classical Liberal? (ANIMATED) | POLITICS | Rubin Report.Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report answers the question “What is a classical liberal?” with this animated short film. Classical Liberalism is ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 11, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: China has had COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in its Wuhan lab for SEVEN YEARS.Unless other evidence emerges, it thus looks like a horrible coincidence that China’s Institute of Virology, a high-security laboratory ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 11, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Anyone hear from Trudeau about his start-up plans for Canada? Fox News: Rep. Nunes: Trump assembling second coronavirus task force to reopen economy. California congressman Devin Nunes discusses potential phase 4 of coronavirus relief and...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 16, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Freedomania: Cabal, Deep State, QAnon - Full Length FilmFull length documentary from researcher Janet Ossebaard.
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 16, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
1 comment
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 17, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Candice Malcolm - True North: Fake news journalists need to be called out for their dishonesty.In January, True North’s Candice Malcolm raised some valid concerns questioning the link between China’s high-security ...
Apr 18, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-04-18 I AM THE TRUE VINE “I am the true vine, and My Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in Me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit He ...
Canadian Politics
Apr 18, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
No social distancing - I love it!! Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson: Downtown Vancouver Protest Against the Lock Down with Dan Dicks. A growing concern over the economy is causing some to question what we are being told.
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Learning from Christ
Apr 18, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
ONE FOR ISRAEL: Dr. Michael Brown (Ask Dr. Brown) - Testimony.https:
Canadian Politics
Apr 19, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Press For Truth: Dan Dicks LOCKED OUT of Twitter, Web Site DOWN, It’s A Full on ATTACK And The Gloves Are OFF!!!PFT DEMONETIZED! If I Had $1 For Every Subscriber? ... In the wake of a viral tweet that ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 20, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
here is what happens to people who watch MSM! Mark Dice: They Walk Among Us!
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 20, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
FREE AMERICA AGAIN!! SET US FREE AND SEND US BACK TO WORK! Next News Network: BOOM! Fauci Sweating Bullets! Trump Investigating His $3.7 Million Obama Era Grant to Wuhan Lab!!!
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 20, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Tony Heller: Real Climate Science. Donald Trump wants to put people back to work, and get government off their backs. Democrats want to put everyone on welfare.
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 22, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
And Now You Know! Geller Report: Hollywood Has $9 Billion Reasons to Not Blame China for the Coronavirus Pandemic. Trump-bashing Hollywood figures, from film stars to studio executives, have been conspicuously silent when it comes to ...
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Canadian Politics
Apr 22, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Maxime Bernier, People's Party Canada: On March 12, the day before Parliament was suspended because of the pandemic, the Trudeau government announced its plan to accept one million immigrants in the next three years. Since then, millions of ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 23, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Amazing Polly: To Serve Man - The Lie Of Philanthropy.Put on your seatbelts, you're in for a bumpy ride. I show you how so-called 'philanthropists' use language and veneers to hide their bad deeds as they de-humanize us. ...
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Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 23, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Bill Gate's Plan to Vaccinate Every Person in Britain Including Making Men & Women Infertile.. Investigative Journalist Exposes Bill Gates UK Govt. Takeover & Glaxo Infertility Vaccines! Zed Phoenix is the founder & CEO of ...
Apr 24, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
If Jason Bermas is a neo-nazi, so am I!! Next News Network: Seconds After W.H.O., GATES Foundation Hack, Lefty Media SCRAMBLES To Blame One Group | Jason Bermas.
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 24, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Candice Owens 2024!! Candace Owens - On Coronavirus, Liberty, No Safe Spaces and Her New Book "Blackout." Candace Owens makes her first bunker appearance and talks about her role in the film, "No Safe Spaces," as well as the current state...
1 comment
Canadian Politics
Apr 27, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Derek Sloan, Candidate for Leadership of CPC Party:In the midst of a crisis, there is a human need to feel that we can trust that those in power are doing their best to see us through. Unfortunately, with each passing day it ...
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Apr 27, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Dr. Rashid Buttar: Part 4 of 4 - Roundtable Discussion with Dr. Judy Mikovits | Dr Rashid A Buttar!Dr. Judy Mikovits spent 22 years at the NIH, did all the "gain of function" studies on Ebola, etc, etc, etc. When she realized...
1 comment
Apr 29, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-04-29 THE CHOICE OF FORGIVENESS “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ has also forgiven ...
Tucker Carlson Fans
Apr 30, 2020Apr 2020

Posted by warminster100
Amazing Polly: Beware the Contact Tracers! The Public Health mafia (including the Clintons) are speaking in military language about an "army" of "front line" "agents" to question the associations & whereabouts of anyone who tested positive for ...
May 2, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-02 OUR WORK AND GOD “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an ...
May 2, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-02 HOW TO TREAT PEOPLE “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor” (Romans ...
May 2, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Next News Network: EXCLUSIVE: Drs. Buttar, Shiva & Mikovits BLAST Gates, Call to ARREST Fauci as Crisis CRUSHES Economy!https:
May 2, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Rebel News: UPDATE: Police DROP charges against drive-in church Pastor Henry Hildebrandt!We’ve just had our first unofficial victory regarding our Fight the Fines campaign.
May 2, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Laura-Lynne Tyler Thompson: DISQUALIFIED BY THE CPC - STRONG LEADERSHIP CONTENDER JIM KARAHALIOS!Even as The Conservative Party has called for the disqualification of their third social conservative candidate in the last 48 ...
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May 2, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Report your gun stolen until after the next election. CanadaPoli: 205 - House Health Committee Summons and Gun Ban and Wet'suwet'en Update.
May 3, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Daily in Christ by Neil T. Anderson 2020-05-03 THE PROPER USE OF WORDS “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, ...
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May 3, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Living Truth Daily Devotion 2020-05-03 LIFE IS TEMORARY “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and...
1 comment
May 3, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
From the Twilight Zone:
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 4, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
WATCH: MASSIVE Protests Against CA Democrat Governor’s Beach Closure!The only way to get our freedoms back to is take them back.
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Tucker Carlson Fans
May 4, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Geller Report: Tech Totalitarianism: Twitter suspends Conservative icon Candace Owens following tweet about Whitmer!Tech companies such as Google and Facebook are also utilities of sorts that provide essential services. They ...
Canadian Politics
May 4, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
Michelle Rempel: Trudeau Minister Can't Answer This Simple Question | Michelle Rempel Garner | MRGI asked Trudeau's Economic Diversification Minister one simple question she should have known the answer to.
Tucker Carlson Fans
May 4, 2020May 2020

Posted by warminster100
SAY NO TO BILL GATES RF CHIPS AND RNA VACCINES!! DR. Rashid Buttar: Dr Rashid A Buttar LiveStream Broadcast Connect with Dr. Rashid A Buttar on his weekly livestream broadcast starting at 8:15 pm Monday evenings New York time and join the ...
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