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The word Fascist is thrown around a lot these days as the universal and frequently unchallenged label attached to host of cultural and political organizations. Wikpedia incorrectly describes it this way “ Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century”. This is an interesting re write of history but a not uncommon device of current political groups and should give you some insight into their dangerous agendas.

Here is a bit of analysis which much more accurately describes the most widely known and referenced fascists, their roots and public theory: []

more historical analysis: []

The point being that it does not have right wing roots, not now not ever, in fact it shares a great deal with communism philosophically. When looking at what is going on right now in the western world one can easily see the fascist tendencies in the leftist movement(s) and their friends and supporters in the Democratic party and the media. (in Canada we are further down the rabbit hole with Liberals and NDP sharing platforms and ideals almost universally). Here are just a few illustrative examples that should cause you to worry about current events:

Breakdown cultural norms and religions: we can see this is a hallmark of current leftist thinking from attacks on traditional families, to defunding the police “progressivism” is clearly on a seek and destroy mission of all cultural tradition and use racism, whiteness and victimhood as their weapons.

Authoritarianism: Clearly the leftist/ democrat leaders show their authoritarian tendencies when they promote government intervention in virtually all aspects of life and forcefully seek to remove, silence and/or destroy their “enemies”.

Oppression of alternative views: Cancel culture and its various manifestations in the media, on college campuses and in other business environments are all very clear indications of the leftist tendency to oppress and /or silence opposing views.

Cooperation between government and business to achieve the movements goals without nationalizing industry. We can clearly see that not only big tech but a variety of industries are quick to get in line with the leftist-democrat agenda through a variety of means and they work together for their mutual benefit.

So next time you hear someone called a fascist think about how accurate that accusation might actually be and recall the theory of transference and how it has been used in the past. History is indeed repeating itself, and we would be wise to inform ourselves of accurate history not the leftist re-writes that are currently in vogue.

Recall that Germans gravitated to Nazism, after a fairly short period of indoctrination they willingly got on board, Russians similarly followed Stalin into the abyss thinking a brighter more fair future was on the horizon. Here and now we are far along a similar revolution, we have allowed the indoctrination in the media and education system, we have identified the victims and the perpetrators and have recently moved into the punitive re-distributive stage, like all of the above revolutions it is based on fairness and equity, and like in all other examples it will lead to neither.

dirtbill 7 July 31
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Yup. I posted about this as well.

“The further Fascism receded into history and the fewer visible fascists there were on display, the more self-proclaimed anti-fascists needed fascism to retain any semblance of political virtue or purpose. It proved politically useful to describe as fascist people who were not Fascists , just as it proved politically useful to describe as racist people who were not racists.” ― Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam

“In Italy, Fascists divide themselves into two categories: Fascists and Anti-Fascists.”
— Ennio Flaiano

The term "fascist" has been used as a pejorative, regarding varying movements across the far right of the political spectrum. George Orwell wrote in 1944 that "the word 'Fascism' is almost entirely meaningless ... almost any English person would accept 'bully' as a synonym for 'Fascist'".

Communist states have sometimes been referred to as "fascist", typically as an insult. For example, it has been applied to Marxist regimes in Cuba under Fidel Castro and Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh. Chinese Marxists used the term to denounce the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet Split, and likewise the Soviets used the term to denounce Chinese Marxists and social democracy (coining a new term in "social fascism" ).In the United States, Herbert Matthews of The New York Times asked in 1946: "Should we now place Stalinist Russia in the same category as Hitlerite Germany? Should we say that she is Fascist?". J. Edgar Hoover, longtime FBI director and ardent anti-communist, wrote extensively of "Red Fascism". The Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s was sometimes called "fascist". Historian Peter Amann states that, "Undeniably, the Klan had some traits in common with European fascism—chauvinism, racism, a mystique of violence, an affirmation of a certain kind of archaic traditionalism—yet their differences were fundamental....[the KKK] never envisioned a change of political or economic system."

Professor Richard Griffiths of the University of Wales wrote in 2005 that "fascism" is the "most misused, and over-used word, of our times".

"In short, “fascist” is a modern word for “heretic,” branding an individual worthy of excommunication from the body politic. The left uses other words—“racist,” “sexist,” “homophobe,” “christianist”—for similar purposes, but these words have less elastic meanings. Fascism, however, is the gift that keeps on giving. George Orwell noted this tendency as early as 1946 in his famous essay “Politics and the English Language”: “The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable.

American Progressivism—the moralistic social crusade from which modern liberals proudly claim descent—is in some respects the major source of the fascist ideas applied in Europe by Mussolini and Hitler." - Dinesh D'Souza


Meanwhile, the conservative movement continues to mine Nazi philosophers for new material.

Care to share evidence?

Or are you trying to say that the 5 neo Nazis left somehow presents the “conservative movement”.

Of course, the truth is exactly the opposite... the main stream left movements are all following communist ideology...

I really laughed when you said Tim Pool is a fascist... really proves the OP statement.

@Hanno Schmitt and Evola.

@Hanno Read my follow up about Tim.

@Leroy_Dumonde Schmitt is en vogue in conservative institutions right now. Notable figures he has influenced include Michael Anton, Bill Barr, and Adrian Vermuele. He also influenced Leo Strauss who has had a big influence on neoconservatives. Moreover, he has influenced the Eurasianist philosophy of Dugin in Russia that influenced Trump's policies on immigration and foreign policy.

Never heard of them.... I think if we offer $100 prizes to the first 100 conservatives to tell you who they were... you would not loose a lot of money.
Conservatives today are influences by the likes of Jordan Peterson etc...

You mean Bill Barr wants to restore law and order and therefore he must be Nazi influenced?
Never heard of Anton and Vermeule... so I was right..: you picked 5 neo Nazis no one know about or is of no importance and you call them representatives of the “conservative movement”.

Again... modern leftist follow Marx and his merry mates to the letter.
You are as usual trying to deflect.

@Hanno No, Bill Barr's theory of the unitary executive is inspired by Schmitt. Anton was also in the Trump administration and pseudonymously wrote a widely-read intellectual justification for Trumpism called "The Flight 93 Election." []

@Hanno I'd be willing to bet quite a few of the judges Trump is packing the judicial system with are Schmittians as well.

Stalin also said eat your vegetables everyday is good for health (he said many such things)... just because he said it, does not mean it is wrong or no one else thinks it is a good idea.
Many ideas of the Nazis was not unique to them and some were and are still good ideas because they are universally true. Other ideas not so much.

Furthermore, quoting one or two people who may or may not have the same views of Nazis does not mean it is the whole conservative movement looking at Nazis for inspiration.

Now of course we can go the other way and start looking who are influencing Bernie Sanders etc... now there is a concern!

@Hanno But I mean Schmitt and Strauss are the conservative movement's most recent fertile ground. Why Schmitt? Because he provides a justification for more authoritarianism, which is needed to preserve the power of conservatives as their base ages and the population diversifies.

I find it interesting that both the far right and the far left accuse each other of authoritarianism.
Therefor it is good that both the far left communists and the far right Holocaust deniers pick fights with me. 🙂

When the Trump judges or advisors start advocating authoritarian rule I will get upset. Or when they actually propose Nazi exclusive ideology. So far I have not seen it, however it may have happened without me noticing.

Authoritarian rule is not exclusive to Nazi thought... to the contrary, it would be last avenue I would pursue if I want to get that type of power.
The current socialist revolution we are seeing is a much more likely route to authoritarian rule.

@Hanno Then it will be too late. Why do you conflate mere social democrats with Stalinists?

The exact argument could be made about Bernie Sanders and the other far left leaders we have today.
The difference is of course that you have to jump through hoops to connect Trump judges and advisors with Nazi ideology ... however Bernie makes no secret of his communist influences.

Soooo... I am much more concerned about a socialist authoritarian state than a Nazi authoritarian state...

@Hanno Bernie makes no secret of what?

Sorry, I edited it later... his communist influences.

@Hanno Which are?

Look up Democratic Socialists of America...
you directed me to them and I read most of their web pages. Thanks, it was very educational.

I much more concerned about the rise of DSA than the perceived risk of neo Nazis. The hatred and fear of anything Nazi is well established in that no one has achieved anything in that realm since 1945... and only fringe groups still support it... we are a long way from having anything like that again.

Socialism and all its horrors were repeated again and again in many countries always with the same outcome... and yet we still have prominent politicians pushing it.

@Hanno DSA isn't that extreme. Moreover, it has less than 100,000 members. Bernie is not one of them!

Thank you! You finally get it!

  1. Extreme is dependent on your frame of reference.
    To you Trump advisors are extreme... to others the DSA is extreme. It does not mean either are or are not.
  2. Because some members of a group believes something does not mean all members do. Especially if you arbitrarily made the groups.
    I cannot just include Bernie with other Democratic Socialists even if they all call themselves that... you also cannot lump “conservatives” together and say they are influences the same.

@Hanno I tend to think that people in power and shaping the law, who were voted in by a unified conservative movement, are the most relevant for discussion.

Exactly... shall we start with your House of Representatives... who “were voted in by a unified socialist movement”.
Or the Governor of California or New York... or... I hope you see where I am heading..
Of course we will have the same discussion when Biden/Harris wins the election...

@Hanno You have to be kidding.

@Hanno Where have you been the last four years? Have you studied Trump's voters at all? It is almost entirely older, white conservatives. The Democratic Party has become a big tent including diverse members of the center-right, center-left, and the left. "Socialists" are a small part of that, though if you lump together all "progressives," the greater left is approaching half of the party. They were divided between Sanders and Warren during the primary and utterly lost to Biden's centrist coalition.

Are you beginning to see your inability to think critically?
You did not catch that I just used your own arguments to show how inappropriate to the situation they are.

Of course at no point did I actually think that the Democratic House of Reps were elected by a “unified socialist movement “. It is utterly ridiculous.
So was your comment about the current Republican members being elected by a “unified conservative movement”.
The fraction blacks and hispanics voting for Trump was unbelievable high... they are not conservatives... they are fed up with the corruption and empty words from Obama and Clinton.
You completely missed that and that is why you are still stuck with your group think.

@Hanno Alright, what percentage do you consider "unbelievable high." This should be interesting.

It is of course relative. If you expected 1% of blacks and 2% of Hispanics for Trump... and it turns out to be 5% an 10% it is unbelievable high.
However if you expected 20 and 30%, and you “only” got 10%, then it is low.

The point is 1. Not only the Nazi supporting far right voted for Trump as you would wanted to believe.
2. A lot of non-conservatives of all ages are voting not for Trump but against what the modern Democratic Party stands for.

So I want to get back to your original comment. There is no unified conservative movement. Just as their is no unified socialist movement.
The vast majority of “conservative” leaning voters are not influenced by Nazi thought.
As is the majority of “progressive” leaning voters are not Marxists.

Trying to put all these people in little boxes is why you keep on failing.


Sporting associations are also jumping on board with cooperation between government entities with the new jersey slogans taking effect in basketball. But isnt the season over until right around election.


re fascism:

The point being that it does not have right wing roots, not now not ever, in fact it shares a great deal with communism philosophically. When looking at what is going on right now in the western world one can easily see the fascist tendencies in the leftist movement(s) and their friends and supporters in the Democratic party and the media. (in Canada we are further down the rabbit hole with Liberals and NDP sharing platforms and ideals almost universally).

I think this needs to be (and has been) repeated often. However, the Left has their fingers permanently locked in their ears as to ANYTHING not vetted and approved by their handlers.

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