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Why the hell do they even mention this any more? It's not like anyone in the federal government has ever read the Constitution, much care if they are working within it's boundaries. They let O-bomb-a serve. One simple rule that disallows someone serving as president. The person has to be a natural born citizen. If you read the works of the founding it is not hard to learn, and understand the definition of that word as they meant it to be in regard to electing a president. A natural born citizen is a person who's parents, both the father and the mother, are citizens of the Untied States with no dual citizenship with any other country. Simple, even a grade school kid could understand.

So it does not matter where O-bomb-a was born. He could have been born in the middle of a wheat field in Kansas, the fact his father was not, nor ever has been a citizen of the Untied States negated any legal chance of O-bomb-a being president because he has dual citizenship with his father's home nation of Kenya. The reason the republican party only made a stupid show of being offended at O-bomb-a being elected, and focused on his birth certificate, and where he was born is because they NEVER intended on having the rule of the Constitution enforced. They knew eventually they would have their own illegal candidate to run for office and it was not that long before they ran their first con candidate in the form of Ted Cruz from Texas.

Ted Cruz was is not legally eligible to be president for the very same reason O-bomb-a is not. Cruz was a natural Canadian citizen having been born in that country, but also had dual citizenship because his mother was a Untied States citizen. Up until Cruz ran for the senate he had dual citizenship with Canada, but had to renounce his Canadian citizenship in order to be legally eligible to run for the senate. His father never became a citizen until 2005. The biography of Cruz n wikipedia made sure to leave out the fact he was born and basically raised in Canada. That was not a simple over sight I can guarantee you.

But now the republicans are playing this stupid game of "Look! We care about the Constitution, and the rule of law" and they are raising this stink about Kamala Harris might not be legally eligible to be VP, yet for this time, and tax payer money wasted "looking into this" and getting their time in front of the cameras they have absolutely no intention of doing anything about her running as VP even if they do learn this is illegal. And this idiotic mutt Lindsey Graham, John McCain's BFF, and strongest supporter for every socialist thing McCain pushed for, is now pretending that he has some understanding of the Constitution, and truly cares to see it is being followed. So says this treasonous POS,

""She was born in the United States in 1964 to parents who were legally present."

But note, he does not say, unequivocally, that her parents were both citizens of the Untied States with no dual citizenship and split loyalties at the time their daughter was born, which is a very important factor to determine her legal eligibility. I have not researched that point about Harris, but the fact Graham did not mention that is a lot like the news reporting some heinous crime and not mentioning the race or religious connection of the accused criminal. It tells us so much without saying anything. When he news does not mention the race or religious affiliation of a person accused of committing a crime like slaughtering a young white couple out on a date after torturing them for hours, raping the woman repeatedly and stealing all the cash they could you know by the simple omission the perpetrators are black, and very possibly followers of islam. Since this spineless coward Lindsey does not state Harris was a true natural born citizen there is a good chance she is not. Of course there is a good chance Graham Cracker is just a damned ignorant fool who does not know the importance of what defines a natural born citizen too.

The saddest thing about this is the fact 99.9% of all republicans and Trump supporters will cheer Graham for being so brave and honest on the television news claiming this shows how honest and respectable republicans are. And most of that cheering will be due to ignorance of this nation's history and the rest who do know this is a load of manure coming from Graham Cracker will still cheer just so they do not appear disloyal to their party


KCSantiago 8 Aug 14
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If one refers to the original text of the constitution, art.1, section 8 refers to congressional power to establish uniform rule of naturalization. Article 2, section 1 refers to natural born. If the rule established by congress results in children born AS citizens due to the circumstances of their parentage and place of birth, the text itself implies "natural born citizen."

govols Level 8 Aug 14, 2020

Not trying to debate you as I'm not 100% on this portion of the constitution but this is what I found from Cornell:

*"The phrase "natural-born citizen" appears in the U.S. Constitution. In order to become the President or Vice President of the United States, a person must be a natural-born citizen. This "Natural-Born Citizen Clause" is located in Section 1 of Article 2 of the United States Constitution.

*The constitution does not expressly define “natural born” nor has the Supreme Court ever ruled precisely upon its meaning. One can be a citizen while not being a "natural born" citizen if, for example, that person gained citizenship through the process of naturalization.

Under the 14th Amendment's Naturalization Clause and the Supreme Court case of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 US. 649, anyone born on U.S. soil and subject to its jurisdiction is a natural born citizen, regardless of parental citizenship. This type of citizenship is referred to as birthright citizenship."


So to me, it goes down to what is considered natural born? I was always under the assumption, it just refers to you being born in the united states regardless of your parents.

Same here.

The key here is "subject to it's jurisdiction". Someone on a visa is NOT subject to the jurisdiction - the most that can happen is deportation. However, because the courts, THE COURTS granted some subject matter jurisdiction over non-citizens, children born here were, coincidentally, granted citizenship. It was wrong - both parts: the defining issue was schooling, districts were required to provide educational services to non-citizen children...which opened the door to food, housing, medicine....

That is why "resident alien" was important, this is a person that agreed to be subject to the laws of the country and work towards citizenship. Such a claim never applied to visa holders or illegals.

"Subject to the jurisdiction" .... not the citizenship or lack thereof the parents SHOULD be the issue but is being obfuscated.

@tracycoyle I don't want to put words in your mouth, so I'm just clarifying: Are you saying that being born on US soil alone should not be enough to be a "US Citizen" or you're saying being born on US soil alone should not be enough to be a "Natural Born Citizen"? I apologize for the confusion.

I am refering to writings of the men who signed of on the Constitution in the beginning. I will have to do some research as I had that noted years ago, but they were very clear about the definition. The scumbag lawyers and judges through the past 50-60 years have twisted so much of the Constitution on this idea of it being a "living" document so changes meaning with the times the original intent and meaning has been thoroughly corrupted.

Simply being born on U. S. soil was not justification for claiming citizenship until the 60s, or 70s when a case went beofre the Supreme Court and the law changed so illegal aliens could have anchor babies and stay in the coutnry without going through proper channels. Again this is stuff I learned ages ago so do not have the references at my finger tips.

If simply being born on U. S. soil makes a person a citizen (and by defacto the mother) then being born off U. S. soil should deny a person citizenship regardless of the parents citizenry. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

@KCSantiago Interesting. I did not know about that.

@BlackoutNJ Being born in the United States is not enough for citizenship - it has to be to parents 'subject to the jurisdiction' of the United States, ie, naturalized citizen, resident alien, natural born citizens(ie born here legally). Unfortunately, the system is not treating the non-citizens appropriately.

@tracycoyle I understand.

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