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Are You Feeling It?

"Negro fatigue" describes a state of mind that sets in when no amount of propaganda or conditioning can allay the feeling of exasperation caused by real-life black behavior. Average people begin to wish - sometimes out loud, sometimes only subconsciously - that blacks would just vanish so society can be stable and polite, or at least a lot more stable and polite.

Eventually, no matter how many black movie stars, or Neil DeGrass Tysons, or even Ben Carsons or Obamas are paraded in front of us, even the most thick-headed whites, even crackpot liberals, begin to get the sense that nothing is ever going to go well with blacks.

With the most recent black-lunatic-meets-cops incident in Wisconsin, and the ensuing mass property destruction and violence, I get the feeling that we are reaching that state on a large scale. Nobody is shocked anymore by even the most idiotic black behavior, and with yet another video of a guy who would be fine if he would obey the simplest instructions, the idea that blacks have legitimate grievances, that their failure is caused by anything other than their natural tendencies, is getting less and less plausible.

Are you beginning to feel Negro fatigue?

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Thaw 7 Aug 24
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and remember...the MSM is the Socialist Party of America.


It appears to me that the black race naturally wants a different society than the white race does. Consequently, there has been continual friction since 1865.

@CharliePrime I suspect that what you say is true but can you give me evidence to support it?


It feels like NF sometimes, however it is more of a vocal minority creating it. While this group includes not only blacks but white social justice warriors it feels like it is a sizable majority. To complicate matters is that this minority is calling for all sorts of other changes, from segregated college dorms to kneeling at the national anthem. This entire narrative is being shoved down our throats by MSM biased propaganda and election year politicians. Against this backdrop we have Blm and its Antify goons aggravating this violative scenario. Eventually this has to end with much less bloodshed, fewer inane laws, and politicians capitulating. Truly I'm afraid of the backlash against innocent blacks due to this current situation.


I'm at a loss to know why he didn't do what he was told to do.

brentan Level 5 Aug 24, 2020

@CharliePrime What do you think was going through that man's mind when he ignored the commands from the police?

@CharliePrime I find that so hard to believe! That's not to say you're wrong. I haven't lived my whole life with black people, just five years when I lived as an immigrant in Seattle. I found some of their ways odd, such as the never-ending jive-talk, that seemed to me to be an extreme version of the white way of talking everything up. I thought it was all a way of coping in a very competitive world. Some other ways were very like Irish ways; they were the ways of subjugated people who comply in a reluctant way to the dictates of the people in power. But one thing I doubt anyone belonging to a subjugated people would do is to challenge and defy the police in front of his children. I can't help thinking you must be hopelessly high on drugs to risk that horrible scenario. I hope to hear more about this in the future.

@CharliePrime To be fair, blacks have to deal with whites in America and it hasn't been a pleasant experience for them. I'm astonished you have so little fellow-feeling for them.

@brentan His actions show he was thinking something like "Screw you cracker pig."

@Truth_Teller20 Maybe he was high. I'm baffled - a dad, with his three children in the back of the car. I find it really hard to accept the reasons I'm being given. They could be true, though.

@CharliePrime I'll admit I only lived in America for a few years but I saw no evidence of these wonders while I was there or read about any wonderful improvements in the lives of black people since I returned home. As for how to treat them, I can't offer any more than the golden rule and Kant's categorical imperative.

@CharliePrime I think while you see the problem as blacks lowering the status of white neighbourhoods, I see the problem as whites refusing to raise the status of black people so as to resolve the problem that way. Get schools sorted out. Get employment sorted out. Just as the problem of different classes of people is a class issue in my country, I see American inequality as just another way of ensuring unfairness to one type of people. I think you're focussing on the symptoms of the American disease while I'm talking about the cure.

@CharliePrime I lived in America for five years and worked with black people. Many black people now live in my country in recent years. Maybe I just conveniently always met black people who were as intelligent as anyone else. As for me being a Marxist, you're just throwing labels around. Life isn't that convenient.

@CharliePrime Make a comment or don't.

@CharliePrime I guess you've run out of valid comments.

@CharliePrime That's what i mean. You've run out of any valid comment to make. Your amusement or lack of it adds nothing to the discussion.


This is why Lincoln wanted to repatriate back to Africa. Said he foresaw a never ending problem. FACT....


"It's the culture stupid"


Antifa, BLM, and RevCom (ABR) are leading the pack at the moment but add in your garden variety SJWankers and you’ve got a shit-ton of fuel for the hate fire. ABR, though, now that’s a conglomeration that needs their violent arm dealt with, like yesterday.


I can imagine the people who didn't really think about race that much before are tired of having the topic shoved in their faces all the time. The current state of affairs is a recipe for resentment.


Systemic racism has only not been a reality for thirty or twenty years.

Black Americans have made substantially movement up the social economic status ladder in the last two decades. It could be an exasperating factor in the attitudes of Blacks left behind in our inner cities. The same problem plagues the low income white population. Check out "Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010 by Charles Murray.

The same kinds of problems we are seeing in the inner cities including the rioting was part and parcel of the experience of many European immigrants, especially the Irish. It took many decades for the Irish to fully integrate into American society. It is likely that because of skin color it will take blacks even longer.

What we do know is that most of the public political to address problems in the inner cities, such as head start, have been expensive failures. It would be nice if the problems could be addressed by policies that are not harsh but I suspect they cannot. The welfare state breeds irresponsibly.

wolfhnd Level 8 Aug 24, 2020


The same pattern of decay existed in white communities where the more capable have moved away to better jobs in the cities as we see in black inner city communities where the more capable blacks have moved away.

Africa is an African problem.

@Thaw No, it is caused by political/social ideology - many of the same arguments can be applied to South/Central America and swaths of Asia.

I've been holding this request in reserve for the right opportunity, ie someone with a brain that makes the statement (or close to it) that systemic racism exists in the United States. So, here is the request:

Please provide evidence of systemic racism with the following condition: disparity of racial outcome is NOT evidence by itself. In other words, if 50% of murders are caused by blacks, having more blacks in prison is NOT evidence of systemic racism by itself.

@Thaw I find myself LESS able to refute such a statement.


You have latched on to an important distinction. Systemic racism and life history outcomes do not necessarily correlate. Asian Americans were subject to fairly severe discrimination but over came it to achieve above average economic outcomes.

My evidence for systemic racism is anecdotal and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Some things are nearly impossible to prove but are still valid positions. For example cigarettes were called coffin nails long before any scientific research was conducted. The effects of cigarette smoking were so obvious to casual observers that the research simply proved the obvious . As far as I know the exact mechanism by which smoking causes cancer is still poorly understood.

30 years ago racist comments were so common it is hard to imagine why anyone would question the existence of systemic racism. In comparison I hear very few racist comments today.

@tracycoyle, @Thaw

You are missing the point. There are approximately 52 million people in the U.S. with an IQ under 85. We have bigger problems than race or racism.

And there is the problem.
Since statistically IQ test results can be correlated to race, some now play identity politics and group all blacks in one group and all whites in another and asians in a third.
We should be classifying people according to ability and help them accordingly. Irrespective of race.

The problem is we are doing it in NZ schools and Maori presents ~80% of the “low ability class” and 20% of the “high ability class”. It is the opposite way for Asian and Europeans.
This sets 80% of Maori on a course of low income jobs and social problems.
And that is all everyone sees. They do not see the 20% successful Maori or the 20% failed whites.

And we are back to a race problem when we started off not judging to race at all but to ability only.

How you solve that?

Of course, the low IQ outcomes are heavily correlated to drug and alcohol abuse in the family... irrespective of race. So that is where we should start... however that is difficult to solve.

I read the problem of people struggling to assimilate but I understand it as the struggle of people fighting against those who don't want them to assimilate.

It's not skin color, it's CRIME and CULTURE....


We need to stop the bigotry of using skin colour as a criterion for decisions.

@Thaw Do you really believe that skin colour indicates race?

@Thaw Flaunting your bigotry, as usual.

@Thaw As applied to a GROUP. Individuals can, and often do, exhibit differences than the group they are lumped into. So, while your stereotypes might be useful in general, they are less than beneficial when dealing with individuals.

So, I'd rather group people by their actions and LOTS of the rioting and damage going on right now is caused by WHITES....but both groups (blacks and whites) are being driven by ideology, not race (including BLM).

@Thaw My comment noted on the post. I saw the post previously but didn't make a comment prior.


I was out of patience after Treyvon Martin and Mike Brown. There is no satisfying their demand for "justice" unless all crime is decriminalized for blacks.

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