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LINK Trump Declines To Promise Peaceful Transfer Of Power : NPR

"Get rid of the ballots and you'll have a very peaceful — there won't be a transfer, frankly, there'll be a continuation."

Get Rid of the Ballots.
There won't be a transer but a continuation.

What do constitutional conservatives who support Trump think about this kind of talk?

TheMiddleWay 8 Sep 24
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Explain to me how a US president can guarantee that there will be no violence among 330-350 million humans, a statistically significant number of whom have already committed to not accepting a loss no matter what.

govols Level 8 Sep 24, 2020

@TheMiddleWay, you might call it peaceful if you didn't notice the violence. This time the violence is already present and the voting isn't even done...much less the counting and the legal battles. There will be protests, and there will be violence. NOBODY can prevent the violence we'll enjoy for the holidays.


Its impossible to know what sort of "transition of power" will be decided for with the election. In your terms the "peaceful transition" assumes a 46. We don't know that. There will also be the transitions associated with the congressional elections. We don't know what that will look like. It might wind up being NO transition in the meaning intended with the question, and even then we can't prevent the fact that protest will happen and violence will accompany them. A peaceful period from election to inauguration will not happen. There WILL be violence no matter the outcomes.

@TheMiddleWay The left has still not accepted the transfer of power from 44 to 45, and violence has been a part of the "Resistance" from Trump's inauguration until this very day. The violence we're seeing in the streets (I'm typing this in Louisville) is a direct result of the efforts of those not accepting the last election results.

@TheMiddleWay Well last time, after whining about Trump refusing to say whether he would accept the results of the election, the Democrats and their allies tried a soft coup d'etat when he won, but it didn't work. Will they be so soft about it when he wins this time?

@TheMiddleWay Well, I don't know about sudden... I'm not really sure what that even means in this context.

Violent? The left have called speech violence, so someone would have a definition of violence that would fit what they did. The "soft" part renders it irrelevant anyway.

As for illegal, IG Horowitz reported on certain things they did that were improper at best, and Durham is still conducting a criminal investigation, and has already made a relevant indictment. I suppose we will see what happens with that.

I suspect criminal activity occurred that nobody will ever be held accountable for, and maybe some more that will result in some repercussions for someone.

@TheMiddleWay Well, I seem to remember there was some violent protest after Trump was elected, but I guess the talk of a soft coup d'etat is hyperbolic - certainly not literally comparable to what has happened in Chile and other places. I certainly hope that doesn't happen in USA from either side. Speaking as someone who has not witnessed something like that, I have my concerns.


Trump already has the helicopter. But he won't use it in a manner that's beneficial to the country.

Triumph Level 6 Sep 24, 2020

Trump will do for now. But to make America truly great again, we're eventually going to have to elect our very own Pinochet.

Triumph Level 6 Sep 24, 2020

Context... so important.
Then important words... suggested, probable, allegedly, arguably... whenever you see these words, generally it means whatever the person is saying has no proof and is opinion or hearsay or just made up. In this case, only half the story.

Hillary advised Joe NOT to concede the election, does not matter the legality of it.
This was stated long before Trump made any such statements.
Then, there are actual issues with mail in ballots. That is why it is used in most countries for less important or non-binding referendums, but never for elections or important decisions.
Even for the worlds poster-girl and government today - New Zealand. NZ will not use mail in voting next month... with very good reasons.
Yet this article states “his baseless statements on mail in voting”.
That tells you a lot of the context, does it not?

Now if you read what he has actually said... he intends to contest the election only if he there is mail in voting that indicates large scale fraud etc...
All indications are that he will not contest if he loses and it has been a fair election.

Now compare that to what Hillary told Joe and what has been repeated by many on the left... reject outcome whatever the reason if Trump wins.

Spot the difference?

Would you concede the election if it is close and their is clear or at least very likely signs of fraud?

Hanno Level 8 Sep 24, 2020

The word suggested was used by the article writer. It shows that even the article writer felt that he could not outright state that this is what Trump meant. That there were more to what he said.

You appear to miss the part where he said that the Supreme Court will decide.
Continuation means he will contest and let the Supreme Court decide and then abide by the courts. Hence the insistence that he SCOTUS is able to perform the function.

Then the whole issues around mail in ballots... this is not just in the US. There IS an issue with it.
I do not see how you can state there is a world if difference.

You are not stupid. From the context of Trumps speech it is very clear he is talking of the mail in ballots. Not all ballots.
He takes short cuts in his speech.
You are clearly bright enough to understand this.
So it begs the question why you propagate a wrong interpretation of what was said.
You are losing a lot of credibility by saying that.

Supreme Court....
Yet the very article you linked references his statement on the Supreme Court?
Again, why are you propagating something you know is not true?

You are purposefully mis presenting what he said, and knowingly ignoring things he did say.

I said he (Trump) takes short cuts in his speech.
Not you.

And yes, not counting mail in ballots is also problematic.
Hence his call not to have them in the first place... just like almost all other countries in the world.

Supreme Court...
Your article writer reference it as the election... where the issue is voting .
Yet you insist it is not.
Your are losing credibility here.

Trump actually states that the transition will be peaceful, get rid of the problematic mail in ballots.

So the whole “decline to promise peaceful transition” is dishonest.
No world leader will promise to unconditionally submit to a peaceful transition. They all will insist on a free and fair election.
Trump is stating what he sees as free and fair.
You may disagree what free and fair is and for that the SCOTUS will decide if the election was free and fair.

So you want to make an argument about what Trump said based on ONE news brief and IGNORE everything else?
So you expect him to REPEAT his whole set of policies ever time he speaks because, you know, you cannot remember what he said yesterday or put things in context?
Now if you were some protesting pawn I would accept your an idiot.
You are not... so it begs the question why you pretend to be one.

@TheMiddleWay and @Finch

Considering the bogus impeachment and all the constant lies the Democrats spread about him, the intense hatred by celebrities and the media backed by the super wealthy...
Do you honestly think Trump is not worried that they will use ANY opportunity to cheat the US voter?

Don’t you think they already did worse with the fake impeachment charges?

By ignoring what he said about the SCOTUS!

It looks like you need to learn perspective as well as context.

Trump talk a lot of crap... almost as much as Clintonx2, Obama, Bushx2... and every senator and congressmen.

Now compare your three statements about Trump with what Hillary/Biden said.
Trump not clear if he will accept results if there is evidence of fraud.
Hillary/Biden very clear they will NOT accept results if they loose irrespective of fraud or not.

Enough perspective for you?

Demonstrably true:

Thank you Finch.


We need to find a cure for fake liberalism, they are currently the fascist and partners of the fascist Chinese.

Strange times we live in 🙂

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