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But of course you know better, because you believe Steven Crowder, Charlie Kirk, project Veritas, Donald Trump, Don Jr etc - people that lie to you all the time, that you believe.

Funny stuff - you'll never stop will you - the NY times is fake news, the election officials are marxists etc etc.

bastion 7 Nov 11
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"Suit filed by Trump campaign in Michigan contains claim after claim from GOP poll watchers
One said military ballots going to Joe Biden 'stuck out' to them because they believed military 'tended to be more conservative
The person could not 'provide specific numbers or names'
Another claimed independent poll watchers seemed 'ideologically far-left' and supported the proclaimed autonomous zone in Seattle
They also 'condoned' crime and wanted to work in Brooklyn
A witness in a Trump campaign Pennsylvania suit recanted his statement, and another brought forward turned out to be a convicted child sex offender
Suits come as President Trump is refusing to concede the election to President-elect Joe Biden, who leads by more than 200,000 votes in MI, WI, and PA "


bastion Level 7 Nov 12, 2020

You must be using common core math. You clearly know nothing about statistics and probabilities. Or, at least, that’s the pose you are striking.

Here’s the thing about the numbers: they’re immune to ideology and political agendas. And they don’t lie, because they can’t. Were you not predisposed to accept only one interpretation of the events that have transpired since 11/3, you’d have easily found some thoughtful analyses on the implications of the anomalous results that appeared in state after state. I’m not going to waste my time pointing them out to you; your tone makes it clear you have no intention of being confused by facts. Suffice it to say that you, and all those scoffing at efforts to uncover what really happened are trying to tell us that you can flip a coin 100 times and it will come up head’s every time. And then you can do it again, and again.

This isn’t politics. It’s prima facie evidence of widespread manipulation. In truth, I doubt you are really as ignorant as your arguments make you sound. I’d bet you know damn well that a major effort is underway to steal the election in favor of a demented grifter bought and paid for by the Chinese Communist Party. And I suspect you’re just fine with that.

So cut the bullshit.

lol at hurt conspiracy theories. I've not had an American education so i only see common core mentioned by angry americans boomers.

• Never address issues
• Ridicule any and all opposing ideas
• Smear and insult those that hold them

Alinsky would have been proud

@Edgework yes, lol at conspiracy theories.

@bastion You've got the gaslighting down too. A true student of Alinsky.

@DuvergersTrap lol at conspiracy theories.

"anyone who disagrees with me is a radical acolyte of saul alinsky!"

right wing media has done such a great job on your brains, reds under beds!

@bastion You don't even live here. I've watched the tactics being carried out right in front of my eyes. You're also a real prick. Just because you haven't seen it going on through your filtered media abroad doesn't mean it isn't happening. But keep believing the NYT after they've been exposed for lying countless times, idiot.

@DuvergersTrap stop being so sensitive and upset.


all the fraud stuff is nonsense, sad MAGA tears and excuses.


Again it begs the question why you don’t want any investigations. I asked Middleway the same question and he could not give a defendable answer either.

If there are no fraud, then why do you care that Trump is making a fool of himself with his frivolous court cases. If there is nothing untoward then he will lose and with that lose all support.
That is a win-win for democracy and the Anti-Trump brigade.

By trying to deny them the investigations you support the conspiracy theory in the same way the sherif did when he refused observers with a court order access to the count station.
That is a lose-lose for democracy and the pro-Biden brigade who want a unified country under him.

So I ask again the same question I asked Middleway, why are you so against investigations?

Hanno Level 8 Nov 11, 2020

i didn't say i'm against investigations - investigate all you want. the NY times investigated, the election officials found no fraud when they did.

it's just a method of trump causing doubt and making america look like a banana republic.

from the fans it's just coping mechanisms.


By all means, lets discount witness testimony and signed affidavits claiming fraud happened because the NY Times said all is well in dream land. Certainly not with the various officials that said "Oh, well the machines swapped a little bit, and there was some human error, and these particular votes should rightfully go to Trump". This is what is called propaganda. False narrative. The same people that claimed for four years that there was Russian collusion, though their own Robert Mueller said there was no evidence to support the claim.


Is this supposed to be satire? I honestly can't tell from the citation of the NYT.

Satire? from the NWT? Satire exposes lies - it doesn't create them.


I find it amusing that you think the propaganda being dumped in your news trough is somehow more accurate than everyone else's. It also does not shock me when the NY Times calls the people responsible for running these elections, they would respond "all good here". I thought for sure they would just roll over and confess if only someone would just call and ask them.


nyt is the cnn of print media, of course they’re going to say that...

2peros Level 8 Nov 11, 2020

Ahhhh... The New York Times. They have a knack of sniffing out the few election officials that might have adopted the phrase, "by any means possible". Don't know how they do that their view?
Here's the plan. Find the henhouse being run by a fox and ask him if any hens are missing.

lol at paranoid conspiracy theories.

@bastion Yeah. I made that up. But its generally called humor similar to "news" from the New York Times or CNN.


First off there does appear to be adequate cause for concern and "no fraud" is an incredible blanket statement that cannot be taken seriously. Bill Barr warned about this as Democrats set about changing election rules as the election grew near knowing it had the potential for manipulation and the inevitable questioning of results. During a close election (three states combined have a margin of less than 100K votes) that suspicion of the results and the chaos among voters was likely.

Biden said in the first debate he would not declare victory until the vote was certified, he did not keep to his word. The Democrats made many unsubstantiated accusation that Trump would not concede and this may be the last election, they created the chaos and continue to try and use it to their advantage.

If you do not have free and fair elections that the citizens can be confident in then you fail as a democracy and bad things inevitably happen, leading up to the vote all citizens should have seen the media, twitter, FB and others clearly not just taking sides but suppressing the opinions and information from their opponents as an unacceptable infringement on the democratic process, but the "end justifies the means" mentality took over essentially indicating that the democratic process belonged only to one side, DANGEROUS times.


Don’t believe the numerous ppl coming forward with allegations, just believe the MSM that has lied every day about this administration

which people? all sounds like nonsense, amazing you guys fall for it.

@bastion LOL, from about halfway around the world! 🤣🤣🤣 That's laughter at you in case you didn't realize! 😏

Said the people who cried “Russia! Russia! Russia!” for three years...

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