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Doing a Google search "intellectual dark web" no longer returns this sight [] They have hit pieces from MSM and other unrelated stuff. It used to be the first returned sight from Google now they have disappeared the IDW
Yandex is a Russian search engine not corrupted by woke bias

MosheBenIssac 8 Dec 21
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Google search - american inventors
Google search in Portuguese - inventores americanos
You can see the corruption has not always spread to different languages


17 Great Search Engines You Can Use Instead of Google



I tell people to search (IDW community) if they use google other wise they will not find it because it will be buried under articles that have been title to cover the site. A better way would be to just copy the url and send that to someone that is interested in using the site.

KeVince Level 8 Dec 21, 2020

Hello. Why is that happening to you? I don't get it because I have no problem with hitting the website on Google (see the screenshot). It comes up straight away. Have you been censored?

IDW Community

It is a good way to tell others about this site.

"idw community" is a different string. "IDW" or "Intellectual Dark Web" will not find this site. This is no accident. Someone at Google manually made those search strings return a null result. If people started using "idw community" a lot they may make that search term no longer work too.


I use DuckDuckGo almost exclusively as search engine because of that. Recommend it.

The first time I fired up Duck Duck Go for a search, I got a message:


That’s all I needed to see

@Edgework lol 😀

@Edgework yep, that's the messages I was receiving from duck duck go when I first started using it. I got that and similar messages until I confirmed I wanted duck duck go to block Google on all sites for all purposes.

@Edgework Fudk yeah!


I have stopped using Goofle all together. I suggest everybody consider finding alternatives to Goofle, FaceCrook, TwitTurd, YouDupe, mainstream “News” media outlets and all the other tech giants that work together to build profiles on every American citizen and share their info in order to influence your thinking. They do this by censorship, individually targeted advertisements, directed we search results, etc...

It may sound like just another baseless “conspiracy theory”, but consider the consequences if it’s true and you ignore it. Don’t take my word for it; do your own (careful) research.

Ever notice that you were just doing a Goofle search for a specific uncommon item and coincidentally you noticed that item is being advertised on FaceCrook or one of the other “independent” platforms? Ever notice that you can’t find something on the i yet et that you just saw not too long ago and this happened after you posted a tweet about it that was unpopular or got blocked by the fake “fact checkers”. You’ll probably only notice this type of thing when you become too boisterous in your internet-based disagreements with the agenda of these entities.


There is Google, Bing, Yandex, Qwant and Bidu. These are the true independent search engines.
Bidu is China centric, controlled by the CCP, and not much use for anything else but searches in Mandarin.
Qwant is French, its Francophone centric but somewhat useful outside of that spear but it is still relatively new.
Yandex is Russian, its central Asian centric but not too corrupted by Googles woke bias, they appear to be aware of this problem.
Bing not too affected by woke bias
And Google, heavily damaged by woke bias and agenda pushing.

Thank you for this information. Could you let us know how you found this out and what your references are?

Interesting. How about Firefox?

@Naomi Firefox is a browser not a search engine. You can set it to any search engine you like.
I like DuckDuckGo because it’s anything but GOOGLE, et al.

@Rick-A Oops, you are right.

@Naomi Firefox is double agent. Officially is big on privacy and speech of protection of rights, but its run by feminists who say Guardian is what we should trust not "fake news" lol Firefox CEO is full blown feminist proposing feminist AI to govern internet. lol Mozilla gets much of donations from other companies like, guess who.... yup Google. Including the deal to keep google as default search engine in Firefox. So I would not put too much faith in Firefox and Mozilla company, but I do find the browser itself to be good choice.

Also try Vivaldi Browser.

@Naomi Hahaha. Mistakes build character.

Wow, Krunoslav, they're all intertwined!

@Krunoslav Yes, we need to be wary of double agents.


Fine topic, neutral search engines. Suggestions? You also don't want the engine to log your data. I'm using duckduckgo.

Google censored Breitbart completely. Even a search with the exact title of a Breitbart article yields no results. Then the censored articles pointing this out.

If you search for "George Washington" the item at the top of the list is someone different from the 1st president of the United States. There is no logical reason for that.

I like the fact that is heavily moderated. You need quality control and
spam defense.
There's something to be said for making the Intellectual Dark Web hard to find.
Makes it cooler. Who is John Galt?

I had the same experience with google I’m thinking they’re deleting our I cloud data. I tried downloading a pic of trump from my phone they said “ you cannot!” What’s up with this! I feels like we’re reliving the Gestapo days supersized with new tech. We don’t know our friends from our foes🧐They are muzzling us big time!
Oh! Now they’re after our emails!! Few days ago a i got notice of max capacity Threats of disabling unless I pay them for extra storage. But in fact I have VERY little data However I noticed that they keep sending the same emails as soon as I delete them ! It’s insane! Who do we complain to ? They’re are all hacks . Unless you’re one of them. I cannot use my photos only the ones I took with my phone. So I send you special cookies Theyre called Madeleines. I made to send family. You enjoy them virtually. Many they will take away cookie making from us! Too American it doesn’t fit their agenda. Please send them to friends and family. They cannot take that away. Happy holidays!

"If you search for "George Washington" the item at the top of the list is someone different from the 1st president of the United States."
I just Googled "George Washington" and this is what I got... I live in England. Does Google censor differently depending on the country?

@Naomi well done! You didn’t just accept the word of somebody that something was true. You checked it out for yourself. I don’t doubt this really happened to the person that posted it, but I got the same results you got when I tested the hypothesis. I tried goofle, bing and DuckDuckGo. The results varied slightly in the order (DuckDuckGo had 2 adds first, then the Wikipedia provided info... Goofle had the Wikipedia provided info followed by a couple other sites and then the advertisement... bing had the Wikipedia provided info of the 1st president followed by the advertisements.)

This may change every so often or they may be targeting people differently based upon their individual profiles they’ve compiled previously. It would be interesting to see the results side by side of the actual search by @jaymaron and yours and mine. It would also be important to repeat the search’s on other platforms and at different times days, weeks and months later from different locations and using different servers. A lot of work to catch the technocrats, but maybe somebody has the bandwidth to do this.

Bottom line is that it won’t be easy to prove it, but we need to remain vigilant and exercise cautious in our digital activities. A good choice for everybody is to maintain face-to-face relationships separate from our online footprint. This is more difficult to track and manipulate. (It requires humint)

@Naomi I live in the Birmingham, AL, USA....I got the same thing you did, First President of the USA....someone is BSing to just BS....

@RonTillerson You've read my mind. Lol

Google is like the railroads of the nineteenth century, the US government gave them land grants to build out the rail infrastructure. Google was granted deep government support to build out the internet and internet search. Now Google has dramatically gone off the rails, they are ripe for anti trust and they are also destroying themselves in service to the dogmas of woke religion.

@neverove Yes!

The more leftists censor, the more we have to skylight what was censored.

They shame deplorableness. We have to shame censorship. Desn't matter the issue.
If you're censoring, you're a Nazi.

Yes, bring attention to the age of rail.
The 19th century railroads used their monopoly power to favor large corporations, which they could control, and disfavor small corporations, which they could not control.

Wikipedia "Iron Law of Oligarchy". Societies inevitably steer toward anarchy, and the essence of conservatism is to resist this. Corporations love to merge. This is naked collusion and price fixing, and oligarchyness.
A Great Republican President recognizes this and tirelessly works to break up monopolies.
Yay Theodore Roosevelt! Who's in charge? The oligarchy or the elected president? Teddy told them the answer.

Let every incident of censorship be amplified and broadcasted!

The essence of Democrat response to the plague is to favor large corporations over small.
This is political looting. Call them out on it. Tulsi Gabbard has seized the initiative with this.
Gabbard proposed a tax to transfer money from large corporations to small.
Rich topic of discussion!

If there is a disaster, conservatives rally to save the realm. Leftists rally to parasite upon the disaster and use it to gain power. This is the fundamental difference between conservatism and leftism. Given a disaster,
conservatives protect the realm and leftists loot it.

Varys: I serve the realm. Someone must.

History of American frontiersmanship:

@Naomi When I serched in America, the top result was George Washington Carver.

Great man.

But not as great as George Washington the 1st president of the United States, who could have been
lifetime king but instead retired and farmed.

Strange that.

@jaymaron, @MosheBenIssac
"they are also destroying themselves in service to the dogmas of woke religion." That can only be a good thing, no?
Anyway, what do you do to be censored by Google or the like so much? Do you visit too many far-right websites or too many porn sites? 😆

The results depend on country.
I am very frustrated in NZ that my searches are extremely NZ orientated and often have to go to page 2 or 3 to find what I want to get past all the NZ content.
It must be that NZers only search things about NZ...?

@Hanno Maybe it is the same about the UK and the EU.

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