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Christian terrorism in DC right now.

JacksonNought 8 Jan 6
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There is no terror in Christ


Won't be long before the democrats will burn it (they have a history of that 😉)

Tom81 Level 8 Jan 6, 2021

Democrats and Conservatives / Right-Wingers.

@JacksonNought No, we left the cross burning to the DEMs, AKA, the Clan!!!!

@Serg97 yeah, the Klan were Democrats. But the Democrats were Conservatives and Right-Wingers at the time, before the parties basically re-aligned.

@JacksonNought KKK was started, supported and always been...a democrat thing. Didn't Biden speak at the funeral of a clansman not that long ago?...

@Tom81 Don't try to confuse Jackson with the facts, the facts are beyond his understanding!!!!!
Jackson, you do see yourself as a guy, right???

@Tom81 where have I denied it was Democrats? I said it was. Pay attention.

Where you are ignoring the truth is that the Democrats of that time were the Conservatives and Right-Wingers. To deny that is to deny the truth. Keep deflecting though, it looks great!

@JacksonNought "Keep deflecting though, it looks great!"...🤣 That's rich coming from you, a low level leftist troll.
According to you, putting up a cross is terrorism, but months of looting and intimidating your political enemies through threats and violence is not. You are dumber than dog shit. Go back to your commie circle jerk. When they come for you, we'll all be laughing.

@Tom81 what about what about what about.

@JacksonNought "what about what about what about" that sums up all your worthless, meaningless posts.

@Tom81 supports terrorism.

@JacksonNought says the communist 🙄.
Decades of murder globally, leading to over a 100million corpses wasn't terrorism according to you. But raising a cross is🤦.

@Tom81 when did I ever say I was a Communist? You need to make up strawmen.

Raising a cross along isn't the issue - it is that they did it while performing an armed insurrection.

@JacksonNought the fact you always defend communists speaks volumes

@Tom81 the fact that you always defect dictators and terrorists speaks volumes.

@JacksonNought dictators and terrorists like who? The only terrorists I see, sporting the hammer and sickle, are antifa/blm. If Trump was a dictator, he would have used the military to crush your lot a long time ago.

@Tom81 because trying to delegitimize an election because he lost, and encouraging armed insurrection, isn't the behavior of a wannabe dictator?

@JacksonNought he never encouraged 'armed insurrection', unlike the communists you defend who constantly scream "by all means necessary", threaten, commit and then justify their violence. The dems did a stellar job of delegitimizing the elections (as did the courts that refused to look at evidence based on procedural grounds-not merit).
Enjoy the incoming communism you'll be living under. You will have nothing and be nothing.


Jesus is the head of Christianity. There is 100%, ABSOLUTELY NO New Testament terrorism.
Christians LOVE, LOVE their enemies.
Their Supreme head said, ALWAYS, 100%, return GOOD for evil.

When you see destruction, hurting, this is SATANISM, Satan's kingdom.

A Christian MUST OVERCOME their CARNAL to do this.
Or they FAIL.

Wide is the WAY that leads to DESTRUCTION and many are on it.
(Jesus's words, the head of Christianity).

Christian TERRORISM is an evil oxymoron, try to learn.
It's insulting and incorrect.

Yeah, but then you'll twist yourself into knots to claim Islam condones terrorism. Sorry, God and the NT is pretty violent.

@JacksonNought it sounds like you understand neither Christianity, nor Islam.
Rather than getting into all that, allow me to just encourage some study into the matter if you're truly interested.

@rway both are violent.

@JacksonNought Where is the NT VIOLENT bcuz it's not.
Islam reverse violence, don't you know their teachings?
Do you know 'jihad'? Violemnce is ALL through the Quaran.
In fact, they criticize Jesus for NOT fighting.
When God finally has had enough, then His actions will start. They're a result of thousands of years of corruption.
My choice is Jesus, and rejecting Muhammad even though he 'split the moon'. If you believe that, I hear Arkansas has cheap oceanfront property for sale.

@2FollowHim uh huh sure. Christianity is nothing but peace and love, but all those dirty non-Christians are evil subhumans. Is that your position?

@JacksonNought No, they are certainly NOT.
You do know anything about what Christianity is.
Since you're claiming, I gotta tell you: A Christian CHANGES old, ugly, nasty ways through the power of God.
Loads of conversion accounts.
But many hide within Christianity eg. the RCC which is not Christian at all. Ever wonder why all those pedophiles?

@JacksonNought Many do 'good things' and God, being absolutely perfect knows, weighs that.
And, we both know Christianity practiced often fails.
Why? People seem to try to avoid suffering, may I suggest Mike Pence who I understood was Christian but his actions were definitely not.
Do you know how a Christian manages to do it properly?
They have to CRUCIFY their old nature. And it's painful.
No matter how many times I do it, and I overcome big time,
next time? Do I remember this? No, I don't.
So it's what Christians deem the REAL Holy war, the war for supremacy within ourselves of the right spirit.
Keep fighting me, it's good. You get to consider.


All they need now is a little fire to be complete(done in my best Darth Vader voice).


Christian terrorism? How many people died? How many buildings were torched? How many bombs went off?

Armed insurrection / trespassing / storming the Capitol grounds, looting and vandalizing, attacking press... and then installing a giant cross? Yes, Christian terrorism.

Does bombs planted count?

howdy @JacksonNought,

So Antifa and BLM are the only ones allowed to do that?

@timon_phocas we're not talking about ANTIFA or BLM right now. Do not use whataboutism or deflection. We are talking about what is happening today. Stay focused. Both can be true.

So yes, Christian terrorism.


Typical Democrat - blind eye & deaf ear to the BLM & ANTIFA violence, supported by Democrats, which has occurred for MONTHS!

@w0tn0t whataboutism. Do you have a problem focusing on one topic?


BLM & ANTIFA are terrorists - worldwide!

@maxmaccc planted by who? Maybe the guy with the hammer and sickle tattoo on his hand who stormed capitol hill with the davy Crockett wannabe

@JacksonNought No, it's just rioting, it's likely SEEDED.
Provokers paid to incite.
Did you know Theresa scripture to keep us from such depravity?
'Walk circumspect around evil.
Yeah, I need all that bcuz I'm emotional too, need to get, keep control,
CRUCIFY my carnal nature.
You've seen too much bad stuff.
Have you seen the wonders of it ?
I'd never follow anything unjust.
I'm sure you can argue that!

@Tom81 Maybe, who can say? the investigators perhaps. let's hope they blame the Right person.

@maxmaccc you said it: 'blame", not find🙄

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