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God Bless America! He has signed the Insurrection Act. There is a private video of tanks and "armed" military at a texas truckstop on MeWe but not sharable. MeWe is a whole different program to the ones I'm familiar with and can't find a way to share it off site.

FEWI 8 Jan 11
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The Insurrection Act, eh?

I’m seeing this popping up from multiple sources. “He’s signed it! Military on the move! Now we’ll get them!”

Conventional wisdom and the official narrative says it’s too extreme a move, that it would irreparably damage the structures of our government and destroy our republic.

Well, shucks. Anyone care to make the argument that our country hasn’t already been hopelessly corrupted and broken by the unrelenting flood of lies, deception and outright sedition that has been the left’s M.O. for decades? Oops. I forgot. The useful idiots who make that argument daily would never characterize their campaign thusly. No no no, it is we, the people who still cherish The Constitution, who are the true seditionists.

So we’re at an impasse. There will be no reasoned discussion. There is no common ground. Somebody’s lying. You make your choice, you pick your side, you wave your flag, and follow the implications wherever they lead.

Does Trump have the support any more, to flip this kill switch? Seems not, goes the conventional wisdom and the official narrative. Well, except for the 80,000,000 who voted for him, millions of whose votes were stolen from them. I’d call that support. It’s easy to forget that the loudest voices are not the strongest.

They are, in fact, few. Look at the map of counties that voted for Trump. His blue opposition is hunkered down in their economic fortresses of New York, Washington DC, LA, a few other scattered locations, universities and whatnot. Mostly places where they produce none of the goods necessary for daily sustenance. Where they are reliant on the very deplorables they have so gleefully trampled on to truck in the stuff of their daily lives. And surrounded by the very urban decay and violence they have encouraged. Good luck with that.

Is there support for Trump where it counts? Well, someone raided Scytl. Someone took the laptops. Something has Pelosi and the corporate fascists lining up in desperation, completely exposing their true nature. If Trump didn’t have the backing he needs, why go so berserk? Why not just run out the clock and take the win?

What do they know about what he knows?

The bottom line: after five years of unrelenting opposition, of efforts to remove him and dispose of him once and for all, Trump is still standing, and in their typically tone deaf, ham fisted fashion, his opposition has skillfully maneuvered him into a position where his only option left is to destroy them all.

That’s why he ran. That’s why he won landslide victories in both elections. That’s why they had to steal the election this time and in so doing reveal the depth and scope of the cabal he has been fighting. The oath he took, to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, requires that he act.

Maybe he’ll give up and turn the whole show over to a decrepit fossil bought and paid for by the CCP, soon to be replaced by a born and bred hard core communist.


But I don’t think so.

The Bill of Rights will be destroyed just like all of the statues the day Biden takes office. I feel it in my bones and I shiver at the thought. Whatever drastic measures he takes, he took an oath and I know he will do everything in his power to abide by that oath. He is a warrior and may God protect him and the people who stand with him

Excellent summation!

"If Trump didn’t have the backing he needs, why go so berserk? Why not just run out the clock and take the win?"

The only reason I can think of is that Obama wants to completely write him out of the history books so his legacy of a scandal free administration can be be repeated endlessly in the media and around the country until that is all that appears on the record.


lol at the QAnon nonsense. This will get more people killed eh?

bastion Level 7 Jan 11, 2021

Freedom was never free.

@FEWI "Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference." - Mark Twain.

@TimTuolomne @FEWI
Another aphorism, likewise attributed to Twain, although no one knows who first said it (but if Twain didn’t, he should have): “Never wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, and the pig likes it.”

@Edgework. Have to admit, I like your quote better.


Quite the compilation. It would be nice but there are a lot of people to arrest and I don't know if Trump has support from anywhere in the establishment. The people who should be his allies are too busy apologizing. Does the left ever apologize for anything? Very rarely and only in the capacity of the individual. Democrats never do for any collective action.

When you cut off the head, the remaining is just a corpse.


I really wish I could believe it. I've been around in one 'movement' or another for more than 20 years. Hell, I tried to start movements back in the mid 80s when most thought everything was great, and I was laughed at and 'unfriended' before that was a thing, lol.

I've heard so many of these things over the last 20 years, where: "You can sit and watch it unfold without having to lift a finger." And they were all B.S.

The Revolution only happened because people were willing to incur personal risk. They did it for their families. My 'friends' told me they COULDN'T help because of their families. Do you see the difference?

Maybe I'm just old and bitter, but I don't see a difference between all the people I talked to over the years and today. Most people I spoke to over the years could see the darkness coming, same as myself, but when push came to shove, they couldn't even stand to meet with like minded people to TALK. Freedom of speech went out the window a long time ago. It's nothing new. When you make people afraid to speak WORDS for any reason, you have already come a long way toward winning.

I hope things are different this time. I want to believe that. But I reckon we'll see within the next couple of days, 10 days max what really happens. Then, I can go back to cajoling people to DO something, rather than sit there waiting for someone ELSE to do it for them. Would be nice, but somebody's got to do the heavy lifting.

He is not a quitter, he may fail but at least he has the balls to try. I stand with my president.

@FEWI That's good. If it's really going to happen, I support it, too. If he gets all the pedophiles locked up and stops the heinous acts of the NWO, he's got my vote for life. Just saying this ain't my first rodeo, lol.

@jamesdomus1861 If he succeeds, I will donate a week's paycheck to the organization working to put him on Mt Rushmore.


Do you mean the 'insurrection act'.

Thank you! I'll change it. I have to remember to have my coffee before posting. Geeez...

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