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Who is currently the President of the United States?

  • 11 votes
  • 3 votes
WilyRickWiles 8 Jan 26
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Biden the Usurper.


With the 50 50 divide in voting patterns we have had for decades it has not felt like we have had a president. Obama may be the exception in some ways but he was the affirmative action president. Not my president has been the reality for a very long time.

You have to go back to the second term of Ronald Reagan to see a significant margin in the popular vote.

The political solution to this kind to deadlock would be to return more power to the states. The problems with that are multiple. Many States are just as divided as the country, most States are dependent on Federal funding, foreign policy is one of the dividing factors, Federal regulation cannot be eliminated, so on and so forth.

Since FDR the country has been shifting towards socialism. That seems to be the fate of all republics. From bread and circus in Rome to the current nanny states in every Western democracy socialism is the norm. Socialism was even a key factor in the appeal of Adolf Hitler.

The current pandemic illustrates how the majority of people prefer security to freedom. It has always been thus. Because we evolved to live in an easy but unstable environment maintaining the fundamentals of civilization has always been a struggle. Civilian requires a harsh but stable environment, it's why socialism always becomes a dictatorship. The same emotions or instincts that make socialism appealing makes it incompatible with democracy. This was already understood by people like Socrates 2300 years ago.

Asking if Joe Biden is the President is the wrong question. The better question is if any President with such a slim margin in popular votes is legitimate in a practical sense. If you take into account the number of people that already regret voting for him his practical illegitimacy is even worse. The shift towards authoritarianism by the media, Democratic Party, Tech, the academy, and other institutions illustrate the folly of Democracy.

That so few people understand that the U.S. constitution was written to be a barrier to the folly of democracy is tragic. It can only mean that we have a dysfunctional educational system and have had for more than a hundred years.

wolfhnd Level 8 Jan 26, 2021

You have got some interesting ideas but they seem to stand alone. You have presented all sorts of dots but nothing to connect them with.


Pedo joe

2peros Level 8 Jan 26, 2021

That is a demonstrable lie.


creepy uncle joe

2peros Level 8 Jan 26, 2021

Not as creepy as daughter-lover Trump.

@JacksonNought is easily confused, but please try to stay on topic. This post is about the President Of The United States, unless of course, you’re confused about that too...

@2peros well, as you were probably the one who voted "Trump" in this poll, you think Trump is still president and so it is valid. And as you are a full-on Trump supporter, I am just showing you that Trump was a pedo, so you don't act all high-and-mighty.

@JacksonNought has a perfect record of 100% wrong. I didn’t know it was possible...

@JacksonNought erm... all my kids used to sit in my lap growing up, and especially my teenage daughter’s would do that if they wanted me to allow them something.
You calling me a pedo?
Trump did not had sex with his daughters.... Biden in the other hand cheated with a young girl...
Spot the difference it is that above your cognitive abilities?

@Hanno and where are you getting this "cheated with a young girl" tidbit from? Trump claimed many times to be sexually attracted to his daughter. He also was accused of raping a minor, and partied with Epstein. He also bragged about intentionally walking in on naked minors in a changing room. Anything you have against Biden is shadowed by the mountain on Trump.

@JacksonNought is secretly in love with Donald Trump, virtually all he talks about. That or the worst case of TDS in history...

@2peros TDS is when you think Trump won the election.

@JacksonNought is still 100%... wrong!


Xi Jinping

KeVince Level 8 Jan 26, 2021

I voted for Trump, and Biden won. Fun fact, I've never voted for a president who's won. So seeing the "you have voted for: Joe Biden" after answering this poll was kind of trippy.😂

The idea that Biden "won" is perhaps a matter of interpretation. Biden was declared the winner and has become POTUS as a result. There has still been no sufficient inquiry into the genuine concerns about the legitimacy of his supposed win. Nevertheless, it is still a true and accurate statement that Joe Biden is the current POTUS.

@DaveO276 Exactly.


Kamala Harris


I'm not certain I see the point of this, other than to stir the pot.

Do I believe that Joe Biden is the current President of the U.S? Yes.

Do I believe that there were an exceptional number of election irregularities - for which no explanation has been forthcoming - and the whole matter feels as if it has been as expediently swept under the rug - with specific orders to be forgotten and not discussed - much like the Epstein suicide? Yes.

Both of these beliefs can co-exist naturally.

Of course the purpose is to stir the pot. That's what Wily does - stir the pot and twist the dagger!


You have voted for: Joe Biden

Ha! No, I just answered a simple general knowledge question. Besides, I'm not eligible to vote for POTUS, if that even matters anymore!


This has already been voted on and Biden won both popular and electoral. If I voted again then that would be illegal... just sayin.
Besides it isn't up for a vote. That day has already passed. Maybe in 2024 we can vote on these two again. I suggest voting on a real official ballot and not some internet voting thingy. The fact is Joe Biden is our current POTUS.

Void Level 5 Jan 26, 2021
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