12 2

What is "Critical Race Theory"? Is it teaching Black supremacy? Does it teach that all Whites are racist? Does it teach that there are definable personality traits based on race? Does it promote intolerance?

No. It is just teaching people to think about implicit bias and learn the history of systematic racism in the US rather than sugar coating our history into basic propaganda. How many people can honestly say they learned about the Tulsa Massacre in school? The Opelousas Massacre? The killing of Black congressmen in Georgia in 1868 (literally overthrowing the government)? The Red Summer of 1919? Emmett Till? The Mulford Act, endorsed by the NRA, which banned open carry only because the Black Panthers started doing it? The MOVE Bombing?

Or did you just learn about MLK and Rosa Parks and call it a day?

JacksonNought 8 June 2
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JacksonNought claims CRT is not in the education dept's curriculum yet this school refused to answer a parent's questions!

Nicole Solas, a 38-year-old mother who lives in Wakefield, says she began filing the requests through the state’s open records law after school officials refused to answer questions about the department’s use of “critical race theory” and gender theory practices.

Solas says school officials seemed reluctant to answer her questions about these teaching methods: “The more questions I asked, the less answers I received.”

So, Solas says, on the recommendation of a School Committee member she began filing APRA requests for the information.


w0tn0t Level 8 June 4, 2021

CRT is essentially just an acronym for describing a merit process. The assumption than mankind is “one gnome sequence” is like another Fauci lie. The team with the skills wins. It has nothing to do with race. It’s just a ploy to distract attention from success. The left want football teams to win alternate game so feeling don’t get hurt. They want dumb kids to get degrees that are “given” to them in sympathy. They want pilots to be a certain race gender to play politics.
You win by winning, when you hire, hire the best, that’s what winning is about.

Rick-A Level 8 June 3, 2021

CRT is toxic & destructive wherever it is pushed!!

Critical race theory’s toxic, destructive impact on America

Those who push white guilt and black victimhood ignore critical facts. One is that today’s white Americans are not responsible for the sins of generations ago. Second, slavery was an institution that blacks, Native Americans, and whites participated in as slaveholders. There’s plenty of guilt to go around.

Critical race theory is an analytical framework to analyze institutions and culture. Its purpose is to divide the world into white oppressors and non-white victims. Instead of traditional forms of knowledge, it holds up personal narratives of marginalized minority “victim” groups (blacks, Hispanics, Asians) as evidence (considered irrefutably by its nature) of the dishonesty of their mostly white heterosexual oppressors. The ultimate goal of this theory’s proponents is to remake society so that the victim class eventually displaces the oppressors and becomes the new ruling class.


w0tn0t Level 8 June 2, 2021

Do you have an actual curriculum for CRT that you can show? And not just some opinion piece?

You forgot what happens when"victims", the tools of the new ruling class that aid in displacing the pejoratively defined and labelled oppressors, have served their purpose. They are sneered at and purged from the party as undesirables, incapable of fitting in the new society under their definition.

But yes, CRT is nothing more than identity politics that vilifies one race defined as the oppressor and another race defined as the victim.

@FrankZeleniuk again, I'd love to see where this is clearly defined in a course curriculum... you know, the ones Red States keep passing laws to ban.


CRT is pushed by racists who are anti-white - fortunately people are waking up to this racist ideology & indoctrination

@w0tn0t again, please show the curriculum / syllabus that a school is trying to implement which states your "anti-white" claim.

Is it "anti-white" to teach real history, like Tulsa and Red Summer?

@JacksonNought It’s your assertion that there is a no curriculum? Every subject taught today is hinged on an anti white agenda. It’s not a curriculum, it’s an agenda of hate and it’s the global agenda of Soros.
Every public school and university is pushing the agenda. You are pushing it here.

@Rick-A and there you go. Couldn't help yourself. Had to throw in some Antisemitism.


The commie JacksonNought obviously ignores parents standing up to schools which are indoctrinating kids with CRT

Inside the growing underground network of parents fighting ‘anti-racism’ in NYC schools.

CRT is a controversial prescription for addressing racial issues centered around the idea of “white privilege.” It originated in universities and has spread to K-12 schools — both public and private. Its high priest, many parents say, is anti-racist scholar Ibram X. Kendi, author of “How to be an Anti-Racist.”


@JacksonNought Uhh, it’s you that’s got a swastika on your mind. That’s what you wanted to do hey, you managed to connect CRT with the stika because you clearly have a a connection in you subconscious. I didn’t even mention it. You are of piece of work!!!!!!!

@Rick-A you brought up Soros. Don't play dumb.

@JacksonNought You are thicker than a 4”x4” post. I have Jewish ancestry.

@Rick-A so does Stephen Miller. Doesn't mean you can't be antisemitic when you're peddling the conspiracies.

@JacksonNought You have a severe case of mental disorder complicated by TDS. When you have sought help I’ll continue to try to edify you but until then expect to be treated like the imbecile you are. Seriously, you are possessed!


So the solution to racist problems of the past is to replace it with new racism? it seems to me that this foolishness is essentially vengeance disguised as social justice. I don't see how people in the current generation can be held accountable for the sins of the past, if this is a viable solution then there are reparations due to nearly every racial and ethnic group in the world who at one time had ancestors somehow abused or mistreated. Progress is achieved by looking forward and striving to do better with reference to the past not by trying to even scores that is regressive BS and leads to bad things history teaches that more than anything the current SJW strive to impose on society.


'Critical Race Theory' originates from the 'Frankfurt School' and is just trash ideology (based on marxism) designed to cause racial tensions and further the division.
Marxist trash theory. Racist ideology posing as being against racism. Typical commie double speak.

Tom81 Level 8 June 2, 2021

Define Marxism.

@JacksonNought You obviously have the internet, so do your own research (then again, you commies are lazy, know it alls who think someone else should do the work for you. How 'petit bourgeoisie' of you 😉), it might surprise you how much of a total failure and loser Marx was. Then again, you're simping for him (is that the reason you became a satanist? Because Marx was? That's really pathetic).

@Tom81 I am asking for you to define it. Because to people like you, it's nothing but a buzzword to throw around and fear monger. You call civil rights "Marxism" and pandemic response "Marxism" and anything that isn't the Handmaid's Tale "Marxism".

@JacksonNought You would be best at doing that!

@JacksonNought People like me? And what is that exactly? You mean people who have had to live under a communist system and have seen it (and all it's failures) first hand?

And to people like you JN, definitions change on whim to fit whatever disingenuous narrative you're trying to push.

My definition of marxism is the trash ideology based on marx's theories. And you can look them up yourself (as you no doubt have, as you worship at his altar). No need to put words in my mouth based on your biased assumptions.

And btw, there are no civil rights under marxism. Just the will of authoritarian government.

@Tom81 well then it is a good thing no political party is trying to advocate for Marxism or Communism. So it is all okay then.

@JacksonNought not advocating for communism or marxism? ,😂🤣😂 CRT is based off trash marxist theory and its been mandated in blue states.
So many 'leaders' on the left have a hard on for communists and their ideology 🙄 . They're not pushing as obviously as they want to because its always failed, they just give it different names - but it's the same old shit.

@Tom81 again, define Marxism. Explain how teaching the history of racism in the US, without whitewashing and basically propagandizing our history, has anything to do with Marxism. Is your definition of Marxism "anti white supremacy"?

There are zero "leaders" advocating for Communism. But if you want to simplify policies about societal benefits as outright Communism and Marxism, you do you. But I hope you also then show the same simplification for right-wing policies and "leaders" advocating for full-on Christian theocracy in the US, stripping away all civil rights in favor of the Church as the police.

@JacksonNought Marxism is a poisonous ideology of division and hate based on lies, jealousy and hypocrisy.
It turns every simple interaction into a 'power struggle'. It creates the very opposite of what it promises. It promises utopia yet delivers a life worse than death (maybe wht his family members chose suicide rather than live with his toxic beliefs).
Marx himself, never worked a day in his life and was supported by a wealthy business owner and inherited wealth from his wife, yet somehow comes up with the idea that he knows what's best for the working class and that they're all been oppressed (by the same group that's supporting him.
It's a Marxist belief that what is not 'left' must be 'right' and those two must be in opposition and fight for dominance. Yet to someone in the middle, both sides look like a mirror image of each other.
As for the rest of your assumptions, insinuations, misrepresentations and your latest 'define this' bullshit game - you're not being clever, you're not even getting anyone pissed off (so you fail at trolling), you're not bringing insight, you're not winning any arguments or getting anyone over to your side. Thanks for the laughs though, I've enjoyed watching you get your ass beat down in almost every post

@Tom81 I said define Marxism. Not opine and whine. Give me an actual, legitimate definition so we can compare CRT and AOC and other Democratic policies and see if they are actually Marxism, and not just your own version of "if it is not right-wing it is Marxism".

Also, when you say "never worked a day in his life and was supported by a wealthy business owner and inherited wealth...somehow comes up with the idea that he knows what's best for the working class and that they're all been oppressed (by the same group that's supporting him)" you are totally talking about Trump, right?

@JacksonNought 🙄...I defined it enough. I'm not writing an opus for you while you beat your useless dick. And I clearly meant marx not Trump (who doesn't fit that description). While I'm at it, for the 100th time, I'm not Christian or religious or 'right wing'.


CRT teaches that all the races are the same and that all nice and nasty things need to be evenly distributed across all races for fairness' sake. So since blacks are 13% of the US population, they need to be 13% of the math professors on the nice side and 13% of the jailbirds on the nasty side. But races, like individuals, behave differently, and it's as absurd to say each race deserves the same outcome as to say every individual person should have the same salary.

sqeptiq Level 10 June 2, 2021

Care to cite your source for "CRT teaches that..."?

@JacksonNought Sure! How to Be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi.

@sqeptiq Say what you will about Kendi, but he is not even a critical race theorist.

@WilyRickWiles Kendi is the foremost critical race theorist now.

@sqeptiq Sure if your definition is "any guy who talks about race."

@WilyRickWiles Kendi has the most widespread credibility now in university critical race theory circles. You are free to dislike him, yourself, but you don't run the nation's universities.

@sqeptiq Neither do leftists or critical race theorists.

@WilyRickWiles You may as well claim that the moon is made of green cheese.

@sqeptiq Huh? Do you actually think university boards are full of critical race theorists?

@WilyRickWiles Yes, they are. Universities are dominated by critical race theory and gender theory on the social side, and by capitalist gouging on the economic side.


Today, BLM burns down Black businesses, kills Blacks, robs and loots Black businesses. And Blacks are killing themselves in big numbers in Chicago. Close to a dozen every week-end. Or did you learn BLM was just conducting "peaceful protests"?

Hoo boy, just wait till you learn about White people killing each other in the US.

@JacksonNought You mean like Jeffrey Epstein?

@JacksonNought The common thread here is it's all political. Do you think BLM minds that Black on Black crime in Chicago is devastating their community? Haven't heard a peep but I have heard some Blacks complaining which turns them into Uncle Tom's.

@FrankZeleniuk BLM specifically calls out extrajudicial violence carried out by police officers. That is the purpose of it.

So do you criticize pro-life groups because they only protest abortion, and you never hear a peep from them about the death penalty or pointless wars... or hey, even the police killing people?

@JacksonNought I think it superfluous that extrajudicial violence carried out by police officers needs to be called out by a group that counters jurisprudence by not demanding due process but instead condemning before the fact. That's called vigilante justice. I guess it can be called social justice, too.

That last paragraph is simply sad coming from you.

@FrankZeleniuk how exactly is my last paragraph sad? This is the first time you're bringing up due process. You just attacked BLM because they don't speak out about black-on-black crime. So, do you amend that now that I've explained their specific mission?

@JacksonNought Are you getting a bit spinny? Take a break. You aren't making too much sense.

@FrankZeleniuk deflection. Answer the question.

@JacksonNought The numbers are not even close. Your just a lying leftist shill.

@JacksonNought If BLM is only about adverse police interactions with Blacks then maybe they should call themselves something else. The name implies Black lives matter so you would think from the name that the Black on Black murder rate would be of concern. Unless it is the Black lives of those that kill Blacks is what's important but even then they don't mention that. Usually the name of an outfit doesn't have to be explained. MADD is Mother's Against Drunk Driving. It's kind of self explanatory. It's a group that discourages drinking and driving. I don't expect BLM to protest drunk driving. I hope that explains why your argument about an anti-abortion group expressing concern about police killings is rather nonsensical. They are concerned about a baby's right to life. Some other group can take action against the death penalty. BLM , you'd think, is about Black lives. I
mean "prolife" might be confusing to you but they have been around for so long most people associate the term with concerns over abortion not saving animals, not drunk driving to save lives, not wearing masks to save lives, not ending racism to save lives, not about being vegan.

Besides all that the statistics, which I'm sure have been pointed out to you, don't bear out the claims of police violence against a particular race. Resist arrest, pull a weapon on a police officer and violence will probably occur.

I do think BLM has a specific mission. The leaders have expressed they are well trained Marxists so their mission is much broader than they admit or will include in their mission statement.

The argument we are having is one of semantics only. I'm not trying to trick you or deceive you or lie to win points. You love America. Wouldn't you like to see it become a more perfect union over time as it has been doing since its inception? It is no thanks to the government that America is the land of liberty and home of the brave. Government has engineered itself into position to destroy it and bring in bigger government. It isn't to your advantage or the advantage of anyone. Right now they are creating chaos. It isn't police brutality, racism, immigration, religion or any one of those issues that is a problem. They have always been dealt with by the people and the consultation of the founding documents and principles of the nation. They are not being dealt with today. They are being used as tools by government to divide and conquer. The new regime will not be favorable to the general population - especially you, should you survive the implementation of the new State.

@FrankZeleniuk "the argument we are having is one of semantics only" and yet you are using semantics to attack BLM while not judging other groups by the same criteria. You say "well maybe BLM should choose a different name if they are only speaking out about police brutality" but then you give a pass to "Pro-Life" when they only speak out about abortion and not anything else related to pro life. They get a pass just because they have been around longer? What about Alliance Defending Freedom, an advocacy group which helps with legal cases strictly involving Christian interests - including trying to make same-sex marriage illegal. Doesn't seem like freedom to me, maybe we should force them to use a different name. Perhaps the same goes for the Family Research Council, which doesn't actually do research but rather spends its time lobbying against same-sex marriage and adoption for same-sex couples? Why is the NRA not named differently - what about handguns or bows or shotguns, they only care about rifles? MADD actually campaigns against driving while under the influence of other substances, not just alcohol, yet they didn't change their name.

You are also confusing founders / leaders of a website and charity, BLM, with the slogan / social movement of BLM. I couldn't give a shit about the leaders or their statements or mission, but as a social movement BLM is very important. Just like I don't care about the original intentions of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood is very important.

Maybe join the real world and stop cowering under your bed because you fear "Marxism" is around every corner trying to steal your house and put you in a camp.


"I couldn't give a shit about the leaders or their statements or mission."

You seemed to think their mission statement quite important. If you don't care about those things why bother bringing them up. And more importantly, what then is their mission statement. It seems you like to think it is what you think it is.

When you think about prolife does abortion not come to mind or is it the whole arena of unnecessary loss of life, "the death penalty, police killing people"? When you think about BLM does the murder of Blacks come to mind or just the narrow mission of the murder of Blacks by white police officers?
When someone mentions BLM am I not supposed to think All Black lives matter. Just certain Black lives matter?

Sorry if I can't grasp how you are thinking when you think words should just mean what you think they mean. The word "pro-life" to me brings up the subject of abortion. The acronym "BLM" brings up the subject of Black lives. Apparently, it is only about certain Black lives and not all Black lives. As I said maybe they should call themselves something else, like PSBM- Police Shooting Blacks Matter

You don't see Big Brother coming? If the republican party can be labelled the party of white supremacy then they can cancel and destroy you as well. You don't seem to acknowledge any objective world. You are the one that seems to be living in your head. Either that or you are just gaslighting the website.

@FrankZeleniuk what I don't care about is a couple people creating a an official organization around a movement and whatever "evil intentions" or "Marxism" or being "spiritual" people accuse them of. What I do care about is what brought BLM to life, and what the movement is about - separate of some people profiting off of it. It is like comparing being "pro-life" with being part of the Pro-Life Action League. An ideology vs an organization.

When I think of BLM, yes, I completely think of anti police brutality and trying to end the unjust execution of black people by state-mandated goons. You are acting like you were living under a rock and just came across the BLM name for the first time, and didn't have the years of context and meaning behind it all. And yes, when I think of Pro-Life, I think of Anti-Abortion, but if I was acting like you and just coming across the term for the first time, I would think it applied to all life. Just like Blue Lives Matter or All Lives Matter doesn't come across as their literal words, but is only opposition against BLM.


Like Cuomo!!

@JacksonNought I get it. Prolife must be concerned with all manner of murder even though it is only about abortion. Which I think is the reason you ask why they don't speak out about "the death penalty, pointless wars or... hey police killing people." But maybe you're trying to make a point about prolife has as precision a definition as BLM and isn't about Black lives at all but police brutality or systemic racism in the police forces around the nation.

Any way it is difficult to get a concise concept of BLM.

Maybe you can explain a few things for me.

This is from their official website.

"We are expansive. We are a collective of liberators who believe in an inclusive and spacious movement. We also believe that in order to win and bring as many people with us along the way, we must move beyond the narrow nationalism that is all too prevalent in Black communities. We must ensure we are building a movement that brings all of us to the front.

We affirm the lives of Black queer and trans folks, disabled folks, undocumented folks, folks with records, women, and all Black lives along the gender spectrum. Our network centers those who have been marginalized within Black liberation movements.

We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise.

We affirm our humanity, our contributions to this society, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression.

The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation."

It seems they do concern themselves with more than police brutality all Black lives striving for liberation and with Black queer and trans folk, and All black lives along the gender spectrum.

I thought you said they didn't?

What's "narrow nationalism" mean?

If that's a fake sight I don't know. It seems to go far beyond your precision definition of "anti police brutality and trying to end the unjust execution of black people by state-mandated goons."

Are you allowed to think of it as just that yourself and tell other people that is all it is about. They might get confused.

It says the leadership is changing and perhaps that will bring about a clarification.

Listen, I just heard the founder of the BLM chapter in Minneapolis was disillusioned with the movement and quit. Is he thinking like you that it is solely concerned with police brutality, maybe?
He seemed to imply that BLM was not really concerned about Black lives at all.

I don't know, what are we supposed to think?. You have your subjective concept of it so I think I can understand what you are saying when you mention it. It just ignores the "official" statement of what it is.

@JacksonNought Hello??? I was looking forward to an answer to my last post?

@FrankZeleniuk been busy, haven't had the time to read it and give it the full consideration it deserves. I will respond in time.

@JacksonNought Thanks. Been a bit busy myself. Just welcomed another granddaughter into the world. doing my part to keep the population up. LOL

@FrankZeleniuk congrats on the granddaughter. Personally I am doing my part to keep the population down 😀

I will re-iterate my opinion that the organization BLM is different than the social movement. As you say, a founder of the Minneapolis chapter quit. They said BLM "cared even less about improving the quality of education for students in Minneapolis” and "he first started the local BLM chapter under the assumption the group would want to fight for black people from troubled backgrounds to get educated and find success". So this man, Rashad Turner, assumed BLM (the organization) was a blanket organization for black lives in all aspects, but found they had a narrow focus... the focus I am talking about.

Also, the BLM website statement doesn't really refute my original statement.

We are working for a world where Black lives are no longer systematically targeted for demise. We affirm our humanity, our contributions to this society, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression. The call for Black lives to matter is a rallying cry for ALL Black lives striving for liberation.

Ok, so perhaps I got a bit too narrow saying just police brutality. Brutality is one of the symptoms of the systematic oppression, where an unarmed black man is seen as a threat and killed while an armed white murderer gets Burger King. This is actually the goal of the "Defund the Police" movement, which advocates for more resources being given to education and social workers and mental health rather than bloated budgets for mini-armies that send full-on soldiers to handle someone selling loose cigarettes.

Perhaps not the most reliable, source, but Wikipedia defines BLM as:

a decentralized political and social movement protesting against incidents of police brutality and all racially motivated violence against black people. While there are specific organizations such as the Black Lives Matter Global Network that label themselves simply as "Black Lives Matter", the Black Lives Matter movement comprises a broad array of people and organizations. The slogan "Black Lives Matter" itself remains untrademarked by any group. The broader movement and its related organizations typically advocate against police violence toward black people as well as for various other policy changes considered to be related to black liberation.

One of the citations ( says "Black Lives Matter began as a slogan in response to police violence and racist violence against Black people. The phrase means that Black lives matter as much as those of any other racial group, and is used to call attention to racial discrimination and racist violence."

You could actually say BLM is trying to address the issues you brought up, with black-on-black crime, by tackling the systematic oppression which puts black people in these situation - issues such as redlining and mandatory minimums and stop-and-frisk other oppressive measures. Studies show that white and black people all use marijuana at the same rates, but black people are more than 4-times as likely to be arrested for it (and in some areas 8-times as likely) which can result in losing their jobs and benefits and being put into a cycle which is hard to escape from. This is an example of one of the oppressive issues they are trying to end.

But again, you are really just arguing semantics. You have a problem with the slogan / organizational name in relation to their mission. But you still don't have the same criticism of other organizations I brought up. Again, I will bring up Alliance Defending Freedom. Their name seems pretty clear, and their own mission statement says "Alliance Defending Freedom is the world's largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life. We defend your most cherished liberties in Congress, state legislatures, and courtrooms across the country—all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary." Hell, they even say "ADF is firmly committed to the principle that religious freedom must extend to individuals of all faiths and no faith." Yet they only ever seem to take on strictly-Christian and right-wing cases. For example, they openly say they are opposed to the "homosexual agenda", whatever that is, and have worked on cases to try and maintain same-sex marriage bans and to maintain anti-sodomy laws. They are also involved in cases trying to prevent The Satanic Temple from having the same religious freedom / accommodations as Christianity regarding free-speech monuments, council invocations, and RFRA exemptions. Hmmm, doesn't really seem like "freedom" to me?

I will bring up the Family Research Council again. Their mission statements are bit confusing actually. First they say "Family Research Council's vision is a prevailing culture in which all human life is valued, families flourish, and religious liberty thrives" but then they say "Family Research Council's mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview". Advancing a Biblical worldview isn't really in-line with religious liberty. And religious liberty doesn't really match the FRC's mission to oppose same-sex marriage in legislation.

In summation, if you want to criticize the semantics of BLM, go ahead, but I hope you are consistent with other movements and organizations which might agree with your ideology.

@JacksonNought Thanks for the lengthy, civil and considerate reply. I don't know what to address first. But let me start by saying that most arguments are problems of semantics and unresolved can escalate to attempts to overwhelm by the use of force or just a refusal to interact and a withdrawal to opposite corners, so to speak.

What I would be against is the use of force and violence. The way to invoke change is through legislation. We have a government or several levels of government that have been delegated to legislate. They also have the power to enforce that legislation. That will involve the use of force to a greater or lesser extent. There will be some degree of force involved with enforcing laws, there may be a little, there may be a lot. Resistance will often play a part in the level of violence necessary to enforce the law. The use of violence is not exclusive to a delegated authority. It can be used by an individual to defend himself when time is of the essence and a response by the legal authority is not timely. The amount of the authority, the numbers necessary to enforce laws, is dependent upon a couple of factors. One is the copiousness and complexity of the laws, another is their justness, and yet another would be the willingness of the citizenry to obey laws. The purpose of law is, in my view, to maintain order. These things will determine the level of force necessary to enforce those laws and maintain order. Low levels of crime will require less authority to enforce laws and high levels of crime will require higher levels of an authoritative force. I think that speaks for itself and I don't want to be writing a book here.
Let's just say that the removal of the societal chains of oppressive laws invites the necessity to accept the chains of responsibility.

Addressing your perception of the ADF and the FRC as being for freedom and family. I don't know these organizations at all but freedom is a word that is totally not understood. The ADF, if they are as you describe, doesn't understand it and so they will lose some court cases and win some. When ever I see an organization that is about "family" I generally assume the definition of family fits the concept of the nuclear family of Mother, Father and offspring. So it is the more traditional sense of the word and their interest is in defending that concept.

In the big picture, government seems willing to tear down and reconstruct the social hierarchy and they invoke the name of equality and seem to allow disorder to occur, saying things like "people will do what people do". It seems revolutionary in perspective when it should be evolutionary if necessary at all. Obviously, to you change is necessary and the faster the better.

So we don't go to the official BLM website to find out about the BLM movement? Obviously, Rashad thought BLM was about bettering Black lives and it isn't. It's description is fairly wide on the website but you say it is a narrow like the one you think it is. I question whether riots, violence and looting is accomplishing anything? 47 dead and almost 2 billion dollars in damage over six months? And Jan 6 is hardly comparable although there has been a concerted effort to make it appear so.

Forget about Trump for a bit. The Federal government has been too willing to lie to the public to get to do what they want. Both parties share in that responsibility to a greater or lesser degree.
Government can change laws and remake society but how does that help you? As an individual you will always be perceived as a non-conformist never a conformist to any majority and that is where I think you want to be. Laws already protect all individuals. If they are not applied equally or at all then that is an injustice and something can be done about it through legal means. I think to win the battle though people have to actually be morally superior and unquestioningly ethical. We make our own beds. Unless, government overrides our right to individual self-determination.

Obviously, you feel you need some protections from government that you aren't getting.- a bigger government, which you seem to be calling for, that restrains others will wind up restraining you as well. We need a smaller government which means the assumption of more responsibility for all individuals. You want less police then the citizens need to be more responsible.


People in Africa were running around in skins, while the Portuguese were navigating the globe and plotting the ferment. That’s a fact.

Rick-A Level 8 June 2, 2021

Critical Race Theory:

  • "Defund the Police" movement pushed by the ironically named Black Lives Matter movement
  • Rising murder rates against blacks is ignored while black squares on social media signal obedience
  • Black police officers belittled by white teenage girls
  • Segregation of schools based on skin color
  • 2+2 = 5

Not really a theory. No data being collected, no testing desired, no peer review accepted.

You might want to take off your tin-foil hat and turn off OAN.

That's what I thought. It has nothing to do with the specific theory that goes by that name and everything to do with dog whistling opposition to any study, speech, or policy that advances civil rights. Just rehashed racism and "cultural Marxism" type narratives from the desegregation battles when modern conservatism was born.

@JacksonNought You might follow your own advice and switch off CNN.

@WilyRickWiles you've got that right.



@WilyRickWiles "Wherever black people are in America, criminalization exists. Wherever there is a white-dominant space, deep racism exists as well - no matter how progressive. If you cut too far into that progressive, if you do something that's too radical, white racism will emerge." - P. Cullors (BLM Co founder) giving an example of CRT (no matter how hard they try, whitey is still racist)

also - "Racism has its boot squarely wedged on the neck of black communities, and we don't want to be told that hard work and responsibility are the answer." - P. Cullors looking for a second opinion (talk to Oprah?) - turns out she went the L Ron Hubbard route.

"For those looking outside-in, it's not fair - or accurate - to assign someone an identity based off the first thing that we see." - P. Cullors saying something true

@RobBlair He should turn off CNN. Then he quotes the NYT and the AP. I'm sure CNN will have covered those stories.

@RobBlair Like I said.


Could we simply look at the date?

If the space between your ears is living 100 years ago, go back in time and fix it! CRT is absolute nonsense pushed by ignorant people.


From the American Bar Association, courtesy of CRT scholar Khiara Bridges (1):

Acknowledgement that racism is a normal feature of society and is embedded within systems and institutions, like the legal system, that replicate racial inequality. This dismisses the idea that racist incidents are aberrations but instead are manifestations of structural and systemic racism.

In other words, racism is not a choice, not an action, but something that's "baked in" to society.

Rejection of popular understandings about racism, such as arguments that confine racism to a few “bad apples.” CRT recognizes that racism is codified in law, embedded in structures, and woven into public policy. CRT rejects claims of meritocracy or “colorblindness.” CRT recognizes that it is the systemic nature of racism that bears primary responsibility for reproducing racial inequality.

Again, reinforcement that racism is not a choice, but a product of society.

So let's talk a little bit about what this institutional racism looks like. The following is courtesy of the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture (see attached photos):

White dominant culture, or whiteness, refers to the ways white people and their traditions, attitudes, and ways of life have been normalized over time and are now considered standard practices in the United States. And since white people still hold most of the institutional power in America, we have all internalized some aspects of white culture - including people of color.

So if we wed these two ideas, CRT holds that white culture is an expression of the institutional & systemic racism that creates racial inequities. Again, it's not that you specifically CHOOSE to be racist, but by virtue of being white, and whites holding overwhelming institutional power, you thereby benefit from the system whether you acknowledge it or not.

But let's take that idea a step further...what are some of the things this pamphlet claims white culture is and does? Well:

Rugged individualism; self-reliance; "you get what you deserve" (merit)
Support for the nuclear family and fathers in the home
Emphasis on scientific method; objectivity; rational linear thinking; cause-and-effect relationships
Work ethic; hard work is the key to success
Judeo-Christian principles
Respect for authority structures; wealth = worth
Punctuality and rigid time schedules
Future orientation; planning for the future; delayed gratification
Justice is based on English common law; intent matters
Highly competitive; aggressive; extroverted; action-oriented

You can read the rest, if you like. What's important to understand here is that if you look at this list and think to yourself, "okay, this looks normal," then what CRT would say is that you - intentionally or unintentionally - are supporting "whiteness." And since you are supporting whiteness, you are - intentionally or unintentionally - behaving as a racist. In other words, you are putting white culture and white values above any other culture or value.

Furthermore, if you are willing to fight to keep this standard of culture and values, that is, if you reject CRT in order to keep this system of values and culture, then you are a "white supremacist," literally meaning that you want "white culture" to reign supreme. This is also, if you're curious, why black conservatives get labeled as white supremacists, because white supremacy is no longer about skin color, but about what culture and value system you support. So let me say it again, for emphasis: CRT holds that if you support white culture, you are a white supremacist.

Now, if you find yourself wondering - as I did - "how is it that this is called "white" culture, isn't this really describing what Americans in general believe?" CRT has an answer for that as well. You believe that this is American culture because white people created America and normalized embracing these values. They didn't ask black people for their input, or Native Americans, or anyone else not from "white" Europe, what they thought. They did what they thought was right and proper. According to CRT proponents - including those who promote the 1619 Project - the idea of American culture is a lie propagated by the white people who overwhelming created and controlled America. That is why CRT proponents called what we might otherwise think of as American culture as "white culture."

Let's get to the point. If you do not want to be racist - as per the CRT definition - then it is not enough for you simply sit idle. To sit idle is to tacitly support the existing system; in other words, you're tacitly supporting white supremacy, whether you know it or not. Proponents say that the only way to attempt to combat your internalized racism is to be explicitly "anti-racist." Well, what does that mean?

It means that you reject whiteness and all the systems that it is inherently baked into. Again, I invite you to re-read the pamphlet. This is what you must reject. You must reject meritocracies; you must reject the family unit as normal & desired; you must reject objective, linear thinking; you must reject competition and rugged individualism.

Furthermore, as per CRT writer Ibram X Kendi, you must also recognize that in order to correct historical inequities, you must be willing to accept inequities in the other direction. Meaning, if you are white, then you should accept implicit and explicit bias and prejudice against white people in order to begin to help heal centuries-old wounds.

Now, what does this bias and prejudice that white people should accept look like? That greatly depends on the writer. Most agree that - at a minimum - you should be in support of reparations to all black people, perhaps in the form of universal basic income to all black people, to varying degrees, depending on how long their families have had to endure systemic racism. Others write that more harsh measures must be taken, such as eliminating familial inheritance; that is, whatever wealth you possess at the time of your death becomes property of the state to distribute as it sees fit, instead of it going to your children, and continuing the cycle of white privilege. Still others have suggested that the only true way we are going to get beyond our history of racism is if white people disappear altogether, with suggestions made about various forms of restricting relationships between white people and how many white children they should legally be allowed to produce. Granted, that last one is quite a bit on the radical side, but I haven't heard any CRT proponents denounce it, so I can only assume it has their tacit support.

So where do you go from here? For starters, don't take my word for it. I'm just your average asshole on the internet trying to foster understanding between people. I recommend you go and read. An excellent book on the subject is "Cynical Theories" written by James Lindsay and is available on Amazon for less than $20 (less than $10 for the Kindle version). (2)

(1) []

(2) []

BTW, anyone who thinks that because I wrote all of this that I support CRT...I don't. I have presented it here as a as-close-to-dispassionate description as I am able to muster, in plain language.

As to why I do not support CRT, there are a variety of reasons, but perhaps the most important one is that I earnestly do not see how it will help in the long run. This does not mean I do not recognize historic inequities; I do. This does not mean that I do not see social issues plaguing the black community and other communities living in poverty; I do.

I simply believe that our country is and remains one of the greatest examples in human history of upward mobility. Has the ability to be upwardly mobile and rise out of poverty benefited white people more than anyone else? Undoubtedly; after all, there are FAR more of us than any other culture. But it is undeniable that black people can and DO rise out of poverty through their own personal agency. Oprah. Jay-Z. Tyler Perry. Damn near every black entertainer, athlete, and businessman. It can be done if YOU want it.

The problem I see is that CRT doesn't talk personal agency; it talks about equity. It talks about eliminating privilege and inequalities. If you want to see what eliminating inequalities looks like, go read, "Harrison Bergeron," a short story by Kurt Vonnegut. You want to see what an equity society looks like, go check in with Venezuela.

Simply put, there are some very noble ideas that simply do not pass muster against the reality of humankind. There is no Star Trek-like utopian future waiting for us until technology is invented that makes want disappear, like replicators and limitless energy from warp drives. Until life ceases to be a zero-sum game, there cannot be equality. And as long as the human condition exists, there cannot be equity. And once you understand this painful truth, you realize that any such attempts to force it to happen are going to fail miserably and make things even worse.


Thanks. I was dreading trying to put that post together and was hoping it would be made by somebody before I had to attempt it.


Makes me wonder about the implicit bias against gun ownership. That was a town that should have been armed.

Regarding Tulsa, they were armed, just outnumbered. The KKK was organized and came in numbers (including a plane).

It goes to show that gun rights only truly exist for the dominant social group (largely conservative white men of the petit bourgeoisie) whose acts of terrorism have the tacit support of the state because they serve to maintain the status quo hierarchy--a.k.a. "law and order."

Also minorities are inherently vulnerable to this sort of thing based on having fewer numbers alone.

@WilyRickWiles Of all the stupid things you’ve written on these forums this comment might qualify as the stupidest. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@73jazzbass Care to explain how?

@WilyRickWiles The "dominant social group" is works to disenfranchise people of their rights and you appear not just OK with it but cheerleading.

@Penrodster What rights would those be?

@WilyRickWiles - Pardon but I think it goes to show that black people, especially in urban areas where the lawful ownership of guns is effectively outlawed, should own more guns. A pile of white robed KKK militants, who assaulted the Tulsa neighborhood, bleeding out in the streets, would have been a happy ending (and a lot less Democrat voters to boot).

@WilyRickWiles Nope, I don’t debate with communists anymore.

@RobBlair Ah yes, I'm sure that would have gone well. Surely they would have been able to amass the necessary arsenal (including anti-aircraft weapons) before a preemptive strike or arms race. At the end of the day, the problem is that the racist white terrorists have much of the state on their side.

@WilyRickWiles Ahh, play dumb about the systemic forces applied to keep black people from being armed. Well played. Very believable.

@Penrodster Play dumb? I'm the only person naming the systemic forces! The rest of you are in fantasy land. "In theory Black people could have more guns and be protected!"

@WilyRickWiles It's the systematic racism in the US that kept black folk from arms. It was the subject of the conversation, you brought it up as THE SUBJECT OF YOUR CONVERSATION.

@Penrodster you aren't wrong. The NRA decided to become pro gun control when Black Panthers started owning guns.

@Penrodster I'm confused, you seem to agree with me, so why accuse me of playing dumb and cheerleading?

E.g. They SHOULD have had more arms, but there are EXPLICIT systemic reasons why they could not.

I'm not cheerleading at all--not sure where you got that from. That accusation is what threw me off--thought you must be turning my argument around to make a claim that white people are being oppressed (like most of the others here).


This communist expects everyone to explain yet he never does

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