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Pity our poor, ruling elites. They thought they’d won it all, that all the years and decades of their long game finally paid off with the trifecta: House, Senate, and White House. What now could stand between them and their Holy Grail—the dismantling of The United States of America and replacing it with a socialist nightmare from which they would never be dislodged from their lofty leadership perch.

Imagine the wet dreams. No more filibuster; no more pain in the ass Supreme Court to block their good intentions; no more election upsets; no more legislative process— no need for cheap parliamentary contortions to get their way. Just an endless stream of faceless bureaucracies to make the rules, like the CDC eliminating property rights; like the FDA ordering us to submit to a “vaccine” in the face of serious science questioning not only its efficacy, but its safety; like the FCC condoning the silencing online of all dissenting thought: like the DOE enforcing mask mandates on schools, contravening governors’ orders; like the Post Office conducting its own surveillance on everyday Americans. But best of all, no more white supremacist / white nationalist/ domestic terrorists and their annoying conspiracy theories. What could possibly stop them now?

Seems it’s that flimsy piece of parchment, The Constitution of the United States, and the frail government it created. Try though they might, they still can’t complete their end run around that foundation. They’ve made huge gains, but if they’d closed the deal, the scenes we’re watching unfold in Afghanistan would be playing out here, on the streets of our own cities. Never forget, these are the people advocating re-education camps, quarantines, imprisonment and death for political adversaries. They mean it, too. If we should have learned anything, it’s the left never bluffs, and they perceive no limits on their ambitions.

But there are a few turds in their punch bowl. First and foremost, His Fraudulency, the former Vice President, isn’t working out like expected. The vapid puppet they were counting on to open the door to all their schemes simply can’t perform. There has never been a more cringe-worthy moment in American politics than any run-of-the-mill public appearance by him, as he pretends to be a president. Somebody needs to stick him back in his crypt, because the man is coming apart faster than the Afghan Security Forces. He’s decomposing right in front of our eyes. Pretty soon, Jen Psaki will have to stand next to him just to swat away the flies.

It was always assumed that he was a place holder, with Cackles McKneepads waiting on deck for her place in the spotlight. Stretch out the sham for two years and a day, and she’d be eligible for a full decade in office. But if the ex-VP is a shit show, the current VP is a full blown nightmare, proving on a daily basis why her campaign disintegrated before a single vote was cast. Despite fervent efforts to portray her otherwise, she has no relationship skills, she’s tone-deaf to a degree that makes Hillary Clinton seem positively empathetic, she has zero accomplishments to show for her career, and she’s not very smart. Like Hillary, she embodies the adage, “A powerful boyfriend don’t hurt.”

And here, again, is where that frail government comes into play. It’s still a government of, by, and for the people, and over half of those people know the presently installed regime is a sham and a fraud. These aren’t people who oppose the existing power, they despise it; they loath it with every fiber of their being.

Trying to rule under such conditions, when you’re a small, tyrannical minority, can be difficult. Just ask Nicolae and Elena Ceaușescu. The will of the people carries weight still. Do you think Joe Manchin would be such a thorn in Chuck Schumer’s side if instead of all those unemployed coal miners, his constituency was a bunch of high tech millennial government workers?

That “will of the people” thing has to be a real pain in the ass. They see Biden’s approval numbers upside-down, they see Cackles’ ranked the most unpopular VP in, like, forever, and it must bug the shit out of them, because they know what they did to the will of the people to install these clowns into their current positions.

And now, thanks to the work being done in Arizona, Georgia and other states, what anyone with a brain who is not a congenital, ideological liar already knew, will soon be common knowledge. And the deep suspicions held by all those whose votes were flushed down the Democratic toilet will become “settled science,” as our leftist brethern like to say.

What then? What happens to their grand design? Turns out, it was always like an old “Mission Impossible” episode, where each step in the ruse depended on complete success at the previous step. The MI team had script writers to iron out any kinks in the narrative. The writers behind the current train wreck can’t even put ten minutes of words in Biden’s mouth without things running off the rails. What plot twists do you think they’ll cook up when it can no longer be denied that they stole the election?

One thing we can count on: no one’s going to say, “Oops. My bad,” and politely leave the stage. Truth is, there might be blood.

Edgework 8 Aug 23
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If the power structure does a full 180 after the audits (if) I'm curious what you think happens to the current right. Currently conservatives, Trump republicans and libertarians are allied against the wackadoo left.

I'm worried once the fallout ends the right gets to be the same arrogant asses the left has been.

That is always a consideration that must be dealt with, if and as it arises, but arrogance over having lied to and cheated half the voting public and arrogance over having been proved correct in your arguments are very different things.


"tone-deaf to a degree that makes Hillary Clinton seem positively empathetic,"

Seriously! How hard did they have to TRY to find somebody that bad for the role? Asked about her illegal incarcerations so she could use the free labor she laughed! It can't be easy to find that bad a choice.

There were no good choices. This is the party who despises hierarchies based on merit. By definition, none of them are where they are because they know what they are doing.

@Edgework True. Once Biden limited the choice to "woman of color" he was down to a handful. Half of those refused and few people could survive the background check. Interesting that Harris was one to survive the background check considering her history.

Add to that what seems to be just nasty attacks on any woman who acts competently. Yeah, I see your point. Given the nature of the filter, what else could you end up with?

I think it has a lot to do with the fact that for the most part, whoever Biden's puppeteers are, they don't really know anything about governing but have a decided taste for ruling.

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